Impeach, impeach, impeach!

You need a link to an article that either supports or opposes your OP. Otherwise the mods might close this thread.
Here is one link to the betting odds for impeachment, it shows a 75% probability that Trump will not be impeached/removed.

Since when? You can longer start a thread stating an opinion???
Yes you can start a thread with an "opinion", but according to the rules the OP needs a link. Either to a supporting or opposing viewpoint.
Technically a mod could close this thread because there is no OP link.
Rep. Jim Jordan Asks 17 Awkward Questions About Pelosi's "Impeachment Inquiry"

And no, these are not rhetorical questions!

"There has been a lot of noise since Speaker Pelosi decided to call for impeachment before having the facts. Here are a few important questions:"

1. Why did the “whistleblower” write an 800+ word memo describing President Trump and President Zelensky’s call based on second-hand information gleaned from a conversation that lasted just a few minutes?

2. Why did the “whistleblower” wait 18 days to file the complaint after describing the call as “frightening” in their memo?

3. Why and when did the “whistleblower” communicate with Rep Adam Schiff’s staff before filing the complaint?
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause but they are doing one hell of a job effectively impeaching themselves. Please keep showing your asses with your idiotic shenanigans, assholes, then in 2020 it will be sayonara. All you're doing is proving to this nation that none of you are fit for any office or to to run anything, must less this nation.
They do seem to be exposing a lot of Democrat Bribery Schemes with this.

“The most important thing to know about Democrats’ impeachment inquiry is this: It is not about removing President Trump now; it is about damaging him now so he can be defeated next year.”

And yet, Trump will likely add to his 30 State total.
You need a link to an article that either supports or opposes your OP. Otherwise the mods might close this thread.
Here is one link to the betting odds for impeachment, it shows a 75% probability that Trump will not be impeached/removed.
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause but they are doing one hell of a job effectively impeaching themselves. Please keep showing your asses with your idiotic shenanigans, assholes, then in 2020 it will be sayonara. All you're doing is proving to this nation that none of you are fit for any office or to to run anything, must less this nation.
The Dems and the Fake News Media, but I repeat myself, go from one state of hysteria to the next with smoking guns that vanish in the midst right when they need to produce them.

Media Meltdowns and Political Polarization.

The mainstream media increasing appears much like the classic tale of the boy who cried wolf so often that when the wolf showed up no one believed him.

Similarly, since the bust of the Mueller report, and the evaporation of countless other “blockbuster” exposés, the media’s credibility in the ongoing impeachment saga is now widely doubted.

This divide can be seen in public perceptions of the news media. Although somewhat improved from its low point in 2016, only 40 percent of Americans, according to Gallup, trust the media, compared to over 50 percent in 1999. As befits the media’s increasingly partisan stance, the small improvement over 2016 comes almost entirely from Democrats. Only 15% of Republicans and barely a third of independents now trust media compared to nearly 70% of Democrats.

Once the news business had enough sense of propriety and professionalism to at least maintain an appearance of objectivity. There’s ample reason, as Glenn Reynolds suggests, to see many mainstream journalists as little more than “Democrats with bylines,” willing participants in what long-time leftist and fiercely anti-Trump reporter Matt Taibbi describes as the upper bureaucracy’s “permanent coup” against Trump. If this “coup” now actually succeeds, it will be one that will simply accentuate hostility to the media among a large segment of the population.

At the very least.
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause

Cause 1 - Obstruction of Justice as plainly detailed in Special Investigator’s Report Volume II

Cause 2 - Campaign law violations. Corrupt leveraging of American foreign policy to solicit political contribution from other countries.

Cause 3 - Obstruction of Congressional Investigations.

Trump is almost certainly getting impeached (if not removed) and the only reason for your thread is deep ignorance of wtf is going on.
The President contacted a foreign country and discussed getting information to assist in an election. The HoR can choose to impeach on that alone. Why, because a majority vote says they can.
Is that a crime? He isnt even the nominee, so is it technically helping his reelection?
If we do, will it actually become a norm? Because this shit has happened many of times.
Presidents have done much worse and still live in peace and decent approval ratings.
Idk this whole thing is disingenuous. And the process is being done correctly.
We need to nuke washington and start over.
The President contacted a foreign country and discussed getting information to assist in an election. The HoR can choose to impeach on that alone. Why, because a majority vote says they can.
Is that a crime? He isnt even the nominee, so is it technically helping his reelection?
If we do, will it actually become a norm? Because this shit has happened many of times.
Presidents have done much worse and still live in peace and decent approval ratings.
Idk this whole thing is disingenuous. And the process is being done correctly.
We need to nuke washington and start over.
Getting to the bottom of foreign interference with our 2016 campaign is a matter of National Interest. Trump has a duty to request this assistance. I demand that the Democrats impeach over this so we can ram this down their throats at the Senate trial before a national audience.
I never thought for a minute that the Russian silliness nor this Ukraine business had anything to do with impeaching Trump. Intent I see is to associate Trump with crisis after crisis in effort to go after the independent vote in 2020. The threat of impeachment is a means through which the Democrats keep these things front and center in the news, that's all. My stance is to keep calm and giving these "issues" the little attention they deserve and not play into the hands of the politicians
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause but they are doing one hell of a job effectively impeaching themselves. Please keep showing your asses with your idiotic shenanigans, assholes, then in 2020 it will be sayonara. All you're doing is proving to this nation that none of you are fit for any office or to to run anything, must less this nation.
While I'm shocked at all the crooks in the FBI, the Intelligence Community, the lies submitted to FISC so that the government could illegally spy on Americans they didn't like, the biased judges, the crooked prosecutors, the Flynn set up by altering the 302's, the Black Community has known for decades that our DOJ, prosecutors and judges are a bunch of biased crooks, and they very quickly recognized what Trump has been subjected to and continues to be subjected to, even though everyone knows what is going on.

CNN Stunned When Black Football Fan Says Trump is Being Treated Unfairly by Democrats with Their Soviet-Style Impeachment Probe

They aren't wrong!
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause

Cause 1 - Obstruction of Justice as plainly detailed in Special Investigator’s Report Volume II

Cause 2 - Campaign law violations. Corrupt leveraging of American foreign policy to solicit political contribution from other countries.

Cause 3 - Obstruction of Congressional Investigations.

Trump is almost certainly getting impeached (if not removed) and the only reason for your thread is deep ignorance of wtf is going on.

Cause-1: Dershowitz, Harvard Law professor says that Barr is right and Mueller (and democrats) are wrong

Alan Dershowitz: Barr is right, Mueller is wrong

Cause-2: Payments to Stormy were legal, and the Ukraine call was not a crime or impeachable
Dershowitz: Trump 'Absolutely' Did Nothing Wrong With Payments
Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: 'Political Sin' Not a Crime

Congress has no power to compel the Executive to do anything. Congress, meaning the House and the Senate have roughly the same power as the Executive. The House alone has 1/2 the power of the Executive. Please provide a credible link that proves your contention. Because the USSC will be deciding this issue if need be, and the Executive has the cards to win.

So your post is 0 for 3 on impeachment.
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause

Cause 1 - Obstruction of Justice as plainly detailed in Special Investigator’s Report Volume II

Cause 2 - Campaign law violations. Corrupt leveraging of American foreign policy to solicit political contribution from other countries.

Cause 3 - Obstruction of Congressional Investigations.

Trump is almost certainly getting impeached (if not removed) and the only reason for your thread is deep ignorance of wtf is going on.

Dershowitz, Harvard Law professor

Has been publicly sucking off Trump for unknown reasons (maybe nastalgia for those Epstein parties with Trump and Clinton).

His swampy president-can-do-nothing-illegal legal theory is completely nuts and I don't take anything that attention starved clown says seriously, niether should you.
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Republicans in congress just proved they are the partisan hacks who don't believe in rule of law. Every remaining Republican who voted to impeach 73% approval rating President Bill Clinton for claiming a BJ wasn't sex, just refused to impeach 44% approval rating Trump for a real treasonous crime against US citizens.
Republicans in congress just proved they are the partisan hacks who don't believe in rule of law. Every remaining Republican who voted to impeach 73% approval rating President Bill Clinton for claiming a BJ wasn't sex, just refused to impeach 44% approval rating Trump for a real treasonous crime against US citizens.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath...something he actually DID! Trump is being impeached because you on the left didn't like the outcome of the last election and are afraid it will happen again because you're running such a clown car of candidates against him! The only "crime" that's being committed against US citizens is being committed by people like YOU, KissMy!

This impeachment is about to bite the Democratic Party in the ass like nothing we've seen in a long, long time!
Republicans in congress just proved they are the partisan hacks who don't believe in rule of law. Every remaining Republican who voted to impeach 73% approval rating President Bill Clinton for claiming a BJ wasn't sex...
You are parroting Fake News Falsehood. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying in a Federal Courtroom while under oath, a statutory crime, and arranging for others to perjure themselves, another statutory crime.
..., just refused to impeach 44% approval rating Trump for a real treasonous crime against US citizens.
Another parroted falsehood. Whoever told you that, lied to you. They are still yammering at each other. You don't even know what Treason is. Hint, it's the only crime defined in the US Constitution so that for all time, it has a singular meaning and folks later can't start screaming that something else, like a policy disagreement is "treason" a capital crime, thereby sentencing folks to death for simply disagreeing with them.
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause but they are doing one hell of a job effectively impeaching themselves. Please keep showing your asses with your idiotic shenanigans, assholes, then in 2020 it will be sayonara. All you're doing is proving to this nation that none of you are fit for any office or to to run anything, must less this nation.
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause but they are doing one hell of a job effectively impeaching themselves. Please keep showing your asses with your idiotic shenanigans, assholes, then in 2020 it will be sayonara. All you're doing is proving to this nation that none of you are fit for any office or to to run anything, must less this nation.
"They aren't about to impeach Trump ever..."


Ummm... Impeached Trump was impeached.
They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause but they are doing one hell of a job effectively impeaching themselves. Please keep showing your asses with your idiotic shenanigans, assholes, then in 2020 it will be sayonara. All you're doing is proving to this nation that none of you are fit for any office or to to run anything, must less this nation.
And still impeached.

They aren't about to impeach Trump ever because there's no cause but they are doing one hell of a job effectively impeaching themselves. Please keep showing your asses with your idiotic shenanigans, assholes, then in 2020 it will be sayonara. All you're doing is proving to this nation that none of you are fit for any office or to to run anything, must less this nation.
An astute point!

POLL: Leading “Moderate” Democrat Underwater After Impeachment Vote

Murphy’s move to the hard-left and her embrace of Communism has not done well for her in Florida’s 7th congressional district, which includes the must-win I-4 corridor, a place you must win if you want to win the White House. 64% of CD7 voters saying that they “do not support” Murphy’s vote to support impeachment and 36% saying that they did support the vote.

Murphy is just one example of what will happen in 2020. The next election will be Armageddon, for the control of the US:
1. Anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again in 2020, plus a few more who like the way he is running the country and don't want to risk losing what we have gained.
2. Any congressmen who in 2018 won in a district that Trump won in 2016 is toast. There are at least 31 that are gone, so the House flips back to the GOP in 2020.
3. Even without Trump, the democrats under Nancy have proven toxic to the US voters. "The Squad", AOC, impeachment, the Mueller Investigation, and the dems' policy list are not popular, except with the extreme Left.
4. As long as Trump keeps up the good work he should be re-elected in a landslide.

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