Impeachment looming

The ball is rolling, its just a matter of time

Trump’s odds of impeachment soar to new high

Let's all pick dates and see who gets closest! Winner gets $50 from the others!

If I pick the date "never", does that mean every liberal in this country pays me $50?

I could retire on that. :biggrin:

Nah, sorry, the obvious choice must be disallowed as we'd all pick it. But let all the Libs pick a calendar date, it will be fun to see the disappointment rise as each date passes. One USMB member said he would be impeached by year's end, I offered to bet him $500, never heard from him again.
Another ignore thread recycled again. The thing the dimshit scum do not realize is what WILL happen if they truly try to remove Trump after so many states, and REAL people voted for him. They have the mistaken idea that they have a lock on violent riots, even though they accuse everyone else of it. They think some of their better ones were so great like La, Watts, and recently all of the BLM crap. , they ain't seen nothing yet BBbbbaby they just AINT SEEN NOTHING yet, There's something coming that they will never get the chance to forget!! They ain't been around when hell comes to earth, but some of us have!!! HAHAHAHAAHA.

BTW JGalt, nice avi, lost on most of the shit liberals though.
The Trumpflakes are all extra-shrill today. Good. They try to hide their panic, but they just look like this.

What happens to the angry incoherent radical left when impeachment isn't an option? Will they finally accept the results of the election or will assassination be the next step for the crazy left?
Maybe Trump care will offer free post election PTSD counseling for the left wing angry incoherent radicals who are still locked in a fantasy world that includes impeachment and assassination.
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

I don't know, how many lies are you willing to tell?
The Trumpflakes are all extra-shrill today. Good. They try to hide their panic, but they just look like this.

Panic? You must be suffering from delusions of grandeur. I'm still giddy from seeing Hillary lose and all the good things Trump is doing to reverse the last 8 years of Obama. This is real hope and change. Not that fake plastic stuff we were lied to in 2008.
Maybe Trump care will offer free post election PTSD counseling for the left wing angry incoherent radicals who are still locked in a fantasy world that includes impeachment and assassination.
How many lies must be told before even your kind get fed up. Do you really care about this country?

If you haven't noticed Donald trump was elected precisely because much of the nation is few up with your lies.
you cant impeach Jr, and as long as the Republitards hold the House, Trump Sr is safe ... but somewhere hiding in the ranks of The Trump Cartel theres a chink in the armor, and someone will break under the pressure of either an investigation, or a gazillion bucks to write a book and be famous.

This is predicated on the assumption that he is guilty of something. There is no reasonable suspicion that this true
you cant impeach Jr, and as long as the Republitards hold the House, Trump Sr is safe ... but somewhere hiding in the ranks of The Trump Cartel theres a chink in the armor, and someone will break under the pressure of either an investigation, or a gazillion bucks to write a book and be famous.

Not likely. Obama screwed the pooch many times over and he wasn't impeached. Hell, some of the stunts he pulled were worthy of much more than impeachment. The fact that he was half-black probably had much to do with it, and the mealy-mouthed RINOs in the House and Senate didn't want someone to think they were "racists" or something.

What the Dems haven't seemed to figure out though, is that Trump is different. He's no politician and doesn't play by traditional rules. The Dems are trying to play checkers and keep losing badly at it, so all they can do is upset the checkerboard.

Trump on the other hand, is playing 3-D chess with Surround Sound, and is a master at it.

ok, you cant read.

youre dismissed

"There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is in the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."


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