Impeach This!

Roudy, post: 23656166
This impeachment bullshit is their last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected.

What if TrumpO had not tried to extort Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens and had not gotten caught, the Dems would not have had anything solid enough to impeach the royal buffoon over.

No matter how you cut it, your Tweetybird idiot handed the Dems a very solid reason to do their Constitutional duty and vote to try him in the Senate and be removed from office.

He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

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Everyone else said he did.

Who. Democrats. Wow. They lie all the time and you repeat the lies.

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Say goodbye to Schiff and Pelosi.

Why must you be an idiot?

The GOP will acquit a President who got caught abusing his office trying to cheat in the upcoming election.

The acquittal will satisfy his dumbfounded base. But it will piss off the Democrats top to bottom.

You saw what pissed off Democrats can do to TrumpO stooge politicians in 2018.

The acquittal is a huge problem for TrumpO and his stooges. Dems outnumber Republicans even in many critical electoral states.

When Dems are angry they will vote and get many new voters to vote.

I’d be more worried if the Senate convicts or TrumpO pulls a Nixon and quits.

Your fucking to stupid to even reason with He did nothing wrong why do you think the Democrats keep changing the charge moron.

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Please, explain my spelling mistake.

Also, stop with the alternative facts.
"tRump"? What are you, mentally ill?

The left sure has an unhealthy preoccupation with rumps, don't they?

One Leftist nutjob will call him fRump, another will call him tRump and so on and so forth...they even make it point of it and think it's cute or something. All signs of obsession related mental illness, of course. :cuckoo:
I'll stop as soon as he does.

Well that will be 2024. So get use to being a pathetic brainwashed scumbag.

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tenor (11).gif
elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.
"tRump"? What are you, mentally ill?

The left sure has an unhealthy preoccupation with rumps, don't they?

One Leftist nutjob will call him fRump, another will call him tRump and so on and so forth...they even make it point of it and think it's cute or something. All signs of obsession related mental illness, of course. :cuckoo:
I'll stop as soon as he does.

Well that will be 2024. So get use to being a pathetic brainwashed scumbag.

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View attachment 294491

Sad you think your iron is your phone but not surprising. You proved your a moron and liar now your just showing your just retarded.

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Say goodbye to Schiff and Pelosi.

Why must you be an idiot?

The GOP will acquit a President who got caught abusing his office trying to cheat in the upcoming election.

The acquittal will satisfy his dumbfounded base. But it will piss off the Democrats top to bottom.

You saw what pissed off Democrats can do to TrumpO stooge politicians in 2018.

The acquittal is a huge problem for TrumpO and his stooges. Dems outnumber Republicans even in many critical electoral states.

When Dems are angry they will vote and get many new voters to vote.

I’d be more worried if the Senate convicts or TrumpO pulls a Nixon and quits.

You don't get it . President Obama explained in October 2016, that the US election system is unriggable. It is literally impossible to fix an election in America.

So the whole thing is just bullshit. Trump is being accused of conspiring to do something which literally impossible. The Democrat Articles of Impeachment are equivalent to charges that Trump wanted to have the sun set in the East.

"elongobardi, post: 23658672,
He did nothing wrong why do you think the Democrats keep changing the charge moron.

The charge has not changed. From day one TrumpO wrongly was caught attempting to extort a foreign leader to help his own re-election efforts.

Why are you so confused about that?
elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.
Yes it did. Bribery, extortion. Your so full of shit. Typical brainwashed pathetic libtard. The Democrats are fucked and they know it.

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elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.
Polishprince, post: 23658914
You don't get it . President Obama explained in October 2016, that the US election system is unriggable. It is literally impossible to fix an election in America.

Yes Obama points out the fact that the US election system is so decentralized that it would be next to impossible to rig a presidential election.

But you poor dimwitted TrumpO duped fool, Obama was criticizing TrumpO for running around saying he could only lose because the election was rigged against him.

TrumpO is a fool. Obama was right.

But your ignorance is exposed because TrumpO’s offense isn’t an attempt at rigging an election.

He has used his office and taxpayer funds as leverage to politically harm his leading potential opponent thus not rigging an election but using his office to cheat.

Plus the fact that in doing so he has sought to deprive a US citizen of his freedom had he succeeded in forcing Ukraine’s legal system to file charges against Joe Biden.

Would you want Obama to do that to you?
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I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies.

My point was made with knowledge of the ugliness of TrumpO spewing lies and crap to the same sort of suckers who lust for the hate based divisive politics that TrumpO feeds them.

TrumpO still works his loyal crowds up but he has made no gains in attracting new recruits to the cult.

My point was that acquittal in the Senate will anger the left which will fuel anti Trump voter turnout.

lots of Democrats and potential voters were not ticked off in 2016 because they did not expect TrumpO to win. The economy was not bad at all.

they learned a good lesson from that and turned out in the midterms giving Nancy her job back and handing “winner” TrumpO a huge loss.

so in case that anger has tapered off I’m glad that Senate acquittal on obvious and easily recognized abuse of power and obstruction will stir up Dem voter again just in time for 2020.
elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

I believe you are making a BIG mistake. Look at the crowds Trump gets at his rallies. Look at the number Biden, Sanders or Warren gets. You are making the same mistakes Democrats made in 2016 It's obvious the voters are behind Trump and we may see another big change in Congress.

Certainly some in Congress recognize are in jeopardy if they don't come out and support Trump.

So, we should not prosecute people for their crimes if they are popular.

They have to commit a crime to charge them with. That’s how it works. Made up charges don’t fly

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Polishprince, post: 23658914
You don't get it . President Obama explained in October 2016, that the US election system is unriggable. It is literally impossible to fix an election in America.

Yes Obama points out the fact that the US election system is so decentralized that it would be next to impossible to rig a presidential election.

But you poor dimwitted TrumpO duped fool, Obama was criticizing TrumpO for running around saying he could only lose because the election was rigged against him.

TrumpO is a fool. Obama was right.

But your ignorance is exposed because TrumpO’s offense isn’t an attempt at rigging an election.

He has used his office and taxpayer funds as leverage to politically harm his leading potential opponent thus not rigging an election but using his office to cheat.

Plus the fact that in doing so he has sought to deprive a US citizen of his freedom had he succeeded in forcing Ukraine’s legal system to file charges against Joe Biden.

Would you want Obama to do that to you?

Your an ignorant fuck. Obama was a piece of shit. If anyone should have been impeached it was that Muslim piece of shit who ruined this country. You assholes are made because President Trump is getting things done unlike the Democrats who haven’t done shot in just over 3 years besides trying to figure a way to get Trump out of office because they know they can’t beat him and they said it. So shut the fuck up and take the beating Demtards are getting. They not only lose the election in 2020, they lose the House as well.

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Yes it did. Bribery, extortion.

Bribery and extortion continue to be descriptive words that define TrumpO’s abuse of power since the first day TrumpO got caught.

You said the charges haven’t changed. They changed 3 times because the Demtards can’t prove shit. Dem House Reps are afraid to vote the impeachment through because they know they won’t get re-elected. If it goes to congress the Demtards are really fucked because they can’t hide and protect witnesses. Pelosi and Schiff are history. Deal with it loser.

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elongobardi, post: 23658546
He didn’t do anything wrong moron. The Ukraine President said he didn’t do anything wrong

Is The Ukraine’s President a US citizen? His opinion on TrumpO’s wrongdoing is secondary or further down the food chain.

TrumpO used the power of his office to target a US citizen to be prosecuted in a foreign court for personal gain. The gain TrumpO sought was to help him win re-election.

When he targeted that US citizen to effect the upcoming election he targeted me and all Americans.

I get to decide whether or not what TrumpO did was wrong.

Unlike you I’m not deferring that decision to a foreigner.

My representatives in Congress speak for me and they have proven that TrumpO has done an aggregious wrong and abuse of power.

He must be impeached.

Another fucking retard
Where are they growing you all?

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