Impeachment for Joe Biden

If it was not unlawful, it should have been. No excuse for the Biden corruption.

What was unlawful?
What are you alleging?

What is definitely unlawful, will be the Obstruction that the Biden Family is engaged in and if there are discrepancies in their testimonies during the investigation.

I see this as a huge coverup, and the Biden "Presidency" will forever be clouded. Particularly considering the collusion between the Bidens and the Red Chinese. The Biden Family got a Billion Dollar check from the Chi-coms. That's possible collusion, and Biden will have to be spending most of his first term trying to prove his innocence.
yes of course....

that was and is, Trumps whole plan..

destroy Joe Biden's reputation, without any due process... using his power of the presidency and bully pulpit, along with our tax dollars for the Ukrainians safety and fight against Russia's invasion being held as hostage, to do it.

And at the same time, by doing this and his invite to the Chinese gvt to help him as well,

he told every foreign Nation in the world, that it was ok, for them to meddle in our elections... come see me, I'll give you a good deal in return!

and that is an abuse of his power, breaks the constitution, and laws and breaks his oath of office.
If it was not unlawful, it should have been. No excuse for the Biden corruption.

What was unlawful?
What are you alleging?

What is definitely unlawful, will be the Obstruction that the Biden Family is engaged in and if there are discrepancies in their testimonies during the investigation.

I see this as a huge coverup, and the Biden "Presidency" will forever be clouded. Particularly considering the collusion between the Bidens and the Red Chinese. The Biden Family got a Billion Dollar check from the Chi-coms. That's possible collusion, and Biden will have to be spending most of his first term trying to prove his innocence.
yes of course....

that was and is, Trumps whole plan..

destroy Joe Biden's reputation, without any due process... using his power of the presidency and bully pulpit, along with our tax dollars for the Ukrainians safety and fight against Russia's invasion being held as hostage, to do it.

And at the same time, by doing this and his invite to the Chinese gvt to help him as well,

he told every foreign Nation in the world, that it was ok, for them to meddle in our elections... come see me, I'll give you a good deal in return!

and that is an abuse of his power, breaks the constitution, and laws and breaks his oath of office.

You're wrong. Trump wants Due Process for the Bite Me Clan.

He wants Ukraine and Red China to investigate these suspected miscreants. Not run them into jail for no reason.

Give them a fair trial, and a fair chance to prove their innocence.

As far as "influencing the election", that's the furthest thing from President Trump's mind. He knows the libs will vote for Biden even if he is caught shooting someone on Charlie Chan Blvd in Shanghai.
If it was not unlawful, it should have been. No excuse for the Biden corruption.

So it should be illegal for tramp kids to work in foreign countries
It's not Illegal, but because of Left Tard COUP attempts, and attempts by The Democrat Party to overturn our elections, The Trump Organization has been turning down contracts overseas.

In fact, they have turned down so much business that it cost President Trump $1.5 Billion in his net worth.

How different is that than how the broke ass Clintons and broke ass Obamas went in to office as mere thousandaires, and came out multi millionaires?

Clinton took office to enrich herself.

Trump took office to enrich America.

Yep, thats why Trump did the right thing and put his little peanut farm Trump Organization that has bussiness around the world into a blind trust, so there is minimal conflict of interest.


Why would Trump put the Trump Organization into a "blind trust" and risk losing everything to incompetence. It isn't a stock portfolio or a candy store, but a complex international business conglomerate.

Instead, he did the next best thing, he turned over the keys to the business to two young fellows who are go-getters and proved themselves most capable.

After all, the Trump Organization is his livelihood.

Easy come, easy go, yes he sure has a sweet marketing game going on. He had everything he got handed to him by the scams he did, the courts, his daddy, then Russia and the Chinese, and now the taxpayers.
"Let's play "Jeopardy"!

ANSWER: Carrot Top, Martha Stewart, OJ, Yo-Yo Ma, Joe Biden.

QUESTION: Who are five prominent Americans the Democrats won't be nominating for president?"
He wants Ukraine and Red China to investigate these suspected miscreants. Not run them into jail for no reason.
holy crap!

you seem to have no problem with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, asking corrupt foreign nations, to investigate one of our US Citizens???


Instead of following our laws and protections for OUR CITIZENS, by having our own US Gvt's DOJ do it... they also have 2 divisions that investigate foreign corruption....

but YOU think it's okay to go to these other known for corruption nations and ask them to do it???????????

I DO NOT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY, but I think that's bat shit crazy and completely unAmerican.
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He wants Ukraine and Red China to investigate these suspected miscreants. Not run them into jail for no reason.
holy crap!

you seem to have no problem with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, asking corrupt foreign nations, to investigate one of our US Citizens???


Instead of following our laws and protections for OUR CITIZENS, by having our own US Gvt's DOJ do it... they also have 2 divisions that investigate foreign corruption....

but YOU think it's okay to go to these other nations and ask them to do it???????????

I DO NOT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY, but I think that's bat shit crazy and completely unAmerican.

Actually, America has an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine- where our two nations pledge cooperation in fighting corruption, graft, crime of each other's citizens.

The American thing to do is to honor our international agreements and treaties that are ratified by the Senate.
Actually, America has an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine- where our two nations pledge cooperation in fighting corruption, graft, crime of each other's citizens.

The American thing to do is to honor our international agreements and treaties that are ratified by the Senate.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more bullshit you're pulling outta your ass?
Actually, America has an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine- where our two nations pledge cooperation in fighting corruption, graft, crime of each other's citizens.

The American thing to do is to honor our international agreements and treaties that are ratified by the Senate.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more bullshit you're pulling outta your ass?


The Treaty- unlike the Paris Accords and the Iran Deal- was actually solemnly ratified by the US Senate and signed by Clinton.

Treaty With Ukraine On Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters
On the outside chance that gaffe man Joe makes it to the Oval Office, I think it well that the impeachment papers be ready his first day in office.

At best, his son's involvement was unethical if not unlawful in the Ukraine thingy.

How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.
On the outside chance that gaffe man Joe makes it to the Oval Office, I think it well that the impeachment papers be ready his first day in office.

At best, his son's involvement was unethical if not unlawful in the Ukraine thingy.

How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.

If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.
Actually, America has an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine- where our two nations pledge cooperation in fighting corruption, graft, crime of each other's citizens.

The American thing to do is to honor our international agreements and treaties that are ratified by the Senate.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more bullshit you're pulling outta your ass?


The Treaty- unlike the Paris Accords and the Iran Deal- was actually solemnly ratified by the US Senate and signed by Clinton.

Treaty With Ukraine On Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters

Cool. They have a treaty for mutual legal assistance for criminal matters. Only problem is, the people in the Ukraine have said that Biden did nothing wrong.
He wants Ukraine and Red China to investigate these suspected miscreants. Not run them into jail for no reason.
holy crap!

you seem to have no problem with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, asking corrupt foreign nations, to investigate one of our US Citizens???


Instead of following our laws and protections for OUR CITIZENS, by having our own US Gvt's DOJ do it... they also have 2 divisions that investigate foreign corruption....

but YOU think it's okay to go to these other nations and ask them to do it???????????

I DO NOT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY, but I think that's bat shit crazy and completely unAmerican.

Actually, America has an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine- where our two nations pledge cooperation in fighting corruption, graft, crime of each other's citizens.

The American thing to do is to honor our international agreements and treaties that are ratified by the Senate.
yes, precisely.... they do have an agreement... and it goes through the DOJ in the USA first for a American abroad suspected of corruption

NOT the president, and as a personal ''favor'' in order to receive the aid congress gave the Ukraine for arms to fight off Russia, nor with his personal lawyer, Giuliani....

follow the gosh darn laws and protocols and agreements, for goodness sake!

The whole action of trump's fake concerns with fighting corruption in the Ukraine blah blah blah, and his quid pro quo for personal gain was CORRUPTION, in and of itself.... committed by our country's president and goons themselves... who have the gall to lecture the Ukraine for their corruption!!!

You just can't get any crazier than this....

Trump, is a National Security risk, doing crap like this....
He wants Ukraine and Red China to investigate these suspected miscreants. Not run them into jail for no reason.
holy crap!

you seem to have no problem with THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, asking corrupt foreign nations, to investigate one of our US Citizens???


Instead of following our laws and protections for OUR CITIZENS, by having our own US Gvt's DOJ do it... they also have 2 divisions that investigate foreign corruption....

but YOU think it's okay to go to these other nations and ask them to do it???????????

I DO NOT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY, but I think that's bat shit crazy and completely unAmerican.

Actually, America has an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine- where our two nations pledge cooperation in fighting corruption, graft, crime of each other's citizens.

The American thing to do is to honor our international agreements and treaties that are ratified by the Senate.
yes, precisely.... they do have an agreement... and it goes through the DOJ in the USA first for a American abroad suspected of corruption

NOT the president, and as a personal ''favor'' in order to receive the aid congress gave the Ukraine for arms to fight off Russia, nor with his personal lawyer, Giuliani....

follow the gosh darn laws and protocols and agreements, for goodness sake!

The whole action of trump's fake concerns with fighting corruption in the Ukraine blah blah blah, and his quid pro quo for personal gain was CORRUPTION, in and of itself.... committed by our country's president and goons themselves... who have the gall to lecture the Ukraine for their corruption!!!

You just can't get any crazier than this....

Trump, is a National Security risk, doing crap like this....

There is no "personal gain" at all for President Trump in this whole incident however.

None, zero, zilch, nada.

A lot of people are concerned about the Bidens, particularly the son who has Prostitution as well as Cocaine problems, and was kicked out of the navy for it.

Yet, he was paid a million a year, with zero experience in energy or Ukraine.

This is suspicious.

Is it "proof" of a crime?

Of course not. That's why America as well as our friends in the treaty in Ukraine are interested in looking into this and give the Bidens a chance to clear himself.
Americans are grappling with the biggest issue facing our nation: how to restore the reputation of Joe Biden!
Biden is an emotional wreck because Trump is being mean to him!

Biden is the one who started it really, by threatening to beat up President Trump.

But Sleepy Joe is like a lot of bullies, he could not stand it when Trump stood up to him.
On the outside chance that gaffe man Joe makes it to the Oval Office, I think it well that the impeachment papers be ready his first day in office.

At best, his son's involvement was unethical if not unlawful in the Ukraine thingy.

How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.

If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.
Actually, America has an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine- where our two nations pledge cooperation in fighting corruption, graft, crime of each other's citizens.

The American thing to do is to honor our international agreements and treaties that are ratified by the Senate.

Got a link to back up your claim, or is this more bullshit you're pulling outta your ass?


The Treaty- unlike the Paris Accords and the Iran Deal- was actually solemnly ratified by the US Senate and signed by Clinton.

Treaty With Ukraine On Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters

Cool. They have a treaty for mutual legal assistance for criminal matters. Only problem is, the people in the Ukraine have said that Biden did nothing wrong.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
On the outside chance that gaffe man Joe makes it to the Oval Office, I think it well that the impeachment papers be ready his first day in office.

At best, his son's involvement was unethical if not unlawful in the Ukraine thingy.

How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.

If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded too... lol
On the outside chance that gaffe man Joe makes it to the Oval Office, I think it well that the impeachment papers be ready his first day in office.

At best, his son's involvement was unethical if not unlawful in the Ukraine thingy.

How would impeachment documents be drawn up so that they would be ready on a person's first day in office? What would impeachment be based on? On his first day, a new president has not compiled any record of his conduct in office. Insane post.

If the incoming President had Cheated during the election or campaign process. There is a possibility for example that Red China will interfere on the behalf of the Democrat Party candidates. I hope to God that the FBI operates sting operations and sees if the D's are willing to accept help fro the Chi-coms. If they do, it would be a first day investigation,if not impeachment.

Right now, President Trump should be lining up FISA warrants against his adversaries in the election. Just to keep an eye on them, give them a fair chance to prove their innocence.

Your entire comment is based on something that has not occurred and there is no evidence that it will. There is no evidence that the Democratic candidates are planning to get help from China. Zero. The FBI does not operate sting operations on candidates as a routine. It is very difficult to get a FISA warrant, in the absence of probable cause.

Moreover, the orange whore has no right to use the system, taxpayer-funded, to advance his personal reelection. You are recommending that he interfere with the election, and use taxpayer dollars to do it. The executive branch is not part of his campaign organization. You are requiring people, his political adversaries, to ""prove their innocence," with no indication that they have done anything wrong, which is ridiculous. If your whore lost the election and blamed the Democratic candidate, in the short period between the finalization of the election results and the new president's inauguration, who would do an "impeachment investigation," even if it would be legally possible to impeach an individual who has yet to take office? Impeachment is based on the individual's conduct while in office. No more insane theories, please.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded too... lol

Is this all that you can say? Some right-wing jargon? How weak.

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