In a Huge Win for Biden: Senate Parlamentarian Rules 2 More Reconciliations Can be Used This Year, Not Just 1

That means 2 more bills with only 51 simple majority needed for Joe instead of only 1 bill. Will it be the 2-part Infrastructure bill he talked about?

No filibuster can stop these 2 reconciliation bills, which makes them very valuable indeed.

Then Republicans' should stop going to House and Senate sessions to deny a quorum to do business.

I mean that's an're literally supporting elected officials not doing their jobs, but yeah

If their job is to represent the views of their constituents and their constituents want the bills stopped, then not showing up would be doing their jobs.
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
I'm following trend lines,...$4 trillion in increased spending proposed inside of three months....Even a dope addled dullard like you can extrapolate that trend line...

Ready to pay $10 for a Snickers bar, dumbfuck?
lmao get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. You just plain ignant

There has been only one spending bill passed since Biden became president.

That was the covid bill and it was 1.9 trillion dollars.

The infrastructure bill has been proposed but it has not passed congress and has not been signed by Biden. It's also not anything close to what the lying conservative you replied to has claimed.

The infrastructure bill is 2 trillion dollars. There will be tax increases on the rich to pay for it.

If the conservatives couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.
So you are cheering Veggie Joe breaking his promise to be bipartisan
He's not your President, remember?

So just sit down and keep your big yap shut.

Let the adults handle things going forward.

How can Biden be bipartisan when mcconnell has said on both the covid bill and the upcoming infrastructure that no republican will vote for it.

How can anyone be bipartisan with people who start out saying they won't work together?

if mcconnell had not done that with both those bills I would be expecting the democrats to at least try to work with the republicans.

But when republicans start out proudly saying they won't vote for a bill I don't expect democrats to waste time with people who refuse to even try to work together.

Republicans have killed democracy in our senate years ago with their non stop filibuster.

Our nation has been neglected for way too long. I hope the infrastructure bill goes through.

Democracy should rule and if reconciliation is the way to make democracy possible, I'm all for it.
Why is anyone celebrating one party rule? Fascism is what you are going to get. It has started already. Censorship, political persecution, and corporations neck deep in politics and pushing the narrative.
You lost. Get over it.

It's funny, when the republicans controlled the White House, the House, the Senate and Supreme Court the conservatives on this board loved it and never wanted it to change.

Now that democrats have the congress and White House but not the Supreme Court, It's fascism.

Republicans had no problem with mcconnell and republicans in congress refusing to seat a judge on the Supreme Court in the Obama years. In fact, they cheered it. They had no problem with mcconnell and trump ramming through a judge on the court weeks before the election and months before the new administration, republicans had no problem with it. They cheered it on.

The hypocrisy and lies from republicans are just disgusting.

The person you replied to doesn't know the meaning of the word fascism.
Adults don't spend money they know they don't have a budget for! KIDS do who don't understand how hard it is to earn money!
Republicans have been spending like drunken sailors or little girls using daddy's credit card for the first time these last 4 years.

And you enjoyed it.

Your false arguments are falling on deaf ears.


Republicans have been spending like drunken sailors or little girls using their daddy's credit cards for the first time ever since reagan.

It didn't start with trump.

Every republican president since reagan has spent like drunken sailors and it was all wasted money. On military and tax cuts for the rich and big business.

The United States got nothing tangible out of all the trillions in debt the republicans have forced on us since reagan.

Our nation is falling apart. Literally. We are falling behind the rest of the developed world.

At least with Biden's spending we will get something.

He campaigned on "Build Back Better."

He's actually trying to keep his promises.
Why is anyone celebrating one party rule? Fascism is what you are going to get. It has started already. Censorship, political persecution, and corporations neck deep in politics and pushing the narrative.
You lost. Get over it.

It's funny, when the republicans controlled the White House, the House, the Senate and Supreme Court the conservatives on this board loved it and never wanted it to change.

Now that democrats have the congress and White House but not the Supreme Court, It's fascism.

Republicans had no problem with mcconnell and republicans in congress refusing to seat a judge on the Supreme Court in the Obama years. In fact, they cheered it. They had no problem with mcconnell and trump ramming through a judge on the court weeks before the election and months before the new administration, republicans had no problem with it. They cheered it on.

The hypocrisy and lies from republicans are just disgusting.

The person you replied to doesn't know the meaning of the word fascism.
Of course that idiot doesn't know the meaning of fascism. Like all RWNJs, he uses it as a child uses the word Cooties, to indicate anything he is opposed to, even if he can't explain why.
Why is anyone celebrating one party rule? Fascism is what you are going to get. It has started already. Censorship, political persecution, and corporations neck deep in politics and pushing the narrative.
You lost. Get over it.

It's funny, when the republicans controlled the White House, the House, the Senate and Supreme Court the conservatives on this board loved it and never wanted it to change.

Now that democrats have the congress and White House but not the Supreme Court, It's fascism.

Republicans had no problem with mcconnell and republicans in congress refusing to seat a judge on the Supreme Court in the Obama years. In fact, they cheered it. They had no problem with mcconnell and trump ramming through a judge on the court weeks before the election and months before the new administration, republicans had no problem with it. They cheered it on.

The hypocrisy and lies from republicans are just disgusting.

The person you replied to doesn't know the meaning of the word fascism.
Of course that idiot doesn't know the meaning of fascism. Like all RWNJs, he uses it as a child uses the word Cooties, to indicate anything he is opposed to, even if he can't explain why.
I told you what fascism is and you are the one that supports it. Deal with it fascist.:mm:
Why is anyone celebrating one party rule? Fascism is what you are going to get. It has started already. Censorship, political persecution, and corporations neck deep in politics and pushing the narrative.
You lost. Get over it.

It's funny, when the republicans controlled the White House, the House, the Senate and Supreme Court the conservatives on this board loved it and never wanted it to change.

Now that democrats have the congress and White House but not the Supreme Court, It's fascism.

Republicans had no problem with mcconnell and republicans in congress refusing to seat a judge on the Supreme Court in the Obama years. In fact, they cheered it. They had no problem with mcconnell and trump ramming through a judge on the court weeks before the election and months before the new administration, republicans had no problem with it. They cheered it on.

The hypocrisy and lies from republicans are just disgusting.

The person you replied to doesn't know the meaning of the word fascism.
Of course that idiot doesn't know the meaning of fascism. Like all RWNJs, he uses it as a child uses the word Cooties, to indicate anything he is opposed to, even if he can't explain why.
I told you what fascism is and you are the one that supports it. Deal with it fascist.:mm:

You've said lots of goofy stuff. Doubtful much of it was accurate.
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
I'm following trend lines,...$4 trillion in increased spending proposed inside of three months....Even a dope addled dullard like you can extrapolate that trend line...

Ready to pay $10 for a Snickers bar, dumbfuck?
lmao get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. You just plain ignant

There has been only one spending bill passed since Biden became president.

That was the covid bill and it was 1.9 trillion dollars.

The infrastructure bill has been proposed but it has not passed congress and has not been signed by Biden. It's also not anything close to what the lying conservative you replied to has claimed.

The infrastructure bill is 2 trillion dollars. There will be tax increases on the rich to pay for it.

If the conservatives couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.
A total of $4 trillion in spending, and that's before the "normal" $4+ trillion annual budget for the customary graft and payola even gets a first look....Before any other yet unforeseen (or is it?) "emergency spending" event comes along.

And you sub-morons think that a tax increase of a few percent on "the wealthy" is going to cover the expenses.

So we're currently at $8 trillion, and it's only April.

If you liberoidal assholes couldn't gaslight, you wouldn't have anything to say.
Republicans have been spending like drunken sailors or little girls using their daddy's credit cards for the first time ever since reagan.

It didn't start with trump.

Every republican president since reagan has spent like drunken sailors and it was all wasted money. On military and tax cuts for the rich and big business.

The United States got nothing tangible out of all the trillions in debt the republicans have forced on us since reagan.

Our nation is falling apart. Literally. We are falling behind the rest of the developed world.

At least with Biden's spending we will get something.

He campaigned on "Build Back Better."

He's actually trying to keep his promises.
Couldn't have stated it better myself.
Why is anyone celebrating one party rule? Fascism is what you are going to get. It has started already. Censorship, political persecution, and corporations neck deep in politics and pushing the narrative.
You lost. Get over it.

It's funny, when the republicans controlled the White House, the House, the Senate and Supreme Court the conservatives on this board loved it and never wanted it to change.

Now that democrats have the congress and White House but not the Supreme Court, It's fascism.

Republicans had no problem with mcconnell and republicans in congress refusing to seat a judge on the Supreme Court in the Obama years. In fact, they cheered it. They had no problem with mcconnell and trump ramming through a judge on the court weeks before the election and months before the new administration, republicans had no problem with it. They cheered it on.

The hypocrisy and lies from republicans are just disgusting.

The person you replied to doesn't know the meaning of the word fascism.
Of course that idiot doesn't know the meaning of fascism. Like all RWNJs, he uses it as a child uses the word Cooties, to indicate anything he is opposed to, even if he can't explain why.
I told you what fascism is and you are the one that supports it. Deal with it fascist.:mm:
I love that emoticon.
We must beat China at all costs.
And we're going to beat China by printing up $10 trillion how?

You're making up random numbers.
No I'm not....The trend line is clear.

Now, render unto us the dazzling economic theory about how expanding the debt like that is going to bring us to economic Valhalla.

C'mon, Andy, don't withhold from we peons your economic revealed truths from the cosmic ether!
Oh you're not making numbers up?

Okay, simple enough, link me to the $10 trillion spending plan you mentioned.
I'm following trend lines,...$4 trillion in increased spending proposed inside of three months....Even a dope addled dullard like you can extrapolate that trend line...

Ready to pay $10 for a Snickers bar, dumbfuck?
lmao get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. You just plain ignant

There has been only one spending bill passed since Biden became president.

That was the covid bill and it was 1.9 trillion dollars.

The infrastructure bill has been proposed but it has not passed congress and has not been signed by Biden. It's also not anything close to what the lying conservative you replied to has claimed.

The infrastructure bill is 2 trillion dollars. There will be tax increases on the rich to pay for it.

If the conservatives couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.
If the conservatives couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.
they say the same thing about you much alike....
Adults don't spend money they know they don't have a budget for! KIDS do who don't understand how hard it is to earn money!
Republicans have been spending like drunken sailors or little girls using daddy's credit card for the first time these last 4 years.

And you enjoyed it.

Your false arguments are falling on deaf ears.


Republicans have been spending like drunken sailors or little girls using their daddy's credit cards for the first time ever since reagan.

It didn't start with trump.

Every republican president since reagan has spent like drunken sailors and it was all wasted money. On military and tax cuts for the rich and big business.

The United States got nothing tangible out of all the trillions in debt the republicans have forced on us since reagan.

Our nation is falling apart. Literally. We are falling behind the rest of the developed world.

At least with Biden's spending we will get something.

He campaigned on "Build Back Better."

He's actually trying to keep his promises.
Is that what they did? Republicans are trying to keep up with you. The cost of living in most blue areas is through the roof. Your finances say you are wealthier but the economies are more a house of cards then any red state can be. These bills passed can be made much simpler. But somehow a few hundred billion dollars supposedly used for the intention needed, becomes a few trillion dollars with many more items added.
Hoorah! Let's throw out and ignore more long-established rules and traditions! Who needs the rule of law or checks and balances anyway? Bring on the Tyranny of the Majority! Never mind that half the country does not want this stuff! Too bad!
Why is anyone celebrating one party rule?
Elections have consequences. Oh, and Fuck your Feelings.
One party rule should not be one of those consequences. But you are a fascist so I see why you like it.
You were fine with one party rule from 2017-2019, so go fuck yourself.
No, YOU go screw yourself. America was stolen by the Left. And we will take back what's rightfully ours!

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