In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

Genetics shows that 90% of the worlds Jews carry the same markers as the Jews from Biblical times.

Total BS!

There are no "Jewish genes", because conversion to a religion does not change the person's genes.

Nobody knows what genes the "Biblical Hebrews" had, because they were also converts.

Some Jews from the Cohen-Clan (about 3% of Jews) can trance their male lineage to the Middle East, but this does not mean that their male ancestors were Hebrews. They may have been oriental pagans that converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.

What to the maternal lineage of Ashkenazim (and that is about 50% of ancestors), the "founding mothers" of Ashkenazim communities stem from European women.

If Judaism is traced according to the maternal line, then Ashkenazim are not Jews at all.

Jews are a mosaic of very different races and people, the same is true with any religious group, including Muslims and Christians.


Ellen Levy-Coffman
A Reassessment of the Jewish DNA Evidence
Who supports and defends the mass murder of children is a sadist and you support and defend Palestinian attempted mass murders of children.

BS, I do not support any attempts of mass murder. You are engaging in the usual Zionist tactics of personal attacks and defamation. You ignore the facts that were pointed out and talk about presumable "attempts", that is pathetic.
Every religion has a few converts ...

That is an idiotic statement.


Today religious groups (mostly monotheists) did not exist forever, all members of today religious groups stem from pagans that converted to some kind of religion many hundred years ago.

And as already said, conversion to a religion does not change the genes of the converts.
Genetics shows that 90% of the worlds Jews carry the same markers as the Jews from Biblical times.

Total BS!

There are no "Jewish genes", because conversion to a religion does not change the person's genes.

Nobody knows what genes the "Biblical Hebrews" had, because they were also converts.

Some Jews from the Cohen-Clan (about 3% of Jews) can trance their male lineage to the Middle East, but this does not mean that their male ancestors were Hebrews. They may have been oriental pagans that converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.

What to the maternal lineage of Ashkenazim (and that is about 50% of ancestors), the "founding mothers" of Ashkenazim communities stem from European women.

If Judaism is traced according to the maternal line, then Ashkenazim are not Jews at all.

Jews are a mosaic of very different races and people, the same is true with any religious group, including Muslims and Christians.


Ellen Levy-Coffman
A Reassessment of the Jewish DNA Evidence

Every religion has a few converts ...

That is an idiotic statement.


Today religious groups (mostly monotheists) did not exist forever, all members of today religious groups stem from pagans that converted to some kind of religion many hundred years ago.

And as already said, conversion to a religion does not change the genes of the converts.

Intermarriage with others of the convert's new faith does, in their children
Genetics shows that 90% of the worlds Jews carry the same markers as the Jews from Biblical times.

Total BS!

There are no "Jewish genes", because conversion to a religion does not change the person's genes.

Nobody knows what genes the "Biblical Hebrews" had, because they were also converts.

Some Jews from the Cohen-Clan (about 3% of Jews) can trance their male lineage to the Middle East, but this does not mean that their male ancestors were Hebrews. They may have been oriental pagans that converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages.

What to the maternal lineage of Ashkenazim (and that is about 50% of ancestors), the "founding mothers" of Ashkenazim communities stem from European women.

If Judaism is traced according to the maternal line, then Ashkenazim are not Jews at all.

Jews are a mosaic of very different races and people, the same is true with any religious group, including Muslims and Christians.


Ellen Levy-Coffman
A Reassessment of the Jewish DNA Evidence

Let's see if I can educate you in genetics. Over 4,000 years ago a man died in Judea and was buried according to custom. In the late 20C his remains were found along with dating evidence and identity so DNA samples were taken from his teeth and long bones. From this a largely complete strand of DNA was extracted and mapped. This man was a high priest of the religion and was a descendant of a long line of such priests. His DNA was cross referenced with that of the local inhabitants to see if there were any surviving relatives and the researches found that the DNA of one group was a close match to the DNA of the remains. This led to more research and the geneticists uncovered a "tribal" match that they called the Cohen Gene. This is now used as a bench mark for a persons "Jewishness" as they have since found another full genome and many partial genomes that prove beyond reasonable doubt that the European Jews are related to the Jews of the Bible in 90% of cases. The same technique was used on the reported remains of the bodies of the Russian royal family and the remains of Hitler. The same use is accepted by most courts as being 100% positive identification for criminal conviction, and as biometric screening
Define Zionist in your own words ?

There is already a definition, elaborated by the UN.


It does not matter if the USA forced the UN to take back this definition, it is still valid.

Suddenly found yourself on the edge of being a self confessed NAZI RACIST so now you are hedging.

By the way the UN did not elaborate a definition, racist Nazi nations did and had their RACIST NAZIJEW HATRED held up as criminal before having it expunged. And only NAZI JEW HATERS use the failed UN resolution as a stick to poke hornets nests with. Watch you don't get stung
Who supports and defends the mass murder of children is a sadist and you support and defend Palestinian attempted mass murders of children.

BS, I do not support any attempts of mass murder. You are engaging in the usual Zionist tactics of personal attacks and defamation. You ignore the facts that were pointed out and talk about presumable "attempts", that is pathetic.

Did I name do try and sue and see who wins ?
Every religion has a few converts ...

That is an idiotic statement.


Today religious groups (mostly monotheists) did not exist forever, all members of today religious groups stem from pagans that converted to some kind of religion many hundred years ago.

And as already said, conversion to a religion does not change the genes of the converts.

But over time these become part of the religious groups DNA Genome. Which is why the arabs have a different Genome to the Jews. They even have different Genomes depending on which area they came from which is why the Palestinians refuse to take part in the studies, and why they spread the disinformation you take as gospel on right wing sites
Let's see if I can educate you in genetics. Over 4,000 years ago a man died in Judea and was buried according to custom. In the late 20C his remains were found along with dating evidence and identity so DNA samples were taken from his teeth and long bones. From this a largely complete strand of DNA was extracted and mapped. This man was a high priest of the religion and was a descendant of a long line of such priests. His DNA was cross referenced with that of the local inhabitants to see if there were any surviving relatives and the researches found that the DNA of one group was a close match to the DNA of the remains. This led to more research and the geneticists uncovered a "tribal" match that they called the Cohen Gene. This is now used as a bench mark for a persons "Jewishness" as they have since found another full genome and many partial genomes that prove beyond reasonable doubt that the European Jews are related to the Jews of the Bible in 90% of cases. The same technique was used on the reported remains of the bodies of the Russian royal family and the remains of Hitler. The same use is accepted by most courts as being 100% positive identification for criminal conviction, and as biometric screening

Who cares what you believe in. You are unable to provide any proves.

Suddenly found yourself on the edge of being a self confessed NAZI RACIST so now you are hedging.

By the way the UN did not elaborate a definition, racist Nazi nations did and had their RACIST NAZIJEW HATRED held up as criminal before having it expunged. And only NAZI JEW HATERS use the failed UN resolution as a stick to poke hornets nests with. Watch you don't get stung

Playing the old and tired NAZI-RACIST-JEW-HATER card?

Sorry, I do not care about what you believe in, and to call names is childish.

You have to attack my arguments, not my person.
But over time these become part of the religious groups DNA Genome. Which is why the arabs have a different Genome to the Jews.

It seems that you do not understand simple basic things.

What Arabs are you talking about?

Arabs is not a religious group, it is a linguistic group.

Most Arabs are Muslims, but many of them are Christians or Jews.

Yes, there was mass conversion of Arabs to Judaism in the Middle ages, and before most Arabs became Muslims, many of them were Christians.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Khazars were not the only pagans that converted to Judaism, a lot of different tribes (Arabs, Berbers, Khazars, Slavs and even some Germanic tribes) converted in the Middle Ages to Judaism.

And many oriental Jews still identify themselves as Arabs of Mosaic faith. Their native language is Arabic, and they have the same culture, as Arabs.

Benjamin Disraeli, the first and only British prime minister of Jewish extraction, described Jews as "Mosaic Arabs".

The Mosaic Arabs Comment is free The Guardian

They even have different Genomes depending on which area they came from ...

Yes, agree with that. Arabs are just a linguistic group, not a nation or people.

But stupid Zionists constantly talk about "them Arabs", as if they were one single people. They talk about the "Arab land", and that is idiotic.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the difference between different pagan tribes, that converted to Judaism, is even bigger than the difference between different groups of Arabs, be these Arabs Muslims, Christians or Jews.

Only crazy people can believe that African, Asiatic and European Jews are the same people or are closely related to each others.

You do not have to do any genetic tests, you have just to look at them.



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But over time these become part of the religious groups DNA Genome. Which is why the arabs have a different Genome to the Jews.

It seems that you do not understand simple basic things.

What Arabs are you talking about?

Arabs is not a religious group, it is a linguistic group.

Most Arabs are Muslims, but many of them are Christians or Jews.

Yes, there was mass conversion of Arabs to Judaism in the Middle ages, and before most Arabs became Muslims, many of them were Christians.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Khazars were not the only pagans that converted to Judaism, a lot of different tribes (Arabs, Berbers, Khazars, Slavs and even some Germanic tribes) converted in the Middle Ages to Judaism.

And many oriental Jews still identify themselves as Arabs of Mosaic faith. Their native language is Arabic, and they have the same culture, as Arabs.

Benjamin Disraeli, the first and only British prime minister of Jewish extraction, described Jews as "Mosaic Arabs".

The Mosaic Arabs Comment is free The Guardian

They even have different Genomes depending on which area they came from ...

Yes, agree with that. Arabs are just a linguistic group, not a nation or people.

But stupid Zionists constantly talk about "them Arabs", as if they were one single people. They talk about the "Arab land", and that is idiotic.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the difference between different pagan tribes, that converted to Judaism, is even bigger than the difference between different groups of Arabs, be these Arabs Muslims, Christians or Jews.

Only crazy people can believe that African, Asiatic and European Jews are the same people or are closely related to each others.

You do not have to do any genetic tests, you have just to look at them.




There is much truth in what you said. These Jews eat Arabic-style foods, listen to that style music, and speak Arabic or Farsi. Nevertheless, they don't refer to themselves as Arab Jews but rather as Mizrahi (Eastern) or Sephardic Jews. We (Ashkenazi Jews) also share the same holidays, religion and traditions with them, for the most part. I don't believe that Jews are a race, but rather a People that share the same faith.
But over time these become part of the religious groups DNA Genome. Which is why the arabs have a different Genome to the Jews.

It seems that you do not understand simple basic things.

What Arabs are you talking about?

Arabs is not a religious group, it is a linguistic group.

Most Arabs are Muslims, but many of them are Christians or Jews.

Yes, there was mass conversion of Arabs to Judaism in the Middle ages, and before most Arabs became Muslims, many of them were Christians.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Khazars were not the only pagans that converted to Judaism, a lot of different tribes (Arabs, Berbers, Khazars, Slavs and even some Germanic tribes) converted in the Middle Ages to Judaism.

And many oriental Jews still identify themselves as Arabs of Mosaic faith. Their native language is Arabic, and they have the same culture, as Arabs.

Benjamin Disraeli, the first and only British prime minister of Jewish extraction, described Jews as "Mosaic Arabs".

The Mosaic Arabs Comment is free The Guardian

They even have different Genomes depending on which area they came from ...

Yes, agree with that. Arabs are just a linguistic group, not a nation or people.

But stupid Zionists constantly talk about "them Arabs", as if they were one single people. They talk about the "Arab land", and that is idiotic.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the difference between different pagan tribes, that converted to Judaism, is even bigger than the difference between different groups of Arabs, be these Arabs Muslims, Christians or Jews.

Only crazy people can believe that African, Asiatic and European Jews are the same people or are closely related to each others.

You do not have to do any genetic tests, you have just to look at them.




There is much truth in what you said. These Jews eat Arabic-style foods, listen to that style music, and speak Arabic or Farsi. Nevertheless, they don't refer to themselves as Arab Jews but rather as Mizrahi (Eastern) or Sephardic Jews. We (Ashkenazi Jews) also share the same holidays, religion and traditions with them, for the most part. I don't believe that Jews are a race, but rather a People that share the same faith.

Sephardic are Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula. Arab Jews indeed called themselves Arab Jews. You might find this interesting.

"I am an Arab Jew. Or, more specifically, an Iraqi Israeli woman living, writing and teaching in the U.S. Most members of my family were born and raised in Baghdad, and now live in Iraq, Israel, the U.S., England, and Holland. When my grandmother first encountered Israeli society in the '50s, she was convinced that the people who looked, spoke and ate so differently--the European Jews--were actually European Christians. Jewishness for her generation was inextricably associated with Middle Easterness. My grandmother, who still lives in Israel and still communicates largely in Arabic, had to be taught to speak of "us" as Jews and "them" as Arabs. For Middle Easterners, the operating distinction had always been "Muslim," "Jew," and "Christian," not Arab versus Jew. The assumption was that "Arabness" referred to a common shared culture and language, albeit with religious differences. "

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat
But over time these become part of the religious groups DNA Genome. Which is why the arabs have a different Genome to the Jews.

It seems that you do not understand simple basic things.

What Arabs are you talking about?

Arabs is not a religious group, it is a linguistic group.

Most Arabs are Muslims, but many of them are Christians or Jews.

Yes, there was mass conversion of Arabs to Judaism in the Middle ages, and before most Arabs became Muslims, many of them were Christians.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Khazars were not the only pagans that converted to Judaism, a lot of different tribes (Arabs, Berbers, Khazars, Slavs and even some Germanic tribes) converted in the Middle Ages to Judaism.

And many oriental Jews still identify themselves as Arabs of Mosaic faith. Their native language is Arabic, and they have the same culture, as Arabs.

Benjamin Disraeli, the first and only British prime minister of Jewish extraction, described Jews as "Mosaic Arabs".

The Mosaic Arabs Comment is free The Guardian

They even have different Genomes depending on which area they came from ...

Yes, agree with that. Arabs are just a linguistic group, not a nation or people.

But stupid Zionists constantly talk about "them Arabs", as if they were one single people. They talk about the "Arab land", and that is idiotic.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the difference between different pagan tribes, that converted to Judaism, is even bigger than the difference between different groups of Arabs, be these Arabs Muslims, Christians or Jews.

Only crazy people can believe that African, Asiatic and European Jews are the same people or are closely related to each others.

You do not have to do any genetic tests, you have just to look at them.




There is much truth in what you said. These Jews eat Arabic-style foods, listen to that style music, and speak Arabic or Farsi. Nevertheless, they don't refer to themselves as Arab Jews but rather as Mizrahi (Eastern) or Sephardic Jews. We (Ashkenazi Jews) also share the same holidays, religion and traditions with them, for the most part. I don't believe that Jews are a race, but rather a People that share the same faith.

Sephardic are Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula. Arab Jews indeed called themselves Arab Jews. You might find this interesting.

"I am an Arab Jew. Or, more specifically, an Iraqi Israeli woman living, writing and teaching in the U.S. Most members of my family were born and raised in Baghdad, and now live in Iraq, Israel, the U.S., England, and Holland. When my grandmother first encountered Israeli society in the '50s, she was convinced that the people who looked, spoke and ate so differently--the European Jews--were actually European Christians. Jewishness for her generation was inextricably associated with Middle Easterness. My grandmother, who still lives in Israel and still communicates largely in Arabic, had to be taught to speak of "us" as Jews and "them" as Arabs. For Middle Easterners, the operating distinction had always been "Muslim," "Jew," and "Christian," not Arab versus Jew. The assumption was that "Arabness" referred to a common shared culture and language, albeit with religious differences. "

Reflections By An Arab Jew - Ella Shohat

More bullshit from the ignorant fool:

Historical Profiles of Jews from Arab Countries - JIMENA


The first Jews arrived in Iraq in the 6th century BCE after being exiled to Babylonia by Nebuchadnezzar. By 220 CE Iraq had become the center of Jewish scholarship and development and remained that way for the next 500 years. When the Arabs conquered the region in 638, Islam became the official religion and Arabic the official language. In 720, Jews experienced persecution forbidding them to build synagogues, which caused some to flee.

During the period from 1058-1900, Iraq was conquered, in succession, by the Turkish, the Mongols, the Turkish and then the Persians. During this period Jews were often treated as “dhimmis” and were subjected to poll taxes and other discriminatory laws. At this time the Jewish population ranged between 40,000-80,000.

The British Mandate of Iraq began in 1918 and the Jews played a central role by helping to develop the judicial system and postal service. In addition, Jews held positions in Parliament, which led to some resentment by non-Jewish Iraqi citizens.

However, the situation changed drastically when Iraq gained its independence from the British and Rasheed Ali became Prime Minister. In 1932, Ali welcomed Nazi propagandists into Iraq which led to hatred against Iraqi Jews. Jews faced discrimination, harsh laws and quotas for employment which were set to exclude Jews from government positions. On June 1-2, 1941 the Farhood, “violent dispossession,” broke out killing nearly 300 Jews, injuring more than 2,000 and leaving $3 million in damaged property. During the next 10 years, Jews endured random outbreaks of rioting and violence. More than 15,000 Jews fled Iraq from 1941-1951.

In 1948, Iraq participated in a war against Israel. With 130,000 Jews living in Iraq at the time, Zionism was added to the Iraqi criminal code, punishable by death. As a result, 1,500 Jews were imprisoned, tortured and stripped of their property. Between the years 1949-1951, Jews were given permission to leave Iraq under the condition that they renounced their citizenship. 104,000 Jews were evacuated in Operation Ezra and Nechemia. Another 20,000 Jews were smuggled out through Iran.

Emigration was banned in 1952 with 6,000 Jews remaining in Iraq. Jews continued to experience severe persecution, arbitrary arrests, and economic isolation. In 1969, 9 Jewish men were publicly hanged in Baghdad and Basra after the government discovered an alleged “spy ring.” Following these events, Jews no longer felt safe in Iraq and in the 1970’s Jews were allowed to quietly leave the country.

Today less than 10 Jews remain in Iraq.
But over time these become part of the religious groups DNA Genome. Which is why the arabs have a different Genome to the Jews.

It seems that you do not understand simple basic things.

What Arabs are you talking about?

Arabs is not a religious group, it is a linguistic group.

Most Arabs are Muslims, but many of them are Christians or Jews.

Yes, there was mass conversion of Arabs to Judaism in the Middle ages, and before most Arabs became Muslims, many of them were Christians.

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As we see, Khazars were not the only pagans that converted to Judaism, a lot of different tribes (Arabs, Berbers, Khazars, Slavs and even some Germanic tribes) converted in the Middle Ages to Judaism.

And many oriental Jews still identify themselves as Arabs of Mosaic faith. Their native language is Arabic, and they have the same culture, as Arabs.

Benjamin Disraeli, the first and only British prime minister of Jewish extraction, described Jews as "Mosaic Arabs".

The Mosaic Arabs Comment is free The Guardian

They even have different Genomes depending on which area they came from ...

Yes, agree with that. Arabs are just a linguistic group, not a nation or people.

But stupid Zionists constantly talk about "them Arabs", as if they were one single people. They talk about the "Arab land", and that is idiotic.

Nevertheless, it is obvious that the difference between different pagan tribes, that converted to Judaism, is even bigger than the difference between different groups of Arabs, be these Arabs Muslims, Christians or Jews.

Only crazy people can believe that African, Asiatic and European Jews are the same people or are closely related to each others.

You do not have to do any genetic tests, you have just to look at them.




Nah, Arabs are barbaric invaders from Arabia that shoved their religion, culture, and language down the throats of the people they invaded at the point of the sword. Islam = Arab Imperialism.
Well Ruddy, you posted quite a few links to Zionist propaganda sites, but was the Arab Jew woman's site false, in your opinion?

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