in a sociolgy class last year, I said.

You just have to be better than the IRS at hiding your money and not letting them know what you have. It's a fun game..Tax avoision...
Libertarians, many of them, want a free ride without paying their share.
Anyone care to take a stab at what kind of third world shithole we would be if taxes were voluntary?
What kind of sociology class? ancient and modern civilizations or govt. social worker class? I suggest you take a class in logic, the art of argument..
They all want to live in the greatest country in the world but none of them want to pay for it.

And they talk about the left wanting free shit . . .

Taxes come in two basic flavors; direct and indirect. Income and property tax are forms of direct taxation, sales and use taxes are forms of indirect taxes. Most of the founding fathers opposed direct taxation as a matter of principle. George Mason is famous for his opposition to direct taxation.

{Mr. Chairman—Whether the Constitution be good or bad, the present clause clearly discovers, that it is a National Government, and no longer a confederation. I mean that clause which gives the first hint of the General Government laying direct taxes. }

George Mason Speech | Teaching American History

I urge everyone to read the entire speech, the brilliance of our founders is well illustrated. The issue is this, direct taxes are levied against persons, indirect against things. An income tax by necessity requires the government to infringe on the person and papers of citizens, in violation of the bill of rights, in order to determine the amount of tax owed. Mr. Mason correctly points out that direct taxation is a form of tyranny, and cannot be otherwise. It imposes the will of the state on the individual. Indirect taxes are levied against things - with a sales tax, you buy a candy bar and pay a portion of tax on the sale. The government has no knowledge, nor care of your private affairs, the transaction is taxed - not you as a person. Direct taxes are favored by politicians because they are the foundation of corruption. A rich man cannot bribe a congressman to exempt him from a portion of sales taxes, if you buy, you pay. But direct taxes are targeted, so that a congresscritter can be bribed to create an exemption from tax for those owning limousines or eating caviar. Mason, and others correctly identified the issues with direct taxation. Property tax makes a mockery of the concept of private property - if you "own" property, then you need not pay rent on it. If you pay rent to the government in the form of property tax, then the government is landlord and rightful owner, and the concept of private property is a farce.

So while I agree that taxation is a necessary part of a civilized society, that we must fund the legitimate functions of government, I will stress that many of our founding fathers had the wisdom to recognize that not all taxation is equal.
Volunteer may be a word that's not in the vocabularies of some board lefties. Please allow me to 'splain it. It means we may decline to remit without fear of penalty or retribution.

Not so, bonzo.
A characterizing word or phrase used as part of, or instead of, a person's name is capitalized, Genius.

Not at all. A description, e.g., crazy man is not required to be capitalized.

Your misdefinition then your deflection from being called on the misdefinition is noted.
Not so, bonzo.
A characterizing word or phrase used as part of, or instead of, a person's name is capitalized, Genius.

Not at all. A description, e.g., crazy man is not required to be capitalized.

Your misdefinition then your deflection from being called on the misdefinition is noted.
I didn't ay description. I said "characterizing word or phrase used as part of, or instead of, a person's name." Bonzo is not a description; it's an epithet.

Pay attention, Son, or people on these boards might start mocking you.
They all want to live in the greatest country in the world but none of them want to pay for it.

And they talk about the left wanting free shit . . .

Taxes come in two basic flavors; direct and indirect. Income and property tax are forms of direct taxation, sales and use taxes are forms of indirect taxes. Most of the founding fathers opposed direct taxation as a matter of principle. George Mason is famous for his opposition to direct taxation.

{Mr. Chairman—Whether the Constitution be good or bad, the present clause clearly discovers, that it is a National Government, and no longer a confederation. I mean that clause which gives the first hint of the General Government laying direct taxes. }

George Mason Speech | Teaching American History

I urge everyone to read the entire speech, the brilliance of our founders is well illustrated. The issue is this, direct taxes are levied against persons, indirect against things. An income tax by necessity requires the government to infringe on the person and papers of citizens, in violation of the bill of rights, in order to determine the amount of tax owed. Mr. Mason correctly points out that direct taxation is a form of tyranny, and cannot be otherwise. It imposes the will of the state on the individual. Indirect taxes are levied against things - with a sales tax, you buy a candy bar and pay a portion of tax on the sale. The government has no knowledge, nor care of your private affairs, the transaction is taxed - not you as a person. Direct taxes are favored by politicians because they are the foundation of corruption. A rich man cannot bribe a congressman to exempt him from a portion of sales taxes, if you buy, you pay. But direct taxes are targeted, so that a congresscritter can be bribed to create an exemption from tax for those owning limousines or eating caviar. Mason, and others correctly identified the issues with direct taxation. Property tax makes a mockery of the concept of private property - if you "own" property, then you need not pay rent on it. If you pay rent to the government in the form of property tax, then the government is landlord and rightful owner, and the concept of private property is a farce.

So while I agree that taxation is a necessary part of a civilized society, that we must fund the legitimate functions of government, I will stress that many of our founding fathers had the wisdom to recognize that not all taxation is equal.

So one of the first things the new nation did was impose a tax on incoming goods. The tax raised the prices on imports, but not to worry because the intent was to help industry by making the American people pay more for certain products.
that's right, and WHO consents to all this tax money being taken from us, hmm? Nobody that I know consents to it. In fact, everyone resents it, highly.
limit the govt to what it SHOULD be doing (well under 10% of what it's doing now) and it can be funded by taxing corporations, people paying fees for fire protection, contract enforcement, and by lotteries.
limit the govt to what it SHOULD be doing (well under 10% of what it's doing now) and it can be funded by taxing corporations, people paying fees for fire protection, contract enforcement, and by lotteries.

Many corporations pay lobbyists good money to keep their taxes as low as possible.
taxes aren't taken at the point of a gun. you're an idiot.
Taxes are not volunteered. They are taken. "[A]t the point of a gun" is hyperbole; a figure of speech.


taxes are volunteered. if you don't like them, you are free to move elsewhere where they don't require them. i hear somalia is pretty nice.

First you said they are "volunteered." Then you said they are "required."

You really are one stupid libturd, aren't you?
Holy shit! liberals like silly jilly would stand in line to give up her liver if Obama called for a liver tax. Fucking Obama bots

taxes aren't taken at the point of a gun. you're an idiot.



For target practice, hollow point bullets train the agents and officers on how to shoot multiple targets with one bullet and would succeed in the kills-to-targets ratio by teaching armed agents how to kill more people.

Initially, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of DHS, did not want to publically acknowledge Congress questions into the solicitations for 1.8 billion rounds of hollow point bullets.

House Representative Tim Huelskamp said: “They have no answer for that question. They refuse to answer to answer that…. They refuse to let us know what is going on, so I don’t really have an answer for that.”

A letter to DHS was signed by House Representative Doug LaMalfa and 15 other supporters in Congress that demanded an explanation for the “stockpiling” and addressed concerns of Americans that the DHS were purposefully causing a shortage in the public sector.
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Beware the U.S. Education Department SWAT team
Federal agents for the Education Department's inspector general executed a very broad search warrant and seized paperwork and a personal computer. Wright says the law enforcement agents -- who reportedly included 13 with the Education Department and one or two Stockton police officers -- told him they were investigating his estranged wife's use of federal aid for students. But she doesn't even live in his house.

A federal spokesman tried to distance the Education Department from the raid by emphasizing that the IG runs a "semi-independent office." But that begs the question of why a federal agency overseeing education policy should have an IG who can send agents armed with guns into Americans' homes. Or why the department has SWAT-style teams of agents to begin with.

In yet another Orwellian development, the Education Department IG provides an anonymous tip line encouraging Americans to inform on each other. This is reminiscent of the Obama White House asking Americans in 2010 to report on friends and neighbors who said anything "fishy" about Obamacare in private conversations.

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center says that it trains agents for "over 80 federal agencies." These include the Secret Service, Bureau of Prisons, and similar agencies that one would expect.

But the list includes dozens of federal agencies with no business training and fielding armed officers. Who wants early-morning armed break-ins by the Department of Agriculture, Railroad Retirement Board, Bureau of Land Management, Tennessee Valley Authority, Office of Personnel Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?

If these agencies occasionally have a legitimate need for force to execute a warrant, they should be required to call a real law enforcement agency, one that has a better sense of perspective. The FBI, for example, can draw upon its vast experience to determine whether there is an actual need for a dozen SWAT agents.

The use of SWAT teams is part of a troubling national trend. Peter Kraska, in a Cato Institute report, estimates that SWAT teams now make 40,000 raids on citizens each year. Paramilitary raids by out-of-control federal agencies against ordinary citizens, who may not have violated any law, are a growing threat to our safety.

The fact that the Department of Education conducted a SWAT-style raid should outrage. Giving the federal government too many laws, too many regulations and too many armed agents is a formula for disaster for our individual rights and freedom.
Federal Agency SWAT Teams - Why So Many? ? RKBA Blog - A Second Amendment Blog

Among those federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions are the State Department, Department of Education, Department of Energy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service, to name just a few.


Here’s a summary of a recent ACLU investigation:

Federal funding in the billions of dollars has allowed state and local police departments to gain access to weapons and tactics created for overseas combat theaters – and yet very little is known about exactly how many police departments have military weapons and training, how militarized the police have become, and how extensively federal money is incentivizing this trend.
taxes aren't taken at the point of a gun. you're an idiot.

Call the IRS and tell them you're not going to pay your taxes. Then follow through and get back to us with a report on how that works out.

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