In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.
You do realise that as soon as you use the terms Zionist and hasbara you show that you are nothing but a Nazi throwback and racist Jew hater don't you.
The world of reality cant be altered by your anti Jew hatred and propaganda, the world is watching for just such a thing to happen again, so it can finish the job it started in 1944

That was the usual Zionist supremasist hasbara, they never address the arguments of their opponents, they immediately attack the person, and they constantly use empty words, like "Nazi", "Jew-Hater", "Racist", etc.

BTW, Zionism is a form of Racism!
UN voted for that definition!!!

Actually the topic of this thread is about the historical fact that in 1948 Arabs warned the Palestinians to get out of the way before they attacked Israel, and that has been clearly proven. You and your fellow terrorist worshipers have tried to derail this thread many times with your name calling and false accusations, because you can't handle the truth.
No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.

No, it is no longer tenable because, the claims of the Zionists were found out to be false. The British further detailed the Zionists attacks in yet another report published on 21 January 1948. There is so much of this material in the archives, every time you try to deflect, more will be found.



General Assembly


21 January 1948


"the Government of Palestine is faced with the practical difficulty that in spite of these representations the Hagana continue to carry out outrageous attacks on Arab villages and buildings. The latest instance of this was the blowing up of the Semiramis Hotel by the Hagana. The Hagana are in no sense a disciplined force and incidents are continually occurring in which their members provoke attack.

The National Military Organization and Stern groups are either completely out of control or (as the Arabs believe) are secretly countenanced. In recent exploits by these groups in Haifa and Jaffa they have killed thirty Arabs and wounded some 120 and they continue vigorously to attack the police and army. The Jewish community appears to be still unwilling to heed the warnings so often given by the Administration over the past two years that unless these terrorists are traced and handed over to the police they will not only make any chance of peace impossible...,"

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948
No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.

No, it is no longer tenable because, the claims of the Zionists were found out to be false. The British further detailed the Zionists attacks in yet another report published on 21 January 1948. There is so much of this material in the archives, every time you try to deflect, more will be found.




General Assembly


21 January 1948


"the Government of Palestine is faced with the practical difficulty that in spite of these representations the Hagana continue to carry out outrageous attacks on Arab villages and buildings. The latest instance of this was the blowing up of the Semiramis Hotel by the Hagana. The Hagana are in no sense a disciplined force and incidents are continually occurring in which their members provoke attack.

The National Military Organization and Stern groups are either completely out of control or (as the Arabs believe) are secretly countenanced. In recent exploits by these groups in Haifa and Jaffa they have killed thirty Arabs and wounded some 120 and they continue vigorously to attack the police and army. The Jewish community appears to be still unwilling to heed the warnings so often given by the Administration over the past two years that unless these terrorists are traced and handed over to the police they will not only make any chance of peace impossible...,"

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

A record of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking. Irgun and Haganah were independent militias created to defend against Arab Muslim savagery.

You forgot to post this, document mutilator, liar extraordinaire:

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless.
UN then realised that it was a racist resolution ...

No, the lapdog of Israel (USA) pressed for the revocation of this resolution.
Israel made this to the condition of its participation in the Madrid Peace Conference.

Zionists managed to blackmail the governments, but Israel is still one of the most hated states, according to polls.

BBC poll Israel among world s least popular nations - World - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

And if the member states were not in agreement then it would not have been revocated would it.

Once again this poll was RACIST and contained only two questions, both weighted against Israel in the extreme, which is why the BBC was forced to scrap the poll and issue an apology.

Use of this poll shows you to be a RACIST NAZI JEW HATER
No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.

No, it is no longer tenable because, the claims of the Zionists were found out to be false. The British further detailed the Zionists attacks in yet another report published on 21 January 1948. There is so much of this material in the archives, every time you try to deflect, more will be found.




General Assembly


21 January 1948


"the Government of Palestine is faced with the practical difficulty that in spite of these representations the Hagana continue to carry out outrageous attacks on Arab villages and buildings. The latest instance of this was the blowing up of the Semiramis Hotel by the Hagana. The Hagana are in no sense a disciplined force and incidents are continually occurring in which their members provoke attack.

The National Military Organization and Stern groups are either completely out of control or (as the Arabs believe) are secretly countenanced. In recent exploits by these groups in Haifa and Jaffa they have killed thirty Arabs and wounded some 120 and they continue vigorously to attack the police and army. The Jewish community appears to be still unwilling to heed the warnings so often given by the Administration over the past two years that unless these terrorists are traced and handed over to the police they will not only make any chance of peace impossible...,"

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

A record of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking. Irgun and Haganah were independent militias created to defend against Arab Muslim savagery.

You forgot to post this, document mutilator, liar extraordinaire:

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless.

Yes, it says that there was no general Arab attack. Only sniping between the two parties. So what? (and it says the Jews were fibbing about starving)

But let's delve into this further, since you seem to want to explore further. The Arabs had been under constant attack by Jewish terrorists, the British reported it thus:

"Publicity has been given to the situation prevailing in the Old City of Jerusalem, and His Majesty’s Government and the Government of Palestine have been accused, inter alia, of allowing the Arabs to blockade the Old City of Jerusalem and to isolate some 1,800 Jewish inhabitants and to starve them out. The Commission will no doubt welcome the following account of how the situation in the Old City of Jerusalem has developed and how it has been dealt with.

The facts are that on 13 December, bombs were thrown into Arab crowds immediately outside the Damascus Gate of the Old City by Jews passing in motor cars. In the explosions which followed seven Arabs were killed and fifty-four injured. These casualties included women and children. As a result of this outrage, credit for which was later claimed by the Igun Zvei Leumi, the Arabs set up road blocks outside the Old City to check the identity of passers-by. These road blocks were cleared away by security forces. On 29 December, the Irgun Zvei Leumi carried out an exactly similar indiscriminate bomb attack at the Damascus Gate, killing eleven and wounding thirty-two Arabs, many of whom were women and children. Two British policemen were also killed in or as a result of this outrage. The Arab immediately re-established their road blocks at all entrances to the Old City. These blocks were recognized by the Government as a reasonable measure of self-defence on the part of the Arabs having regard to the indiscriminate outrages carried by the Irgun Zvei Leumi, but arrangements were made for British police to be attached to them in a supervisory capacity. Ordinary traffic of the Jews in and out of the Old City was, however, brought to an end and this led to an immediate reaction on the part of the Jews, who asserted that 1,800 members of their community inside the Old City were besieged, starved, and about to be massacred.

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948
No mutilated documents, just the exact text. Quit lying. You lost, as usual. I am posting from my home in the U.S., I am a US Army combat veteran and I see you as supporting a foreign country over the U.S. Maybe the FBI is watching you as a possible spy for Israel.

You support a group of people who are rabid anti Americans and have had many "Death to America" rallies while burning the American flag. You support people who cheered and celebrated on the streets upon hearing about the Twin Towers being hit. You're a traitor to your country.

I support the right of the Palestinians to be free, the Christians especially. I do not support Islamists. I would be very careful about calling people traitors, it is libel, particularly U.S. military veterans.

Stop whining, you're the one who creates threads calling specific posters spies, paid propagandists and Hasbara, asshole. Palestinians danced in the streets on Sept 11, and murdered over 150,000 Christians in Lebanon. You also expressed your views on America and US policy openly several times. You are what you are. Live with it.

Having served in the military doesn't give you a blank check to vomit hatred and lies on the Internet.

Posting facts is not hate. And, your post tells it all, the usual lies.

Posting manipulated facts is hate, and you do this all the time

Notice, even in that document he used, he avoided posting all the instances documenting the Arab attacks and intention to commit genocide on the Jews. The document even calls the Jewish attacks REPRISALS, meaning, the Arabs attacked first, and the Jews responded. This confirms that the Arabs were the attackers initially, until the situation became a cluster fuck of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking such that the British could NO LONGER determine who the attackers were. And that's exactly what the previous document says.
No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.

No, it is no longer tenable because, the claims of the Zionists were found out to be false. The British further detailed the Zionists attacks in yet another report published on 21 January 1948. There is so much of this material in the archives, every time you try to deflect, more will be found.




General Assembly


21 January 1948


"the Government of Palestine is faced with the practical difficulty that in spite of these representations the Hagana continue to carry out outrageous attacks on Arab villages and buildings. The latest instance of this was the blowing up of the Semiramis Hotel by the Hagana. The Hagana are in no sense a disciplined force and incidents are continually occurring in which their members provoke attack.

The National Military Organization and Stern groups are either completely out of control or (as the Arabs believe) are secretly countenanced. In recent exploits by these groups in Haifa and Jaffa they have killed thirty Arabs and wounded some 120 and they continue vigorously to attack the police and army. The Jewish community appears to be still unwilling to heed the warnings so often given by the Administration over the past two years that unless these terrorists are traced and handed over to the police they will not only make any chance of peace impossible...,"

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

A record of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking. Irgun and Haganah were independent militias created to defend against Arab Muslim savagery.

You forgot to post this, document mutilator, liar extraordinaire:

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless.

Yes, it says that there was no general Arab attack. Only sniping between the two parties. So what? (and it says the Jews were fibbing about starving)

But let's delve into this further, since you seem to want to explore further. The Arabs had been under constant attack by Jewish terrorists, the British reported it thus:

"Publicity has been given to the situation prevailing in the Old City of Jerusalem, and His Majesty’s Government and the Government of Palestine have been accused, inter alia, of allowing the Arabs to blockade the Old City of Jerusalem and to isolate some 1,800 Jewish inhabitants and to starve them out. The Commission will no doubt welcome the following account of how the situation in the Old City of Jerusalem has developed and how it has been dealt with.

The facts are that on 13 December, bombs were thrown into Arab crowds immediately outside the Damascus Gate of the Old City by Jews passing in motor cars. In the explosions which followed seven Arabs were killed and fifty-four injured. These casualties included women and children. As a result of this outrage, credit for which was later claimed by the Igun Zvei Leumi, the Arabs set up road blocks outside the Old City to check the identity of passers-by. These road blocks were cleared away by security forces. On 29 December, the Irgun Zvei Leumi carried out an exactly similar indiscriminate bomb attack at the Damascus Gate, killing eleven and wounding thirty-two Arabs, many of whom were women and children. Two British policemen were also killed in or as a result of this outrage. The Arab immediately re-established their road blocks at all entrances to the Old City. These blocks were recognized by the Government as a reasonable measure of self-defence on the part of the Arabs having regard to the indiscriminate outrages carried by the Irgun Zvei Leumi, but arrangements were made for British police to be attached to them in a supervisory capacity. Ordinary traffic of the Jews in and out of the Old City was, however, brought to an end and this led to an immediate reaction on the part of the Jews, who asserted that 1,800 members of their community inside the Old City were besieged, starved, and about to be massacred.

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

Stop mutilating the document liar. Citing Jewish reprisals to Arab attacks. The Palesrinians joined the Arab armies in attacking the Jews, and the Jews were attacking back.

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless.
You support a group of people who are rabid anti Americans and have had many "Death to America" rallies while burning the American flag. You support people who cheered and celebrated on the streets upon hearing about the Twin Towers being hit. You're a traitor to your country.

I support the right of the Palestinians to be free, the Christians especially. I do not support Islamists. I would be very careful about calling people traitors, it is libel, particularly U.S. military veterans.

Stop whining, you're the one who creates threads calling specific posters spies, paid propagandists and Hasbara, asshole. Palestinians danced in the streets on Sept 11, and murdered over 150,000 Christians in Lebanon. You also expressed your views on America and US policy openly several times. You are what you are. Live with it.

Having served in the military doesn't give you a blank check to vomit hatred and lies on the Internet.

Posting facts is not hate. And, your post tells it all, the usual lies.

Posting manipulated facts is hate, and you do this all the time

Notice, even in that document he used, he avoided posting all the instances documenting the Arab attacks and intention to commit genocide on the Jews. The document even calls the Jewish attacks REPRISALS, meaning, the Arabs attacked first, and the Jews responded. This confirms that the Arabs were the attackers initially, until the situation became a cluster fuck of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking such that the British could NO LONGER determine who the attackers were. And that's exactly what the previous document says.

Nothing is manipulated, it is just the text.

It doesn't say anything of the sort Ruddy. Making things up again in your own original form of prose. You can't change the facts. In fact, the paragraph preceding it says again:

"In present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable."
I support the right of the Palestinians to be free, the Christians especially. I do not support Islamists. I would be very careful about calling people traitors, it is libel, particularly U.S. military veterans.

Stop whining, you're the one who creates threads calling specific posters spies, paid propagandists and Hasbara, asshole. Palestinians danced in the streets on Sept 11, and murdered over 150,000 Christians in Lebanon. You also expressed your views on America and US policy openly several times. You are what you are. Live with it.

Having served in the military doesn't give you a blank check to vomit hatred and lies on the Internet.

Posting facts is not hate. And, your post tells it all, the usual lies.

Posting manipulated facts is hate, and you do this all the time

Notice, even in that document he used, he avoided posting all the instances documenting the Arab attacks and intention to commit genocide on the Jews. The document even calls the Jewish attacks REPRISALS, meaning, the Arabs attacked first, and the Jews responded. This confirms that the Arabs were the attackers initially, until the situation became a cluster fuck of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking such that the British could NO LONGER determine who the attackers were. And that's exactly what the previous document says.

Nothing is manipulated, it is just the text.

It doesn't say anything of the sort Ruddy. Making things up again in your own original form of prose. You can't change the facts. In fact, the paragraph preceding it says again:

"In present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable."

Meaning in the present circumstances, the Arabs aren't the only attackers, as it was in the past. It's not tenable. The Jews have also became the attackers, and are responding to the Arab attacks with their own counter attacks.

So to conclude it was the Arab armies that forced the Palestinians to clear out while some Palestinians as we see in your documents started atacking the Jews internally.
I support the right of the Palestinians to be free, the Christians especially. I do not support Islamists. I would be very careful about calling people traitors, it is libel, particularly U.S. military veterans.

Stop whining, you're the one who creates threads calling specific posters spies, paid propagandists and Hasbara, asshole. Palestinians danced in the streets on Sept 11, and murdered over 150,000 Christians in Lebanon. You also expressed your views on America and US policy openly several times. You are what you are. Live with it.

Having served in the military doesn't give you a blank check to vomit hatred and lies on the Internet.

Posting facts is not hate. And, your post tells it all, the usual lies.

Posting manipulated facts is hate, and you do this all the time

Notice, even in that document he used, he avoided posting all the instances documenting the Arab attacks and intention to commit genocide on the Jews. The document even calls the Jewish attacks REPRISALS, meaning, the Arabs attacked first, and the Jews responded. This confirms that the Arabs were the attackers initially, until the situation became a cluster fuck of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking such that the British could NO LONGER determine who the attackers were. And that's exactly what the previous document says.

Nothing is manipulated, it is just the text.

It doesn't say anything of the sort Ruddy. Making things up again in your own original form of prose. You can't change the facts. In fact, the paragraph preceding it says again:

"In present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable."


Check mate. Deal with it
Have no noticed that everything this dumbass Monte posts, supports the fact that Arab armies threatened the Palestinians to leave. And while most did, some stayed behind and started attacking the Jews from the inside.

Thanks again, Monte.
Stop whining, you're the one who creates threads calling specific posters spies, paid propagandists and Hasbara, asshole. Palestinians danced in the streets on Sept 11, and murdered over 150,000 Christians in Lebanon. You also expressed your views on America and US policy openly several times. You are what you are. Live with it.

Having served in the military doesn't give you a blank check to vomit hatred and lies on the Internet.

Posting facts is not hate. And, your post tells it all, the usual lies.

Posting manipulated facts is hate, and you do this all the time

Notice, even in that document he used, he avoided posting all the instances documenting the Arab attacks and intention to commit genocide on the Jews. The document even calls the Jewish attacks REPRISALS, meaning, the Arabs attacked first, and the Jews responded. This confirms that the Arabs were the attackers initially, until the situation became a cluster fuck of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking such that the British could NO LONGER determine who the attackers were. And that's exactly what the previous document says.

Nothing is manipulated, it is just the text.

It doesn't say anything of the sort Ruddy. Making things up again in your own original form of prose. You can't change the facts. In fact, the paragraph preceding it says again:

"In present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable."


Check mate. Deal with it

Do you understand English? It means that there has been no general Arab attack and goes on to say that there has been sniping between the parties. Sheesh. Try reading whole the statement or go take English lessons.

"although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs."
No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.

No, it is no longer tenable because, the claims of the Zionists were found out to be false. The British further detailed the Zionists attacks in yet another report published on 21 January 1948. There is so much of this material in the archives, every time you try to deflect, more will be found.




General Assembly


21 January 1948


"the Government of Palestine is faced with the practical difficulty that in spite of these representations the Hagana continue to carry out outrageous attacks on Arab villages and buildings. The latest instance of this was the blowing up of the Semiramis Hotel by the Hagana. The Hagana are in no sense a disciplined force and incidents are continually occurring in which their members provoke attack.

The National Military Organization and Stern groups are either completely out of control or (as the Arabs believe) are secretly countenanced. In recent exploits by these groups in Haifa and Jaffa they have killed thirty Arabs and wounded some 120 and they continue vigorously to attack the police and army. The Jewish community appears to be still unwilling to heed the warnings so often given by the Administration over the past two years that unless these terrorists are traced and handed over to the police they will not only make any chance of peace impossible...,"

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

From your link freddy boy it shows that the arabs were the ones doing most of the killing

Total Arab Casualties................................................................................................................... 153

Total Jewish Casualties................................................................................................................ 966
ha ha ha. There has been no question of a general attack, means there is no question that the Arabs were engaged in a general attack on the Jews.

There is no question you are a mentally ill liar. Ha ha ha.
Have no noticed that everything this dumbass Monte posts, supports the fact that Arab armies threatened the Palestinians to leave. And while most did, some stayed behind and started attacking the Jews from the inside.

Thanks again, Monte.

Why don't you try to stick to the issues and instead of making things up, while asking for an audience to support your ridiculous interpretation of the English language.

You are just making things up.
No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.

No, it is no longer tenable because, the claims of the Zionists were found out to be false. The British further detailed the Zionists attacks in yet another report published on 21 January 1948. There is so much of this material in the archives, every time you try to deflect, more will be found.




General Assembly


21 January 1948


"the Government of Palestine is faced with the practical difficulty that in spite of these representations the Hagana continue to carry out outrageous attacks on Arab villages and buildings. The latest instance of this was the blowing up of the Semiramis Hotel by the Hagana. The Hagana are in no sense a disciplined force and incidents are continually occurring in which their members provoke attack.

The National Military Organization and Stern groups are either completely out of control or (as the Arabs believe) are secretly countenanced. In recent exploits by these groups in Haifa and Jaffa they have killed thirty Arabs and wounded some 120 and they continue vigorously to attack the police and army. The Jewish community appears to be still unwilling to heed the warnings so often given by the Administration over the past two years that unless these terrorists are traced and handed over to the police they will not only make any chance of peace impossible...,"

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

From your link freddy boy it shows that the arabs were the ones doing most of the killing

Total Arab Casualties................................................................................................................... 153

Total Jewish Casualties................................................................................................................ 966

Like I said, everything he posts shatters his own claims. But wait, Minte is now going to change the meaning of the phrase "there has been no question" means. Ha ha ha. It doesn't get better than this.
ha ha ha. There has been no question of a general attack, means there is no question that the Arabs were engaged in a general attack on the Jews.

There is no question you are a mentally ill liar. Ha ha ha.

Come on Ruddy. are you that incapable of understanding the English language, or are you playing dumb?

"although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs."

It means that although sniping has been taking place on both sides there is no question of a general attack by the Arabs.
Fact one: whenever Arabs threaten or attack Israel, the Arabs get their ass kicked.

Fact two: when in doubt, refer always to fact one.
No longer tenable means that it behave was tenable before (that the Arabs were the attackers, but now that the Jews are attacking the attackers, it's no longer tenable, DUMBASS. Even a sixth grader would understand what that text means. You just shot yourself in the foot with that quote. Ha ha ha.

Here's Monte's quote, which totally shatters his claim: "in the present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is no longer tenable."

Meaning, that the Jews are starting to defend themselves, despite the fact that the Arabs were the initial attackers. There is no other way to interpret this. That's why Monte cut out the phrase that came right after that sentence:

"Elements on each side are thus engaged in attacking or in taking reprisals indistinguishable from attacks."

Meaning, the Arabs can no longer be considered the only attackers. The Jews are also engaging in counter attacks and defending themselves against the savages now.

So conclude, the Jew hater Monte has nothing but bullshit, lies, and mutilated documents. If there's anybody that's obviously getting paid for spreading lies and false propaganda it would be Monte. I wonder if he's posting from the basement of some mosque that's on the FBI's radar?
No longer tenable in this context means the Zionists lied. "THE JEWISH STORY" is what is UNTENABLE. Here check this out, it might help you Word order and sentence structure Clear English grammar

What used to be tenable is no longer tenable. The Jews are now also the attackers. Notice the word "THUS", meaning...therefore, currently, BOTH SIDES ARE ATTACKING EACHOTHER, ITS NO LONGER THE ARABS ONLY. Even a sixth grader would be able to conclude that, flunky.

No, it is no longer tenable because, the claims of the Zionists were found out to be false. The British further detailed the Zionists attacks in yet another report published on 21 January 1948. There is so much of this material in the archives, every time you try to deflect, more will be found.




General Assembly


21 January 1948


"the Government of Palestine is faced with the practical difficulty that in spite of these representations the Hagana continue to carry out outrageous attacks on Arab villages and buildings. The latest instance of this was the blowing up of the Semiramis Hotel by the Hagana. The Hagana are in no sense a disciplined force and incidents are continually occurring in which their members provoke attack.

The National Military Organization and Stern groups are either completely out of control or (as the Arabs believe) are secretly countenanced. In recent exploits by these groups in Haifa and Jaffa they have killed thirty Arabs and wounded some 120 and they continue vigorously to attack the police and army. The Jewish community appears to be still unwilling to heed the warnings so often given by the Administration over the past two years that unless these terrorists are traced and handed over to the police they will not only make any chance of peace impossible...,"

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

From your link freddy boy it shows that the arabs were the ones doing most of the killing

Total Arab Casualties................................................................................................................... 153

Total Jewish Casualties................................................................................................................ 966

Like I said, everything he posts shatters his own claims. But wait, Minte is now going to change the meaning of the phrase "there has been no question" means. Ha ha ha. It doesn't get better than this.

I guess that you really do have a reading comprehension problem.

"although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs."

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