In a Huge Win for Biden: Senate Parlamentarian Rules 2 More Reconciliations Can be Used This Year, Not Just 1

Meanwhile, in Indulging Egos:


That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Its all a way to rob america of money-----
This is good news but it's also sad.

Republicans have destroyed democracy in the Senate with the non stop filibuster so the only way legislation can pass is if there are 60 votes on a bill which isn't democracy.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

We need a lot of new legislation to get our nation back on track. I wish the republicans would help instead of do all they can to keep destroying out nation.

This is good news but it's also sad.

Republicans have destroyed democracy in the Senate with the non stop filibuster so the only way legislation can pass is if there are 60 votes on a bill which isn't democracy.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

We need a lot of new legislation to get our nation back on track. I wish the republicans would help instead of do all they can to keep destroying out nation.

"Help" in liberalspeak means the GOP caves in and capitulated on everything. No thank you
The role od the opposition is to OPPOSE. Not compromise.
This is good news but it's also sad.

Republicans have destroyed democracy in the Senate with the non stop filibuster so the only way legislation can pass is if there are 60 votes on a bill which isn't democracy.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

We need a lot of new legislation to get our nation back on track. I wish the republicans would help instead of do all they can to keep destroying out nation.

In other words....

You do not know the difference between a democracy and a democratic republic.

FYI....the United States of America is not a democracy. We are a democratic republic.

There is a major difference but you dont get it.

Suggestion....stop making an ass of yourself.


You sound like an ass.
This is good news but it's also sad.

Republicans have destroyed democracy in the Senate with the non stop filibuster so the only way legislation can pass is if there are 60 votes on a bill which isn't democracy.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

We need a lot of new legislation to get our nation back on track. I wish the republicans would help instead of do all they can to keep destroying out nation.

Democrats spent the last four years in constant filibuster you dolt. But once again you morons are going to change the rules and by the next election be crying about how unfair it is the republicans are using those rules to pass laws. You’re all idiots.
There are enough checks on power in our Government.
You need both Houses to agree, you need the President to sign off, you have to clear the Courts.

Filibuster empowers the minority
Every one of OP’s threads: republicans- bad, democrats- good
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Under Democrats' view of "democracy" and "representative government," seventy-five million people get NO VOICE in government.
This is the political norm. The majority party is going to pass what it can while it can anticipating zero input form the opposition. Compromise has become synonymous with capitulation. The filibuster has become an obstructionist tactic lambasted by the majority and promulgated by the minority...
Under Democrats' view of "democracy" and "representative government," seventy-five million people get NO VOICE in government.

The filibuster kept majority from screwing the minority.

It worked both ways.

However, the Democrats aren't worried about it working against them now. They have figured out the way to steal elections so they feel confident they will never lose another election that counts.

Our democracy has been stolen.

The Democrats have discovered the path to make America a Socialist shithole and they are hell bent to steal our money to feed their greed. It will be glorious for them until the money runs out, like it always does in the Socialist shitholes.
Under Democrats' view of "democracy" and "representative government," seventy-five million people get NO VOICE in government.

The filibuster kept majority from screwing the minority.

It worked both ways.

However, the Democrats aren't worried about it working against them now. They have figured out the way to steal elections so they feel confident they will never lose another election that counts.

Our democracy has been stolen.

The Democrats have discovered the path to make America a Socialist shithole and they are hell bent to steal our money to feed their greed. It will be glorious for them until the money runs out, like it always does in the Socialist shitholes.
Very simple.

You dont agree with me? Then you are a racist

Sadly, it is working.

Thank God I will die within the next 20 years.
This is good news but it's also sad.

Republicans have destroyed democracy in the Senate with the non stop filibuster so the only way legislation can pass is if there are 60 votes on a bill which isn't democracy.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

We need a lot of new legislation to get our nation back on track. I wish the republicans would help instead of do all they can to keep destroying out nation.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

Make Harry Reid shouldn't have started that ball rolling down that slippery slope
There are enough checks on power in our Government.
You need both Houses to agree, you need the President to sign off, you have to clear the Courts.

Filibuster empowers the minority
Filibuster empowers the minority

and it works for BOTH parties
And both parties are about Party. Not us. They simply care about their political future and what they need to do to get re-elected.

Wake the fuck up America. The people you elect into office get free health care, salaries for life, protection from the laws of the land....and they claim to be smarter than we are.

And an FYI....they are all dumb as dogshit.

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