In 4 Months Elections to Pick a Dem Nominee Begins, Yet No Lefty Stands by Any Candidate

This is the first time in my decades I’ve never seen a primary race where no one is willing to stand by a candidate this late in the game.

Just shows you how pathetic the Dem nominees are.

Lefties cannot stand behind a specific candidate until the MSN tells them which one. It's not like lefties have any interest in what policies each of them represent, and it's not like lefties care what any of them have to say. Lefties just need to be directed by the MSM who to stand behind. The MSM is sorting through all this as we speak, so lefties will soon know who to stand behind.
This is the first time in my decades I’ve never seen a primary race where no one is willing to stand by a candidate this late in the game.

Just shows you how pathetic the Dem nominees are.

Lefties cannot stand behind a specific candidate until the MSN tells them which one. It's not like lefties have any interest in what policies each of them represent, and it's not like lefties care what any of them have to say. Lefties just need to be directed by the MSM who to stand behind. The MSM is sorting through all this as we speak, so lefties will soon know who to stand behind.

Doesn't make a bit of difference if that is what you choose to believe. No need or desire to have you think any differently.
This is the first time in my decades I’ve never seen a primary race where no one is willing to stand by a candidate this late in the game.

Just shows you how pathetic the Dem nominees are.

Lefties cannot stand behind a specific candidate until the MSN tells them which one. It's not like lefties have any interest in what policies each of them represent, and it's not like lefties care what any of them have to say. Lefties just need to be directed by the MSM who to stand behind. The MSM is sorting through all this as we speak, so lefties will soon know who to stand behind.

Doesn't make a bit of difference if that is what you choose to believe. No need or desire to have you think any differently.
What we know is the poor working class schmuck is going to pay out of the wazoo and 4 years later will vote the dildo/dildette out. Won't be like Obama as money is more important and anger is growing.
Thanks for validating the OP, every leftist refuses to stand by any candidate.

You can draw any conclusion you desire, no matter how dumb that might be. You understand that it would be silly to stand for one over another before the decision is made, don't you?

I am a bit perplexed by that response. Are you not one of the democrats who will be picking the nominee in the primaries? Or are you just going to wait until the general to participate?

I agree with some of the candidates on some things more than others, but that's why I'm waiting until it is time to make a decision before I decide. Only a fool would decide without giving each candidate every chance to present their case.

And only an idiot would not yet know the difference between these candidates. It’s pretty clear it’s going to be Warren of the current basket of deplorables.

I'm glad you are so confident in your choice. I'll take a while longer to decide

I wouldn’t say Warren is my choice. I am by and large more conservative than liberal, however she is clearly the smartest and most capable of the democratic candidates, and aside from her Medicare for all position, I am not totally opposed to her. She would probably deal with China in a harsher manner than Trump.
You can draw any conclusion you desire, no matter how dumb that might be. You understand that it would be silly to stand for one over another before the decision is made, don't you?

I am a bit perplexed by that response. Are you not one of the democrats who will be picking the nominee in the primaries? Or are you just going to wait until the general to participate?
They have convinced themselves that some sign from hell will appear in the next 4 months to tell them who to vote for.

Four months from now will be mid-February.

Feb 3 is the first.
You Leftards are so ignorant.

.I can personally guarantee you there is NO ELECTION on the 3rd of Februrary or any other day of that month.

The election is in what we call "NOVEMBER". Always has been.
Oh, you’re right! The people don’t choose the Dem to run for POTUS, Deep State does. The caucuses and voting are just facades.
This is the first time in my decades I’ve never seen a primary race where no one is willing to stand by a candidate this late in the game.

Just shows you how pathetic the Dem nominees are.
They're waiting for thier globo home masters to give them the thumbs up for Warren
Because they're all good...with the exception of Yang and Gabbard

I'd vote for any one of them over Trump
This is the first time in my decades I’ve never seen a primary race where no one is willing to stand by a candidate this late in the game.

Just shows you how pathetic the Dem nominees are.

Lefties cannot stand behind a specific candidate until the MSN tells them which one. It's not like lefties have any interest in what policies each of them represent, and it's not like lefties care what any of them have to say. Lefties just need to be directed by the MSM who to stand behind. The MSM is sorting through all this as we speak, so lefties will soon know who to stand behind.

Doesn't make a bit of difference if that is what you choose to believe. No need or desire to have you think any differently.
What we know is the poor working class schmuck is going to pay out of the wazoo and 4 years later will vote the dildo/dildette out. Won't be like Obama as money is more important and anger is growing.

Linguistically speaking I believe the feminine of dildo should be dilda. However realistically speaking I'd say a feminine dildo is by definition oxymoronic.
This is the first time in my decades I’ve never seen a primary race where no one is willing to stand by a candidate this late in the game.

Just shows you how pathetic the Dem nominees are.

Lefties cannot stand behind a specific candidate until the MSN tells them which one. It's not like lefties have any interest in what policies each of them represent, and it's not like lefties care what any of them have to say. Lefties just need to be directed by the MSM who to stand behind. The MSM is sorting through all this as we speak, so lefties will soon know who to stand behind.

Doesn't make a bit of difference if that is what you choose to believe. No need or desire to have you think any differently.
What we know is the poor working class schmuck is going to pay out of the wazoo and 4 years later will vote the dildo/dildette out. Won't be like Obama as money is more important and anger is growing.

Linguistically speaking I believe the feminine of dildo should be dilda. However realistically speaking I'd say a feminine dildo is by definition oxymoronic.
Oh sure, ignore the other 86 genders, homophobe.

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