Zone1 IMPORTANT: Do NOT "bump" Threads Older Than May 27th, 2022 in this Forum.

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what and where is zone 1?
It's certain forums with a green tag and it says zone 1. Can't miss it. Like this.

zone 1.jpg
what and where is zone 1?

That's a secret, kinda like that planet Wesley went to where they kill you for an infraction but don't tell you it was an infraction until after you've broken it. :smoke:

What do you want, Trog, simple and easy posting? I mean, even our POTUS has to carry a card telling him how to answer a question!

AFAIK, Zone 1 comprises:
  1. Intro Yourself
  2. Announcements / FB
  3. Politics
  4. Clean Debate Zone
  5. Religion / Ethics
  6. Race / Relations
  7. USMB Lounge
Maybe 1-2 other places now--- they keep changing it. Problem is that there are six ways to get into threads and none of them tell you it is a Z1 thread topic except Race/Relations, if you happen to look at the very top of the page.

The jungle bunnies must really be beating the drums loud now. Maybe BLM is buying up USMB.
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That's a secret, kinda like that planet Wesley went to where they kill you for an infraction but don't tell you it was an infraction until after you've broken it. :smoke:

What do you want, Trog, simple and easy posting? I mean, even our POTUS has to carry a card telling him how to answer a question!

AFAIK, Zone 1 comprises:
  1. Intro Yourself
  2. Announcements / FB
  3. Politics
  4. Clean Debate Zone
  5. Race / Relations
  6. USMB Lounge
Maybe 1-2 other places now--- they keep changing it. Problem is that there are six ways to get into threads and none of them tell you it is a Z1 thread topic except Race/Relations, if you happen to look at the very top of the page.

The jungle bunnies must really be beating the drums loud now. Maybe BLM is buying up USMB.

Unless I'm missing something, politics isn't a Zone 1 safe space.
Unless I'm missing something, politics isn't a Zone 1 safe space.

Pretty sure Politics was moved to Z1 not too long ago.

Mods think we members really actually pay attention / keep track of all this stuff like they do!
Except I think it changes pink when it is due to rain.

View attachment 665384

Good use of the Zone 1 loophole. I don't see anything in the Zone 1 rules that say you can't be sassy.

"Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics."
Maybe BLM is buying up USMB.
I suspect that this is the case. The notion that we post differently depending on which subforum we are posting on is absolutely ridiculous. Whatever the zone stuff is about. I guarantee that it has something to do with more censorship and control coming from the side of the political war that can't live without censorship and control. It is apparent that control of this site is slipping away to the woke/blm side of the war.

This zone stuff and ever increasing implementation of new and arbitrary rules is just euphemism for what it really is, which is a war against free speech, freedom, and America. Lipstick on a pig.
"Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics."
I can't find in zone one where it says you can't troll or derail. It says civil discourse, but not honest discourse. I guess this makes sense though, since real and honest political discourse is not about being either one...
Maybe we could just get an outline of what political narrative we need to stick to on the heavily controlled race subforum, that way the mods don't feel compelled to censor, deplatform, suppress speech, or delete things. Then we can finally have civil discussion/utopia.
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