Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office

That’s not it of bounds,, he’s trying to investigate corruption.. it’s his job.. sorry little man stomp your feet again it’s going To be a long 6 years

No he's not. He just wants something to point to at his rallies. A public announcement of an investigation of his opponent is all he thinks he needs to hawk all the rubes he has on his side. He couldn't careless if the accusations are true, just that there are allegations. Worked out well for him in 2016, in that all the Rubes will still swear she is as guilty as a criminal can be.
Joe Biden shouldn’t have used his position in Ukraine to make his loser son money,, trump just blew the whistle

Trump blew Putin- not his whistle.

You have proof that Joe Biden committed any crimes- lets see it.

Meanwhile- Joe Biden acted in accordance to official U.S. policy, with the support of the Senate and the EU.

Trump acted in secrecy as part of his own policy to benefit himself politically
They are investigating! Lol calm down, you should be asking what qualified Joe Biden son to get the job he did .. when that’s answered then let’s talk impeachment or are you scared ? Why do you cover for democrats? Are you a one rule party?

Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?

You don't believe a private lawyer has a right to investigate for his client?
Trump blew Putin- not his whistle.

You have proof that Joe Biden committed any crimes- lets see it.

Meanwhile- Joe Biden acted in accordance to official U.S. policy, with the support of the Senate and the EU.

Trump acted in secrecy as part of his own policy to benefit himself politically
They are investigating! Lol calm down, you should be asking what qualified Joe Biden son to get the job he did .. when that’s answered then let’s talk impeachment or are you scared ? Why do you cover for democrats? Are you a one rule party?

Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

So you don't really have any evidence to back up your claim that the Dirty Don is actually the whistle blower here.

Political extortion is what he was caught gaming.
Well the point of being a whistleblower is….YOU Investigate THE CLAIM lol not cover it up democrats

Internet hoaxes do not count as credible evidence. Credible investigations are not started by extortion but through the channels set up in the cooperation agreement.
They are investigating! Lol calm down, you should be asking what qualified Joe Biden son to get the job he did .. when that’s answered then let’s talk impeachment or are you scared ? Why do you cover for democrats? Are you a one rule party?

Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

So you don't really have any evidence to back up your claim that the Dirty Don is actually the whistle blower here.

Political extortion is what he was caught gaming.
Well the point of being a whistleblower is….YOU Investigate THE CLAIM lol not cover it up democrats

Internet hoaxes do not count as credible evidence. Credible investigations are not started by extortion but through the channels set up in the cooperation agreement.
He did, he’s the chief executive he’s having Ukraine investigate saving taxpayers millions of dollars .. The man is a genius
So hold up! Democrats want to impeach the greatest president in the history of the world all because he blew a whistle on corruption from Joe Biden ? Wow

What evidence did he report?
Hunter got PAID for being the son and when it was going to be investigated Biden had the prosecutor fired on national TV lol

Except of course, Biden pressured Ukraine to fire the prosecutor as part of official U.S. policy, with the support of the Senate, and the EU.

Except for those pesky facts.
Did the Senate give him permission to withhold 1 billion dollars in US taxpayer aid unless the prosecutor, who was investigating his sons company, was fired? Did it have anything to do with wanting to keep it quiet about his sons job, a job he was 100% unqualified for. That was a pretty blatant quid pro quo demand amounting to obstruction of justice and extortion. Joe is guilty as sin of running a protection racket, extortion, bribery and obstruction of justice. Hunter is just guilty of being a wasted piece of humanity and a dumb kid.
The problem is that Trump is just a symptom.

The fact that he sits in that office says more about this country than an impeachment can fix.

Something is seriously broken.


Remove Orange man and utopia returns.
They are investigating! Lol calm down, you should be asking what qualified Joe Biden son to get the job he did .. when that’s answered then let’s talk impeachment or are you scared ? Why do you cover for democrats? Are you a one rule party?

Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

So you don't really have any evidence to back up your claim that the Dirty Don is actually the whistle blower here.

Political extortion is what he was caught gaming.
Well the point of being a whistleblower is….YOU Investigate THE CLAIM lol not cover it up democrats

Internet hoaxes do not count as credible evidence. Credible investigations are not started by extortion but through the channels set up in the cooperation agreement.
You do know joe Biden was in charge of energy talks with Ukraine right? And his son gets a million dollar salary on..... A ENERGY BOARD LOL
Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

So you don't really have any evidence to back up your claim that the Dirty Don is actually the whistle blower here.

Political extortion is what he was caught gaming.
Well the point of being a whistleblower is….YOU Investigate THE CLAIM lol not cover it up democrats

Internet hoaxes do not count as credible evidence. Credible investigations are not started by extortion but through the channels set up in the cooperation agreement.
You do know joe Biden was in charge of energy talks with Ukraine right? And his son gets a million dollar salary on..... A ENERGY BOARD LOL

Insinuation is a common tactic in the court of public opinion but will not hold water under scrutiny.

Surly as a whistle blower he has some evidence of a crime having been committed.
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

So you don't really have any evidence to back up your claim that the Dirty Don is actually the whistle blower here.

Political extortion is what he was caught gaming.
Well the point of being a whistleblower is….YOU Investigate THE CLAIM lol not cover it up democrats

Internet hoaxes do not count as credible evidence. Credible investigations are not started by extortion but through the channels set up in the cooperation agreement.
You do know joe Biden was in charge of energy talks with Ukraine right? And his son gets a million dollar salary on..... A ENERGY BOARD LOL

Insinuation is a common tactic in the court of public opinion but will not hold water under scrutiny.

Surly as a whistle blower he has some evidence of a crime having been committed.
Enjoy getting embarrassed democrats lol
And Bidens lawyers were Pushing for his removal , it was a public relations push from the Bidens

Biden was the point man for Obama's policy in the Ukraine. Removal of that prosecutor had bipartisan support in Congress as well. Were there any Republicans who raise objections at the time?
And Bidens lawyers were Pushing for his removal , it was a public relations push from the Bidens

Biden was the point man for Obama's policy in the Ukraine. Removal of that prosecutor had bipartisan support in Congress as well. Were there any Republicans who raise objections at the time?
Yes Bidens Pr machine was everywhere.. I could careless you dems are going to get embarrassed on national tv lol lose after loss
1. Bill Clinton's behavior with an intern would have gotten ANY manager in the country fired, period. It was simply unacceptable behavior. He should have been removed. Where was the #metoo movement back then?

2. Impeachment is defined in the Constitution. The reasons for impeachment are listed also, they are "High crimes and misdemeanors". But don't worry if Trump gets impeached. The senate already signaled that they consider this "impeachment inquiry" as partisan and not criminal. Even Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz and GW professor Jonathon Turley said that the Ukraine phone call does not warrant impeachment.

Turley: Trump's Ukraine transcript: Unwise words but no proof of a crime
Dershowitz: Opinion | Hamilton Wouldn’t Impeach Trump
from Turley's month old op ed. And dershowitz is meaningless.

If a quid pro quo was proven, it would be self-dealing and an abuse of public office, and that can be a crime. Just ask disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. He was convicted after calling other political figures to leverage the appointment of a new United States senator, to replace the newly elected President Obama, for his own political gain. While some of us were highly critical of that prosecution, because politicians routinely use such decisions to their own benefit, Blagojevich was found guilty and his conviction was later upheld.

You can't dispute the Turley and Dershowitz articles, thanks for playing.
The potential crime that needs to be investigated is that Hunter Biden benefited greatly by being Joe's son. Why was Hunter put on the board of Burisma at $83,000 a month? Was it payback to protect the Soros' organization from prosecution?
Why was Hunter, Kerry's step-son and Whitey Bulgers nephew's hedge-fund given $1.5b by China? What did they get in return?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal - Gingrich 360
Giuliani slams ‘pattern of corruption’ in Obama’s cabinet, wants Bidens’ financial records

Trump's "crimes" were not found after investigation after investigation, so don't whine when the democrat's "crimes" get some of the same scrutiny.

The potential crime that needs to be investigated is that Hunter Biden benefited greatly by being Joe's son. Why was Hunter put on the board of Burisma at $83,000 a month? Was it payback to protect the Soros' organization from prosecution?
Why was Hunter, Kerry's step-son and Whitey Bulgers nephew's hedge-fund given $1.5b by China? What did they get in return?

A quick quiz:
If you suspect a crime do you a) call the police to investigate, or b) call the neighbor down the street and ask him to call the police?
If you or Trump has any evidence of a crime- by all means pursue the actual channels to report and investigate crimes.
But Trump didn't pass on the Right Wing talking points to the FBI and ask them to check them out- Trump called a foreign government and asked them to investigate American citizens- both named Biden- his political rival.

But not just investigate- Trump made a secret call to the President of the Ukraine to ask him to start an investigation- and then Trump's lackey's on Trump's orders pushed Ukraine for a public announcement of the investigation.

Hmmmm what kind of legitimate investigation comes with a demand for a public announcement of the investigation.....?

Answer- no legitimate investigation starts there.

Start with Joe Biden's confession video where he brags about withholding financial aid until the prosecutor investigating Burisma (Hunter Biden's cash cow) is fired. That is a confirmed QPQ.

Quiz answers:
1. If you suspect a crime in the Ukraine, you talk to the Ukrainian president
2. The evidence of a crime is Biden's video confession
3. The FBI doesn't investigate in the Ukraine, duh. We wanted the Ukraine to investigate suspicious matters, not the necessarily the Bidens
4. WTF difference does it make if the Uke prez announces the investigation or not? Maybe scare the guilty into doing something stupid.

I have no problem looking into corruption before giving the Ukraine financial aid. As Trump said, that's his job.
No he's not. He just wants something to point to at his rallies. A public announcement of an investigation of his opponent is all he thinks he needs to hawk all the rubes he has on his side. He couldn't careless if the accusations are true, just that there are allegations. Worked out well for him in 2016, in that all the Rubes will still swear she is as guilty as a criminal can be.
Joe Biden shouldn’t have used his position in Ukraine to make his loser son money,, trump just blew the whistle

Trump blew Putin- not his whistle.

You have proof that Joe Biden committed any crimes- lets see it.

Meanwhile- Joe Biden acted in accordance to official U.S. policy, with the support of the Senate and the EU.

Trump acted in secrecy as part of his own policy to benefit himself politically
They are investigating! Lol calm down, you should be asking what qualified Joe Biden son to get the job he did .. when that’s answered then let’s talk impeachment or are you scared ? Why do you cover for democrats? Are you a one rule party?

Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

Trump has called actual legal whistleblowers 'spies' and suggested the death penalty.
Trump has called for the outing of actual legal whistleblowers in violation of the law.

Trump's courage extends as far as his couragious battle against STDs.

Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
So hold up! Democrats want to impeach the greatest president in the history of the world all because he blew a whistle on corruption from Joe Biden ? Wow

What evidence did he report?
Hunter got PAID for being the son and when it was going to be investigated Biden had the prosecutor fired on national TV lol

Except of course, Biden pressured Ukraine to fire the prosecutor as part of official U.S. policy, with the support of the Senate, and the EU.

Except for those pesky facts.
Everyone has pressure on them.. not an excuse for Biden to cover up bribes we could uncover

Not an excuse for Trump to cover up his quid pro quo to get Ukraine to investigate his political rival.
Trump blew Putin- not his whistle.

You have proof that Joe Biden committed any crimes- lets see it.

Meanwhile- Joe Biden acted in accordance to official U.S. policy, with the support of the Senate and the EU.

Trump acted in secrecy as part of his own policy to benefit himself politically
They are investigating! Lol calm down, you should be asking what qualified Joe Biden son to get the job he did .. when that’s answered then let’s talk impeachment or are you scared ? Why do you cover for democrats? Are you a one rule party?

Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

So you don't really have any evidence to back up your claim that the Dirty Don is actually the whistle blower here.

Political extortion is what he was caught gaming.
Well the point of being a whistleblower is….YOU Investigate THE CLAIM lol not cover it up democrats

If only you and your Orange Messiah felt that way about actual whistleblowers.

Instead of actually seeking to label a whistleblower as a spy and threaten them with harm.
Joe Biden shouldn’t have used his position in Ukraine to make his loser son money,, trump just blew the whistle

Trump blew Putin- not his whistle.

You have proof that Joe Biden committed any crimes- lets see it.

Meanwhile- Joe Biden acted in accordance to official U.S. policy, with the support of the Senate and the EU.

Trump acted in secrecy as part of his own policy to benefit himself politically
They are investigating! Lol calm down, you should be asking what qualified Joe Biden son to get the job he did .. when that’s answered then let’s talk impeachment or are you scared ? Why do you cover for democrats? Are you a one rule party?

Who is investigating? I mean other than Donald Trump's personal lawyer?

What qualified Joe Biden's son for the job he got? It appears nothing more than his name.

What qualified Donald Trump Jr. to get the job he got? His name.

Personally, I think that the company that hired Biden was stupid- but there is no evidence that any crime was broken and I don't know why you think that Joe Biden was supposed to prevent his son from taking such a lucrative offer. I think that the hiring of Hunter Biden was an example of how companies hire unqualified people for their name power- and I would love to hear your thoughts on how such things could be stopped- or whether they should be.

If you have any evidence that either Hunter or Joe Biden did anything illegal- well share with us. You have evidence of a crime- actual evidence- I will support an investigation regardless of the party.

And I assume you are supporting the impeachment investigation- right? Because you aren't scared of an investigation- right?
SO LET US INVESTIGATE, lol if joe Biden didn’t use bribes to get his son the job let’s look in to it,, did Biden hold up aid? Yes let’s investigate like we would for any whistle blower, stop attacking the whistle blower,, Trump is courageous for taking on the deep state .. we should have the whistle blowers back

Trump has called actual legal whistleblowers 'spies' and suggested the death penalty.
Trump has called for the outing of actual legal whistleblowers in violation of the law.

Trump's courage extends as far as his couragious battle against STDs.

Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
It’s your funeral Democrats you been warned ,, don’t do it. But please do haha

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