Impeach This!

Just keep in mind some "polls" (dubious?) show that nearly HALF of Americans favor Impeachment.
That means nearly HALF of Americans no longer believe in due process and fair process, but rather in Mob Rule.

No matter how you slice it....that does NOT bode well for America going forward.

According to the Monmouth poll – which was released Wednesday – 50 percent said the president should not be impeached and removed from office, with 45 percent calling for impeachment and removal from the White House. The numbers are little changed from Monmouth’s November poll, when a 51-44 percent majority opposed impeachment and removal.

If this is true...that even with zero evidence, and only because of agendas and self-interest, a President should be removed......then we are truly a fucked nation.
Americans are aware that impeachment is a political process. Trump will get his day in the sunshine in the Senate.

Yes he will and Democrats can’t hide now. They’re fucked now. Say goodbye to Schiff and Pelosi. Learn how to say President Trump till 2024 and say goodbye the House.

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Just keep in mind some "polls" (dubious?) show that nearly HALF of Americans favor Impeachment.
That means nearly HALF of Americans no longer believe in due process and fair process, but rather in Mob Rule.

No matter how you slice it....that does NOT bode well for America going forward.

According to the Monmouth poll – which was released Wednesday – 50 percent said the president should not be impeached and removed from office, with 45 percent calling for impeachment and removal from the White House. The numbers are little changed from Monmouth’s November poll, when a 51-44 percent majority opposed impeachment and removal.

If this is true...that even with zero evidence, and only because of agendas and self-interest, a President should be removed......then we are truly a fucked nation.

There is due process. The process is fair.

Quit your fucking whining.

Now you are reading lying. The whole bullshit impeachment had no due process. Schiff and Pelosi made it up as they went along. If there was due process the impeachment would have been over the first day. Hear say is not admissible and not one witness was there for the phone call that was released by President Trump and there President even said President Trump did nothing wrong. They changed the impeachment charge three times because they have nothing. The Democrats are done once the Senate gets this. You can’t hide the witnesses now or interrupt the questioning now. Your fucked scumbag

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As much as I dislike the whole impeachment thing -
Some of that is not true.
Impeachment in The House is a Political Act, not a criminal trial.
Still - It is like going to a grand jury.
There is no due process in a Grand jury
The prosecutors see if they can persuade enough people to go forward with a trial.
In this case the trial would be in the Senate.
Due process happens there.

I agree. The House is a disgrace and make up shit as they go but once it goes to Senate they can’t hide anymore.

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daveman, post: 23658313
As I said, the impeachment process started before he was even sworn in.

So Republicans in the House in 2017 & 2018 started the impeachment process. Why in the hell are they squealing like stuck pigs now after the Orange Buffoon committed an impeachable act in Ukraine.

That literally makes zero sense.
Not talking about on the street. I am talking about applying for some benefit for one's heritage.

How is being the president of the NAACP not a "benefit", especially when you're a white liberal in blackface?

Walter White was the Executive Director of the NAACP from 1929 to 1955:



Walter White was a black man, he wasn't a honky in black face.

That he was..

"White was the fourth of seven children born in Atlanta to George W. White (b. 1857) and Madeline Harrison White (b. 1863). Members of the new black elite, also called the Talented Tenth, George and Madeline - both born into slavery - ensured that Walter and each of their children got an education."

Walter Francis White - Wikipedia
Fake News

Walter White was a meth dealer on Breaking Bad
You may know him as Heisenberg

You are the king of fake news. Your a king of bullshit too

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Just keep in mind some "polls" (dubious?) show that nearly HALF of Americans favor Impeachment.
That means nearly HALF of Americans no longer believe in due process and fair process, but rather in Mob Rule.

No matter how you slice it....that does NOT bode well for America going forward.

According to the Monmouth poll – which was released Wednesday – 50 percent said the president should not be impeached and removed from office, with 45 percent calling for impeachment and removal from the White House. The numbers are little changed from Monmouth’s November poll, when a 51-44 percent majority opposed impeachment and removal.

If this is true...that even with zero evidence, and only because of agendas and self-interest, a President should be removed......then we are truly a fucked nation.

There is due process. The process is fair.

Quit your fucking whining.

Now you are reading lying. The whole bullshit impeachment had no due process. Schiff and Pelosi made it up as they went along. If there was due process the impeachment would have been over the first day. Hear say is not admissible and not one witness was there for the phone call that was released by President Trump and there President even said President Trump did nothing wrong. They changed the impeachment charge three times because they have nothing. The Democrats are done once the Senate gets this. You can’t hide the witnesses now or interrupt the questioning now. Your fucked scumbag

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As much as I dislike the whole impeachment thing -
Some of that is not true.
Impeachment in The House is a Political Act, not a criminal trial.
Still - It is like going to a grand jury.
There is no due process in a Grand jury
The prosecutors see if they can persuade enough people to go forward with a trial.
In this case the trial would be in the Senate.
Due process happens there.

I agree. The House is a disgrace and make up shit as they go but once it goes to Senate they can’t hide anymore.

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I thought that it would go to the Senate
Now I'm not sure.
I heard pelosi actually give other Democrats permission to vote no, today.
Roudy, post: 23656166
This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.

What if TrumpO had not tried to extort Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens and had not gotten caught, the Dems would not have had anything solid enough to impeach the royal buffoon over.

No matter how you cut it, your Tweetybird idiot handed the Dems a very solid reason to do their Constitutional duty and vote to try him in the Senate and be removed from office.

He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

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Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Oh boy, another Leftie nutjob totally disconnected from reality and so infected with Trump Derangment Syndrome that the poor thing can't even spell Trump's name properly.
Please, explain my spelling mistake.

Also, stop with the alternative facts.
"tRump"? What are you, mentally ill?

The left sure has an unhealthy preoccupation with rumps, don't they?

One Leftist nutjob will call him fRump, another will call him tRump and so on and so forth...they even make it point of it and think it's cute or something. All signs of obsession related mental illness, of course. :cuckoo:
I'll stop as soon as he does.

Well that will be 2024. So get use to being a pathetic brainwashed scumbag.

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One only has that when they cant have the other

He's really going to get his panties in a bunch in 2020, when Donald Trump wins not only the electoral vote, but the popular vote, and the House reverts back into the hands of the GOP.

I am predicting this here and now.
Democrat leaders and the media already know this. This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.
They've even admitted preventing his reelection is what it's all about.

It's never been about justice. It's always been about power.

Bull fucking shit.

It is about that document you continue to piss on called the US Constitution.

The minute your fat assed orange piece of shit buddy tried to bribe the President of the Ukraine (please don;'t try to claim it never happened) he started this process.
As I said, the impeachment process started before he was even sworn in.

And you can stop pretending the left cares about the Constitution.
In the Republican House?
One is called a town hall & one is a campaign rally. Two distinct things.

One is small & people can ask questions.

One only has that when they cant have the other

He's really going to get his panties in a bunch in 2020, when Donald Trump wins not only the electoral vote, but the popular vote, and the House reverts back into the hands of the GOP.

I am predicting this here and now.
Democrat leaders and the media already know this. This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.
They've even admitted preventing his reelection is what it's all about.

It's never been about justice. It's always been about power.

Bull fucking shit.

It is about that document you continue to piss on called the US Constitution.

The minute your fat assed orange piece of shit buddy tried to bribe the President of the Ukraine (please don;'t try to claim it never happened) he started this process.

The Democrats piss on the Constitution all the time. They are the ones who wants to change the Constitution asshole.

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Roudy, post: 23656166
This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.

What if TrumpO had not tried to extort Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens and had not gotten caught, the Dems would not have had anything solid enough to impeach the royal buffoon over.

No matter how you cut it, your Tweetybird idiot handed the Dems a very solid reason to do their Constitutional duty and vote to try him in the Senate and be removed from office.

He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

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Everyone else said he did.
Roudy, post: 23656166
This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.

What if TrumpO had not tried to extort Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens and had not gotten caught, the Dems would not have had anything solid enough to impeach the royal buffoon over.

No matter how you cut it, your Tweetybird idiot handed the Dems a very solid reason to do their Constitutional duty and vote to try him in the Senate and be removed from office.
The impeachment effort started before he was sworn in, long before a phone call to Ukraine.
Really. Where did it start?

When the REPUBLICAN DOJ named Mueller trio investigate Trump? The Democrats weren't involved.

Now your really full of shit. Go away dumbass.

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Roudy, post: 23656166
This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.

What if TrumpO had not tried to extort Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens and had not gotten caught, the Dems would not have had anything solid enough to impeach the royal buffoon over.

No matter how you cut it, your Tweetybird idiot handed the Dems a very solid reason to do their Constitutional duty and vote to try him in the Senate and be removed from office.

He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

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Everyone else said he did.

Literally no one said that he did
No one.
Roudy, post: 23656166
This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.

What if TrumpO had not tried to extort Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens and had not gotten caught, the Dems would not have had anything solid enough to impeach the royal buffoon over.

No matter how you cut it, your Tweetybird idiot handed the Dems a very solid reason to do their Constitutional duty and vote to try him in the Senate and be removed from office.
Another Leftist nutjob who exhibits his mental illness by intentionally mispelling the president's name.

Call him what you want Asshole he’s done more in 3 years then the scumbag Obama did in 8.

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Say goodbye to Schiff and Pelosi.

Why must you be an idiot?

The GOP will acquit a President who got caught abusing his office trying to cheat in the upcoming election.

The acquittal will satisfy his dumbfounded base. But it will piss off the Democrats top to bottom.

You saw what pissed off Democrats can do to TrumpO stooge politicians in 2018.

The acquittal is a huge problem for TrumpO and his stooges. Dems outnumber Republicans even in many critical electoral states.

When Dems are angry they will vote and get many new voters to vote.

I’d be more worried if the Senate convicts or TrumpO pulls a Nixon and quits.
Another Leftist nutjob who exhibits his mental illness by intentionally mispelling the president's name.

just another TrumpOroid who can’t respond to a post ...

TrumpO is being impeached because of what he did. His goons keep saying Dems are afraid they won’t beat TrumpO at the ballot box - so they needed to impeach him. So if TrumpO has re-election in the bag it made no sense for him to attempt to extort the President of The Ukraine into publicly announcing an investigation into the leading political foe against TrumpO next year.

It appears TrumpO was so afraid of Biden kicking his ass that he risked committing an impeachable act and squeals like a pig when he got caught.

Your fucking retarded. Just shut up

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daveman, post: 23658313
As I said, the impeachment process started before he was even sworn in.

So Republicans in the House in 2017 & 2018 started the impeachment process. Why in the hell are they squealing like stuck pigs now after the Orange Buffoon committed an impeachable act in Ukraine.

Make up more shit moron. Clueless libtard.

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Just keep in mind some "polls" (dubious?) show that nearly HALF of Americans favor Impeachment.
That means nearly HALF of Americans no longer believe in due process and fair process, but rather in Mob Rule.

No matter how you slice it....that does NOT bode well for America going forward.

According to the Monmouth poll – which was released Wednesday – 50 percent said the president should not be impeached and removed from office, with 45 percent calling for impeachment and removal from the White House. The numbers are little changed from Monmouth’s November poll, when a 51-44 percent majority opposed impeachment and removal.

If this is true...that even with zero evidence, and only because of agendas and self-interest, a President should be removed......then we are truly a fucked nation.

There is due process. The process is fair.

Quit your fucking whining.

Now you are reading lying. The whole bullshit impeachment had no due process. Schiff and Pelosi made it up as they went along. If there was due process the impeachment would have been over the first day. Hear say is not admissible and not one witness was there for the phone call that was released by President Trump and there President even said President Trump did nothing wrong. They changed the impeachment charge three times because they have nothing. The Democrats are done once the Senate gets this. You can’t hide the witnesses now or interrupt the questioning now. Your fucked scumbag

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As much as I dislike the whole impeachment thing -
Some of that is not true.
Impeachment in The House is a Political Act, not a criminal trial.
Still - It is like going to a grand jury.
There is no due process in a Grand jury
The prosecutors see if they can persuade enough people to go forward with a trial.
In this case the trial would be in the Senate.
Due process happens there.

I agree. The House is a disgrace and make up shit as they go but once it goes to Senate they can’t hide anymore.

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I thought that it would go to the Senate
Now I'm not sure.
I heard pelosi actually give other Democrats permission to vote no, today.

The Democrats are worried if they vote yes they won’t get re-elected. They are panicking.

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Say goodbye to Schiff and Pelosi.

Why must you be an idiot?

The GOP will acquit a President who got caught abusing his office trying to cheat in the upcoming election.

The acquittal will satisfy his dumbfounded base. But it will piss off the Democrats top to bottom.

You saw what pissed off Democrats can do to TrumpO stooge politicians in 2018.

The acquittal is a huge problem for TrumpO and his stooges. Dems outnumber Republicans even in many critical electoral states.

When Dems are angry they will vote and get many new voters to vote.

I’d be more worried if the Senate convicts or TrumpO pulls a Nixon and quits.

2018 was a colossal failure for dems.

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