In 2018, New GOP Darling Wrote that a Giant Laser Beam from Space Started CA Wildfires

I have given up with the idea that America will find another Reagan to heal itself with and we will either have that nutter you wrote about leading us or someone like Cortez, so maybe it time to go home to Canada where the sane people live and leave the U.S. for the nutters...
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out, eh?
“Some people are saying maybe [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi will throw her out” of Congress, Sterling said, referring to the House speaker. “The Democrats would never throw her out. They want her to be the definition of what a Republican is. They’re gonna give her every opportunity to speak and be heard and look crazy — like what came out Wednesday, the Jewish space laser to start fires. I mean, I don't know how far down the rabbit hole you go.”
Bingo. The Q Trumpsters don't see this because they're down in the rabbit hole with her.
There are at most 200,000 Qanon followers and 75m Trump voters do the math.
99.9% of Republicans are America Firsters and not interested in Qanon.
How many democrats are socialist/communist? Way more than 0.1%
“MTG is the AOC of the GOP. But as much as I hate to say it, AOC is nowhere as crazy as this,” Cowan said. “I’m a neurosurgeon. I diagnose crazy every day. It took five minutes talking to her to realize there were bats in the attic. And then we saw she had skeletons in the closet.”​

Let this be a lesson to everyone. Don't leave your log in codes to the Jewish Space Laser right out in the open when know your kids are just dying to play video games.
Nobody believes dandy hook or parkland were hoaxes. I don't believe any elected person or non elected person believes that. Relax.

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