Impeachment Bitch Says She Might Play More Games With the Constitution

Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

You are the lowlife scumbags and you people complaining about ignoring the Constitution is laughable. Trump ignores Congress' power of the purse and oversight powers. He is the one turning the Constitution into toilet paper and you support it 100%. The founding fathers made impeachment a part of the Constitution. I am a former Republican and it is unbelievable how low Republicans have become.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
I’m upset for my country because I am a patriotic American.

You are unpatriotic and unamerican. You don't give a damn about the country.
Paying attention to the deplorables is not in your interest. They are arming themselves to the teeth. They are forming militias in counties outside urban/semi urban areas. They are defending themselves much more heavily with guns in house break ins. They are more and more carrying weapons on them. In one decade you have awakened a lot of people who have struggled to survive themselves. This trend will continue and they will become more proficient in weapon use as we return to a hair trigger survival nation. You guys need to pull back a bit. Every confrontation causes more determination to protect themselves. I care not when Prog attacks Prog.
I love the smell of delusion in the morning. It smells like.................deplorable.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Loaded question on a poll. You know nothing about this. Of course Americans believe in fairness. The Senate is under no obligation to even consider this motion by the “Impeachment Bitch” and the House after the con job they pulled with rules and procedures.

The Senate is indeed obligated to consider this. Even Crooked Mitch admits they have to hold a trial. The rules were set by House Republicans when they were in power.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

I can assure you that Pelosi doesn't want a "fair" trial in the Senate. That would mean that many Democrats would be called to the stand, exposing their lies. Schiff would NOT want to testify, for example.

Please. If McConnell and the president’s lawyers call Schiff to testify and Roberts allows it, he will testify. He won’t try to use the court system to avoid going under oath like the president has.
Bugged eyed loser will be ripped to shreds. Democrats are absolutely the worst sonofabitches I have witnessed in my lifetime. That’s going back to LBJ.

The Trump Republican Party are the biggest assholes I have seen in my lifetime. Garbage like you proves it.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

I can assure you that Pelosi doesn't want a "fair" trial in the Senate. That would mean that many Democrats would be called to the stand, exposing their lies. Schiff would NOT want to testify, for example.

Please. If McConnell and the president’s lawyers call Schiff to testify and Roberts allows it, he will testify. He won’t try to use the court system to avoid going under oath like the president has.
Bugged eyed loser will be ripped to shreds. Democrats are absolutely the worst sonofabitches I have witnessed in my lifetime. That’s going back to LBJ.

The Trump Republican Party are the biggest assholes I have seen in my lifetime. Garbage like you proves it.
If Nancy doesn't send the Articles to the senate they are meaningless. The next congress can simply repeal them.
Would the next congress have to re-vote on them before sending them? In other words, isn't it defacto repealed if they sit on it until the next congress?

I believe that's called a "pocket veto". If it doesn't pass in one session of congress it dies.
So Nancy has about 400 Bills that passed the House, but will die if Mitch or Trump don't both sign them.

Impeachment is not a bill. It does not die.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

Why should they be any less partisan than the House?

Democrats were far less partisan than Republicans were.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

I can assure you that Pelosi doesn't want a "fair" trial in the Senate. That would mean that many Democrats would be called to the stand, exposing their lies. Schiff would NOT want to testify, for example.

Please. If McConnell and the president’s lawyers call Schiff to testify and Roberts allows it, he will testify. He won’t try to use the court system to avoid going under oath like the president has.
Bugged eyed loser will be ripped to shreds. Democrats are absolutely the worst sonofabitches I have witnessed in my lifetime. That’s going back to LBJ.

The Trump Republican Party are the biggest assholes I have seen in my lifetime. Garbage like you proves it.
John McCain called in from the grave. He said he likes his presidents NOT impeached.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.
Loaded question on a poll. You know nothing about this. Of course Americans believe in fairness. The Senate is under no obligation to even consider this motion by the “Impeachment Bitch” and the House after the con job they pulled with rules and procedures.

Yes. Yes they are. The senate is absolutely obligated to consider this motion.

If a handful of GOP senators decides to take their oath seriously, a real trial will ensue. You won’t enjoy that very much.

If a handful of GOP senators decides to take their oath seriously,
If a handful of House Democrats had taken their oath seriously, Trump wouldn't have been impeached

If Trump had taken his oath seriously he would not have been impeached. The members of the House who voted for impeachment did the right thing.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She's a fascist
She is the “Impeachment Bitch” who wants to destroy our country.

You and Trump are the assholes who are destroying our country.
If Nancy doesn't send the Articles to the senate they are meaningless. The next congress can simply repeal them.
Would the next congress have to re-vote on them before sending them? In other words, isn't it defacto repealed if they sit on it until the next congress?

I believe that's called a "pocket veto". If it doesn't pass in one session of congress it dies.
So Nancy has about 400 Bills that passed the House, but will die if Mitch or Trump don't both sign them.

You know I don't think a pocket veto applies to impeachment I do think that once impeached by the congress, who has sole responsibility of impeachment, stands.
Bullshit. I’m calling bullshit on your whole premise. This is a political vendetta. Nothing more. Donald J. Trump’s crime was the fact that he beat Hillary in 2016.

You are the bullshit. Donald Trump has ignored the Constitution and impeachment was justified.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She needs to be arrested
Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to be considering an idea Democrats have floated for several days of holding back the articles of impeachment to exercise leverage over the Senate and the president.

She declined formally to transmit the articles to the Senate on Wednesday evening after the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump.

Unfortunately for them, the Senate can act, regardless — and would vote to acquit.

That’s because the Constitution is absolutely clear about the Senate’s authority. Article I, Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

That is all.

The Chief Justice presides over a trial involving the president, but the Senate makes the rules. And the Senate is controlled by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who regards what the House has done with contempt.

You’re in Mitch’s court, now.

Politico outlined Democrats’ new idea, citing constitutional lawyer Laurence Tribe (but, interestingly, not the Constitution itself). Pelosi hopes to pressure McConnell into holding a “fair trial” — this, after she and her party broke every relevant House rule and precedent, and several Amendments in the Bill of Rights, all in the name of their “sole Power of Impeachment.”

They forget that a “fair trial” applies to the accused, not the accuser, and has since 1215.

Set aside, for the moment, that holding onto the articles of impeachment would contradict everything Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the Democrats have said for weeks about the “urgency” of impeachment. They needed to stop him before he could “cheat in the next election,” we were told — that’s why the House could not wait for the courts to rule on the White House’s resistance to stop congressional subpoenas.

Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment | Breitbart

Changing the rules requires a 2/3rds majority. Also all it takes is 3 defections and the rule change fails.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She's a fascist

Trump is the fascist.

Fuck you. This is my country that I wore the uniform and fought for in combat. I will not step aside lightly. What nation are you from? Obviously not this one you ignorant cocksucker. If you think I am am supposed to forget where I came from, my 6 uncles who fought in World War Two (four of which were shot by Germans, two of which liberated the camps) my uncle at the Pusan Perimeter, my cousins in Vietnam, all the people I worked with as a steward for the United Steelworkers of America, and all the people I was born and raised are sadly mistaken. There is nothing humorous or redundant when all the things I love in this world are placed in danger by some ignorant bitch from San Francisco.

Fuck you. What country are you from? This country is in danger because of a crazy developer from New York. A developer who has ties to white supremacists and neo-nazis.
Nancy “Impeachment Bitch” Pelosi and the Democratic Party still want to play juvenile games with the Constitution and the free and fair electoral process that we have in the United States. Never seen a lower act than I just witnessed with impeachment vote. I’m a former Democrat. Unbelievable how low Democrats have become.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She needs to be arrested

You are a good little Nazi.
Awww. You’re upset because she’s got to put a check on the GOP led Senate because it’s leader and a bunch of his pals have already told us that they will not be impartial jurors, which the constitution requires.

The American people favor a fair trial in the Senate and want to hear from fact witnesses. It likely won’t happen that way, but an effort must be made nonetheless.

Well Mitch said he is working with the White House to make this as favourable as possible for them. Nancy should just sit on it until she gets a fair trial... No point sending it down to carpet bagger Mitch to say nothing to see and rubber stamp it closed...

Keeping it gives the Democrats options... Smart Nancy beats them again... If Trump won re-election and Dems get Senate then they could have it in Feb '21..

I strongly believe Nancy should wait until November 2020 to proceed.
Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to be considering an idea Democrats have floated for several days of holding back the articles of impeachment to exercise leverage over the Senate and the president.

She declined formally to transmit the articles to the Senate on Wednesday evening after the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump.

Unfortunately for them, the Senate can act, regardless — and would vote to acquit.

That’s because the Constitution is absolutely clear about the Senate’s authority. Article I, Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

That is all.

The Chief Justice presides over a trial involving the president, but the Senate makes the rules. And the Senate is controlled by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who regards what the House has done with contempt.

You’re in Mitch’s court, now.

Politico outlined Democrats’ new idea, citing constitutional lawyer Laurence Tribe (but, interestingly, not the Constitution itself). Pelosi hopes to pressure McConnell into holding a “fair trial” — this, after she and her party broke every relevant House rule and precedent, and several Amendments in the Bill of Rights, all in the name of their “sole Power of Impeachment.”

They forget that a “fair trial” applies to the accused, not the accuser, and has since 1215.

Set aside, for the moment, that holding onto the articles of impeachment would contradict everything Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the Democrats have said for weeks about the “urgency” of impeachment. They needed to stop him before he could “cheat in the next election,” we were told — that’s why the House could not wait for the courts to rule on the White House’s resistance to stop congressional subpoenas.

Pollak: Senate Can Acquit Even If House Withholds Articles of Impeachment | Breitbart

Changing the rules requires a 2/3rds majority. Also all it takes is 3 defections and the rule change fails.
Nuke option....worked for Harry Reid, will work for Mitch....LOLOLOL!

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