In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

Once again this poll was RACIST and contained only two questions, both weighted against Israel in the extreme, which is why the BBC was forced to scrap the poll and issue an apology.

Use of this poll shows you to be a RACIST NAZI JEW HATER


The entire world is "racist", only Zionists are good and innocent guys.


Zionists are the good guys and Islamists are the barbaric animals practicing supremacism and savagery. Correct.
You and your fellow terrorist worshipers ...

Israel was created by terror, many prominent Israeli leaders were members of terrorist bands.

That is basic knowledge about the history of Israel.

And it is understandable that after the Zionist's bestialities in Deir Yassin the Arab leaders had to warn the civilians. It is understandable that civilians can temporary leave the places of potential bestialities, but that does not mean that they lose the right to return to their homes.

Can you get my drift?

Go check your drift in the beastialities committed by Muslims in the Hebron massacre and many more before and after until the Jews formed bands to protect themselves from the Islamic savages.

Arab armies threatened the Palestinians to leave in advance of an impending attack.
So in the best because senario by Monte, both sides were attacking each other. There is no evidence of Jews evicting Palestinians en mass, as we know that it was a historical fact that 7 Arab nations attacked the newly formed Jewish state without any provocation whatsoever, other than religious hatred.

Again Monte's document betrays all his claims:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

      So yes, the Arabs internally started joining their brethren outside in committing genocide on the Jews. They failed. The Palestinians got what they deserved.

You forgot the middle part:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • (a) The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      • (b) Jewish dissidents are still attacking-British army and police personnel.

        (c) As regards the Hagana, the provocative, ruthless and aggressive character of its reprisals policy must be stressed and for this reason alone (apart from others) it could not be recognized by the Government of Palestine as a legal defence force. Moreover, it is difficult to see how this body could ever become a national militia for the Jewish State unless that State contemplates racial discrimination so as to exclude its four hundred thousand Arabs from participation in the Security forces of the State.

        (d) The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

        (e) In the Tel Aviv-Petah Tikvah area from which, as stated above, British and Arab police have already been withdrawn, the Mishear force which the Jewish Agency undertook to establish early in December is still not in being; the Arab municipal police force in Jaffa is working well. The following is a list of the more important incidents reported during the past few days. These are situation reports:
At the end of the day, it is the Christians and Muslims that are defending themselves from invasion and colonization by European Jews. Britain, the League of Nations and the United Nations are all to blame for all the violence and deaths resulting from the absurd idea to transfer Europeans to create a colony in the Middle East.
Actually not. But please keep posting your mutilated documents and lies.

Christians are under threat by Muslims, not Jews, asshole. Nobody's buying your baloney.
Actually not. But please keep posting your mutilated documents and lies.

Christians are under threat by Muslims, not Jews, asshole. Nobody's buying your baloney.

Quit lying. The text that is cut and pasted is the exact text of the document. You use the same text and recut and paste it. The only problem is that you do not actually comprehend what is written.

Christians are under threat by Jews in Palestine and Muslims, and Hindus by the way, elsewhere. The European Jews dispossessed the Christian and Muslim Palestinians when they implemented their colonial project in Palestine. This forum is for the Israel Palestine issue, not the other parts of the Middle East. Their is another forum addressing the Middle East in general.
So in the best because senario by Monte, both sides were attacking each other. There is no evidence of Jews evicting Palestinians en mass, as we know that it was a historical fact that 7 Arab nations attacked the newly formed Jewish state without any provocation whatsoever, other than religious hatred.

Again Monte's document betrays all his claims:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

      So yes, the Arabs internally started joining their brethren outside in committing genocide on the Jews. They failed. The Palestinians got what they deserved.

You forgot the middle part:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • (a) The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      • (b) Jewish dissidents are still attacking-British army and police personnel.

        (c) As regards the Hagana, the provocative, ruthless and aggressive character of its reprisals policy must be stressed and for this reason alone (apart from others) it could not be recognized by the Government of Palestine as a legal defence force. Moreover, it is difficult to see how this body could ever become a national militia for the Jewish State unless that State contemplates racial discrimination so as to exclude its four hundred thousand Arabs from participation in the Security forces of the State.

        (d) The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

        (e) In the Tel Aviv-Petah Tikvah area from which, as stated above, British and Arab police have already been withdrawn, the Mishear force which the Jewish Agency undertook to establish early in December is still not in being; the Arab municipal police force in Jaffa is working well. The following is a list of the more important incidents reported during the past few days. These are situation reports:

You forgot the most revealing part:

"The Government of Palestine fear that strife in Palestine will be greatly intensified when the Mandate is terminated and that the international status of the United Nations Commission will mean little or nothing to the Arabs in Palestine, to whom the killing of Jews now transcends all other considerations."
You and your fellow terrorist worshipers ...

Israel was created by terror, many prominent Israeli leaders were members of terrorist bands.

And these guys are today worshipped in Israel.

In fact, even Zionist terrorists who planned to kill Americans and blame this on Arabs, are today worshipped in Israel.

The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israelicovert operation, code namedOperation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers.

On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving operatives, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Israel publicly honoured terrorists who tried to kill Americans!!!

The attack on USS liberty was another planned "false flag", that did not work out, in this attack Zionists killed 34 Americans.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What was the reaction of the USA?

Well, American taxpayers had to send even more money to Israel!!!

That is basic knowledge about the history of Israel.

And it is understandable that after the bestialities of Zinists in Deir Yassin the Arab leaders had to warn the civilians. It is understandable that civilians can temporary leave the places of potential bestialities, but that does not mean that they lose the right to return to their homes.

Can you get my drift?

Yup ... you're a raging idiot. I get it.
Christians are under threat by Jews in Palestine and Muslims, and Hindus by the way, elsewhere...

I'm not clear on what that gibberish is supposed to mean but I am certain that if you are breathing, you are lying (and I mean that with all due respect).
Actually not. But please keep posting your mutilated documents and lies.

Christians are under threat by Muslims, not Jews, asshole. Nobody's buying your baloney.

Quit lying. The text that is cut and pasted is the exact text of the document. You use the same text and recut and paste it. The only problem is that you do not actually comprehend what is written.

Christians are under threat by Jews in Palestine and Muslims, and Hindus by the way, elsewhere. The European Jews dispossessed the Christian and Muslim Palestinians when they implemented their colonial project in Palestine. This forum is for the Israel Palestine issue, not the other parts of the Middle East. Their is another forum addressing the Middle East in general.

Whereas you have nothing but "the two sides were attacking each other" AT BEST, there are historical records indicating the Arab leaders threatened the Palestinians to leave. The Arab attack in the nascent Jewish state is a matter of historical fact. By the way it wasn't the Christians attacking the Jews it was the Muslims. All internal attacks were led by the Nazi Mufti of Palestinian who not only instigated attacks on Jews but managed to slaughter thousands of Christians.

Your hero and great lover of "Christians", just a Jew hating scum like you:

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

An ardent anti-Semite who hated Jews with a deep fervor, he first came to the attention of the British in 1920 when he organized riots against Jews. Charged with inciting violence that left five Jews dead and another 211 injured, he fled to Syria and was sentenced in absentia to 10 years’ imprisonment. you see, the Nazi Mufti started the attacks and terror agains the Jews, and plotted with the neighboring Arabs to commit genocide in the Jewish state. He also killed tens of thousands of Christians, and claimed that he would slaughtered every single Christian in the holy land, he was dine with the Jews. You're no defender of Christians. You just an anti Semitic scumbag. :cool:
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So in the best because senario by Monte, both sides were attacking each other. There is no evidence of Jews evicting Palestinians en mass, as we know that it was a historical fact that 7 Arab nations attacked the newly formed Jewish state without any provocation whatsoever, other than religious hatred.

Again Monte's document betrays all his claims:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

      So yes, the Arabs internally started joining their brethren outside in committing genocide on the Jews. They failed. The Palestinians got what they deserved.

You forgot the middle part:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • (a) The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      • (b) Jewish dissidents are still attacking-British army and police personnel.

        (c) As regards the Hagana, the provocative, ruthless and aggressive character of its reprisals policy must be stressed and for this reason alone (apart from others) it could not be recognized by the Government of Palestine as a legal defence force. Moreover, it is difficult to see how this body could ever become a national militia for the Jewish State unless that State contemplates racial discrimination so as to exclude its four hundred thousand Arabs from participation in the Security forces of the State.

        (d) The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

        (e) In the Tel Aviv-Petah Tikvah area from which, as stated above, British and Arab police have already been withdrawn, the Mishear force which the Jewish Agency undertook to establish early in December is still not in being; the Arab municipal police force in Jaffa is working well. The following is a list of the more important incidents reported during the past few days. These are situation reports:

You forgot the most revealing part:

"The Government of Palestine fear that strife in Palestine will be greatly intensified when the Mandate is terminated and that the international status of the United Nations Commission will mean little or nothing to the Arabs in Palestine, to whom the killing of Jews now transcends all other considerations."

Yeah, Monte's response was, "do you blame them for wanting all the Jews dead?" In true Islamonazi fashion.

Like I said Monte the document mutilator always cuts out parts of the document that totally demolish his claims. He thinks everybody is as stupid as he is and won't catch him doing it, even though he gets humiliated EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ha ha ha.
Here's what the Muslims would have done with the Christisns once they were successful in slaughtering all the Jews in their own holy land:

After Saturday comes Sunday

According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.
So in the best because senario by Monte, both sides were attacking each other. There is no evidence of Jews evicting Palestinians en mass, as we know that it was a historical fact that 7 Arab nations attacked the newly formed Jewish state without any provocation whatsoever, other than religious hatred.

Again Monte's document betrays all his claims:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

      So yes, the Arabs internally started joining their brethren outside in committing genocide on the Jews. They failed. The Palestinians got what they deserved.

You forgot the middle part:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • (a) The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      • (b) Jewish dissidents are still attacking-British army and police personnel.

        (c) As regards the Hagana, the provocative, ruthless and aggressive character of its reprisals policy must be stressed and for this reason alone (apart from others) it could not be recognized by the Government of Palestine as a legal defence force. Moreover, it is difficult to see how this body could ever become a national militia for the Jewish State unless that State contemplates racial discrimination so as to exclude its four hundred thousand Arabs from participation in the Security forces of the State.

        (d) The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

        (e) In the Tel Aviv-Petah Tikvah area from which, as stated above, British and Arab police have already been withdrawn, the Mishear force which the Jewish Agency undertook to establish early in December is still not in being; the Arab municipal police force in Jaffa is working well. The following is a list of the more important incidents reported during the past few days. These are situation reports:

You forgot the most revealing part:

"The Government of Palestine fear that strife in Palestine will be greatly intensified when the Mandate is terminated and that the international status of the United Nations Commission will mean little or nothing to the Arabs in Palestine, to whom the killing of Jews now transcends all other considerations."

Yeah, Monte's response was, "do you blame them for wanting all the Jews dead?" In true Islamonazi fashion.

Like I said Monte the document mutilator always cuts out parts of the document that totally demolish his claims. He thinks everybody is as stupid as he is and won't catch him doing it, even though he gets humiliated EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ha ha ha.

"People" like Monte don't care about those who can spot his propaganda for the mendacious BS it is. His agenda is exactly that of his Nazi forebears and depends neither on truth or facts. He is selling hate and one buyer is all he needs to feel successful.
I support the right of the Palestinians to be free, the Christians especially. I do not support Islamists. I would be very careful about calling people traitors, it is libel, particularly U.S. military veterans.

Stop whining, you're the one who creates threads calling specific posters spies, paid propagandists and Hasbara, asshole. Palestinians danced in the streets on Sept 11, and murdered over 150,000 Christians in Lebanon. You also expressed your views on America and US policy openly several times. You are what you are. Live with it.

Having served in the military doesn't give you a blank check to vomit hatred and lies on the Internet.

Posting facts is not hate. And, your post tells it all, the usual lies.

Posting manipulated facts is hate, and you do this all the time

Notice, even in that document he used, he avoided posting all the instances documenting the Arab attacks and intention to commit genocide on the Jews. The document even calls the Jewish attacks REPRISALS, meaning, the Arabs attacked first, and the Jews responded. This confirms that the Arabs were the attackers initially, until the situation became a cluster fuck of Arabs attacking and Jews counter attacking such that the British could NO LONGER determine who the attackers were. And that's exactly what the previous document says.

Nothing is manipulated, it is just the text.

It doesn't say anything of the sort Ruddy. Making things up again in your own original form of prose. You can't change the facts. In fact, the paragraph preceding it says again:

"In present circumstances the Jewish story that the Arabs are the attackers and the Jews the attacked is not tenable."

Then start posting the full context and not just the small parts that support your POV
So in the best because senario by Monte, both sides were attacking each other. There is no evidence of Jews evicting Palestinians en mass, as we know that it was a historical fact that 7 Arab nations attacked the newly formed Jewish state without any provocation whatsoever, other than religious hatred.

Again Monte's document betrays all his claims:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

      So yes, the Arabs internally started joining their brethren outside in committing genocide on the Jews. They failed. The Palestinians got what they deserved.

You forgot the middle part:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • (a) The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      • (b) Jewish dissidents are still attacking-British army and police personnel.

        (c) As regards the Hagana, the provocative, ruthless and aggressive character of its reprisals policy must be stressed and for this reason alone (apart from others) it could not be recognized by the Government of Palestine as a legal defence force. Moreover, it is difficult to see how this body could ever become a national militia for the Jewish State unless that State contemplates racial discrimination so as to exclude its four hundred thousand Arabs from participation in the Security forces of the State.

        (d) The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

        (e) In the Tel Aviv-Petah Tikvah area from which, as stated above, British and Arab police have already been withdrawn, the Mishear force which the Jewish Agency undertook to establish early in December is still not in being; the Arab municipal police force in Jaffa is working well. The following is a list of the more important incidents reported during the past few days. These are situation reports:

You forgot the most revealing part:

"The Government of Palestine fear that strife in Palestine will be greatly intensified when the Mandate is terminated and that the international status of the United Nations Commission will mean little or nothing to the Arabs in Palestine, to whom the killing of Jews now transcends all other considerations."

Yeah, Monte's response was, "do you blame them for wanting all the Jews dead?" In true Islamonazi fashion.

Like I said Monte the document mutilator always cuts out parts of the document that totally demolish his claims. He thinks everybody is as stupid as he is and won't catch him doing it, even though he gets humiliated EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ha ha ha.

To stop getting humiliated he puts you on ignore thinking that he has stopped others from reading your posts.
So in the best because senario by Monte, both sides were attacking each other. There is no evidence of Jews evicting Palestinians en mass, as we know that it was a historical fact that 7 Arab nations attacked the newly formed Jewish state without any provocation whatsoever, other than religious hatred.

Again Monte's document betrays all his claims:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

      So yes, the Arabs internally started joining their brethren outside in committing genocide on the Jews. They failed. The Palestinians got what they deserved.

You forgot the middle part:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • (a) The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      • (b) Jewish dissidents are still attacking-British army and police personnel.

        (c) As regards the Hagana, the provocative, ruthless and aggressive character of its reprisals policy must be stressed and for this reason alone (apart from others) it could not be recognized by the Government of Palestine as a legal defence force. Moreover, it is difficult to see how this body could ever become a national militia for the Jewish State unless that State contemplates racial discrimination so as to exclude its four hundred thousand Arabs from participation in the Security forces of the State.

        (d) The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

        (e) In the Tel Aviv-Petah Tikvah area from which, as stated above, British and Arab police have already been withdrawn, the Mishear force which the Jewish Agency undertook to establish early in December is still not in being; the Arab municipal police force in Jaffa is working well. The following is a list of the more important incidents reported during the past few days. These are situation reports:

You forgot the most revealing part:

"The Government of Palestine fear that strife in Palestine will be greatly intensified when the Mandate is terminated and that the international status of the United Nations Commission will mean little or nothing to the Arabs in Palestine, to whom the killing of Jews now transcends all other considerations."

Yeah, Monte's response was, "do you blame them for wanting all the Jews dead?" In true Islamonazi fashion.

Like I said Monte the document mutilator always cuts out parts of the document that totally demolish his claims. He thinks everybody is as stupid as he is and won't catch him doing it, even though he gets humiliated EVERY SINGLE TIME. Ha ha ha.

To stop getting humiliated he puts you on ignore thinking that he has stopped others from reading your posts.
Here's what the Muslims would have done with the Christisns once they were successful in slaughtering all the Jews in their own holy land:

After Saturday comes Sunday

According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.

Thanks for digging into it, but I think "expelled" is too soft and naive here.
Here's what the Muslims would have done with the Christisns once they were successful in slaughtering all the Jews in their own holy land:

After Saturday comes Sunday

According to a publication by the American Foreign Policy Council, the proverb in the form ‘After Saturday, Sunday’, was brandished as a popular slogan among supporters of Haj Amin al-Husseini’s faction during the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The message is reported to have meant that once the Jews had been driven out, the Christians would be expelled.

Thanks for digging into it, but I think "expelled" is too soft and naive here.

The Palestinian Nazi Mufti actually did manage to kill tens of thousands of Christians and, whatever genocidal intentions he had for the Jews in their holy land and throughout the Middle East would be shifted to the Christians once all the Jews were exterminated. As we can see today, the Mufti's ideological descendants such as Hamas, ISIS, Al Queda, Al Shabab, Muslim Brotherhood aren't doing such a bad job ridding the world of Christians.

Bottom line is Christians should be grateful that the Jews succeeded in repelling the Arab Muslim attack. Had the Arabs succeeded, all signs of Judaism and Christianty in the holy land would have been eliminated.
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Zionists are the good guys and Islamists are the barbaric animals practicing supremacism and savagery. Correct.

What are you talking about?
What has the BBC poll to do with Islam?
It seems that you have a very strong fixation on Islam and Muslims, this may be a symptom of a obsessive–compulsive disorder.

More than 26,000 people were surveyed internationally for the poll.
Germany came out top, with 59% rating it positively. Iran was once again the most negatively viewed.
Germany came out top, with 59% rating it positively. Iran was once again the most negatively viewed.
These averages exclude the target country's rating of itself. So for example, the opinions of Germans on Germany are excluded, meaning the country's average rating is based on 21 tracking countries.


BBC poll Germany most popular country in the world - BBC News

As we see, most countries that took part in this poll were not Muslim countries at all.

Despite the Zionist domination of western Media, despite the constant denigration of Germany and white washing of the crimes, committed by Zionists, most people in the world love Germans and Germany more, than Israel and the Zionists.

Zionists are the good guys and Islamists are the barbaric animals practicing supremacism and savagery. Correct.

What are you talking about?
What has the BBC poll to do with Islam?
It seems that you have a very strong fixation on Islam and Muslims, this may be a symptom of a obsessive–compulsive disorder.

More than 26,000 people were surveyed internationally for the poll.
Germany came out top, with 59% rating it positively. Iran was once again the most negatively viewed.
Germany came out top, with 59% rating it positively. Iran was once again the most negatively viewed.
These averages exclude the target country's rating of itself. So for example, the opinions of Germans on Germany are excluded, meaning the country's average rating is based on 21 tracking countries.

As we see, most countries that took part in this poll were not Muslim countries at all.

Despite the Zionist domination of western Media, despite the constant denigration of Germany and white washing of the crimes, committed by Zionists, most people in the world love Germans and Germany more, than Israel and the Zionists.


Then why wont you post the questions used in this poll that resulted in some senior figures getting their marching orders

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