in a sociolgy class last year, I said.

If you don't like paying taxes = stop using the public services.

Stop sending your kids to public schools
Stop Driving on the public roads
Stop expecting the police to save you
Don't call the fire department
Don't expect a cure for most diseases
Don't listen to the nws
Just don't.

You right wing loons would turn this country into Somalia if you had your way. You're worse then a lot of left wingers.

Typical Moonbat Sophistry.

Someone is forced at the point of a gun to fund government services, depriving him of resources to purchase such services in the private sector...but he is supposed to harm himself on ideological grounds by not using the services for which he was forced to pay.

What an Anti-Human Worldview.
A characterizing word or phrase used as part of, or instead of, a person's name is capitalized, Genius.

Not at all. A description, e.g., crazy man is not required to be capitalized.

Your misdefinition then your deflection from being called on the misdefinition is noted.
I didn't ay description. I said "characterizing word or phrase used as part of, or instead of, a person's name." Bonzo is not a description; it's an epithet.

Pay attention, Son, or people on these boards might start mocking you.

Your willful denial is noted.
Taxes are not volunteered. They are taken. "[A]t the point of a gun" is hyperbole; a figure of speech.


taxes are volunteered. if you don't like them, you are free to move elsewhere where they don't require them. i hear somalia is pretty nice.

First you said they are "volunteered." Then you said they are "required."

You really are one stupid libturd, aren't you?

Your casting a slur because you cannot argue the point clearly is noted.
I've seen this attempt to distinguish between "forced" and "required" before, and as odd as it might appear, I don't think it's deliberate deception. It seems to be based on holding the conflicting notions that on one hand, it's wrong to force someone to do against their, but on the other, legal requirements can't be "wrong".
That's a truly idiotic conception of 'voluntary', essentially rendering the word meaningless.

The dictionary may help you correct the error in your thinking.

done, given, or acting of one's own free will.

It might help you to comprehend those words. The payment of taxes is far from an action of our own free will. It is illegal not to pay. This entails government coercion.

by exercising your free will to live in this country you are acquiescing to the rules. one of which is a requirement that taxes be paid. therefore, by voluntarily staying in the united states you are agreeing to pay your taxes, which therefore makes them volunteered.
It might help you to comprehend those words. The payment of taxes is far from an action of our own free will. It is illegal not to pay. This entails government coercion.

by exercising your free will to live in this country you are acquiescing to the rules. one of which is a requirement that taxes be paid. therefore, by voluntarily staying in the united states you are agreeing to pay your taxes, which therefore makes them volunteered.[/QUOTE]

And if you don't pay up they will throw you in jail whether you volunteer or not.
I agree. If you dont have a coherent argument then it is a waste of keystrokes because I will certainly expose any fallacies you have in that argument.

The only fallacies exposed by you are the ones inherent in your own thinking and arguments. And you are truly too dull minded to grasp them.

Which is why it is a waste of time to try to discuss anything with you. We could talk to a rock wall and have a better chance of having a coherent chat than any attempt to "reason" with a mindless drone lump like you.

Meanwhile, a thing which is voluntary is still not a thing which is the product of coercion. Your inability to see that fact or to admit it does not alter it.

You remain wrong.

You cant ignore the definition of voluntary and actually expect anyone to believe you are credible.

Yet, you are attempting to do exactly that. Mighty odd of you. But not unexpected, assclapius.

Voluntary is the exercise of free will. It does not say that exercise is without consequences.

You truly are studiously obtuse.

Let me highlight the obvious for you (not that it will penetrate your incredibly thick skull now, either): Voluntary is the exercise of free will. If there are dire consequences attached, you twit, then the exercise of one's will is no longer "free."

The balance of your post was just as vacuous and devoid of logic, reason, rationality and coherence as the quoted parts. Congrats. You are now, officially, a complete imbecile.
The dictionary may help you correct the error in your thinking.

It might help you to comprehend those words. The payment of taxes is far from an action of our own free will. It is illegal not to pay. This entails government coercion.

by exercising your free will to live in this country you are acquiescing to the rules. one of which is a requirement that taxes be paid. therefore, by voluntarily staying in the united states you are agreeing to pay your taxes, which therefore makes them volunteered.

Just because you acquiesce to coercion, doesn't mean it's not coercion. I think some of you are stuck on the mistaken notion that coercion is always wrong, and then stubbornly insisting that law enforcement isn't actually coercion. But coercion isn't always wrong. When used to protect the innocent from those who initiate violence, it's fully justified.

A defense of compulsive taxation would make much more sense if you tried to justify it as a response to a wrong, i.e. if you made the argument that people who don't pay their taxes are somehow stealing from everyone who does, by utilizing the services of government and refusing to pay for them.

But simply denying the coercive nature of law enforcement just makes you sound delusional. If we refuse to comply with the law, and persist in that refusal, we will face violent repercussions. That's the whole point of making something a law in the first place. Otherwise, we'd just make it a 'suggestion'.
If you don't like paying taxes = stop using the public services.

Stop sending your kids to public schools
Stop Driving on the public roads
Stop expecting the police to save you
Don't call the fire department
Don't expect a cure for most diseases
Don't listen to the nws
Just don't.

You right wing loons would turn this country into Somalia if you had your way. You're worse then a lot of left wingers.

You studiously miss the point.

It is not now and it never was a question of not liking the paying of taxes.

The question under discussion is simply WHETHER or not the payment of taxes in our land is "voluntary." It clearly and obviously is not. The CLAIM that tax payments are "voluntary" requires a complete inability to give words their proper meaning.

As to how much we might dislike paying taxes, that's a different question than whether we should pay some taxes. And that's a different question than HOW MUCH is an appropriate point of taxation? In turn, that latter question is related to the more complex one involving SPENDING.

It's all vastly beyond your limited reach, matty.

Paying taxes is voluntary. You do so of your own free will. I think the point you are in search of is that taxes are compulsory.

Paying taxes is compulsory with somewhat painful consequences for the violation of that law. Thus, the payment is in NO way "voluntary." Indeed, paying them is NOT a product of free will, by definition once YOU acknowledge that it is compulsory.

Words still have actual meaning despite your best efforts to erase the meaning.
"I don't owe you ANYTHING other than to not interfere with you". and "taxes are taken at the point of a gun". All the kids were OUTRAGED, but they couldn't come up with any valid opposition to my points. :) Cause there AINT any.

You can choose to set up your own church or business.
deduct business expenses or donations from your taxes.
And invest directly in doing things yourself instead of paying to federal govt.

Number one advice:
get into real estate investment

you will deduct so much you wont worry about the taxes you pay to govt
which will be reduced to a minimum. not only should you invest in your own
equity instead of giving that money to govt you have no control over, but you will learn valuable skills in ownership and management
and have a chance to exercise equal authority as other property and business owners.
"I don't owe you ANYTHING other than to not interfere with you". and "taxes are taken at the point of a gun". All the kids were OUTRAGED, but they couldn't come up with any valid opposition to my points. :) Cause there AINT any.

You can choose to set up your own church or business.
deduct business expenses or donations from your taxes.
And invest directly in doing things yourself instead of paying to federal govt.

Number one advice:
get into real estate investment

you will deduct so much you wont worry about the taxes you pay to govt
which will be reduced to a minimum. not only should you invest in your own
equity instead of giving that money to govt you have no control over, but you will learn valuable skills in ownership and management
and have a chance to exercise equal authority as other property and business owners.

if you are more service oriented
you can set up and run your own educational program
and pay other people to do "consulting work" and write
all that off 100% as business expenses and overhead
by exercising your free will to live in this country you are acquiescing to the rules. one of which is a requirement that taxes be paid. therefore, by voluntarily staying in the united states you are agreeing to pay your taxes, which therefore makes them volunteered.

So, do you have to take an IQ test, and score below 50 to register as a democrat?


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