Impeachment Bitch Says She Might Play More Games With the Constitution

Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She needs to be arrested

You are a good little Nazi.
Just like you are a bad little communist!:321:

Fuck you. This is my country that I wore the uniform and fought for in combat. I will not step aside lightly. What nation are you from? Obviously not this one you ignorant cocksucker. If you think I am am supposed to forget where I came from, my 6 uncles who fought in World War Two (four of which were shot by Germans, two of which liberated the camps) my uncle at the Pusan Perimeter, my cousins in Vietnam, all the people I worked with as a steward for the United Steelworkers of America, and all the people I was born and raised are sadly mistaken. There is nothing humorous or redundant when all the things I love in this world are placed in danger by some ignorant bitch from San Francisco.

Fuck you. What country are you from? This country is in danger because of a crazy developer from New York. A developer who has ties to white supremacists and neo-nazis.
Trump has ties to white supremacy and neo-Nazis? You’re about a goddamn dipshit? You must be an Antifa kook.:haha::cuckoo:
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Shut the fuck up with this fair trial shit. Ain't no one buying that bucket o crap.
Durham DOJ probe just asked for Brennan's phone records...breaking news on FOX....
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Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

Well Mitch said he is working with the White House to make this as favourable as possible for them. Nancy should just sit on it until she gets a fair trial... No point sending it down to carpet bagger Mitch to say nothing to see and rubber stamp it closed...

Keeping it gives the Democrats options... Smart Nancy beats them again... If Trump won re-election and Dems get Senate then they could have it in Feb '21..
No point in doing any of this shit. What did ANY of you think was going to happen to your witch hunt?
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

Well Mitch said he is working with the White House to make this as favourable as possible for them. Nancy should just sit on it until she gets a fair trial... No point sending it down to carpet bagger Mitch to say nothing to see and rubber stamp it closed...

Keeping it gives the Democrats options... Smart Nancy beats them again... If Trump won re-election and Dems get Senate then they could have it in Feb '21..
Good. He’s a Republican. He should stand against this Democratic Party farce.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
You dont believe the senate dems have not already made up their minds as well? I'm pretty sure they have.

There is no impartiality in this event, on either side.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
I’m upset for my country because I am a patriotic American.

You’re a fake patriot. All who still support Trump and think he should be re-elected are fake patriots.

That is how you will be viewed by your descendants. That ship has sailed.
Hmmmm. Nobody called me a fake patriot when I was being shot at in combat?
Yes. Yes they are. The senate is absolutely obligated to consider this motion.

If a handful of GOP senators decides to take their oath seriously, a real trial will ensue. You won’t enjoy that very much.
What's not to enjoy?

Republicans being able to call witnesses?

Republicans being able to ask any question they want?

House Dem Fascists allow neither and still had exactly zero witnesses of Trump wrongdoing and zero evidence to contradict the transcript that exonerates Trump.

Go ahead. Tell me the part I won't enjoy.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

I can assure you that Pelosi doesn't want a "fair" trial in the Senate. That would mean that many Democrats would be called to the stand, exposing their lies. Schiff would NOT want to testify, for example.

Which Democrats would have first-hand knowledge of trump & co.'s dealings with the Ukrainians or their refusal of subpoenas? What would they be lying about? Why would Schiff be called to testify? What about? He's not associated with either count against trump.

The people in trump's inner circle at the time of his offenses still have not testified under oath, and trump himself certainly has not. These are the people we need to hear from.
I agree that schiff, in relation to this trial, shouldnt be called to testify. I think, however, that schiff should be subject to a separate investigation.

I do, however, think biden and hunter are relevant witnesses to the impeachment, since, if it is found they were corrupt and doing corrupt dealings with burisma, and others, then it could show trumps intent in asking for an investigation.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Shut the fuck up with this fair trial shit. Ain't no one buying that bucket o crap.

Awwww. You are still upset that your hero got caught and you don’t care to have a fair hearing. Who’d have ever guessed?
Yes. Yes they are. The senate is absolutely obligated to consider this motion.

If a handful of GOP senators decides to take their oath seriously, a real trial will ensue. You won’t enjoy that very much.
What's not to enjoy?

Republicans being able to call witnesses?

Republicans being able to ask any question they want?

House Dem Fascists allow neither and still had exactly zero witnesses of Trump wrongdoing and zero evidence to contradict the transcript that exonerates Trump.

Go ahead. Tell me the part I won't enjoy.

Kind of stupid for Republicans to boast and brag about already deciding on an acquittal pr even finding of innocence before hearing the case. If this were a court case they would be kicked off the jury and might even see some jail time.
We heard the case. You don't have one. Now you want us to provide witnesses for this sham in the hopes you can look less stupid. Not going to happen.
Pelosi should reconvene the House Judicial Committee and subpoena the fact witnesses with a full vote of the House of Representatives, Let Supreme Court decide if the witnesses must testify or, not.
The onus will be on Republicans for any delay on sending the impeachment articles to the Senate.
Why the hell didn't you do that in the first place? There's no onus on anyone to prove your deranged bullshit. Start the fucking trial. You assholes are the ones holding up the process. Why the hell would you need top reconvene an impeachment if it was so rock fucking solid you had to push for a vote? Reconvening means you didn't have jack squat the first time around.
Also, why is anyone surprised McConnell is impartial....of course he is partial, hes a republican, and the president is from his own party, just like every Democrat is partial to their own party and a democrat president. I have little doubt anyone really expected the senate, on both sides, to be neutral.
Pelosi should reconvene the House Judicial Committee and subpoena the fact witnesses with a full vote of the House of Representatives, Let Supreme Court decide if the witnesses must testify or, not.
The onus will be on Republicans for any delay on sending the impeachment articles to the Senate.
Why the hell didn't you do that in the first place? There's no onus on anyone to prove your deranged bullshit. Start the fucking trial. You assholes are the ones holding up the process. Why the hell would you need top reconvene an impeachment if it was so rock fucking solid you had to push for a vote? Reconvening means you didn't have jack squat the first time around.
Democrats are completely obsessed with Trump.
If Nancy doesn't send the Articles to the senate they are meaningless. The next congress can simply repeal them.
Would the next congress have to re-vote on them before sending them? In other words, isn't it defacto repealed if they sit on it until the next congress?
Absolutely. That’s why she will drag it out as long as she can.
I'm amazed at the absolute stupidity in the democrat party. Amazed but still quite happy to watch it in action.

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