Impeach Obama over the fake long-form birth cert sig

that Sheriff Joe'sdeputies discovered.

By all means, please impeach the president – he’ll have a democratic House to go along with the Senate come 2015.

Nixon - who won a 2nd term a lot more slamdunk than Obama - got impeached over a Three Stooges/Keystone Cops burglary - that didnt need to happen.

Just looking for equal justice.

The snag here is there was something called evidence that Nixon obstructed justice. Nixon wasn’t brought down by the break-in, he was brought down because he covered it up.

You have no evidence as to some ‘birth certificate conspiracy’; no evidence, no articles of impeachment.

And you’re not looking for ‘equal justice,’ you’re looking for petty partisan revenge.

Yes, PLEASE PLEASE try to impeach Obama over his birth certificate.

I'm thinking the Republican Party would go the way of the Whigs by the next congressional election cycle.

And we could finally have a real chance for a 3rd party to step into the gap.
I still have hope on any legal technicality ... to get that man out!:D:D anything! anything!:D

Bam Bam ...we are not done yet!

You are not even an American, so why do you care so much?
Dems win elections because they play dirty.

Like the Bush DUI in the 70s revelation on the eve of the 2000 election.

GOP needs to WISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that Sheriff Joe'sdeputies discovered.

By all means, please impeach the president – he’ll have a democratic House to go along with the Senate come 2015.

Nixon - who won a 2nd term a lot more slamdunk than Obama - got impeached over a Three Stooges/Keystone Cops burglary - that didnt need to happen.

Just looking for equal justice.

The snag here is there was something called evidence that Nixon obstructed justice. Nixon wasn’t brought down by the break-in, he was brought down because he covered it up.

You have no evidence as to some ‘birth certificate conspiracy’; no evidence, no articles of impeachment.

And you’re not looking for ‘equal justice,’ you’re looking for petty partisan revenge.
No, we would like someone who is actually qualified to do the job and not blame and accuse everyone else. If obamaturd had a real birth certificate, why did he not produce it before he got elected the first time? He didn't because he does not have a real one.

Unlike others whom I bet with, I want to make a bet with you that you will post that same exact post, every day during the 2016 election cycle.

Here are the stakes. If I mis-spell my name in this post, you have to post the same exact highlighted version in blue every day from the Iowa Caucus until the General Election outcome. If I don't mis-spell my name, same stakes.

I literally could not have written a better reason to not vote Republican than you have illustrated.

KandyKorn. win.
Romney campaign didnt raise the issue.

Being nice loses elections.

Running an amateurish campaign that didn't know how to martial the vast resources loses you a campaign. The Governor has his integrity intact. We can't say the same for many RW posters here.

Please keep up the good work. Our President could not have won without you. Well, he could have but it would have been harder.
that Sheriff Joe'sdeputies discovered.

What about Pres Clinton - lied before a Grand Jury.

How the fuck he remainded prez is beyond me.
What about Pres Clinton - lied before a Grand Jury.

How the fuck he remainded prez is beyond me.

Again, lack of evidence, which resulted in an acquittal in the Senate.

You and other conservatives seem to function under the principle of presumed guilt when it comes to democratic presidents.
Joe Plumber does does serious jail time for that type of crime.

Fake birth cert
Its a crime to have a fake sig on a birth cert.

The Buck Stops Here.
[ame=]Obama Sings Born In The USA! (@BaracksDubs @BarackObama @Springsteen) - YouTube[/ame]

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