In a weird way, the GOP may have handed itself an opportunity on ABORTION

No, it is a fetus. He is a human.
The difference is birth.
Perhaps a 6th grade biology class might help.
You tree hugging wackos seem to be able to see past your nose at times….somehow you know that eagle egg turns into an eagle.
How are sane people supposed to reconcile Lib Logic?
Compromising on legislation is not compromising your personal principles. Those principles control your behavior, not everyone else's. That's how a society works. Your way is how war works. And you sissies aren't going to win any wars.
We are at war over the very soul of the country. I do not want it morphed into a far Left Socialist shithole like you and the rest of the diseased filth want. Hence Democrats need to be put down.
Compromising on legislation is not compromising your personal principles. Those principles control your behavior, not everyone else's. That's how a society works. Your way is how war works. And you sissies aren't going to win any wars.
And yes all compromise=capitulation and surrender.
We are at war over the very soul of the country. I do not want it morphed into a far Left Socialist shithole like you and the rest of the diseased filth want. Hence Democrats need to be put down.

We are at war with Commie Loving Republicans
No, that's exactly not what compromise is, by the definition of the word. I really can't account for this level of small mindedness.

Refusing to compromise is an earmark of the Communist Party
Joe Stalin would not compromise = Republicans refuse to compromise
Conservatives have done nothing but make concessions for decades…abnormal weirdos just keep pushing filthy shit down our throats…it never ends.
Most good people have finally caught on, they’ve learned that if you give the degenerate left an inch they will always take a mile….NO MORE COMPROMISING!
The degenerate left fucked around and poked the bear for far too long.

“We swear, just pretend faggots are cool and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just get God out of schools and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give 3.5 million wetbacks Amnesty and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just let us regulate your guns a little and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just believe chicks with dicks are normal and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give Mexico free healthcare and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just allow us to monetarily penalize our most productive citizens just a little more and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”
Conservatives have done nothing but make concessions for decades…abnormal weirdos just keep pushing filthy shit down our throats…it never ends.
Most good people have finally caught on, they’ve learned that if you give the degenerate left an inch they will always take a mile….NO MORE COMPROMISING!
The degenerate left fucked around and poked the bear for far too long.

“We swear, just pretend faggots are cool and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just get God out of schools and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give 3.5 million wetbacks Amnesty and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just let us regulate your guns a little and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just believe chicks with dicks are normal and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give Mexico free healthcare and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just allow us to monetarily penalize our most productive citizens just a little more and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”
Exactly. Both Reagan and HW Bush got stabbed in the backs in 1988 and 1990. What Democrats want is total capitulation by the GOP.
The GOP will be unable to turn chicken shit into chicken salad. Dems gonna win on abortion and democracy. America likes abortion and democracy. The GOP doesn't.
You scientific knowledge is sadly lacking

DNA proves you wrong
Of course, DNA proves me right.
The DNA of the fetus will show it is a fetus.
The DNA of the adult will show it is not a fetus.
What happened?


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