In a Huge Win for Biden: Senate Parlamentarian Rules 2 More Reconciliations Can be Used This Year, Not Just 1

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

I'm just curious about the mindset around this unprecedented level of debt creation. Every administration since GW Bush (Democrat lite) through Biden has been adding a trillion+ in debt per year. Biden has already got 1.9T in the pipe. He's talking about an additional 2T and now with this ruling, I assume the next one won't be less. My guess is it may even be more. So, 4T-6T or more added in 2021 alone.

I realize you folks like to call this "investment" and I don't really care what the justification is supposed to be, let's say it's absolutely ESSENTIAL and everyone agrees. The issue I wonder about is the stability of the Dollar and hyperinflation. I'm no economist but could someone here please explain how THIS level of debt creation while flooding the economy of the world with an amount of liquidity that rivals Noah's flood, can AVOID leading to a loss of trust in the dollar?

This new spending puts the U.S. over 30 Trillion dollars in the red. Even when economic times were good, we'd be having trouble just servicing this kind of debt.
Have we changed the rules that economies have heretofore observed?
Meanwhile, in Indulging Egos:

Smithers - Fetch me a Resolute Desk knockoff to eat my hamburders and Tweet from ...
Chop Chop!! :D

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That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

I'm just curious about the mindset around this unprecedented level of debt creation. Every administration since GW Bush (Democrat lite) through Biden has been adding a trillion+ in debt per year. Biden has already got 1.9T in the pipe. He's talking about an additional 2T and now with this ruling, I assume the next one won't be less. My guess is it may even be more. So, 4T-6T or more added in 2021 alone.

I realize you folks like to call this "investment" and I don't really care what the justification is supposed to be, let's say it's absolutely ESSENTIAL and everyone agrees. The issue I wonder about is the stability of the Dollar and hyperinflation. I'm no economist but could someone here please explain how THIS level of debt creation while flooding the economy of the world with an amount of liquidity that rivals Noah's flood, can AVOID leading to a loss of trust in the dollar?

This new spending puts the U.S. over 30 Trillion dollars in the red. Even when economic times were good, we'd be having trouble just servicing this kind of debt.
Have we changed the rules that economies have heretofore observed?

We must beat China at all costs.
Yeah. Very valuable to corporations.
How much in financial contracts does ol Nancy have in tesla? Hmmmm?
And frenchie boi was just talking about republicans and corporations :rofl:
We are on the precipice of Weimarland, friendo.
Actually, I think the Weimar Republic will seem like boon times in comparison to what's coming. This "Reset" will cause global violence by collapsing the global economy and plunging nearly everyone into a level of poverty so extreme that there will be starvation even in western countries. It wouldn't surprise me to see it used to allow a "culling" of dissidents. Let a few hundred thousand die before beginning to restore "order" and the fools will cheer for their own slavery. As long as they can spit hate at someone for causing their problems, they'll be obedient.

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

I wonder how many trillions more they will borrow to waste on the tab of your children and grandchildren with those two?

You assume he will procreate

get his trans-boyfriend pregnant?

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

I'm just curious about the mindset around this unprecedented level of debt creation. Every administration since GW Bush (Democrat lite) through Biden has been adding a trillion+ in debt per year. Biden has already got 1.9T in the pipe. He's talking about an additional 2T and now with this ruling, I assume the next one won't be less. My guess is it may even be more. So, 4T-6T or more added in 2021 alone.

I realize you folks like to call this "investment" and I don't really care what the justification is supposed to be, let's say it's absolutely ESSENTIAL and everyone agrees. The issue I wonder about is the stability of the Dollar and hyperinflation. I'm no economist but could someone here please explain how THIS level of debt creation while flooding the economy of the world with an amount of liquidity that rivals Noah's flood, can AVOID leading to a loss of trust in the dollar?

This new spending puts the U.S. over 30 Trillion dollars in the red. Even when economic times were good, we'd be having trouble just servicing this kind of debt.
Have we changed the rules that economies have heretofore observed?

The reason he is raising taxes
Personally, I believe Manchin is going hardass Mr. No right now to things like $15 min. wage, and other Liberal issues so that he has cover when he goes big on Biden's core legislation.
Ultimately he'll answer to HIS voters. I don't give a damn at this point if he gets on board with the apocalyptic spending party. If he votes to dump the filibuster or votes to infringe 2A then he'll be partially responsible for a hot Civil War. You folks need to sober up where gun control and permanent consolidation of power are concerned. That shit is insane. You don't seem to have a basic sense of fairness about such things.

You know, like, how YOU would react if Republicans did something that guaranteed you couldn't regain power for many years, if ever? If they used a tiebreaker vote to outlaw abortion and criminalize ALL drugs? We all know what you'd do. You'd set every blue city in the country on fire and try to do the same in some red states, though, that wouldn't work out well for you.
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
I'm following trend lines,...$4 trillion in increased spending proposed inside of three months....Even a dope addled dullard like you can extrapolate that trend line...

Ready to pay $10 for a Snickers bar, dumbfuck?
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
I'm following trend lines,...$4 trillion in increased spending proposed inside of three months....Even a dope addled dullard like you can extrapolate that trend line...

Ready to pay $10 for a Snickers bar, dumbfuck?
lmao get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. You just plain ignant
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
I'm following trend lines,...$4 trillion in increased spending proposed inside of three months....Even a dope addled dullard like you can extrapolate that trend line...

Ready to pay $10 for a Snickers bar, dumbfuck?
lmao get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. You just plain ignant
Veggie Joe is on pace to add over $70 TRILLION to the debt in just 4 years. If that isn’t just printed, where does it come from?
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
I'm following trend lines,...$4 trillion in increased spending proposed inside of three months....Even a dope addled dullard like you can extrapolate that trend line...

Ready to pay $10 for a Snickers bar, dumbfuck?
lmao get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. You just plain ignant
The funny part is that you're going to live long enough to discover how adolescently arrogant this post is.

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Then Republicans' should stop going to House and Senate sessions to deny a quorum to do business.

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