In a stunning reversal, Wayne County, MI Republican canvassers rescind certification votes

The America Taliban threatened their children!

Only the Lord can prevent this from ending in bloodshed

I saw some of those videos. Absolutely shameless.

Thats the left for you. Disagree and be personally destroyed. The asshole that threatened the children said they would go to hell if they didnt certify the election.

I wonder where that piece of trash is going?
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

Abraham Aiyash should be removed from office. This piece of shit is not what America is supposed to be about.

Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Anyone threatening another persons child should expect the worst response from the persons family being threatened.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Anyone threatening another persons child should expect the worst response from the persons family being threatened.
Good luck. The president elects son perped on a minor; and what happened?
I wonder if legal action can be taken against Abraham Aiyash?

Maybe he should be doxxed like he did to the county commissioners.

He actually said out loud the schools the commissioners children attend.

Fuck this asshole.

“What that tells us is you, Ms Monica Palmer from (her suburb), which has a history of racism, are deciding to enable and continue to perpetuate the racist history of this country. I want you to think about what that means for your kids, who probably go to (the school’s name).”

Liberals, if you do not codemn this person, you support his extortion. Is this representative of the tactics of the left?
On what grounds would these two maintain that there were serious irregularities in the election?
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Anyone threatening another persons child should expect the worst response from the persons family being threatened.
Good luck. The president elects son perped on a minor; and what happened?

Nothing because he's a democrat. Besides fucking a 14 year old girl is no big deal, I mean what else does she have to look forward too? maybe she's the next Kamala?!
Our prez had to send them secret service protection. These doxxing terrorist mother fuckers need to be sent a message.... or, rather their disemboweled, dismembered carcasses will send the message.

There's not enough fear in the process.

It seems Abraham Aiyash doesnt agree with following the rules of a constitutional republic.
On what grounds would these two maintain that there were serious irregularities in the election?
NONE.... They simply mentioned tallies not matching up, in very minor amounts like 4 in a tally, which they NEVER do match up....

80% of the precincts in 2016 did not match up yet, still certified the votes for Trump' s election.....

This was simply a republican these two, to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Detroit voters....

ALL THE OTHER COUNTIES also had tally discrepancies, yet still certified their county's votes.... except for those primarily black votes, in Detroit.
On what grounds would these two maintain that there were serious irregularities in the election?
Almost 100 out of the 134 districts had major discrepancies with absentee ballots. The Wayne Co counsel told them they had to certify that night & they did not have the right to object. The board made promises to do a fuul, independent audit & then the MI SOS said they wouldn't do it.
In short, they didn't want to certify the results because there are way too many red flags that can't be explained & forceful coercion is not allowed in our elections
Actually, certification already happened, and per the legal advice they received. Counsel they were clearly afforded. The Detroit Free Press puts it as follows, and they are local:
It's not clear whether the affidavits have any legal effect on Tuesday's certification, which moved Wayne County results on to the bipartisan Board of State Canvassers. Even if Palmer and Hartmann were able to rescind their votes, the deadline for Wayne County to certify its results has already passed, in which case any uncertified results would pass on to the state board.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting lives out is mostly the Christian doctrine: Matt 25: 14-30, so clearly partisan! Human Lives are shown to Not Matter!)

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