Impeachment for Joe Biden

On the outside chance that gaffe man Joe makes it to the Oval Office, I think it well that the impeachment papers be ready his first day in office.

At best, his son's involvement was unethical if not unlawful in the Ukraine thingy.

How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.

If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded too... lol

Is this all that you can say? Some right-wing jargon? How weak.
The truth stings?
How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.

If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded too... lol

Is this all that you can say? Some right-wing jargon? How weak.
The truth stings?

Two posts, and you have presented no "truth." Nothing factual, just vague references to "political correctness" and "truth." Nothing of substance. No rebuttal. How about telling us, at the very least, why you think that it is appropriate for a president to use the entire executive branch, paid for by the taxpayers, as an arm of his personal campaign organization. His personal political future is not connected to any legitimate interest of the American people.
"No President in US History has ever done the things Trump has done."

Then you ask them what he did and they say.

He's not very nice.

No president in United States history witheld millitary aid from a country because they wouldn't investigate his political oppposition.

He of course also did things that got another presdient kicked out of office - Obstrution of Justice, witness tampering and Obstruction of Congressional Investigations.


Of course, he did none of that based on the call transcripts and 2 year investigation, but whatever eases your pain. He will be President for another 5 years from now so it is best if you start fabricating some more allegations now. I am sure that is what Schiff and his clan are doing behind closed doors.
If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded too... lol

Is this all that you can say? Some right-wing jargon? How weak.
The truth stings?

Two posts, and you have presented no "truth." Nothing factual, just vague references to "political correctness" and "truth." Nothing of substance. No rebuttal. How about telling us, at the very least, why you think that it is appropriate for a president to use the entire executive branch, paid for by the taxpayers, as an arm of his personal campaign organization. His personal political future is not connected to any legitimate interest of the American people.
There is no truth or morality to political correctness
If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded too... lol

Is this all that you can say? Some right-wing jargon? How weak.
The truth stings?

Two posts, and you have presented no "truth." Nothing factual, just vague references to "political correctness" and "truth." Nothing of substance. No rebuttal. How about telling us, at the very least, why you think that it is appropriate for a president to use the entire executive branch, paid for by the taxpayers, as an arm of his personal campaign organization. His personal political future is not connected to any legitimate interest of the American people.

What factual evidence do you have against Trump? No quid pro quo on this Ukraine thing. No collusion, no obstruction. Unlike Biden and his family, Trump had business dealings all over the world prior to even thinking about becoming President. Biden's family only got involved with Ukraine and China once Joe became vice-president, but of course, that was just conicidental. Hunter's hiring by Barisma, a corporation in the cross-hairs for corruption, was not all all related to Joe being appointed as the point man for Ukraine. I mean, of course a foreign natural gas company would want to hire this guy for 50k/mth with no qualifications and fresh off of being discharged from the Navy for testing positive for cocaine. This was all just pure coincidence, as was the firing of the prosecutor, who swore he had an active investigation against Barisma while Hunter was employed for the company. Oh yeah, and Biden told Ukraine that if the prosector was not fired, the US would be witholding money. He didn't imply it. He said it point blank. Qid pro quo if there ever was one. Even if we buy the story that the firing of the prosecutor and the witholding of US aid had nothing to do with his son, there was some serious conflict of interest going on. It is also curious when Joe said he never talked to Hunter about his work with Barisma and then the photo of Joe, Hunter and 2 Barisma executives shows up. Yeah, they never talked about it. Perhaps they just needed a foursome and these two guys from Barisma just happened to be at the course in the Hamptons. You guys will believe anything if it suits your narrative.
On the outside chance that gaffe man Joe makes it to the Oval Office, I think it well that the impeachment papers be ready his first day in office.

At best, his son's involvement was unethical if not unlawful in the Ukraine thingy.

How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.

If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.

Actually, its not very difficult at all to get a FISA warrant at all, if you can go through a 3rd party to get Dossier written on them.

And yes, it is standard operating procedure to run sting operations on Presidential candidates. The Honey Pots who met with Mr. Papadopolous as well as Don Jr. in the Trump Tower were Deep State operatives.
Americans are grappling with the biggest issue facing our nation: how to restore the reputation of Joe Biden!
Donald Trump takes down Joe Biden with an attack meant for him.
Donald Trump takes down Bernie Sanders simply because Bernie can't keep up with him.
ElizaBeast Warden given orders to CEOs to embrace her or else and will be scalped by the time primaries come around. She also cannot keep her lies straight.

The Top DemTard 3 have major issues, and no-one really cares about the rest of the loonies riding the short bus to the DemTard Clown Show.
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"No President in US History has ever done the things Trump has done."

Then you ask them what he did and they say.

He's not very nice.

No president in United States history witheld millitary aid from a country because they wouldn't investigate his political oppposition.

He of course also did things that got another presdient kicked out of office - Obstrution of Justice, witness tampering and Obstruction of Congressional Investigations.


Of course, he did none of that based on the call transcripts and 2 year investigation, but whatever eases your pain..

You are either ignorant of the facts, an idiot, or some combination of the two that seems to be plaguing the conservative/Republican movement like rarely before.

The context for the call is WH holding up millitary aid and the memorandum of the call quite clearly shows quid pro quo in action: Trump starts talking about Ukraine not receiprocating generous American aid (quid), and leads straight into political favors he wants from Ukraine in the form of investigating his opposition (quo).

Private communications for Ukranian envoy also show internal questioning of propriety of POTUS trading American foreign policy for political ends.

Two year investigation you talk about resulted in a report that cleared Trump campaign of Criminal Conspiracy with Russia, but Volume II detailed how Trump clearly commited Obstructed of Justice on multiple counts.

You fools hitched your wagon to a swamp monster and are now stuck in the intelectually compromising position of carrying the dirty water for him. My advice is to get smart, cut the losses, and true up to this President's wrongdoing. Your sanity will thank you.
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"No President in US History has ever done the things Trump has done."

Then you ask them what he did and they say.

He's not very nice.

No president in United States history witheld millitary aid from a country because they wouldn't investigate his political oppposition.

He of course also did things that got another presdient kicked out of office - Obstrution of Justice, witness tampering and Obstruction of Congressional Investigations.


Of course, he did none of that based on the call transcripts and 2 year investigation, but whatever eases your pain..

You are either ignorant of the facts, an idiot, or some combination of the two that seems to be plaguing the conservative/Republican movement like rarely before.

The context for the call is WH holding up millitary aid and the memorandum of the call quite clearly shows quid pro quo in action: Trump starts talking about Ukraine not receiprocating generous American aid (quid), and leads straight into political favors he wants from Ukraine in the form of investigating his opposition (quo).

Private communications for Ukranian envoy also show internal questioning of propriety of POTUS trading American foreign policy for political ends.

Two year investigation you talk about resulted in a report that cleared Trump campaign of Criminal Conspiracy with Russia, but Volume II detailed how Trump clearly commited Obstructed of Justice on multiple counts.

You fools hitched your wagon to a swamp monster and are now stuck in the intelectually compromising position of carrying the dirty water for him. My advice is to get smart, cut the losses, and true up to this President's wrongdoing. Your sanity will thank you.

You are very confused. The transcript does not lead straight into favors related to investigating Biden. He first mentions investigating the "server" and Crowdstriek, which is in reference to the orgins of the Russian interference situation, which he would like to get to the bottom of as should any true American. Democrats don't much care because it will likely lead to uncovering corruption on the Democratic side, not the Republican side. There is an entire paragraph and more comments from the Ukranian leader before Biden's name even comes up. You have bought into the spin they try to sale on the mainstream media. Basically they have said that Trump said "do me a favor, help me investigate Biden". That works on the ignorant but not for anyone that has actually read the transcript themselves.

You think Trump obstructed justice for a crime for which he did not commit. Gotcha.

The Democrats decided on impeachment just after Trump was elected and they have spend the last 2.5 years trying to find a reason. The left wing lemmings follow right along.

We ARE the smart ones. You guys are too mired in hatred to see any truth.
How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.


No longer requisite.

Accusations are sufficient to convict.

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