In America, armed citizen stops the rape, in Britain, the woman would be raped...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
In a Walmart some sociopath, 14 years old, tells a woman he is going to rape her and shows her a knife.....she can't really believe it....then, an armed citizen steps in shots fired, no woman raped, and a seriously troubled 14 year old will soon be released to actually rape another woman after he turns per democrat policy.....

If this happened in Britain the woman would have been raped...

Woman Threatened By Teen With Knife Demanding Sex At Walmart, Concealed Carry Holder Steps In

In an account posted on Facebook on Tuesday, the woman, Alis Muntain, details the incident. “My arms were so full that I was sitting in the aisle contemplating whether I wanted to put it down and search for a cart when a teenager (15-17) approached me,” she wrote. “I thought he was going to see if I needed help, but then he asked how old I was. A bit confused by the question, I just assumed he needed help himself and wanted to verify that I was an adult. I hesitantly replied with my age.”

She claims he then said, “I want you to have sex with me. I have a knife in my pocket,” before showing her a knife.

“I want to make you aware that I have a husband and a THREE year old son waiting in my car for me. They will be looking for me soon,” she claims she said to the teenager.

“Are you threatening me with a knife if I don’t have sex with you?” she said she asked the boy.

“Yes,” he responded.

“RIGHT at that moment, a man walked across the end of the aisle behind the teenager,” she wrote. “I have no idea how I had remained (at least visibly) calm to this point.”

She said she asked the man if he could help her and assumed that he thought she was talking about her still full arms. As soon as he was close to her she claims she informed him of what the boy said to her.

“I immediately looked at [the teen] and said, ‘Are you serious? Did you say that,’” the man who wishes to remain anonymous told News4jax. “The scariest part was he responded with a nod or a yes, and it wasn’t a questionable nod.”

The man says at one point he then drew his gun.

Muntain wrote that the man told her to call for help. “I turned and RAN, screaming for help,” she wrote. “I didn’t know the man had a concealed weapon that he pulled on the boy, who then proceeded to run after me.”

Muntain also claims that the boy ran out of the store “but eventually was caught by police after pulling a knife on them as well.”

Doubt me?

Revealed: Boys as young as 12 prosecuted for rapes in London

Another 15-year-old was given six years for the knifepoint rape of a woman in her forties near a children’s playground in south-east London. Justice minister Philip Lee has warned about a rise in “dark” and “very troubling” sex crimes by juveniles. He told MPs last year that in response, the Government was considering setting up a special prison unit for child sex offenders.
To the social justice warrior rape is minor compared to the trauma juveniles undergo when they don't get their way.

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