In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

Fact one: whenever Arabs threaten or attack Israel, the Arabs get their ass kicked.

Fact two: when in doubt, refer always to fact one.

Since the Jews were doing the attacking, I don't think it is germane to this particular discussion.
Have no noticed that everything this dumbass Monte posts, supports the fact that Arab armies threatened the Palestinians to leave. And while most did, some stayed behind and started attacking the Jews from the inside.

Thanks again, Monte.

Why don't you try to stick to the issues and instead of making things up, while asking for an audience to support your ridiculous interpretation of the English language.

You are just making things up.

There is no question that you are the one diverting from the issue.

There is no question that you are not only mutilating documents, BUT THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AS WELL.

There is no question that you have yet again failed.

Now, what does "there is no question" mean here, asswipe?

Document: "There has been no question of a general attack by Arabs"
Monte: "that means the Arabs weren't attacking!"
Fact one: whenever Arabs threaten or attack Israel, the Arabs get their ass kicked.

Fact two: when in doubt, refer always to fact one.

Since the Jews were doing the attacking, I don't think it is germane to this particular discussion.

No actually it states that the Arabs were attacking the Jews and even though they didn't succeed in committing genocide and starving the Jews, "there is no question of a general attack by Arabs". There is no other way to interpret that phrase, go get some psychological help your hate has driven you insane to the point that you can't even interpret basic English.
Fact one: whenever Arabs threaten or attack Israel, the Arabs get their ass kicked.

Fact two: when in doubt, refer always to fact one.

Since the Jews were doing the attacking, I don't think it is germane to this particular discussion.

No actually it states that the Arabs were attacking the Jews and even though they didn't succeed in committing genocide and starving the Jews, "there is no question of a general attack by Arabs". There is no other way to interpret that phrase, go get some psychological help your hate has driven you insane to the point that you can't even interpret basic English.

This is a perfect example of your feeble attempt at propaganda. The statement is:

"although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs."

It means what it says. If the word "although" were not there, a person not proficient in English might misinterpret the statement to mean there was a general attack. But the writer was British and was probably well educated, form Cambridge or Oxford, so he meant what was written.

As far as the Jews starving, not true as the British confirmed in the same section:

"Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless.'
There is no question that Monte posted a document that yet again backfired and demolished his claims. There is no question that Monte is having a mental breakdown. There is no question of a general attack by Arabs.

Monte: "Wait! That means the Arabs were't attacking!"

Ha ha ha. I'm tellin' you, you'd have to pay an arm and leg for this kind of comedy.

Hey Monte, didn't anybody ever tell you to stop digging when in a hole?

There is no question that Monte continues to dig.
Well Ruddy. You can make things up all you want, and you can demonstrate for all that your command of the English language is wanting. The comedy is that you are digging a deeper and deeper hole. It is unbelievable that insist on clearly demonstrating you just don't understand English. But let's go further and read the two paragraphs.

The British agree that the Arabs should put up roadblocks to defend themselves (a reasonable measure of self-defence) from the Jewish terrorists (Irgun) who had previously killed dozens of Arabs, including women and children. The Jews claim that the road blocks were to starve them out. The British military have enough force to prevent it and they state that although there is sniping on both sides, there is no general attack by the Arabs, given the adequate size of the British forces. And, the British indicate that :

"Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."

That's what the two paragraphs below state, in English.

"These blocks were recognized by the Government as a reasonable measure of self-defence on the part of the Arabs having regard to the indiscriminate outrages carried by the Irgun Zvei Leumi, but arrangements were made for British police to be attached to them in a supervisory capacity. Ordinary traffic of the Jews in and out of the Old City was, however, brought to an end and this led to an immediate reaction on the part of the Jews, who asserted that 1,800 members of their community inside the Old City were besieged, starved, and about to be massacred.

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."
None of which explains why the Arabs attacked the Jews if all they were doing was maintaining road blocks (which meant they were attacking the Jews).

Fact one, Monte, Fact one.
None of which explains why the Arabs attacked the Jews if all they were doing was maintaining road blocks (which meant they were attacking the Jews).

Fact one, Monte, Fact one.

Actually it is falsity no.1 by you. LOL

The British explained the reason clearly:

These blocks were recognized by the Government as a reasonable measure of self-defence on the part of the Arabs having regard to the indiscriminate outrages carried by the Irgun Zvei Leumi, but arrangements were made for British police to be attached to them in a supervisory capacity. "

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948
Well Ruddy. You can make things up all you want, and you can demonstrate for all that your command of the English language is wanting. The comedy is that you are digging a deeper and deeper hole. It is unbelievable that insist on clearly demonstrating you just don't understand English. But let's go further and read the two paragraphs.

The British agree that the Arabs should put up roadblocks to defend themselves (a reasonable measure of self-defence) from the Jewish terrorists (Irgun) who had previously killed dozens of Arabs, including women and children. The Jews claim that the road blocks were to starve them out. The British military have enough force to prevent it and they state that although there is sniping on both sides, there is no general attack by the Arabs, given the adequate size of the British forces. And, the British indicate that :

"Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."

That's what the two paragraphs below state, in English.

"These blocks were recognized by the Government as a reasonable measure of self-defence on the part of the Arabs having regard to the indiscriminate outrages carried by the Irgun Zvei Leumi, but arrangements were made for British police to be attached to them in a supervisory capacity. Ordinary traffic of the Jews in and out of the Old City was, however, brought to an end and this led to an immediate reaction on the part of the Jews, who asserted that 1,800 members of their community inside the Old City were besieged, starved, and about to be massacred.

Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."

Monte get a grip on yourself, the Arabs engaged in a coordinated all out attack from within, and without. They failed, and so did you. And stop posting documents that obliterate, demolish, and destroy your claims:

Mr. FLETCHER-COOKE (United Kingdom): The view held by the Government of Palestine is that the arrival of the Commission will be the signal for widespread attacks by the Arabs both on the Jews and on the members of the Commission itself. In addition, some sixty-two per cent of the present Government staff in Palestine are Arabs, and there is reason to believe that none of these will be willing or able to serve the Commission. The Arabs have made it quite clear and have told the Palestine Government that they do not propose to co-operate or to assist the Commission, and that, far from it, they propose to attack and impede its work in every possible way. We have no reason to suppose that they do not mean what they say.

And, further down...."There has been no question of a general attack by Arabs"

Monte: "2 + 2 = 5!" Ha ha ha.
Once again this poll was RACIST and contained only two questions, both weighted against Israel in the extreme, which is why the BBC was forced to scrap the poll and issue an apology.

Use of this poll shows you to be a RACIST NAZI JEW HATER


The entire world is "racist", only Zionists are good and innocent guys.

What does the Arabs not wanting to cooperate with and/or proposing to attack the UN Commission that wanted to to go to Palestine have to do with anything? You are really something.

Repeating your feeble attempts at propaganda that only demonstrate your inadequacy with respect to the English language doesn't change the facts.

Yes, the British reported that because there was adequate military force within the Old City there was ionly sniping and no general attack by the Arabs.

They stated that:

"Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948
So in the best because senario by Monte, both sides were attacking each other. There is no evidence of Jews evicting Palestinians en mass, as we know that it was a historical fact that 7 Arab nations attacked the newly formed Jewish state without any provocation whatsoever, other than religious hatred.

Again Monte's document betrays all his claims:

It is considered desirable to emphasize the following points:

    • The role of the Security Force in Palestine is to protect life and property without discrimination so long as the Mandate lasts, and in particular British security forces have protected Jews against Arab attacks in the Huleh, at Kfaretzion, Shaframr and Beit Safafa.

      The Arab Higher Committee in Palestine has been endeavouring to curb Arab violence and is co-operating with the Government of Palestine to this end. It is, however, reported that Palestinian Arabs are now returning after completion of their training in Syria, and the police who engaged a large party of Arabs attacking Jews at Shafr Amr report that its discipline and tactics were far in advance of anything yet encountered.

      So yes, the Arabs internally started joining their brethren outside in committing genocide on the Jews. They failed. The Palestinians got what they deserved.
What does the Arabs not wanting to cooperate with and/or proposing to attack the UN Commission that wanted to to go to Palestine have to do with anything? You are really something.

Repeating your feeble attempts at propaganda that only demonstrate your inadequacy with respect to the English language doesn't change the facts.

Yes, the British reported that because there was adequate military force within the Old City there was ionly sniping and no general attack by the Arabs.

They stated that:

"Throughout the whole period, however, there has been adequate military force within the Old City to protect the Jews and although sniping has taken place on both sides, there has been no question of a general attack by the Arabs. Food has been taken in to the Jews whenever required by strong military convoys and allegations that they have been starving are baseless."

A AC.21 SR.16 of 21 January 1948

Yeah, they were defending a general attack by the Arabs who were also trying to starve the Jews.

So, at best your claim is that both sides were attacking each other.

Epic fail.
The Arabs clearly attacked the Jews at 7 to 1 odds with better equipment and got their asses handed to them.

Fact One, Monte.
You and your fellow terrorist worshipers ...

Israel was created by terror, many prominent Israeli leaders were members of terrorist bands.

And these guys are today worshipped in Israel.

In fact, even Zionist terrorists who planned to kill Americans and blame this on Arabs, are today worshipped in Israel.

The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israelicovert operation, code namedOperation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers.

On March 30, 2005 Israel publicly honored the surviving operatives, and President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Israel publicly honoured terrorists who tried to kill Americans!!!

The attack on USS liberty was another planned "false flag", that did not work out, in this attack Zionists killed 34 Americans.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What was the reaction of the USA?

Well, American taxpayers had to send even more money to Israel!!!

That is basic knowledge about the history of Israel.

And it is understandable that after the bestialities of Zinists in Deir Yassin the Arab leaders had to warn the civilians. It is understandable that civilians can temporary leave the places of potential bestialities, but that does not mean that they lose the right to return to their homes.

Can you get my drift?
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