In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

It has to do with cars, beer and football.
Not so many masses are exposed to knowledge of science ad technology.
As they're clueless to how much Israeli medicine they enjoy.

Do you really believe that Israel is a nation that contributes to science and technology?

That is not true, the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how. Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ.

They have removed the information from the English Wiki, but you can still find the average IQ of Israelis on the French wiki page.

In Israel it is about 94, the same as in Romania.

In Germany it is about 102.

If you exclude the migrants in Israel who got their education outside of Israel, then the average IQ of Israelis would be even lower.

IQ and the Wealth of Nations Wikip dia

Never thought that being liked by a majority was a sign of genius or righteousness quiet the opposite.

Well, any underdeveloped and despotic county believes that it is the most important country in the world.

But who cares?


german know how? not british? not french? not other parts of the west or Ottoman?
It was all german?
Thank you pre and post nazi germany. Nazis get no thank as they imprisoned and massacre most of the European jewish population. They were one of the main reasons the jews were in need for their own state to protect the jews, but the presence of the jewish migration to their homeland was in place a century before the nazis. They had been returning off and on since the 3rd C.
Just think, most of that german technology might well have begun by german jews.

Germany really????

Then don't forget the numbers of German scientists secreted away from Germany after WW2 by the Russians and Americans to work on their weapons technology and space travel. Rather than lose the "brains" they kidnapped and reported as dead the scientists working on Hitlers schemes.
It has to do with cars, beer and football.
Not so many masses are exposed to knowledge of science ad technology.
As they're clueless to how much Israeli medicine they enjoy.

Do you really believe that Israel is a nation that contributes to science and technology?

That is not true, the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how. Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ.

They have removed the information from the English Wiki, but you can still find the average IQ of Israelis on the French wiki page.

In Israel it is about 94, the same as in Romania.

In Germany it is about 102.

If you exclude the migrants in Israel who got their education outside of Israel, then the average IQ of Israelis would be even lower.

IQ and the Wealth of Nations Wikip dia

Never thought that being liked by a majority was a sign of genius or righteousness quiet the opposite.

Well, any underdeveloped and despotic county believes that it is the most important country in the world.

But who cares?


Fart_All_Nazi: "...the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how..."


Fart_All: "Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ."


Fart_All: "...the average IQ of Israelis would be even lower."


What he does not understand is uneducated and genetically corrupted migrants in large numbers lower the average, so the 20% to 30% of muslims reduce the average figures by 20% to 30% . This put's the true figure around the 130 to 140 IQ region. Once again showing that art is the one with the miniscule IQ
Do you really believe that Israel is a nation that contributes to science and technology?
That is not true, the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how. Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ.

Fart_All_Nazi: "...the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how..."


Fart_All: "Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ."


Fart_All: "...the average IQ of Israelis would be even lower."


Yanno, the poor guy posts really stupid shit and then wonders why anyone would find him to be more than a bit Nazi-ish.

"Joooos are inferior to the pure European Aryan race!"

Gee where did we hear that one before?!

For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race."


PALESTINIANS ARE ABOVE THIS TYPE OF BULLSHIT DROSS.....Roudy you are so Shameful in your inexcusable attempt at re-writing of History,considering you are now trying to say that Zionist Trash didn't Slaughter,Maim and try to Eliminate the Palestinians but other Arabs 1948,actually before and after this period.

Your indoctrination of Zionism has left you with permanent Brain Damage..........steve

The evidence points to that so until you can come up with incontrovertible proof this will stand as the benchmark.
Do you really believe that Israel is a nation that contributes to science and technology?
That is not true, the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how. Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ.

Fart_All_Nazi: "...the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how..."


Fart_All: "Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ."


Fart_All: "...the average IQ of Israelis would be even lower."


Yanno, the poor guy posts really stupid shit and then wonders why anyone would find him to be more than a bit Nazi-ish.

"Joooos are inferior to the pure European Aryan race!"

Gee where did we hear that one before?!

For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race."


PALESTINIANS ARE ABOVE THIS TYPE OF BULLSHIT DROSS.....Roudy you are so Shameful in your inexcusable attempt at re-writing of History,considering you are now trying to say that Zionist Trash didn't Slaughter,Maim and try to Eliminate the Palestinians but other Arabs 1948,actually before and after this period.

Your indoctrination of Zionism has left you with permanent Brain Damage..........steve

Nah. Just posting the truth about the fact that in 1948, it was the Arab armies that threatened the Palestinians to get out of the way, and therefore causing the refugee crisis. It's fun watching a terrorist ass licker having a hissyfit when confronted with the truth.
Last edited:
Do you really believe that Israel is a nation that contributes to science and technology?
That is not true, the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how. Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ.

Fart_All_Nazi: "...the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how..."


Fart_All: "Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ."


Fart_All: "...the average IQ of Israelis would be even lower."


Yanno, the poor guy posts really stupid shit and then wonders why anyone would find him to be more than a bit Nazi-ish.

"Joooos are inferior to the pure European Aryan race!"

Gee where did we hear that one before?!

For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race."

He did indeed..yet he was part Jew on his maternal the last Iranian President who detested Israel and Jews...Was infact himself a Jew....these crazy people are just that

Islamist from down under speaking from down under his butt:

:cuckoo: "...he (Hitler) was part Jew on his maternal the last Iranian President who detested Israel and Jews...Was infact himself a Jew" :cuckoo:


Last edited:
Interesting were the IQ of balestininas combine in he overall Israeli Iq?

Well, the IQ of Ethiopian Jews is lower than the IQ of Palestinians, the IQ of oriental Semitic Jews is on the same level as the IQ of other Semites.

The IQ of white European Jews (the descendants of Slavs and Khazars), who got their education in Europe, USA or Russia, is on the same level as the IQ of other Europeans.

The Orthodox Jews in Israel have probably the lowest IQ, because they reject the European education, they are as backward, as the Taliban.
And these guys have the highest birth rate in Israel!!!


What to Europe, well, we have a lot of non- European migrants, that is why the IQ of European countries is sinking.

BUT, nevertheless, the IQ of European countries is still way higher than the IQ of Israelis.
Interesting were the IQ of balestininas combine in he overall Israeli Iq?

Well, the IQ of Ethiopian Jews is lower than the IQ of Palestinians, the IQ of oriental Semitic Jews is on the same level as the IQ of other Semites.

The IQ of white European Jews (the descendants of Slavs and Khazars), who got their education in Europe, USA or Russia, is on the same level as the IQ of other Europeans.

The Orthodox Jews in Israel have probably the lowest IQ, because they reject the European education, they are as backward, as the Taliban.
And these guys have the highest birth rate in Israel!!!


What to Europe, well, we have a lot of non- European migrants, that is why the IQ of European countries is sinking.

BUT, nevertheless, the IQ of European countries is still way higher than the IQ of Israelis.

Can you prove the ficticous Khazars ever existed, when you fail you can take them out the equation. But how many Nobel peace prize winners have there been that were born muslim, compared to the numbers of Jews ?
...In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race."
He did indeed..yet he was part Jew on his maternal the last Iranian President who detested Israel and Jews...Was infact himself a Jew....these crazy people are just that

Neither Hitler nor Ahmadinejad were Jewish. You buy into silly rumors, propaganda and innuendo because you are weak minded and drven by your unrelenting hate for "crazy" Joooz. There can be no other reasons.
Do you really believe that Israel is a nation that contributes to science and technology?
That is not true, the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how. Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ.

Fart_All_Nazi: "...the Israeli infrastructure was build by German know-how..."


Fart_All: "Israel is good in stealing know-how, but do not exaggerate the abilities of a country with an average IQ way below the European IQ."


Fart_All: "...the average IQ of Israelis would be even lower."


Yanno, the poor guy posts really stupid shit and then wonders why anyone would find him to be more than a bit Nazi-ish.

"Joooos are inferior to the pure European Aryan race!"

Gee where did we hear that one before?!

For years before Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he was obsessed with ideas about race. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs in racial "purity" and in the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race."

He did indeed..yet he was part Jew on his maternal the last Iranian President who detested Israel and Jews...Was infact himself a Jew....these crazy people are just that

Islamist from down under speaking from down under his butt:

:cuckoo: "...he (Hitler) was part Jew on his maternal the last Iranian President who detested Israel and Jews...Was infact himself a Jew" :cuckoo:



Hate for Joooz has clearly driven him batshit crazy (or perhaps his lunacy drives his hate). In either event thelick is a goner.
Well, the IQ of Ethiopian Jews is lower than the IQ of Palestinians, the IQ of oriental Semitic Jews is on the same level as the IQ of other Semites...
The Orthodox Jews in Israel have probably the lowest IQ...
BUT, nevertheless, the IQ of European countries is still way higher than the IQ of Israelis.

One need not wonder what drives "people" like A_A to research such useless information. It's obvious.
"LONDON – MI6, Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, has established that the greatest living Holocaust denier, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, comes from a Jewish family whose genetic line stretches back hundreds of years and whose members came to Iran when Cyrus the Great liberated them from slavery in Babylon in 593 B.C......
Family members worshiped at the synagogue in Aradan, a small country town where they were known as “Sabourjian” – a Jewish surname meaning cloth weaver.

The 52-year-old Iranian president was born in a small house above the family cloth-weaving workshop where he was introduced to the tenets of the faith. They baked their bread for Sabbath, and celebrated all the Jewish festivals.

Read more at MI6 confirms Ahmadinejad s Jewish roots

"Report: Ahmadinejad has Jewish roots"

"A photograph of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 "clearly shows his family has Jewish roots," London's Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday.

According to the report, a close-up of the document reveals that the Iranian leader, who has described the Nazi Holocaust of European Jewry as a "myth," was previously known as Sabourjian – a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver.....
The Telegraph said the short note scrawled on the card suggests that his family changed its name to Ahmadinejad when they converted to embrace Islam after his birth.

The Sabourjians, according to the report, traditionally hail from Aradan, Ahmadinejad's birthplace, and the name derives from "weaver of the Sabour", the name for the Jewish Tallit shawl in Persia.

The name is even on the list of reserved names for Iranian Jews compiled by Iran's Ministry of the Interior, said the Telegraph's report, which also quoted experts as saying that Ahmadinejad's attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past.

Report Ahmadinejad has Jewish roots - Israel News Ynetnews

"Ahmadinejad Rants to Hide His Jewish Roots

the president hides his Jewish roots by attacking Israeland the Jews, and by expressing strong Muslim religious beliefs.

A record of the name change still appears on the president’s ID card, however, says Khazali. His old name was Saburjian, and he hails from the Aradan region of Iran. The accusations appear in an article Khazali wrote entitled, “The Jews in Iran.” He says the time has come to “reveal the truth” about the Jews’ role in Iran.

Ahmadinejad's relatives once told the British paper "The Guardian" that the family had changed its name for "a mixture of religious and economic reasons."

Ahmadinejad Has Jewish Roots - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva

Interesting were the IQ of balestininas combine in he overall Israeli Iq?

Well, the IQ of Ethiopian Jews is lower than the IQ of Palestinians, the IQ of oriental Semitic Jews is on the same level as the IQ of other Semites.

The IQ of white European Jews (the descendants of Slavs and Khazars), who got their education in Europe, USA or Russia, is on the same level as the IQ of other Europeans.

The Orthodox Jews in Israel have probably the lowest IQ, because they reject the European education, they are as backward, as the Taliban.
And these guys have the highest birth rate in Israel!!!


What to Europe, well, we have a lot of non- European migrants, that is why the IQ of European countries is sinking.

BUT, nevertheless, the IQ of European countries is still way higher than the IQ of Israelis.

Actually your data is wrong on almost all counts. I suggest you use a source other than Nazi websites such as stormfront. However, this thread isn't about Jewish IQ verses others, it's about Arab armies threatening the Palestinians to clear out in 1948. You have any evidence that it did not happen, put it up.

Pretty much everyone has "Jewish Roots." Now post proof that he is Jewish and while you are at it, post proof that Hitler (and Stalin, and Pol Pot and Genghis Kahn) was Jewish. Frankly, anyone who believes that Iranians would elect a Jewish president needs to get his meds adjusted.

Why should I post proof about anyone of the other people you mention? Do you believe they were Jewish? I don't. I just posted the links to articles that claim that Ahmadiinejad's family, recently, was Jewish.

Iranian Jews seem proud to be Iranian, so I don't get your point. But then, are these Jews lying? You tell me.

"LONDON – MI6, Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, has established that the greatest living Holocaust denier, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, comes from a Jewish family whose genetic line stretches back hundreds of years and whose members came to Iran when Cyrus the Great liberated them from slavery in Babylon in 593 B.C......
Family members worshiped at the synagogue in Aradan, a small country town where they were known as “Sabourjian” – a Jewish surname meaning cloth weaver.

The 52-year-old Iranian president was born in a small house above the family cloth-weaving workshop where he was introduced to the tenets of the faith. They baked their bread for Sabbath, and celebrated all the Jewish festivals.

Read more at MI6 confirms Ahmadinejad s Jewish roots

"Report: Ahmadinejad has Jewish roots"

"A photograph of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 "clearly shows his family has Jewish roots," London's Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday.

According to the report, a close-up of the document reveals that the Iranian leader, who has described the Nazi Holocaust of European Jewry as a "myth," was previously known as Sabourjian – a Jewish name meaning cloth weaver.....
The Telegraph said the short note scrawled on the card suggests that his family changed its name to Ahmadinejad when they converted to embrace Islam after his birth.

The Sabourjians, according to the report, traditionally hail from Aradan, Ahmadinejad's birthplace, and the name derives from "weaver of the Sabour", the name for the Jewish Tallit shawl in Persia.

The name is even on the list of reserved names for Iranian Jews compiled by Iran's Ministry of the Interior, said the Telegraph's report, which also quoted experts as saying that Ahmadinejad's attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past.

Report Ahmadinejad has Jewish roots - Israel News Ynetnews

"Ahmadinejad Rants to Hide His Jewish Roots

the president hides his Jewish roots by attacking Israeland the Jews, and by expressing strong Muslim religious beliefs.

A record of the name change still appears on the president’s ID card, however, says Khazali. His old name was Saburjian, and he hails from the Aradan region of Iran. The accusations appear in an article Khazali wrote entitled, “The Jews in Iran.” He says the time has come to “reveal the truth” about the Jews’ role in Iran.

Ahmadinejad's relatives once told the British paper "The Guardian" that the family had changed its name for "a mixture of religious and economic reasons."

Ahmadinejad Has Jewish Roots - Jewish World - News - Arutz Sheva

But but but but I thought you told us that Middle Eastern Jews all came from Iberia and were European ANYHOW? And yet here you are contradicting yourself, in other attempt to divert the thread from the topic.

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, comes from a Jewish family whose genetic line stretches back hundreds of years and whose members came to Iran when Cyrus the Great liberated them from slavery in Babylon in 593 B.C.....".

Ha ha ha. It doesn't get any better.
Interesting were the IQ of balestininas combine in he overall Israeli Iq?

Well, the IQ of Ethiopian Jews is lower than the IQ of Palestinians, the IQ of oriental Semitic Jews is on the same level as the IQ of other Semites.

The IQ of white European Jews (the descendants of Slavs and Khazars), who got their education in Europe, USA or Russia, is on the same level as the IQ of other Europeans.

The Orthodox Jews in Israel have probably the lowest IQ, because they reject the European education, they are as backward, as the Taliban.
And these guys have the highest birth rate in Israel!!!


What to Europe, well, we have a lot of non- European migrants, that is why the IQ of European countries is sinking.

BUT, nevertheless, the IQ of European countries is still way higher than the IQ of Israelis.

Actually your data is wrong on almost all counts. I suggest you use a source other than Nazi websites such as stormfront. However, this thread isn't about Jewish IQ verses others, it's about Arab armies threatening the Palestinians to clear out in 1948. You have any evidence that it did not happen, put it up.

How about Photius?


1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
4 Italy 102
5 Iceland 101
5 Mongolia 101
6 Switzerland 101
7 Austria 100
7 China 100
7 Luxembourg 100
7 Netherlands 100
7 Norway 100
7 United Kingdom 100
8 Belgium 99
8 Canada 99
8 Estonia 99
8 Finland 99
8 Germany 99
8 New Zealand 99
8 Poland 99
8 Sweden 99
9 Andorra 98
9 Australia 98
9 Czech Republic 98
9 Denmark 98
9 France 98
9 Hungary 98
9 Latvia 98
9 Spain 98
9 United States 98
10 Belarus 97
10 Malta 97
10 Russia 9
10 Ukraine 97
11 Moldova 96
11 Slovakia 96
11 Slovenia 96
11 Uruguay 96
12 Israel 95

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

Pretty much everyone has "Jewish Roots." Now post proof that he is Jewish and while you are at it, post proof that Hitler (and Stalin, and Pol Pot and Genghis Kahn) was Jewish. Frankly, anyone who believes that Iranians would elect a Jewish president needs to get his meds adjusted.

Why should I post proof about anyone of the other people you mention? Do you believe they were Jewish? I don't. I just posted the links to articles that claim that Ahmadiinejad's family, recently, was Jewish.

Iranian Jews seem proud to be Iranian, so I don't get your point. But then, are these Jews lying? You tell me.

Topic of the thread isn't the Iranain president's heritage. He is a devout Muslim and was raised as such. Besides Iran isn't run by its president its run by the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei. What next, he's Jewish too? Ha ha ha.

Pretty much everyone has "Jewish Roots." Now post proof that he is Jewish and while you are at it, post proof that Hitler (and Stalin, and Pol Pot and Genghis Kahn) was Jewish. Frankly, anyone who believes that Iranians would elect a Jewish president needs to get his meds adjusted.

Why should I post proof about anyone of the other people you mention? Do you believe they were Jewish? I don't. I just posted the links to articles that claim that Ahmadiinejad's family, recently, was Jewish.

Iranian Jews seem proud to be Iranian, so I don't get your point. But then, are these Jews lying? You tell me.

What would you say with a gun at your head.
Interesting were the IQ of balestininas combine in he overall Israeli Iq?

Well, the IQ of Ethiopian Jews is lower than the IQ of Palestinians, the IQ of oriental Semitic Jews is on the same level as the IQ of other Semites.

The IQ of white European Jews (the descendants of Slavs and Khazars), who got their education in Europe, USA or Russia, is on the same level as the IQ of other Europeans.

The Orthodox Jews in Israel have probably the lowest IQ, because they reject the European education, they are as backward, as the Taliban.
And these guys have the highest birth rate in Israel!!!


What to Europe, well, we have a lot of non- European migrants, that is why the IQ of European countries is sinking.

BUT, nevertheless, the IQ of European countries is still way higher than the IQ of Israelis.

Actually your data is wrong on almost all counts. I suggest you use a source other than Nazi websites such as stormfront. However, this thread isn't about Jewish IQ verses others, it's about Arab armies threatening the Palestinians to clear out in 1948. You have any evidence that it did not happen, put it up.

How about Photius?


1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
4 Italy 102
5 Iceland 101
5 Mongolia 101
6 Switzerland 101
7 Austria 100
7 China 100
7 Luxembourg 100
7 Netherlands 100
7 Norway 100
7 United Kingdom 100
8 Belgium 99
8 Canada 99
8 Estonia 99
8 Finland 99
8 Germany 99
8 New Zealand 99
8 Poland 99
8 Sweden 99
9 Andorra 98
9 Australia 98
9 Czech Republic 98
9 Denmark 98
9 France 98
9 Hungary 98
9 Latvia 98
9 Spain 98
9 United States 98
10 Belarus 97
10 Malta 97
10 Russia 9
10 Ukraine 97
11 Moldova 96
11 Slovakia 96
11 Slovenia 96
11 Uruguay 96
12 Israel 95

National IQ Scores - Country Rankings

how about you stick to the subject and stop posting bullshit and incorrect IQ lists?
Well, the IQ of Ethiopian Jews is lower than the IQ of Palestinians, the IQ of oriental Semitic Jews is on the same level as the IQ of other Semites...
The Orthodox Jews in Israel have probably the lowest IQ...
BUT, nevertheless, the IQ of European countries is still way higher than the IQ of Israelis.

One need not wonder what drives "people" like A_A to research such useless information. It's obvious.

Comes from hanging around too many neo Nazi / white supremacist sites.

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