Impeach This!

Of course any assfuck off the street can claim a certain heritage, and you looney leftards will eat it up like spilled fuck.. How about that stupid twat Rachel Dolezal, former NAACP president who claimed she was "black."

Gawd, you people are so stupid that you shouldn't be allowed to breed. :21:

Rachel Dolezal - Wikipedia
Not talking about on the street. I am talking about applying for some benefit for one's heritage.

How is being the president of the NAACP not a "benefit", especially when you're a white liberal in blackface?

Walter White was the Executive Director of the NAACP from 1929 to 1955:



Walter White was a black man, he wasn't a honky in black face.

That he was..

"White was the fourth of seven children born in Atlanta to George W. White (b. 1857) and Madeline Harrison White (b. 1863). Members of the new black elite, also called the Talented Tenth, George and Madeline - both born into slavery - ensured that Walter and each of their children got an education."

Walter Francis White - Wikipedia

I don't need a link to who he was, dickhead. Perhaps you did.
1F2D3F8F-09B9-4E2F-86C4-FB6483034A61.jpeg Death Angel, post: 23643706
This is the end of the Democrat Party, and the MSM

NotsoFast Trumptee Dumptee.

“This week, President Trump’s net approval rating has declined to its lowest point of his term, as 58 percent of voters disapprove and 39 percent approve of his performance."

Fifty-one percent of voters support the House voting to impeach Trump, and forty-nine percent would support conviction and removal by the Senate. Fifty percent of voters say that "President Trump abused his power to influence the 2020 election" compared to 35% who say he "was acting within his power as president."

The smarter half of Americans easily recognize that TrumpO abused his power.

POLITICO / Morning Consult Poll: Voter Support for Impeachment Inquiry Remains Stable

now this BREAKING NEWS right now this minute:

TrumpO’s Ukraine operative Lev Parnas failed to disclose to US authorities when he was allowed to go free in bail, that he had received a $1,000,000 from Russian source this past September.

TrumpO’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, working with a million dollar Russian paid hoodlum on foreign soil attempting to manufacture dirt on the Bidens and to push a conspiracy theory that The Ukraine, not Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

You have to be as dumb as dumb can be to continue to oppose the impeachment of the orange buffoon.
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View attachment 294395 Death Angel, post: 23643706
This is the end of the Democrat Party, and the MSM

NotsoFast Trumptee Dumptee.

“This week, President Trump’s net approval rating has declined to its lowest point of his term, as 58 percent of voters disapprove and 39 percent approve of his performance."

Fifty-one percent of voters support the House voting to impeach Trump, and forty-nine percent would support conviction and removal by the Senate. Fifty percent of voters say that "President Trump abused his power to influence the 2020 election" compared to 35% who say he "was acting within his power as president."

The smarter half of Americans easily recognize that TrumpO abused his power.

POLITICO / Morning Consult Poll: Voter Support for Impeachment Inquiry Remains Stable

now this BREAKING NEWS right now this minute:

TrumpO’s Ukraine operative Lev Parnas failed to disclose to US authorities when he was allowed to go free in bail, that he had received a $1,000,000 from Russian source this past September.

TrumpO’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, working with a million dollar Russian paid hoodlum on foreign soil attempting to manufacture dirt on the Bidens and to push a conspiracy theory that The Ukraine, not Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

You have to be as dumb as dumb can be to continue to oppose the impeachment of the orange buffoon.

Just because Russia is said to have meddled in the 2016 election doesn't mean that Ukraine didn't as well.
Polishprince, post: 23652770
Just because Russia is said to have meddled in the 2016 election doesn't mean that Ukraine didn't as well.

What would have been Ukraine’s motive to help get a pro-Putin Donald Trump in the White House by hacking into the DNC and releasing the emails?

You do know The Ukraine and Russia are still in a shooting war in the Donbass region?

Think Trumper think!

What you wrote is ridiculous.

Remember this. TrumpO is tied to Rudy. Rudy is tied to Lev Parnas. Rudy and Lev were romping around in Ukraine where one of their projects which was successful was to get TrumpO's to remove the US Ambassador to Ukraine.

Prosecutors in the Parnas arrest just learned about a previously undisclosed one million dollar withdrawal from an account in Russia that Parnas made last September before his arrest.

Just because TrumpO didn’t touch the Russian money does not mean he didn’t.
Polishprince, post: 23652770
Just because Russia is said to have meddled in the 2016 election doesn't mean that Ukraine didn't as well.

What would have been Ukraine’s motive to help get a pro-Putin Donald Trump in the White House by hacking into the DNC and releasing the emails?

You do know The Ukraine and Russia are still in a shooting war in the Donbass region?

Think Trumper think!

What you wrote is ridiculous.

Remember this. TrumpO is tied to Rudy. Rudy is tied to Lev Parnas. Rudy and Lev were romping around in Ukraine where one of their projects which was successful was to get TrumpO's to remove the US Ambassador to Ukraine.

Prosecutors in the Parnas arrest just learned about a previously undisclosed one million dollar withdrawal from an account in Russia that Parnas made last September before his arrest.

Just because TrumpO didn’t touch the Russian money does not mean he didn’t.

Ukraine meddled in favor of Mrs. C, not Trump.

As far as Mr. Giuliani is concerned, remember he is a long time trusted friend and associate of Donald J. Trump, and the President trusted him to go to Ukraine and other places to work on his defense against the Witch Hunt as well as deliver messages to various world leaders. The US Ambassador to Ukraine was unreliable and had a problem with taking instructions for the President. Giuliani reported back to the President in regards to her performance.
There is due process. The process is fair.
Quit your fucking whining.

This young girl has just had her trial and sentence is being carried out. This due process took
only 5 minutes and didn't even require a non state witness. Her crime was pointing out Communist party theft.

THIS is the kind of "Due Process" you salivate over and celebrate.
Be careful what you wish for....or you may find yourself facing this same kind of "fair" due process at the hands of the State you're calling "fair" today..

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Polishprince, post: 23652770
Just because Russia is said to have meddled in the 2016 election doesn't mean that Ukraine didn't as well.

What would have been Ukraine’s motive to help get a pro-Putin Donald Trump in the White House by hacking into the DNC and releasing the emails?

You do know The Ukraine and Russia are still in a shooting war in the Donbass region?

Think Trumper think!

What you wrote is ridiculous.

Remember this. TrumpO is tied to Rudy. Rudy is tied to Lev Parnas. Rudy and Lev were romping around in Ukraine where one of their projects which was successful was to get TrumpO's to remove the US Ambassador to Ukraine.

Prosecutors in the Parnas arrest just learned about a previously undisclosed one million dollar withdrawal from an account in Russia that Parnas made last September before his arrest.

Just because TrumpO didn’t touch the Russian money does not mean he didn’t.

How did that investigation work out for you. Turned up Jack Shit like all of the Demtards bullshit charges. Just like there impeachment is falling apart. Nothing but lies and liars. The Democrats are done. 2020 President Trump wins again and the House goes back to the Republicans. Your are brainwashed pathetic losers.

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Another one of DJTs Repetitive, Dull, Dry Red Meat Nuremberg Rallies. Proves nothing.

Shows he has much more support then your Democrat scumbags do. Don’t be a hater. Learn to say President Trump as you will be saying it till 2024 asshole.

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I don't think the massive rallies are much of a gauge of who will win. Fewer people showed up to see hillary but she won the popular vote by several million voters. Trump rallies cater mostly to the really low class it seems like. Notice how trump got them to chanting 'lock her up' like a bunch of fools? Easily trained idiots much like the people hitler got to get behind him.

There is no national popular vote.

So, what were these things that Hillary got nearly 3 million more than Trump?

Another lie. She wishes she got 3 million more popular votes. Maybe if you count the dead people and illegal aliens to her vote. It’s ok. Just learn to say President Trump till 2024.

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Nope not a lie. Been proven over and over again. Trumpers believe the most ridiculous shit.
Just keep in mind some "polls" (dubious?) show that nearly HALF of Americans favor Impeachment.
That means nearly HALF of Americans no longer believe in due process and fair process, but rather in Mob Rule.

No matter how you slice it....that does NOT bode well for America going forward.

According to the Monmouth poll – which was released Wednesday – 50 percent said the president should not be impeached and removed from office, with 45 percent calling for impeachment and removal from the White House. The numbers are little changed from Monmouth’s November poll, when a 51-44 percent majority opposed impeachment and removal.

If this is true...that even with zero evidence, and only because of agendas and self-interest, a President should be removed......then we are truly a fucked nation.
Americans are aware that impeachment is a political process. Trump will get his day in the sunshine in the Senate.
Just keep in mind some "polls" (dubious?) show that nearly HALF of Americans favor Impeachment.
That means nearly HALF of Americans no longer believe in due process and fair process, but rather in Mob Rule.

No matter how you slice it....that does NOT bode well for America going forward.

According to the Monmouth poll – which was released Wednesday – 50 percent said the president should not be impeached and removed from office, with 45 percent calling for impeachment and removal from the White House. The numbers are little changed from Monmouth’s November poll, when a 51-44 percent majority opposed impeachment and removal.

If this is true...that even with zero evidence, and only because of agendas and self-interest, a President should be removed......then we are truly a fucked nation.

There is due process. The process is fair.

Quit your fucking whining.

Now you are reading lying. The whole bullshit impeachment had no due process. Schiff and Pelosi made it up as they went along. If there was due process the impeachment would have been over the first day. Hear say is not admissible and not one witness was there for the phone call that was released by President Trump and there President even said President Trump did nothing wrong. They changed the impeachment charge three times because they have nothing. The Democrats are done once the Senate gets this. You can’t hide the witnesses now or interrupt the questioning now. Your fucked scumbag

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As much as I dislike the whole impeachment thing -
Some of that is not true.
Impeachment in The House is a Political Act, not a criminal trial.
Still - It is like going to a grand jury.
There is no due process in a Grand jury
The prosecutors see if they can persuade enough people to go forward with a trial.
In this case the trial would be in the Senate.
Due process happens there.
I am sure they love a fat assed wealthy white guy making of people with Native American ancestry by calling them Pocahontas. Trump has done nothing for Native Americans. Republicans got caught trying to keep them from voting. Climate change is ravaging Native Americans in Alaska & Trump calls it a hoax.

How has President Trump denigrated Native Americans in any way, shape or form? Personally, if I were more Native American than I am, I would be delighted that he's making fun of a sorry-assed POS like Warren, who benefited by exploiting my culture.
By making fun of Warren's ancestry & using the term "Pocahontas".

Next time you are around some Native Americans, go up & call any woman "Pocahontas". & see how that works for you.

Warren was proud of here heritaj=ge but never profited.

Actually, Sen. Warren did profit from her Squaw Status claims.

She got admitted to college and a cushy job at Harvard by gaming the Affirmative Action system.

Her real heritage is that of a rich white Bostonian Broad. She should be who she is.

If Mrs. Warren did not benefit from Affirmative Action, she should prove it. Show her employment and school applications, bring the admissions and HR reps to Washington to testify under oath about it.

I haven't seen anything from Warren to prove her claims at all.
Here employers deny it had any effect.

Do you think a person can just claim a certain heritage & they get shit? They don't need to prove it?

maybe I could sign up my business as minority owned & claim to be 1/4th Japaneese. Do you think I could get away with it.

You could claim 99 &44/100's percent retard and qualify for some aid I'm sure.
If Mrs. Warren did not benefit from Affirmative Action, she should prove it. Show her employment and school applications, bring the admissions and HR reps to Washington to testify under oath about it.

I haven't seen anything from Warren to prove her claims at all.
Here employers deny it had any effect.

Do you think a person can just claim a certain heritage & they get shit? They don't need to prove it?

maybe I could sign up my business as minority owned & claim to be 1/4th Japaneese. Do you think I could get away with it.

Of course any assfuck off the street can claim a certain heritage, and you looney leftards will eat it up like spilled fuck.. How about that stupid twat Rachel Dolezal, former NAACP president who claimed she was "black."

Gawd, you people are so stupid that you shouldn't be allowed to breed. :21:

Rachel Dolezal - Wikipedia
Not talking about on the street. I am talking about applying for some benefit for one's heritage.

How is being the president of the NAACP not a "benefit", especially when you're a white liberal in blackface?

Walter White was the Executive Director of the NAACP from 1929 to 1955:



If there was a single person here that previously did not know what a absolute stupid fuck you are, before -
There shouldn't be any left now.
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters.

Good strategy to win back PA next year. You guys should shout from the hills how they're a bunch of stupid hillbillies. You'll really win their vote that way.

Pennsylvania is Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on the other and Alabama in between
Of course any assfuck off the street can claim a certain heritage, and you looney leftards will eat it up like spilled fuck.. How about that stupid twat Rachel Dolezal, former NAACP president who claimed she was "black."

Gawd, you people are so stupid that you shouldn't be allowed to breed. :21:

Rachel Dolezal - Wikipedia
Not talking about on the street. I am talking about applying for some benefit for one's heritage.

How is being the president of the NAACP not a "benefit", especially when you're a white liberal in blackface?

Walter White was the Executive Director of the NAACP from 1929 to 1955:



Walter White was a black man, he wasn't a honky in black face.

That he was..

"White was the fourth of seven children born in Atlanta to George W. White (b. 1857) and Madeline Harrison White (b. 1863). Members of the new black elite, also called the Talented Tenth, George and Madeline - both born into slavery - ensured that Walter and each of their children got an education."

Walter Francis White - Wikipedia
Fake News

Walter White was a meth dealer on Breaking Bad
You may know him as Heisenberg
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters.

Good strategy to win back PA next year. You guys should shout from the hills how they're a bunch of stupid hillbillies. You'll really win their vote that way.

Pennsylvania is Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on the other and Alabama in between

Exactly. The vast majority of Pennsylvania is extremely civilized. Just a few enclaves of ultraliberalism
Ukraine meddled in favor of Mrs. C, not Trump.

Why are you not aware of what your cult leader said on the Fox and Trump Kiss Ass Friends Show?

"A lot of it had to do, they say, with Ukraine,"

"The FBI went in and they told them get out of here, we’re not giving it to you. They gave the server to CrowdStrike ... which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian, and I still want to see that server,” Trump said of the DNC's actions upon learning that it had been hacked in the run-up to the election. "You know, the FBI has never gotten that server. That's a big part of this whole thing. Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company?"

It’s all a lie but TrumpO is not saying that Ukraine meddled to help Clinton,

Explain your conspiracy theory.

Here how I understand the Russian CT that TrumpO has promoted.

“This time, Russian intelligence operatives deployed a network of agents to blame Ukraine for its 2016 interference. Starting at least in 2017, the operatives peddled a mixture of now-debunked conspiracy theories along with established facts to leave an impression that the government in Kyiv, not Moscow, was responsible for the hackings of Democrats and its other interference efforts in 2016, senior intelligence officials said.”

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says
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Ukraine meddled in favor of Mrs. C, not Trump.

Why are you not aware of what your cult leader said on the Fox and Trump Kiss Ass Friends Show?

"A lot of it had to do, they say, with Ukraine,"

"The FBI went in and they told them get out of here, we’re not giving it to you. They gave the server to CrowdStrike ... which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian, and I still want to see that server,” Trump said of the DNC's actions upon learning that it had been hacked in the run-up to the election. "You know, the FBI has never gotten that server. That's a big part of this whole thing. Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company?"

It’s all a lie but TrumpO is not saying that Ukraine meddled to help Clinton,

Explain you conspiracy theory.

Here how I understand the Russian CT that TrumpO has promoted.

“This time, Russian intelligence operatives deployed a network of agents to blame Ukraine for its 2016 interference. Starting at least in 2017, the operatives peddled a mixture of now-debunked conspiracy theories along with established facts to leave an impression that the government in Kyiv, not Moscow, was responsible for the hackings of Democrats and its other interference efforts in 2016, senior intelligence officials said.”

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says

It should be painful to be this stupid and gullible.
This is south central PA home to dumbass rednecks & Trump supporters. Some of the neighboring counties are 70% Republican.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Because the tRump administration has such a reliable history with crowd size claims.......
Oh boy, another Leftie nutjob totally disconnected from reality and so infected with Trump Derangment Syndrome that the poor thing can't even spell Trump's name properly.
Please, explain my spelling mistake.

Also, stop with the alternative facts.
"tRump"? What are you, mentally ill?

The left sure has an unhealthy preoccupation with rumps, don't they?

One Leftist nutjob will call him fRump, another will call him tRump and so on and so forth...they even make it point of it and think it's cute or something. All signs of obsession related mental illness, of course. :cuckoo:
I don't think we're being fair here, Trump gets all the media coverage, and there were other candidates having rallies tonight. In fact, Elizabeth Warren hosted a Townhall meeting tonight in Reno. The place was packed, too.

Just look at all those people!!! :spinner:

Do you know what a town hall meeting is? Didn't think do.

Of course I do. When your campaign is sure that only a couple hundred or less people are going to show up, you rent a small venue and call it a "town hall meeting."

One is called a town hall & one is a campaign rally. Two distinct things.

One is small & people can ask questions.

One only has that when they cant have the other

He's really going to get his panties in a bunch in 2020, when Donald Trump wins not only the electoral vote, but the popular vote, and the House reverts back into the hands of the GOP.

I am predicting this here and now.
Democrat leaders and the media already know this. This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.
Roudy, post: 23656166
This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.

What if TrumpO had not tried to extort Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens and had not gotten caught, the Dems would not have had anything solid enough to impeach the royal buffoon over.

No matter how you cut it, your Tweetybird idiot handed the Dems a very solid reason to do their Constitutional duty and vote to try him in the Senate and be removed from office.

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