In a Huge Win for Biden: Senate Parlamentarian Rules 2 More Reconciliations Can be Used This Year, Not Just 1

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Then Republicans' should stop going to House and Senate sessions to deny a quorum to do business.

I mean that's an're literally supporting elected officials not doing their jobs, but yeah
Weimar America, here we come!
Make sure your wheelbarrow is in good shape when you must use it at the supermarket to buy a loaf of bread.

I can't believe how utterly stupid and irresponsible these brain dead a-holes are.
This is good news but it's also sad.

Republicans have destroyed democracy in the Senate with the non stop filibuster so the only way legislation can pass is if there are 60 votes on a bill which isn't democracy.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

We need a lot of new legislation to get our nation back on track. I wish the republicans would help instead of do all they can to keep destroying out nation.

lots of people in this country feel that your side is just as bad when it comes to destroying this nation....i witnessed it personally in California....

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

You might consider it a win for the stuttering fuck you voted for but it sure isn't a win for America or her tax payers. Jesus you are one stupid dumbass.

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Well he can't get 50 on his "infrastructure bill." But imo the fillibuster no longer has a constructive purpose. The Freedom Caucus and perhaps McConnell found it was more advantageous to their quest for power to not compromise when Obama was potus (although Obama might have gotten a bipartisan but less comprehensive health law). And while Pelosi/Schumer may have traded a wall for DACA, Trump found he'd lose his base if he compromised, and the dems never again mentioned compromise.

And the consequence is any "compromise" in the Trump years came from the more moderate senators in the maj party, and the "compromise" today is from the more moderates in the dem party. So what use is a filibuster when the minority party has no plans to compromise.

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Fucking cool!

Just print up scores of trillions of dollars, piss them away on projects that have zero chance of ever turning a buck, and mix in some straight-up payola for our political allies,....Then, pass the bill onto everyone in the nation in the form of inflation, and everything will be peace and love beads!

As goofy as I was in my early 30s, I wasn't anywhere near the rank fucking ignoramus sub-imbecile that you are.

95% of this so-called "infrastructure" bill is thinly disguised welfare. Why should we go another $2 trillion into debt for that?

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Fucking cool!

Just print up scores of trillions of dollars, piss them away on projects that have zero chance of ever turning a buck, and mix in some straight-up payola for our political allies,....Then, pass the bill onto everyone in the nation in the form of inflation, and everything will be peace and love beads!

As goofy as I was in my early 30s, I wasn't anywhere near the rank fucking ignoramus sub-imbecile that you are.

95% of this so-called "infrastructure" bill is thinly disguised welfare. Why should we go another $2 trillion into debt for that?

Because people want their free stuff and there is a party that promises it to them....its how it works.

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Just curious, much debt to you think the US can sustain before the whole house of cards comes crashing down? Joe Biden and the Democrats are spending TRILLIONS at a pace that will make that happen sooner than later!

You weren't asking this when Trump/Ryan/McConnell passed the huge giveaway to the rich.
This is good news but it's also sad.

Republicans have destroyed democracy in the Senate with the non stop filibuster so the only way legislation can pass is if there are 60 votes on a bill which isn't democracy.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster on all pieces of legislation.

We need a lot of new legislation to get our nation back on track. I wish the republicans would help instead of do all they can to keep destroying out nation.

Dims filibuster just as much as Reps, Dummy.
There are enough checks on power in our Government.
You need both Houses to agree, you need the President to sign off, you have to clear the Courts.

Filibuster empowers the minority
Pretty sure the Founders are way smarter than you.
Why is anyone celebrating one party rule?
Elections have consequences. Oh, and Fuck your Feelings.

Funny how that works. Elections have consequences depending on which side wins...
Fraud is not winning. There was massive and obvious fraud.

No there wasn’t.

If it was that “massive” and “obvious“ it would have been discovered and dealt with by the courts.

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