Impeachment looming

Let me tell you how the left envisions Donald Trump right now:

They sincerely believe that he's locked himself in the Oval Office, tweeting something about "water fluoridation" and Chuckie Schumer "stealing his precious bodily fluids."

They believe the House and Senate Democrats need to call an emergency meeting in order to find a way to stop the madman Trump before he nukes what's left of Obama's rapidly dissolving legacy.

If only they had a super-hero to save them. :crybaby:

you cant impeach Jr, and as long as the Republitards hold the House, Trump Sr is safe ... but somewhere hiding in the ranks of The Trump Cartel theres a chink in the armor, and someone will break under the pressure of either an investigation, or a gazillion bucks to write a book and be famous.
The snowflakes still haven't come to accept that we won, and they lost.
The ball is rolling, its just a matter of time

Trump’s odds of impeachment soar to new high

Silly leftist shill, impeachment is already in the works, you're late: Article of Impeachment.pdf
Glad you are aboard, the odds of succeeding are getting better every week

I'm betting no. I give it 2-3 days and poof! That one goes away.

Then it's on to the next outrageous thing that for sure means Trump is really really done now, until that fails.
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

Yes we do. That's why we'd rather have an incompetent fool who won't do much damage over a rabid Socialist bitch who would have furthered the Ape King's eight yaar reign of terror.
go see a psychiatrist, you need help badly

I'm married to a Psychiatrist, six other members of my family are also Psychiatrists and I can tell you, you people are literally heading toward Borderline Insanity with all of this stuff, your unnatural organic and fanatical hatred of Trump is driving you completely crazy and that's the Clinical definition of crazy.

Full of hysteria and delusions and Conspiracy Theories and denial, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so disturbing.
you cant impeach Jr, and as long as the Republitards hold the House, Trump Sr is safe ... but somewhere hiding in the ranks of The Trump Cartel theres a chink in the armor, and someone will break under the pressure of either an investigation, or a gazillion bucks to write a book and be famous.

Not likely. Obama screwed the pooch many times over and he wasn't impeached. Hell, some of the stunts he pulled were worthy of much more than impeachment. The fact that he was half-black probably had much to do with it, and the mealy-mouthed RINOs in the House and Senate didn't want someone to think they were "racists" or something.

What the Dems haven't seemed to figure out though, is that Trump is different. He's no politician and doesn't play by traditional rules. The Dems are trying to play checkers and keep losing badly at it, so all they can do is upset the checkerboard.

Trump on the other hand, is playing 3-D chess with Surround Sound, and is a master at it.
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

Yes we do. That's why we'd rather have an incompetent fool who won't do much damage over a rabid Socialist bitch who would have furthered the Ape King's eight yaar reign of terror.
go see a psychiatrist, you need help badly

I'm married to a Psychiatrist, six other members of my family are also Psychiatrists and I can tell you, you people are literally heading toward Borderline Insanity with all of this stuff, your unnatural organic and fanatical hatred of Trump is driving you completely crazy and that's the Clinical definition of crazy.

Full of hysteria and delusions and Conspiracy Theories and denial, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so disturbing.

Winner! What we're witnessing is mass hysteria being incited by the media.
The ball is rolling, its just a matter of time

Trump’s odds of impeachment soar to new high

Silly leftist shill, impeachment is already in the works, you're late: Article of Impeachment.pdf

Yes but ol' Shermie admitted he knows it'll go nowhere, he just did it hoping it'll make Trump stop tweeting. So everyone agreed that from now on, Trump will tweet twice as much a day.
Maybe Trump care will offer free post election PTSD counseling for the left wing angry incoherent radicals who are still locked in a fantasy world that includes impeachment and assassination.
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up.

We did get fed up with the lies, that's why so many ignore the MSM.
Just the junior fiasco alone there have been dozens of lies, and garbage like you couldn't care less
Yes, and you believed I didn't have sex with that woman Lewinsky. Probably still do after his impeachment. Lol.
you cant impeach Jr, and as long as the Republitards hold the House, Trump Sr is safe ... but somewhere hiding in the ranks of The Trump Cartel theres a chink in the armor, and someone will break under the pressure of either an investigation, or a gazillion bucks to write a book and be famous.

Not likely. Obama screwed the pooch many times over and he wasn't impeached. Hell, some of the stunts he pulled were worthy of much more than impeachment. The fact that he was half-black probably had much to do with it, and the mealy-mouthed RINOs in the House and Senate didn't want someone to think they were "racists" or something.

What the Dems haven't seemed to figure out though, is that Trump is different. He's no politician and doesn't play by traditional rules. The Dems are trying to play checkers and keep losing badly at it, so all they can do is upset the checkerboard.

Trump on the other hand, is playing 3-D chess with Surround Sound, and is a master at it.

ok, you cant read.

youre dismissed
Even the lib bots posting this lube all over the internet don't believe it. They are just getting paid. Or think they will be paid.

^^^^ What he said.

View attachment 138835[/QUOTE]

Let's do that right, Lucy:

you cant impeach Jr, and as long as the Republitards hold the House, Trump Sr is safe ... but somewhere hiding in the ranks of The Trump Cartel theres a chink in the armor, and someone will break under the pressure of either an investigation, or a gazillion bucks to write a book and be famous.

Not likely. Obama screwed the pooch many times over and he wasn't impeached. Hell, some of the stunts he pulled were worthy of much more than impeachment. The fact that he was half-black probably had much to do with it, and the mealy-mouthed RINOs in the House and Senate didn't want someone to think they were "racists" or something.

What the Dems haven't seemed to figure out though, is that Trump is different. He's no politician and doesn't play by traditional rules. The Dems are trying to play checkers and keep losing badly at it, so all they can do is upset the checkerboard.

Trump on the other hand, is playing 3-D chess with Surround Sound, and is a master at it.

ok, you cant read.

youre dismissed

Of course I can read. What makes you so sure the GOP is going to lose the House or the Senate? For a party that just lost two special elections, the Dems sure are banking a lot on the mid-terms.

They can look for "chinks" all they want to but like every fake news story they come up with, every one of them has turned out to be a big nothingburger. So how long can they keep crying "wolf", before the whole country gets tired of it all? Soon, I think. And day by day, Americans are finding out just how much Trump's policies are bringing us out of the malaise Obama dragged us into the last 8 years.

Oh BTW: Did you see how the market went into a record high again today?

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