In Between Trials

Back to the Hiccup Girl trial. Both sides are quibbling about the jury instructions while they are waiting for a witness to be dragged to the courthouse.

The judge may not get her wish of wrapping this up today.
Jury comes into courtroom, State formally rests their case, then the judge sends them out for a 25 minute coffee and smoke break.

They are not going to finish this today at this rate.
I had meetings!

Good there's not much to catch up on.

Comfort break.

The only thing of any interest you missed was the judge schooling cornpone defense lawyer. He objected to one of the instructions saying it wasn't legal, and submitted his own version. First she went on line and showed his the Supreme Court ruling and the proper instruction. Then she showed him that his version was exactly identical to both the SC version AND the version that was in the instructions to begin with.

Yeah, that's right, he wanted to replace the instruction with the same damn thing. :lol:
Rolling in the witness,
Rolling in the witness,
There is much rejoicing,
They're rolling in the witness.


Oh crap. After all the drama and buildup for this girl getting there, the damn audio failed. :mad:

They carried that girl down 3 flights of stairs, transported her in a med van, brought her up the elevator, then have to reverse the whole process for 4 minutes of testimony???

:lmao: @ the stupid defense.
It seems the defense goofball did something wrong while he was questioning wheelchair girl. The judge dressed him down and said that he WILL treat witnesses with respect. :eek:
It seems the defense goofball did something wrong while he was questioning wheelchair girl. The judge dressed him down and said that he WILL treat witnesses with respect. :eek:

Defense Goofball: "Good morning... and how was your ride over on the short bus?"
wutwutwutwut Wheelchair girl: "Being a dominatrix paid very well."

I missed a vital part of the testimony.
DAMMIT! My office forgot that Friday's are 1/2 days that are supposed to be QUIET.

Why was Hiccup Girl getting gubbamint money?

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