Impeach This!

elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didnā€™t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didnā€™t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraineā€™s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpOā€™s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you Iā€™m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.

Au contraire. We shouldn't prosecute people for crimes if there is no evidence. And there is no evidence whatsoever that the President did anything illegal. All the so-called "witnesses" were just giving the opinion that they were upset about being kept out of the loop as far as foreign relations. I'm sure they were truthful, their butts were hurting. But it isn't evidence of squat.
"Billiejeens, post: 23659490,
Another fucking retard
Where are they growing you all?

I see that your being fully engulfed within the cult of Trump prevents you from engaging in a conversation or response to the points Iā€™ve made.

So to engage you at your level:

Retarded is any American that accepts and condones a President of the United States doing this:

(1) President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents Within and Outside the United States Government?corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations intoā€”

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden,; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraineā€”rather than Russiaā€”interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Governmentā€”conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requestedā€”

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.
And there is no evidence whatsoever that the President did anything illegal.

Admit it. TrumpO can do nothing ā€˜illegalā€™ being the leader of your cult.

This a high crime and misdemeanor:

(1) President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents Within and Outside the United States Government?corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations intoā€”

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden,; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraineā€”rather than Russiaā€”interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Governmentā€”conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requestedā€”

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.
Neither of the articles of impeachment say anything about "bribery" or "extortion"

Does ā€œcorruptly solicitedā€ fall far from the ā€œbribery or extortionā€ family tree of high crimes or misdemeanors?

While TrumpO cult members attempt to defend their master through the use of word games and the art of argumentative semantics.

It appears TrumpO has lost 5% of Independents and 3% of Pubbies during the first 30 days of impeachment.

  • President Trump's approval rating dipped among independent voters as Democrats move forward on impeachment, according to the latest Hill-HarrisX poll released Tuesday.
    The survey shows 39 percent of independent voters approve of Trump's job performance, while 56 percent said they disapprove.

The new approval rating among independent voters is down from 44 percent in early November.

  • Trump's job approval rating also saw a dip among Republican voters, dropping 3 points to 85 percent compared to the previous poll.The survey comes amid the release of articles of impeachment against Trump.

Trump's approval dips among independent voters amid impeachment

Hereā€™s why. TrumpO did this and people see it.

(1) President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents Within and Outside the United States Government?corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations intoā€”

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden,; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraineā€”rather than Russiaā€”interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Governmentā€”conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requestedā€”

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.[/QUOTE]
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"Billiejeens, post: 23659490,
Another fucking retard
Where are they growing you all?

I see that your being fully engulfed within the cult of Trump prevents you from engaging in a conversation or response to the points Iā€™ve made.

So to engage you at your level:

Retarded is any American that accepts and condones a President of the United States doing this:

(1) President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents Within and Outside the United States Government?corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations intoā€”

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden,; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraineā€”rather than Russiaā€”interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Governmentā€”conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requestedā€”

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

Another pathetic libtard who doesnā€™t want to admit the obvious. You will lose the 2020 election and the House will go Republican. Deal with it. Learn to say President Trump till 2024.

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The Democrats are too stupid and too convinced of their own superiority to see they are cutting their own throats.
Go for it, morons!
On Glenn Beck today, Ted Cruz said the Senate WILL have a trial. It will destroy the Democrats
The Privilege from Arrest Clause provides a Member of Congress a privilege from civil arrest only, but not from other civil processes. Even the privilege from civil arrest would be valid only while Congress is in session.

Civil arrest is the physical detainment of a person, by lawful authority, to answer a civil demand against him. At the time the Constitution was adopted, civil arrests were common. Long v. Ansell (1934). The Framers likely feared this tool could be misused to interfere with the legislative process. Civil arrest is rarely, if ever, practiced, so this clause is virtually obsolete and has little application today.

The Supreme Court interpreted the language "in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace" to encompass all crimes. Williamson v. United States (1908). Tracing the origins of the clause to parliamentary privilege, the Court found this identical language was used to qualify Parliament's privilege from arrest so that the members of Parliament were not immune from criminal prosecution. The Court concluded that the Framers' use of the identical phrase, without any explanation, indicated that Congress's privilege was to have the same limitation regarding criminal actions as did the parliamentary privilege from which the language was borrowed. The clause, therefore, does not provide Congress with any immunity from criminal prosecution.

The Supreme Court, applying the Framers' intent, later declared that the clause also did not provide any privilege from civil process. Long v. Ansell. Hence, civil litigants can compel Members of Congress to appear in a court of proper jurisdiction to defend against civil actions. Furthermore, the Court has so narrowly interpreted the clause that Members of Congress may even be compelled by subpoena to testify in criminal and civil actions while Congress is in session.
Guide to the Constitution

  • Perjury is considered a serious offense, as it can be used to usurp the power of the courts, resulting in miscarriages of justice. In the United States, for example, the general perjury statute under federal law classifies perjury as a felony and provides for a prison sentence of up to five years Perjury - Wikipedia

A breach of the peace was a common-law offense, but is presently governed by statute in many states. It is frequently defined as constituting a form of Disorderly Conduct. Examples include using abusive or obscene language in a public place, resisting a lawful arrest, and trespassing or damaging property when accompanied by violence. breach of the peace

elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didnā€™t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didnā€™t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraineā€™s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpOā€™s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you Iā€™m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.

Au contraire. We shouldn't prosecute people for crimes if there is no evidence. And there is no evidence whatsoever that the President did anything illegal. All the so-called "witnesses" were just giving the opinion that they were upset about being kept out of the loop as far as foreign relations. I'm sure they were truthful, their butts were hurting. But it isn't evidence of squat.

Keep telling yourselves that crock of shit.

First, the only evidence will be witnesses because Trump did it on a phone call.

They are testifying what they heard & what they were told.

I understand your love for the oversized orange one is strong but get a grip. He did it.

If Trump had any proof he did not do it, he could have presented it. He offered nothing.
"Billiejeens, post: 23659490,
Another fucking retard
Where are they growing you all?

I see that your being fully engulfed within the cult of Trump prevents you from engaging in a conversation or response to the points Iā€™ve made.

So to engage you at your level:

Retarded is any American that accepts and condones a President of the United States doing this:

(1) President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents Within and Outside the United States Government?corruptly solicited the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations intoā€”

(A) a political opponent, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden,; and

(B) a discredited theory promoted by Russia alleging that Ukraineā€”rather than Russiaā€”interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

(2) With the same corrupt motives, President Trumpā€”acting both directly and through his agents within and outside the United States Governmentā€”conditioned two official acts on the public announcements that he had requestedā€”

(A) the release of $391 million of United States taxpayer funds that Congress had appropriated on a bipartisan basis for the purpose of providing vital military and security assistance to Ukraine to oppose Russian aggression and which President Trump had ordered suspended; and

(B) a head of state meeting at the White House, which the President of Ukraine sought to demonstrate continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

Another pathetic libtard who doesnā€™t want to admit the obvious. You will lose the 2020 election and the House will go Republican. Deal with it. Learn to say President Trump till 2024.

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It does not matter if you assfucks reelect a impeached Trump.

The Democrats did their duty as Americans.
elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didnā€™t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didnā€™t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraineā€™s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpOā€™s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you Iā€™m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.

They have to commit a crime to charge them with. Thatā€™s how it works. Made up charges donā€™t fly

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He did. He will be impeached.

Then you Constitution hating Republicans can side with him.

Look how Republicans have ignored the Constitution.
1) McConnell refused to bring up Obama's USSC pick
2) McConnell will not bring anything to the Senate floor without Trump's permission.
3) Trump uses the emergency claus to steal money from our troops for his wall. Republicans refused to block it. (The courts have)
4) The Ukraine bribery scheme
5) Firing Comey
6) Trying to fire Mueller
etc etc etc

Trump is the most corrupt President in my lifetime.
Yes it did. Bribery, extortion.

Bribery and extortion continue to be descriptive words that define TrumpOā€™s abuse of power since the first day TrumpO got caught.

Neither of the articles of impeachment say anything about "bribery" or "extortion"
It doesn't say "Fucking crook" either. Yet its true

It doesn't say Real Retarded Dave (up there) either
Yet it's true.
elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didnā€™t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didnā€™t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraineā€™s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpOā€™s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you Iā€™m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

The point is, that there were no direct witnesses that witnessed any crime. It was all third person hearsay. Can you tell me the witness provided that factual evidence?

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.
I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies.

My point was made with knowledge of the ugliness of TrumpO spewing lies and crap to the same sort of suckers who lust for the hate based divisive politics that TrumpO feeds them.

TrumpO still works his loyal crowds up but he has made no gains in attracting new recruits to the cult.

My point was that acquittal in the Senate will anger the left which will fuel anti Trump voter turnout.

lots of Democrats and potential voters were not ticked off in 2016 because they did not expect TrumpO to win. The economy was not bad at all.

they learned a good lesson from that and turned out in the midterms giving Nancy her job back and handing ā€œwinnerā€ TrumpO a huge loss.

so in case that anger has tapered off Iā€™m glad that Senate acquittal on obvious and easily recognized abuse of power and obstruction will stir up Dem voter again just in time for 2020.
Lol, we'll see.
It doesn't say "Fucking crook" either. Yet its true
Ohhh, is your pal, Jack Daniels, having a visit today? That would explain much.
Not a drinker.

Trump is toast & will be impeached.

Then we will watch McConnell, Trump & their crony's dance. Grreat entertainmemt coming our waty.

Fuck Trump & all his crony assfucks too

Hey, Dave.

Do you really think that President Trump will be removed from office?

Mr. Turtle doesn't see a single Republican defection in the United States Senate.
It doesn't say "Fucking crook" either. Yet its true
Ohhh, is your pal, Jack Daniels, having a visit today? That would explain much.
Not a drinker.

Trump is toast & will be impeached.

Then we will watch McConnell, Trump & their crony's dance. Grreat entertainmemt coming our waty.

Fuck Trump & all his crony assfucks too

Why don't we just say Fuck You, you anti-American bastard?
We could do that, right?
There is due process. The process is fair.

Quit your fucking whining.

Now you are reading lying. The whole bullshit impeachment had no due process. Schiff and Pelosi made it up as they went along. If there was due process the impeachment would have been over the first day. Hear say is not admissible and not one witness was there for the phone call that was released by President Trump and there President even said President Trump did nothing wrong. They changed the impeachment charge three times because they have nothing. The Democrats are done once the Senate gets this. You canā€™t hide the witnesses now or interrupt the questioning now. Your fucked scumbag

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As much as I dislike the whole impeachment thing -
Some of that is not true.
Impeachment in The House is a Political Act, not a criminal trial.
Still - It is like going to a grand jury.
There is no due process in a Grand jury
The prosecutors see if they can persuade enough people to go forward with a trial.
In this case the trial would be in the Senate.
Due process happens there.

I agree. The House is a disgrace and make up shit as they go but once it goes to Senate they canā€™t hide anymore.

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I thought that it would go to the Senate
Now I'm not sure.
I heard pelosi actually give other Democrats permission to vote no, today.

The Democrats are worried if they vote yes they wonā€™t get re-elected. They are panicking.

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Talk about not making any fucking sense. What a pathetic Trump Troll you are.

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