Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime: Civil War

Will Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime trigger a Civil War?

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Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

Read the report son. This isn't a "non crime".

... and still no Russian connection
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Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

You are an idiot of the first order.

Impeaching Trump on obstruction of justice charges is the duty of the House of Representatives. No man is above the law. When Trump fired Domey, when Trump called Leaendoaski to fire a Mueller, when Trump asked McCabb to fire Mueller, when Trump lied constantly about his Russia business dealings, he was committing a crime and that crime is obstruction of justice.

Tell us how Trump, or more precisely your devotion to that huckster buffoon, has special privileges that his subordinates do not. The first article of impeachment against Nixon was...ONSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

Then you go on a treasonous rant about blood, prison and public executions just like an Airhoritarian, certainly not an American.

Tell us, tough guy, who are you going to fight in this civil war fantasy of yours? Your neighbor for not voting for Trump? Your neighbor for not slavishly devoting himself to the cult of personality?

Do you think Trump is more important than the rule of law?

Would you have that lying orange sack of monkey shit cut loose from any and all constraints of the constitution? By the way, have you ever heard of the constitution? Can you explain Article I?

Honest to God. Some of these hair brained, hair triggered Trumpians are more dangerous to our system of government than any of the boogeyman they want to demonize.

... and still no Russian connection
Remember when Obama traded 5 terrorist leaders for 1 traitor? I do. He should hang for that.

Hang or firing squad. I think hanging is more humane.
You really hate President aobama.

Well, I abaolut lay hate Trump. Fee since his playboy, gossip rag, Roy Cohn days as a simple New York real estate hustler and braggart. I hate him with the white hot intensity of 1,000 suns.

But capital punishment is too good for him. Chained to a wall in the bas mentmof Devil's Island is humane in his case.

I, for one, did not hate Obama. I've said many times that Obama did many good things while in office and conducted himself in a presidential manner.

Why do you "absolutely hate" Trump? Because he has cut taxes for the middle class and for businesses, because he has brought unemployment to historically low levels, because he has presided over a manufacturing boom, because he has put pressure on states to stop over-taxing homeowners, because he has gotten better trade deals for America and American workers, because he has protected American workers the same way so many other nations protect theirs (with tariffs), because he has strengthened the military and given the troops a sizable raise, because he has brought unemployment claims down to their levels in decades?
His policies on taxes benefitted the rich, not the middle class, his policies on trade cost my friend's job at a steel mill due to tariffs on Xhinese steel, his economic polices did not reduce unemployment Obama's did that.

I hate a liar, a cheat, a racist, a xenophobe, a hypocrite, a draft dodger and a bully. He displays no characteristics of decency. He attacks the dead, POWs, Fold Star families, the disabled, women, Blacks, Latinos and anyone who disagrees with him. He alienates allies, copies up to Authoritarians, believes Putin but not our own int lligence agencies.

Trump is anonymous with substances customarily scraped from the soles of shoes.
Says a cowardly piece of shit the trusts career politicians...
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.
...You're good at imagining things.
Indeed I am... especially when the things I "imagine" are actually accomplished Realities, as is the case here. :21:

Start imaging your fellow Oathkeeper veterans hanging you personally for treason for supporting the socialists in a Civil War, instead of the Constitutionalists.

They will make particular examples of your kind.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS
Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

A bj isn’t a crime and yet Republicans impeached Clinton. Over a bj.

Trump actually committed crimes.
...You're good at imagining things.
Indeed I am... especially when the things I "imagine" are actually accomplished Realities, as is the case here. :21:

Start imaging your fellow Oathkeeper veterans hanging you personally for treason for supporting the socialists in a Civil War, instead of the Constitutionalists.

They will make particular examples of your kind.

I don't have to imagine a thing. I have seen one time in my lifetime where the Military elected to do nothing when faced with a situation where they MIGHT have to face something like that. They elected, as a unit, to do nothing. You honestly believe the US Military would get involved in that fight? It's a Civilian problem, not a Military one.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.
...You're good at imagining things.
Indeed I am... especially when the things I "imagine" are actually accomplished Realities, as is the case here. :21:

Start imaging your fellow Oathkeeper veterans hanging you personally for treason for supporting the socialists in a Civil War, instead of the Constitutionalists.

They will make particular examples of your kind.

I don't have to imagine a thing. I have seen one time in my lifetime where the Military elected to do nothing when faced with a situation where they MIGHT have to face something like that. They elected, as a unit, to do nothing. You honestly believe the US Military would get involved in that fight? It's a Civilian problem, not a Military one.

At the very least the US Military would secure the borders against foreign aide/influence to either sides of the revolution. And the majority of that foreign aide/influence/support would be for the socialists. The National Guard of the Several States would most likely be engaged in the majority of the fighting alongside the constitutionalists.

Also, if foreign powers went HOT against the United States during a domestic civil war, the socialists would not agree to cease fire while we repelled the foreign forces, they would double their efforts and the US Armed Forces would now have to fight the domestic socialists as well.

Socialists and communists enter by the sword. Look at all the socialist and communists nations today and learn how they came to be.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.

If the Civil War showed us anything, it's that normal legal conventions fly out the window during such events.
...You're good at imagining things.
Indeed I am... especially when the things I "imagine" are actually accomplished Realities, as is the case here. :21:

Start imaging your fellow Oathkeeper veterans hanging you personally for treason for supporting the socialists in a Civil War, instead of the Constitutionalists.

They will make particular examples of your kind.

I don't have to imagine a thing. I have seen one time in my lifetime where the Military elected to do nothing when faced with a situation where they MIGHT have to face something like that. They elected, as a unit, to do nothing. You honestly believe the US Military would get involved in that fight? It's a Civilian problem, not a Military one.

At the very least the US Military would secure the borders against foreign aide/influence to either sides of the revolution. And the majority of that foreign aide/influence/support would be for the socialists. The National Guard of the Several States would most likely be engaged in the majority of the fighting alongside the constitutionalists.

Also, if foreign powers went HOT against the United States during a domestic civil war, the socialists would not agree to cease fire while we repelled the foreign forces, they would double their efforts and the US Armed Forces would now have to fight the domestic socialists as well.

Socialists and communists enter by the sword. Look at all the socialist and communists nations today and learn how they came to be.

Yah, and your armed resurectionists you call constitutionalists would be the ones that are doing the armed attempt at over throwing of the legally elected government. Let's see, if recalls don't work, and regular elections don't work, I guess that may be your only other option. If so, then you may very well be on the receiving end of a military action since you just became the enemy of the state.
The closest thing to a civil war that any of the tough talkers here will come to is arguing on this message board.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.

If the Civil War showed us anything, it's that normal legal conventions fly out the window during such events.

It should have shown you that such a thing should be avoided at all costs and to allow the normal chain of events to correct events to proceed. There is a reason for elections, recalls, etc. that is made available to all of us. Civil War isn't one of the options. If you do take that option then you become a traitor to the Nation and should be treated as such.
"I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that."

Bring it fluffy.:abgg2q.jpg:

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