Impeach This!

You have to be patient here. President Trump knows timing, and how to build suspense.

Remember, he is one of the greatest creators of Reality TV as well as a WWE Hall of Fame enshrinee.

You write that as if they're of some redeeming social value. :lmao:
Guess what.

If Trump were actually re-elected (which I doubt) He could not resist pushing the envelop further and truly be the first to set a new standard of Republican presidents and Putin fellows to shoot for! He could be the FIRST to get impeached twice. :)

BTW, you can take it to the bank, Trump is as good as reelected already. His record of Peace as well as Prosperity is popular with the electorate. People aren't going to forfeit their 401k's and jobs by electing Sleepy Joe or Pocahontas.

You may be right. After all, integrity doesn't mean sh*t to a republican for a couple of bucks or big red apple.

Trump has tremendous integrity, he just refuses to be railroaded out in a witch hunt and insists on fighting back. When Trump leaves the national scene in 2024, and if the Republicans go back to nominating losers like Pierre Delecto, those guys will never be able to take the heat. For as much as libs honor Romney today, if its Romney 2024, he will be labeled as Literally Hitler.
wake up troll! The white house defiler-in-chief hasn't an ounce of integrity or he would have admitted his mistake strong arming a foreign leader for political gain (his own). The "great deal maker" would not have been in bankruptcy court 6 times. He would not have 6 cronies in jail for lying, cheating, tax, evasion, and dirty dealings for foreign nationals against our country. My daddy told me you are known by who you associate with. What's your problem? Raised in a broken home? No upbringing. Cheated people all your life, so he give you validation? Be gone viper! White 6/ Out!
I can’t wait to the impeachment goes down the drain. You’ll go in hiding because you know we are going to shove it down your pathetic brainwashed libtard piece of shot mouth.

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You have to be patient here. President Trump knows timing, and how to build suspense.

Remember, he is one of the greatest creators of Reality TV as well as a WWE Hall of Fame enshrinee.

You write that as if they're of some redeeming social value. :lmao:
Guess what.

People loved "The Apprentice", it was a tremendous, groundbreaking program.

Truthfully, I wasn't a fan. But I was very familiar with Trump's competition in WWE and his appearance at the Showcase of the Immortals and the tremendous Hair v Hair match.

Trump set a WWE record for pay per view event.

Man, you just looooooooooooooove you some shovelin'.

You write that as if they're of some redeeming social value. :lmao:
Guess what.

If Trump were actually re-elected (which I doubt) He could not resist pushing the envelop further and truly be the first to set a new standard of Republican presidents and Putin fellows to shoot for! He could be the FIRST to get impeached twice. :)

BTW, you can take it to the bank, Trump is as good as reelected already. His record of Peace as well as Prosperity is popular with the electorate. People aren't going to forfeit their 401k's and jobs by electing Sleepy Joe or Pocahontas.

You may be right. After all, integrity doesn't mean sh*t to a republican for a couple of bucks or big red apple.

Trump has tremendous integrity, he just refuses to be railroaded out in a witch hunt and insists on fighting back. When Trump leaves the national scene in 2024, and if the Republicans go back to nominating losers like Pierre Delecto, those guys will never be able to take the heat. For as much as libs honor Romney today, if its Romney 2024, he will be labeled as Literally Hitler.
wake up troll! The white house defiler-in-chief hasn't an ounce of integrity or he would have admitted his mistake strong arming a foreign leader for political gain (his own). The "great deal maker" would not have been in bankruptcy court 6 times. He would not have 6 cronies in jail for lying, cheating, tax, evasion, and dirty dealings for foreign nationals against our country. My daddy told me you are known by who you associate with. What's your problem? Raised in a broken home? No upbringing. Cheated people all your life, so he give you validation? Be gone viper! White 6/ Out!

What a fucking retard.
wake up troll! The white house defiler-in-chief hasn't an ounce of integrity or he would have admitted his mistake strong arming a foreign leader for political gain (his own). The "great deal maker" would not have been in bankruptcy court 6 times. He would not have 6 cronies in jail for lying, cheating, tax, evasion, and dirty dealings for foreign nationals against our country. My daddy told me you are known by who you associate with. What's your problem? Raised in a broken home? No upbringing. Cheated people all your life, so he give you validation? Be gone viper! White 6/ Out!
I can't wait to see the witness list. This is like a gift from God.
It'll be short and lacking headliners.

While it would be fun to dance on the Democrats stupidity, it wouldn't be effective.

It will be completely unlike the Democrats Kangaroo court.

It will be sober, and serious, and fact based and short.

All they have to do is point out there is no witness, no victim, and no offense.
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I can't wait to see the witness list. This is like a gift from God.
It'll be short and lacking headliners.

Whi li e it would be fun to dance on the Democrats stupidity, it wouldn't be effective.

It will be completely unlike the Democrats Kangaroo court.

I thg will be sober, and serious, and fact based and short.

All they have to do is point out there is no witness, no victim, and no offense.
Why not let it drag on for months? Let these Dem ninny candidates smother in their own party's shampeachment
elongobardi, post: 23658546 Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.

They have to commit a crime to charge them with. That’s how it works. Made up charges don’t fly

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He did. He will be impeached.

Then you Constitution hating Republicans can side with him.

Look how Republicans have ignored the Constitution.
1) McConnell refused to bring up Obama's USSC pick
2) McConnell will not bring anything to the Senate floor without Trump's permission.
3) Trump uses the emergency claus to steal money from our troops for his wall. Republicans refused to block it. (The courts have)
4) The Ukraine bribery scheme
5) Firing Comey
6) Trying to fire Mueller
etc etc etc

Trump is the most corrupt President in my lifetime.

He is not getting impeached. You want to put some money where your big mouth is. If it makes it out of the House the Senate is going to shove it down your throats.

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I think you need to learn what impeachment means.
You have to be patient here. President Trump knows timing, and how to build suspense.

Remember, he is one of the greatest creators of Reality TV as well as a WWE Hall of Fame enshrinee.

You write that as if they're of some redeeming social value. :lmao:
Guess what.

If Trump were actually re-elected (which I doubt) He could not resist pushing the envelop further and truly be the first to set a new standard of Republican presidents and Putin fellows to shoot for! He could be the FIRST to get impeached twice. :)

BTW, you can take it to the bank, Trump is as good as reelected already. His record of Peace as well as Prosperity is popular with the electorate. People aren't going to forfeit their 401k's and jobs by electing Sleepy Joe or Pocahontas.

You may be right. After all, integrity doesn't mean sh*t to a republican for a couple of bucks or big red apple.

Trump has tremendous integrity, he just refuses to be railroaded out in a witch hunt and insists on fighting back. When Trump leaves the national scene in 2024, and if the Republicans go back to nominating losers like Pierre Delecto, those guys will never be able to take the heat. For as much as libs honor Romney today, if its Romney 2024, he will be labeled as Literally Hitler.
Trump has zero integrity.
You write that as if they're of some redeeming social value. :lmao:
Guess what.

If Trump were actually re-elected (which I doubt) He could not resist pushing the envelop further and truly be the first to set a new standard of Republican presidents and Putin fellows to shoot for! He could be the FIRST to get impeached twice. :)

BTW, you can take it to the bank, Trump is as good as reelected already. His record of Peace as well as Prosperity is popular with the electorate. People aren't going to forfeit their 401k's and jobs by electing Sleepy Joe or Pocahontas.

You may be right. After all, integrity doesn't mean sh*t to a republican for a couple of bucks or big red apple.

Trump has tremendous integrity, he just refuses to be railroaded out in a witch hunt and insists on fighting back. When Trump leaves the national scene in 2024, and if the Republicans go back to nominating losers like Pierre Delecto, those guys will never be able to take the heat. For as much as libs honor Romney today, if its Romney 2024, he will be labeled as Literally Hitler.
Trump has zero integrity.

You'll say the same about Romney or Bush or whomever runs on the GOP ticket after Donald J. Trump leaves the scene.

I still remember the attacks against Romney in 2012 by B. Hussein O's surrogates.
Why not let it drag on for months? Let these Dem ninny candidates smother in their own party's shampeachment
It would feel good...

But we're better than the loser Democrats.

That's why Trump will win reelection
Agree. As long as we have Hunter, Sleepy, and Schifty Schiff and his staff sweating the Hot Seat. Throw in Pompeo and Bolton for the lib witnesses. Lol
Agree. As long as we have Hunter, Sleepy, and Schifty Schiff and his staff sweating the Hot Seat. Throw in Pompeo and Bolton for the lib witnesses. Lol
Democrats were stupid enough to create a partisan, hateful and corrupt circus that turned off independent voters.

We should not return the favor.

Reprove Trumps innocence once again, and vote to reexonerate.
Agree. As long as we have Hunter, Sleepy, and Schifty Schiff and his staff sweating the Hot Seat. Throw in Pompeo and Bolton for the lib witnesses. Lol
Democrats were stupid enough to create a partisan, hateful and corrupt circus that turned off independent voters.

We should not return the favor.

Reprove Trumps innocence once again, and vote to reexonerate.
There's just one problem............They are going to continue this nonsense for 5 more F yrs no matter what. Look how they hijacked the country completely for 90 days. And 3 yrs with Mueller.
Half the Repubs problem is turning the other cheek since Reagan. Turn the other cheek to the Devil himself? Lol
I'm changing my mind to a full S show. Now that we got these intrusive tax returns stayed, it is time to do this.

From The Sopranos
download (11).jpg
daveman, post: 23658313
As I said, the impeachment process started before he was even sworn in.

So Republicans in the House in 2017 & 2018 started the impeachment process. Why in the hell are they squealing like stuck pigs now after the Orange Buffoon committed an impeachable act in Ukraine.
Ahhh, I see the problem. You're functionally illiterate.
He's really going to get his panties in a bunch in 2020, when Donald Trump wins not only the electoral vote, but the popular vote, and the House reverts back into the hands of the GOP.

I am predicting this here and now.
Democrat leaders and the media already know this. This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.
They've even admitted preventing his reelection is what it's all about.

It's never been about justice. It's always been about power.

Bull fucking shit.

It is about that document you continue to piss on called the US Constitution.

The minute your fat assed orange piece of shit buddy tried to bribe the President of the Ukraine (please don;'t try to claim it never happened) he started this process.
As I said, the impeachment process started before he was even sworn in.

And you can stop pretending the left cares about the Constitution.
In the Republican House?
Read what I posted. Do you idiots really believe the minority party in the House just sits there and does nothing?
elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.
Yes, you just keep performing exactly as programmed, little robot.
elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.
That's what Democrats tell me.
Polishprince, post: 23658914
You don't get it . President Obama explained in October 2016, that the US election system is unriggable. It is literally impossible to fix an election in America.

Yes Obama points out the fact that the US election system is so decentralized that it would be next to impossible to rig a presidential election.

But you poor dimwitted TrumpO duped fool, Obama was criticizing TrumpO for running around saying he could only lose because the election was rigged against him.

TrumpO is a fool. Obama was right.

But your ignorance is exposed because TrumpO’s offense isn’t an attempt at rigging an election.

He has used his office and taxpayer funds as leverage to politically harm his leading potential opponent thus not rigging an election but using his office to cheat.

Plus the fact that in doing so he has sought to deprive a US citizen of his freedom had he succeeded in forcing Ukraine’s legal system to file charges against Joe Biden.

Would you want Obama to do that to you?
Remember, kids, it's Trump's fault Biden is a corrupt piece of shit.

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