Impeachment: Hold the Sword of Damocles over Repuboicans!!!

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Thus, the desperation of the left:

Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw

Laurence Tribe Retweeted Ian Bassin
That’s my point exactly: Vote for the Articles of Impeachment in the House, then hold them like a Sword of Damocles over Trump and McConnell until he agrees to abide by his oath and hold a fair trial in the Senate, not a Trumpian whitewash. @ianbassin & @JRubinBlogger are right.
Laurence Tribe on Twitter

The Democrats should not send the trial to the Senate until the Republicans agree to hold the trial the way the Democrats think it should be run
Boy, they SURE know how to put the screws to someone.
Thus, the desperation of the left:

Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw

Laurence Tribe Retweeted Ian Bassin
That’s my point exactly: Vote for the Articles of Impeachment in the House, then hold them like a Sword of Damocles over Trump and McConnell until he agrees to abide by his oath and hold a fair trial in the Senate, not a Trumpian whitewash. @ianbassin & @JRubinBlogger are right.
Laurence Tribe on Twitter

The Democrats should not send the trial to the Senate until the Republicans agree to hold the trial the way the Democrats think it should be run
Boy, they SURE know how to put the screws to someone.
They might have a better chance of getting what they want had they not done exactly what they're whining about right now.
Does this sound like a Trumpian Whitewash?

'Going to take my cues from the president’s lawyers’: McConnell to coordinate with White House on impeachment

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he will follow direction from President Trump’s lawyers during an impeachment trial.

"'Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with White House counsel,' McConnell told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday. 'We’ll be working through this process, hopefully in a short period of time, in total coordination with the White House counsel’s office.'

"'I’m going to take my cues from the president’s lawyers,' the Kentucky Republican added."
Does this sound like a Trumpian Whitewash?
"'I’m going to take my cues from the president’s lawyers,' the Kentucky Republican added."
Impeachment is a political process.
Impeachment is a political process
Should the impeachment trial include fact witnesses?

Schumer wants McConnell to allow these witnesses to testify in Senate impeachment trial

There's not going to be any impeachment trial in the Senate. Not for Trump anyway.
Thus, the desperation of the left:

Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw

Laurence Tribe Retweeted Ian Bassin
That’s my point exactly: Vote for the Articles of Impeachment in the House, then hold them like a Sword of Damocles over Trump and McConnell until he agrees to abide by his oath and hold a fair trial in the Senate, not a Trumpian whitewash. @ianbassin & @JRubinBlogger are right.
Laurence Tribe on Twitter

The Democrats should not send the trial to the Senate until the Republicans agree to hold the trial the way the Democrats think it should be run
Boy, they SURE know how to put the screws to someone.
Larry Tribe is all I needed to see. :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
Why do you disagree?
The GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
Why do you disagree?
Primarily because Trump prevented fact witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney from providing testimony to House Dems.

Should Trump testify in his own defense?
The GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
Why do you disagree?
The GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
Why do you disagree?
Primarily because Trump prevented fact witnesses like Bolton and Mulvaney from providing testimony to House Dems.
Um... what?
I said:
The GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
I asked
Why do you disagree?

The GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
House Democrats offered Trump the opportunity to provide fact witnesses in their hearings. Why was Trump afraid to comply? Why is he afraid to testify in his own defense?
House Democrats offered Trump the opportunity to provide fact witnesses in their hearings. Why was Trump afraid to comply? Why is he afraid to testify in his own defense?
You indeed cannot t tell me why you disagree with the idea that the GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
Says all that need be said
House Democrats offered Trump the opportunity to provide fact witnesses in their hearings. Why was Trump afraid to comply? Why is he afraid to testify in his own defense?
You indeed cannot t tell me why you disagree with the idea that the GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
Says all that need be said
You indeed cannot t tell me why you disagree with the idea that the GOP should give Democrats the same degree of recognition and participation in the Senate as the Democrats gave the Republicans in the house.
Says all that need be said

"Schumer, D-N.Y., proposed that the Senate subpoena four people who are close to the president or are expected to know about the delay of about $400 million in military aid to Ukraine: Mulvaney; Bolton; Robert Blair, senior adviser to Mulvaney; and Michael Duffey, associate director for national security at the Office of Management and Budget. Schumer proposed that each side question witnesses for four hours each.

"House Democrats previously subpoenaed all four officials, who did not testify."

Schumer proposes that Bolton, Mulvaney testify in Senate impeachment trial


You are ducking the Big Question: what is preventing Trump from testifying UNDER OATH in his upcoming Senate trial?

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