Impeachment looming

Maybe Trump care will offer free post election PTSD counseling for the left wing angry incoherent radicals who are still locked in a fantasy world that includes impeachment and assassination.
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

Yes, which is why we fight you Nazis.

Never again.
Let me tell you how the left envisions Donald Trump right now:

They sincerely believe that he's locked himself in the Oval Office, tweeting something about "water fluoridation" and Chuckie Schumer "stealing his precious bodily fluids."

They believe the House and Senate Democrats need to call an emergency meeting in order to find a way to stop the madman Trump before he nukes what's left of Obama's rapidly dissolving legacy.

If only they had a super-hero to save them. :crybaby:

Well they sent hillary but she passed out half way and had to be thrown into a van.
Let me tell you how the left envisions Donald Trump right now:

They sincerely believe that he's locked himself in the Oval Office, tweeting something about "water fluoridation" and Chuckie Schumer "stealing his precious bodily fluids."

They believe the House and Senate Democrats need to call an emergency meeting in order to find a way to stop the madman Trump before he nukes what's left of Obama's rapidly dissolving legacy.

If only they had a super-hero to save them. :crybaby:

Well they sent hillary but she passed out half way and had to be thrown into a van.

I think I said "super-hero", not "super-zero". :biggrin:
Let me tell you how the left envisions Donald Trump right now:

They sincerely believe that he's locked himself in the Oval Office, tweeting something about "water fluoridation" and Chuckie Schumer "stealing his precious bodily fluids."

They believe the House and Senate Democrats need to call an emergency meeting in order to find a way to stop the madman Trump before he nukes what's left of Obama's rapidly dissolving legacy.

If only they had a super-hero to save them. :crybaby:

Well they sent hillary but she passed out half way and had to be thrown into a van.

I think I said "super-hero", not "super-zero". :biggrin:
Look t who they had available. There was no choice. When you have only zeros to send...
The thing the dimshit scum do not realize is what WILL happen if they truly try to remove Trump after so many states, and REAL people voted for him. They have the mistaken idea that they have a lock on violent riots, even though they accuse everyone else of it. They think some of their better ones were so great like La, Watts, and recently all of the BLM crap. , they ain't seen nothing yet BBbbbaby they just AINT SEEN NOTHING yet, There's something coming that they will never get the chance to forget!! They ain't been around when hell comes to earth, but some of us have!!! HAHAHAHAAHA.
BTW JGalt, nice avi, lost on most of the shit liberals though.

You could be right. Conservatives are a peaceful lot, it takes a lot to get them riled, but I would bet that like a sleeping bear, you don't want to piss them off too much. Look at what happened the last few years just by waking them up a little bit------ first they took the House, then the Senate, then the White House, and finally, they took the Supreme Court. Next they are going to kick all of the criminal illegals out, have a fresh look at all the illegals left behind, stop any more illegals or undocumented aliens from coming in, then take back all of the money funding the sanctuary states! And the first year is only half over!
Is that like Hillary having a 92% chance of being elected president in 2016? :lmao:

If data still has any meaning, wasn't it closer to 97% sure thing the evening of the 8th? :spinner:

Let's just check on that, the memory is foggy:


Nope, just 91%. :)

Bwahahahahahaha! ^ This is from the evening of Nov 8, 2016.

Ha! Thank you, that one's a keeper. Think I'll make a bumper sticker out of it. Say, am I crazy or does Hillary look like an Armadillo?
I'm still giddy from seeing Hillary lose and all the good things Trump is doing to reverse the last 8 years of Obama.

To me, the highlight of election night was after Hillary lost, she left all her supporters at DNC headquarters waiting and stood them all up. She didn't even show her face like a man to thank them for their hard work. She was backstage somewhere throwing a temper tantrum, throwing things around the room, and blaming others. The part that really hurt them was how they had built up Trump as a total idiot and complete loser who could not possibly beat the Great Hillary! First she lost to an unknown senator from Illinois, then she lost to a beauty contest and TV show owner who liked to grab pussies. But GOOD pussies, Hillary, pretty ones, not dried up, old wrinkled ones like yours.
The snowflakes still haven't come to accept that we won, and they lost.
Sure, with a little help from your friends.

The Left is so full of themselves, they never will get that they actually beat themselves! So they tell themselves that they could have only lost because Trump's voters must have been idiots brainwashed and just not smart like them. ;)
I'm still giddy from seeing Hillary lose and all the good things Trump is doing to reverse the last 8 years of Obama.

To me, the highlight of election night was after Hillary lost, she left all her supporters at DNC headquarters waiting and stood them all up. She didn't even show her face like a man to thank them for their hard work. She was backstage somewhere throwing a temper tantrum, throwing things around the room, and blaming others. The part that really hurt them was how they had built up Trump as a total idiot and complete loser who could not possibly beat the Great Hillary! First she lost to an unknown senator from Illinois, then she lost to a beauty contest and TV show owner who liked to grab pussies. But GOOD pussies, Hillary, pretty ones, not dried up, old wrinkled ones like yours.

And the winning never stops. The buthurtedness continues on here day after day after day.

I could get used to 4 years of this. Or even 8. :laugh:
This is predicated on the assumption that he is guilty of something.

But Trump IS guilty of ONE thing: not being blackmailable by political intimidation, not being corruptible by lobbyist money, not being influenced by slanted marketing polls, and not going through them but taking the election straight to the voters. The rat bastard.
This is predicated on the assumption that he is guilty of something.

But Trump IS guilty of ONE thing: not being blackmailable by political intimidation, not being corruptible by lobbyist money, not being influenced by slanted marketing polls, and not going through them but taking the election straight to the voters. The rat bastard.

He also has one thing in common with Putin: He loves his country very much.

Not sure if the left can comprehend something like that, for what it's worth.
And the winning never stops. The buthurtedness continues on here day after day after day.
I could get used to 4 years of this. Or even 8. :laugh:

Might have to invent some sort of new, super heavy duty high-temp, industrial grade petroleum jelly to deal with all of the butt-hurt.
And the winning never stops. The buthurtedness continues on here day after day after day.
I could get used to 4 years of this. Or even 8. :laugh:

Might have to invent some sort of new, super heavy duty high-temp, industrial grade petroleum jelly to deal with all of the butt-hurt.

If I'd invested my entire portfolio in the company that makes Preparation H last year, I'd be one rich SOB,
The thing the dimshit scum do not realize is what WILL happen if they truly try to remove Trump after so many states, and REAL people voted for him. They have the mistaken idea that they have a lock on violent riots, even though they accuse everyone else of it. They think some of their better ones were so great like La, Watts, and recently all of the BLM crap. , they ain't seen nothing yet BBbbbaby they just AINT SEEN NOTHING yet, There's something coming that they will never get the chance to forget!! They ain't been around when hell comes to earth, but some of us have!!! HAHAHAHAAHA.
BTW JGalt, nice avi, lost on most of the shit liberals though.

You could be right. Conservatives are a peaceful lot, it takes a lot to get them riled, but I would bet that like a sleeping bear, you don't want to piss them off too much. Look at what happened the last few years just by waking them up a little bit------ first they took the House, then the Senate, then the White House, and finally, they took the Supreme Court. Next they are going to kick all of the criminal illegals out, have a fresh look at all the illegals left behind, stop any more illegals or undocumented aliens from coming in, then take back all of the money funding the sanctuary states! And the first year is only half over!

If we kick the illegals out, then the democrats can't use foreign powers to corrupt the American election system.

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