In a stunning reversal, Wayne County, MI Republican canvassers rescind certification votes

Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Then again, not.
Talk about Nazis.

Death threats for questioning voter rolls that do not reconcile with the votes cast?

Liberals are the Nazis and the fascists. Well done libs.
Most precincts were accurate. Some were off by 1-2 votes. You think that nearly a million people's votes should be thrown out because of that?
170k votes found for biden in a place no people were registered to vote.
you think we should count them anyway?

That is a lie.
did i miss you call out colfax_m for his link on 1-2 votes in a million were the only BAD ones?

why, i think i did!

bye, boomer.
You could at least accurately reflect what I said.

I said most precincts were fine. Some were off by 1-2 votes. I was talking about precincts, silly. The total amount of votes that are off is about 450, out of 800k. So this is being held up because of 0.05% of votes.
and look - still no link for validation of said claim.

but as usual, distract. look like you did something when you didn't.
Already provided earlier in the thread upon request. This is a pretty persistent habit of yours. Ask for something and pretend like I didn’t reply to your demand.

you are on ignore cause you always do the same shit every day. so no, i don't often see your "replies"

now i'll simply use your tactic.

WAPO? BWAHAHAHA - get a real source.
My only worry is that he convinces state legislatures to ignore the vote.

Michigan election law Act 116 of 1954 doesn't provide state legislature means to ignore the vote. Members of the state's electoral college are determined by certified count. I don't see it as a big deal if they don't certify. Screw Michigan. It still leaves Biden with 290 electoral votes with only 262 needed to win.
Then I guess it will need to go to the Supreme Court.
Doubt it.

I think it's almost a certainty. And if Biden really won you should have nothing to worry about.
My only worry is that he convinces state legislatures to ignore the vote.

As it stands now, I don’t see any of his cases rising to the level of approaching the Supreme Court.

Did you see his press conference today? He read a specific affidavit from a poll worker in Michigan. She worked decades for Wayne County. The statement was incredibly damaging. Those affidavits (there are hundreds) will need to be heard in a Court of Law. The affidavits are submitted under penalty of perjury and the Law considers as direct evidence.

These cases of direct evidence of fraud will need to be heard in a Court of Law. If the Court is corrupt and will not hear the evidence it will be appealed. This will get to the Supreme Court.
He read a specific affidavit from a poll worker in Michigan. She worked decades for Wayne County
Sorry, couldn’t spend the hour listening to the whole thing yet. What I did listen to was rehashed stuff. Do you happen to have a name?

Yes, He gave her name to the press with her permission. The affidavit has been filed with the Court and is accessible to the Press and the Public. That is direct evidence of fraud. Biden's lawyers will have the opportunity to cross exam the witness or should have that opportunity. If there are truly hundreds of similar affidavits this could take some time.

Those people have every right to tell their story in a Court of Law. Biden and his people have every right to cross exam them.
He read a specific affidavit from a poll worker in Michigan. She worked decades for Wayne County
Sorry, couldn’t spend the hour listening to the whole thing yet. What I did listen to was rehashed stuff. Do you happen to have a name?

Yes, He gave her name to the press with her permission. The affidavit has been filed with the Court and is accessible to the Press and the Public. That is direct evidence of fraud. Biden's lawyers will have the opportunity to cross exam the witness or should have that opportunity. If there are truly hundreds of similar affidavits this could take some time.

Those people have every right to tell their story in a Court of Law. Biden and his people have every right to cross exam them.
You don’t happen to be able to tell me her name, could you?
He read a specific affidavit from a poll worker in Michigan. She worked decades for Wayne County
Sorry, couldn’t spend the hour listening to the whole thing yet. What I did listen to was rehashed stuff. Do you happen to have a name?

Yes, He gave her name to the press with her permission. The affidavit has been filed with the Court and is accessible to the Press and the Public. That is direct evidence of fraud. Biden's lawyers will have the opportunity to cross exam the witness or should have that opportunity. If there are truly hundreds of similar affidavits this could take some time.

Those people have every right to tell their story in a Court of Law. Biden and his people have every right to cross exam them.
You don’t happen to be able to tell me her name, could you?

Look at the video. About 30 minutes in.
He read a specific affidavit from a poll worker in Michigan. She worked decades for Wayne County
Sorry, couldn’t spend the hour listening to the whole thing yet. What I did listen to was rehashed stuff. Do you happen to have a name?

Yes, He gave her name to the press with her permission. The affidavit has been filed with the Court and is accessible to the Press and the Public. That is direct evidence of fraud. Biden's lawyers will have the opportunity to cross exam the witness or should have that opportunity. If there are truly hundreds of similar affidavits this could take some time.

Those people have every right to tell their story in a Court of Law. Biden and his people have every right to cross exam them.
You don’t happen to be able to tell me her name, could you?

Look at the video. About 30 minutes in.
It was Jessy Jacobs that you're referring to, and based on your description, I kind of assumed it was her.

Thing is, her affidavit was already submitted as part of the case of Constantino v Detroit. Her testimony was not sufficient to provide evidence of fraud. It was general, lacks specific times, dates and names. Furthermore, some of her complaints included concerns that were either irrelevant or demonstrated lack of understanding of the vote counting process. The judge's rationale is page 3-4 of the opinion.

None of it is direct evidence of fraud because at worst it is circumstantial.

I said before that this was pretty much rehashed issues that have been heard and dismissed before and it looks like I'm right again.
Trump lost

Please provide a link to the certification of Joe Biden for all electoral votes.


Please provide a link proving we all actually exist


So you cannot back what you said.

You said "trump lost"

Your statement is patently FALSE since the election results have not been certified.

You lose.
No, I didn’t lose. Trump did
Trump lost

Please provide a link to the certification of Joe Biden for all electoral votes.


Please provide a link proving we all actually exist

it's ok. i'm still waiting for the official link that says biden has won.

I’m still waiting for the official link exist
So you were wrong.

Got it.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

Trumpanzees won't accept defeat because their messiah won't let them. Poor little lemmings.
Trump lost

Please provide a link to the certification of Joe Biden for all electoral votes.


Please provide a link proving we all actually exist


So you cannot back what you said.

You said "trump lost"

Your statement is patently FALSE since the election results have not been certified.

You lose.
No, I didn’t lose. Trump did

Nah, you lost as much as anyone else. 3 things you will get with harris/biden you did not get (better) with trump that is good for America

Hell, we'll settle for just one if you can come up with anything

Paying more in taxes is NOT good for the economy btw. If you really think it is, why aren't you paying more?
The America Taliban threatened their children!

Only the Lord can prevent this from ending in bloodshed

I saw some of those videos. Absolutely shameless.

Thats the left for you. Disagree and be personally destroyed. The asshole that threatened the children said they would go to hell if they didnt certify the election.

I wonder where that piece of trash is going?
And the assholes on this board who want Biden in don’t even condemn their actions of the biden supporters doing thst to them.

They refuse to condemn, so they obviously support the death threats and threats to children. Absolute scumbags.

Bullshit, nobody is refusing that, violent threats from either side should be prosecuted.

What the left (and mainstream) are refusing is to take hearsay and half baked "irregularities" claims as serious evidence of fraud so widespread that it could change an outcome of the elction.

You want to be the Trumpster propaganda machine dupe, thats your perogative. To everyone else Trump is doing exactly what he said he would be doing before even a single vote was cast. He told you straight up, I won't be conceeding because the only way I could lose is due to fraud. He never even allowed for any possibility that he could lose fair and square. Nothing of what he and his enablers are pumping out now is of any surprise, as unbeliveable as it is.

You think there is serious evidence of widespread fraud? Really? Then you should have no problem pointing to a serious legal challenge based on that. There has been none thus far.
you want to be a leftist propaganda dupe and take in their half baked "no this is fine" crap that's your problem.

you see, we can do that all day long. how come we can't spend time actually discussing the claims and if they're even valid before you declare them invalid and people a dupe?

you seem to like to bypass conversation on topics you don't want conversed about.

Why can't Trump campaign show "not fine" in court?

It's not propaganda that Trump campaign has produced NOTHING that could seriously substantiate their claims of fraud in the court of law. Thats a FACT.

So comeon tell us how that FACT, squares with your claims of fraud. How the fuck do you reconcile the two in that insane littel rw head of yours? I really would like to know.
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From the OP's Link:

" It was not immediately unclear whether the Tuesday night compromise was binding or could be changed, or whether the two members' decision to announce their rescinded votes would stop Michigan state officials from proceeding to name electors. "

That is right wing kook site language for "Never going to happen...we just wanted you to click on the story as if it was important."

I do like the "it was not immediately unclear" sentence structure.... lot of fun there.
So it's not clear whether the Dims would follow the law? Yes, it is clear. They are driminals and will refuse to follow the law. However, the SC can simply rule their certification to be invalid.

You do realize that by the time this is over and the Supreme Court does nothing to stop Biden from being sworn in... you’ll claim the court is in on it too, right?

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