In Barak Obama's America this is OK, is OK in YOURS?

Fear the Black Man!

Obama cannot keep his black hordes in check as they storm the polling places, raping white wommin and skeering childrens

Labeling someone "fearful" when blacks are caught doing shit that would have resulted in the nation being burned to the ground had say the Klan done the same, is as stupid as calling those who reject YOUR lifestyle "homophobes".

This shit was outrageous and would NEVER have simply been swept under the rug were it clear blacks were the ones intended to be intimidated, not by any DoJ and not by you Wingy.

The overdramatization of a single incident involving two black men for a period of ten minutes is pathetic

How two black men in front of a polling place is your moral equivalent to the klan is beyond me

Yeah they only have a radio show where they preach about killing white people and blowing up white babies while using a plethora of racial slurs...

I love how you fucking bastards blame every act of violence on the "Tea Party" then turn around and defend the actual fucks that commit acts of violence...

It really shows how out of touch with reality you progressives are...

You fucks are a virus on humanity.....
Labeling someone "fearful" when blacks are caught doing shit that would have resulted in the nation being burned to the ground had say the Klan done the same, is as stupid as calling those who reject YOUR lifestyle "homophobes".

This shit was outrageous and would NEVER have simply been swept under the rug were it clear blacks were the ones intended to be intimidated, not by any DoJ and not by you Wingy.

The overdramatization of a single incident involving two black men for a period of ten minutes is pathetic

How two black men in front of a polling place is your moral equivalent to the klan is beyond me

Yeah they only have a radio show where they preach about killing white people and blowing up white babies while using a plethora of racial slurs...

I love how you fucking bastards blame every act of violence on the "Tea Party" then turn around and defend the actual fucks that commit acts of violence...

It really shows how out of touch with reality you progressives are...

You fucks are a virus on humanity.....

You are scaring me

Todays New Black Panther Party is a joke. They are there for one reason....Piss off right wing conservatives. They have a minute membership and have no relation to the Black Panther Party of the 60s

They do, however, make a nice boogie man for conservative talk shows
Can someone please explain what's wrong with carrying a weapon outside a polling place?
Or is it only black people who should be barred?

Right so I can take the AR 15 and sit in front of a polling station - point the gun at black folks and say "hey ****** you cant vote and if you try there will be consequences?"

If a white guy did that progressives would go bonkers...

But I can't say I'm shocked seeing a bunch of progressives defending a bunch of racists considering the democrat party has been racist since day one....

I bet if you do that the police wouldn't just ask you to leave either.
Can someone please explain what's wrong with carrying a weapon outside a polling place?
Or is it only black people who should be barred?

Right so I can take the AR 15 and sit in front of a polling station - point the gun at black folks and say "hey ****** you cant vote and if you try there will be consequences?"

Wait what?

In my state:
Yes, you could take the gun.
No, you couldn't call people an N word while carrying it. Ditto, the guys in Philly.

I can't be held accountable for your state's stupid gun laws.
Can someone please explain what's wrong with carrying a weapon outside a polling place?
Or is it only black people who should be barred?

Right so I can take the AR 15 and sit in front of a polling station - point the gun at black folks and say "hey ****** you cant vote and if you try there will be consequences?"

If a white guy did that progressives would go bonkers...

But I can't say I'm shocked seeing a bunch of progressives defending a bunch of racists considering the democrat party has been racist since day one....

Excellent point. They have always been racists...............

The white guilt of the democrats got obama elected.
Oh noes! two scary black men who were ushered away from the polls after ten minutes - with no one (not a single person) reporting being intimidated.

he even had the gall to ask why the "reporter" was asking questions!


By the way, whats wrong with carrying a weapon to a polling place?

HILL: [Shabazz] immediately started with ‘What are you doing here, Cracker?’ And he and Mr. Jackson attempted to close ranks. I went straight between them through the door to find our poll watcher, who was inside the building at the time…he was pretty shaken up…he was visibly upset.

QUESTION: What did he tell you?

HILL: He was called a race traitor for being a poll watcher, credentialed poll watcher for the Republican Party as a black man, and that he was threatened if he stepped outside of the building, there would be hell to pay.

QUESTION: How were third parties reacting to the presence and the actions of the Panther members?

HILL: People were put off when – there were a couple of people that walked up, a couple of people that drove up, and they would come to a screeching halt because it’s not something you expect to see in front of a polling place. As I was standing on the corner, I had two older ladies and an older gentleman stop right next to me, ask what was going on. I said, ‘Truthfully, we don’t really know. All we know is there’s two Black Panthers here.’ And the lady said, ‘Well, we’ll just come back.’ And so, they walked away.

THERNSTROM: But otherwise, did you see anybody at the polling place who obviously intended to vote, and didn’t end up voting because of the presence of the New Black Panther Party members?

HILL: It was two women and a gentleman….They stopped right at the corner of the driveway, circular drive, where I was standing on the phone, and they said, ‘What’s going on?’ Truthfully, I didn’t really have a good answer for them…But at that exact moment in time, those people were not going near that doorway, and ma’am, I’m not as well versed as you are in these civil rights issues, but they were intimidated.

Evidence That New Black Panther Party Did Intimidate Voters

Your support of voter intimidation is duly noted......

Well if a random Heritage blog makes the claim it must be true!

Too bad none of the investigators or people in attendance saw it.

Hint: Don't believe it just b/c it appeared on the inter webs.

The link in the article goes to the government website that photocopy the transcripts, so it is not the blogger.

The DoJ found them guilty and then under Obama, dropped the charges.

So you are wrong.
The DoJ found them guilty and then under Obama, dropped the charges.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you're not a legal scholar.

Read what I quoted again. See if you see the problem with your own claim.
Oh noes! two scary black men who were ushered away from the polls after ten minutes - with no one (not a single person) reporting being intimidated.

he even had the gall to ask why the "reporter" was asking questions!


By the way, whats wrong with carrying a weapon to a polling place?

It's been repeatedly explained that the law says the attempt of intimidation is illegal. No one actually has to be intimidated.

What's intimidating about someone engaging in their 2nd amendment rights?

If you have a concealed weapons permit, not a problem.
I love how you fucking bastards blame every act of violence on the "Tea Party" then turn around and defend the actual fucks that commit acts of violence...

There was no act of violence.

No thank God they didn't hit anyone - yet they threatened to do so and obviously meant business...

What? do you think they were just fucking playing???
Can someone please explain what's wrong with carrying a weapon outside a polling place?
Or is it only black people who should be barred?

Two black men brandishing weapons outside a polling place is intimidating to a lot of older white men and women. If this had been two white men with weapons it would have been equally as intimidating to some folks, both black and white. Hopefully you are bright enough to understand that.

In 1989, a group calling itself the "New Black Panther Party" was formed in Dallas, Texas. Ten years later, the NBPP became home to many former Nation of Islam members when the chairmanship was taken by Khalid Abdul Muhammad.

The Anti-Defamation League and The Southern Poverty Law Center consider the New Black Panthers as a hate group.
Can someone please explain what's wrong with carrying a weapon outside a polling place?
Or is it only black people who should be barred?

Two black men brandishing weapons outside a polling place is intimidating to a lot of older white men and women. If this had been two white men with weapons it would have been equally as intimidating to some folks, both black and white. Hopefully you are bright enough to understand that.
1) they were bats.

2) Why should people of any race be denied the right to bear arms near a polling place? People walk near our polling places with sidearms all the time.
Black people scare you?

Two black men armed with night sticks would be intimidating to me, just as two white men armed with night sticks would. If I had my 9mm Glock with me, I would be less intimidated in either case.
Can someone please explain what's wrong with carrying a weapon outside a polling place?
Or is it only black people who should be barred?

Two black men brandishing weapons outside a polling place is intimidating to a lot of older white men and women. If this had been two white men with weapons it would have been equally as intimidating to some folks, both black and white. Hopefully you are bright enough to understand that.
1) they were bats.

2) Why should people of any race be denied the right to bear arms near a polling place? People walk near our polling places with sidearms all the time.

Bats, whatever. The weapons were described as similar to or as police night sticks, which are offensive weapons in the hands of a cop.

Walking near and standing guard in front of are not the same thing.
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