Impeachment Bitch Says She Might Play More Games With the Constitution

Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Loaded question on a poll. You know nothing about this. Of course Americans believe in fairness. The Senate is under no obligation to even consider this motion by the “Impeachment Bitch” and the House after the con job they pulled with rules and procedures.

Yes. Yes they are. The senate is absolutely obligated to consider this motion.

If a handful of GOP senators decides to take their oath seriously, a real trial will ensue. You won’t enjoy that very much.
They GOP Senators do take their job seriously. They proved it during Kavanaugh confirmation. :finger3:
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
I’m upset for my country because I am a patriotic American.

Well you are not really... You are supporting a guy who has insulted the troops, does our enemies bidding and shits on the constitution... You are on Red Tribe first and America is a distance second...

George H.W. Bush Calls Trump a ‘Blowhard’

It is clear that Trump asked a foreign country to interfere in a US Election. People close to him have admitted that (his chief of staff). Trump didn't even send witnesses to defend himself and obstructed Congress who have "sole power" here.

So please lay off the "Patriot" bit... You don't care because you are Red Tribe....
He’s dead. Jeb lost.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Its really unbelievable how low the republican's are going. Not unless they call witnesses, that tramp refused to allow in the House investigation.

The senate will vote on the same "evidence" that the House voted on. Unless Nancy doesn't send the articles over.
She will play the political game until the end. All this whole impeachment is...political posturing by Democrats. Their mindless minions think it is some kind of heroic constitutional calling. Idiots.
Kind of stupid for Republicans to boast and brag about already deciding on an acquittal pr even finding of innocence before hearing the case. If this were a court case they would be kicked off the jury and might even see some jail time.
What case? Democrats haven’t produced a crime.
Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to be considering an idea Democrats have floated for several days of holding back the articles of impeachment to exercise leverage over the Senate and the president.

She declined formally to transmit the articles to the Senate on Wednesday evening after the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump.

Unfortunately for them, the Senate can act, regardless — and would vote to acquit.

That’s because the Constitution is absolutely clear about the Senate’s authority. Article I, Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

That is all.

The Chief Justice presides over a trial involving the president, but the Senate makes the rules. And the Senate is controlled by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who regards what the House has done with contempt.

You’re in Mitch’s court, now.

Politico outlined Democrats’ new idea, citing constitutional lawyer Laurence Tribe (but, interestingly, not the Constitution itself). Pelosi hopes to pressure McConnell into holding a “fair trial” — this, after she and her party broke every relevant House rule and precedent, and several Amendments in the Bill of Rights, all in the name of their “sole Power of Impeachment.”

They forget that a “fair trial” applies to the accused, not the accuser, and has since 1215.

Set aside, for the moment, that holding onto the articles of impeachment would contradict everything Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the Democrats have said for weeks about the “urgency” of impeachment. They needed to stop him before he could “cheat in the next election,” we were told — that’s why the House could not wait for the courts to rule on the White House’s resistance to stop congressional subpoenas.

Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment | Breitbart
You know, it brings up a good point, the senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments.

A lot of these procedures are not in the constitution, they are all house/ senate rules, or just precedent. One thing though, if the senate has the sole power to try impeachments, then doesnt that kind of mean that once articles of impeachment are passed, that the house loses power over them. Since it is now the Senate's power to try impeachment, cant they demand the house submit the articles, since now the constitution says the ball is in their court?
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Nancy said they’ve been trying to impeach Trump for 2-1/2 years. This impeachment is about something that accused June 2019.
Her lips are moving.......

Spot on!
Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to be considering an idea Democrats have floated for several days of holding back the articles of impeachment to exercise leverage over the Senate and the president.

She declined formally to transmit the articles to the Senate on Wednesday evening after the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump.

Unfortunately for them, the Senate can act, regardless — and would vote to acquit.

That’s because the Constitution is absolutely clear about the Senate’s authority. Article I, Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

That is all.

The Chief Justice presides over a trial involving the president, but the Senate makes the rules. And the Senate is controlled by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who regards what the House has done with contempt.

You’re in Mitch’s court, now.

Politico outlined Democrats’ new idea, citing constitutional lawyer Laurence Tribe (but, interestingly, not the Constitution itself). Pelosi hopes to pressure McConnell into holding a “fair trial” — this, after she and her party broke every relevant House rule and precedent, and several Amendments in the Bill of Rights, all in the name of their “sole Power of Impeachment.”

They forget that a “fair trial” applies to the accused, not the accuser, and has since 1215.

Set aside, for the moment, that holding onto the articles of impeachment would contradict everything Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the Democrats have said for weeks about the “urgency” of impeachment. They needed to stop him before he could “cheat in the next election,” we were told — that’s why the House could not wait for the courts to rule on the White House’s resistance to stop congressional subpoenas.

Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment | Breitbart
You know, it brings up a good point, the senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments.

A lot of these procedures are not in the constitution, they are all house/ senate rules, or just precedent. One thing though, if the senate has the sole power to try impeachments, then doesnt that kind of mean that once articles of impeachment are passed, that the house loses power over them. Since it is now the Senate's power to try impeachment, cant they demand the house submit the articles, since now the constitution says the ball is in their court?
If the House doesn’t it would be new ground. We have only had two impeachment trials and in both the House quickly turned over the Articles. Supreme Court May have to get involved. After all, the Chief Justice presides over the trial.
Also, if pelosi holds those articles,.preventing the senate from carrying out their legal, constitutional duty, can she not be charged with obstruction of justice?
Seems to me that if NP doesn't send the impeachment to the senate to be tried, Trump wins!!
It is so fucking disingenuous to listen to Democrats talk about The Constitution as if they honor it. Think about it. Which side gets its panties in a bunch over the fact it was written by White Men, some of which owned slaves. Further, which side supported the notion of “Fundamental Transformation of America.”?
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Why the anger?
This is simply what "Tyrants" do. They are simply doing what they do.

The Founding Fathers CLEARLY warned of Tyrants and enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC. Is it not right in there for your reading pleasure? Thought they were just joking around? Jokes on YOU. Freedom was never free little bubba.

BLAME must fall squarely on you and other so called "Patriots" who did nothing. It was your Constitutional DUTY to defend the Constitution. Fail.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for cowardly men who fool themselves into believing they are nothing"

So don't blame Democrats. They're tyrants. Look in the mirror to find the REAL failure to the Constitution. ;)

Did Thomas Jefferson say that the tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed by keyboard warriors and forum whiners ? Nope.

Continue to do nothing.......what they do soon will make this look saintly. Guaranteed.
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Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Why the anger?
This is simply what "Tyrants" do. They are simply doing what they do.

The Founding Fathers CLEARLY warned of Tyrants and enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC. Is it not right in there for your reading pleasure? Thought they were just joking around? Jokes on YOU. Freedom was never free little bubba.

BLAME must fall squarely on you and other so called "Patriots" who did nothing. It was your Constitutional DUTY to defend the Constitution. Fail.

"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for cowardly men who fool themselves into believing they are nothing"

So don't blame Democrats. They're tyrants. Look in the mirror to find the REAL failure to the Constitution. ;)

Did Thomas Jefferson say that the tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed by keyboard warriors and forum whiners ? Nope.

Continue to do nothing.......what they do soon will make this look saintly. Guaranteed.
I voted for Trump. I voted straight Republican. I did my part.
It is so fucking disingenuous to listen to Democrats talk about The Constitution as if they honor it. Think about it. Which side gets its panties in a bunch over the fact it was written by White Men, some of which owned slaves. Further, which side supported the notion of “Fundamental Transformation of America.”?
Democrats are the scum of the earth.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
Where does the Constitution say she can't do that? Cite the Article and Section for us.

BTW...Judge Merrick Garland is laughing at you.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
I’m upset for my country because I am a patriotic American.
Hardly...from what we've read from your posts.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

I can assure you that Pelosi doesn't want a "fair" trial in the Senate. That would mean that many Democrats would be called to the stand, exposing their lies. Schiff would NOT want to testify, for example.

Which Democrats would have first-hand knowledge of trump & co.'s dealings with the Ukrainians or their refusal of subpoenas? What would they be lying about? Why would Schiff be called to testify? What about? He's not associated with either count against trump.

The people in trump's inner circle at the time of his offenses still have not testified under oath, and trump himself certainly has not. These are the people we need to hear from.
Not even the whistleblower has first hand knowledge.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
Where does the Constitution say she can't do that? Cite the Article and Section for us.

BTW...Judge Merrick Garland is laughing at you.
But NOT Justice Merrill Garland.
At least you're not as bad as the ones who said.......

(and didn't even vote)

But eh....Read My Lips bubba.....Freedom is DEAD.

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