Impeach Obama?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
I saw Sarah Palin is pushing for the GOP House to impeach Obama. Much as I like the soundbite impeachment without being able to remove him would be counterproductive, turning him into a martyr ala Bill Clinton and sealing the image of the GOP as simply partisans with no desire to govern. I dont doubt he ought to be impeached and removed. I dont doubt his administration is the most illegal and corrupt in history (and I include Baby Doc Duvalier). But impeachment is the wrong move.
Nope, Obama is our best friend right now, he is over playing the black thing and America is sick of his ass.

He thinks he is God's gift to the world and can see NONE of the bad press or the polls.
When an enemy is in the process of self-destructing it is best to sit back and watch the fun.
When an enemy is in the process of self-destructing it is best to sit back and watch the fun.

I couldn't agree more


I also an extent. This bad and incompetent man can do a lot more damage in 2 and a half years.

He will be hampered much more when he loses the senate, I think he'll try to resist with a few vetoes but he will eventually give it up.
Hypothetically speaking; If Congress sues Obama, and presiding Judge Roberts listens to Obama plead the 5th amendment, can Roberts send Obama to the county lock up for 'Contempt of Court'?

We should spend more time offering solutions than trying to impeach the President. Its only a waste of resources, time and emotion. Offer takes less effort!
We should spend more time offering solutions than trying to impeach the President. Its only a waste of resources, time and emotion. Offer takes less effort!

My understanding is the solutions the House offers never get to the floor of the Senate.
The game has turned to our favor. The last thing we need to do is launch an impeachment campaign against Obama. It would energize the Democratic base. The President has worked himself into a corner with scandals and this border situation. It is high time we press the advantage. Let him stew. He'll be done soon.
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We should spend more time offering solutions than trying to impeach the President. Its only a waste of resources, time and emotion. Offer takes less effort!
Nobody wants Dear Leader's "solutions".


Yeah...what are your solutions. No one asked for Obama's solutions...what are your solutions. What solutions have the Teapers presented?

It's not a difficult concept. If you aren't providing alternatives you are only trying to obstruct and sabotage. The problem with teapers, they can't understand the difference between setting up to fail and just claiming failure. They provide no solutions...only static.

The game has turned to our favor. The last thing we need to do is launch an impeachment campaign against Obama. It would energize the Democratic base. The President has worked himself into a corner with scandals and this border situation. It is high time we press the advantage. Let him stew. He'll be done soon.

75% right! The rest of the plan is to provide solutions so it isn't anything more than rhetoric and partisan politics.
The game has turned to our favor. The last thing we need to do is launch an impeachment campaign against Obama. It would energize the Democratic base. The President has worked himself into a corner with scandals and this border situation. It is high time we press the advantage. Let him stew. He'll be done soon.

There is a school of thought that says he needs attention. He wants to be impeached....he craves it. It is not fair that Bill Clinton was impeached, and he was not. His ego will not allow Bill to get the better of him.

The downside, of course, is that Joe Biden might get the nuclear launch codes.


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