In California, some public schools are designating some rooms as prayer rooms for Muslims

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
This is from the San Francisco affiliate of PBS. It says that some public schools in California are setting up prayer rooms for Muslims.

I'm no constitutional scholar, but it seems to me that this is clear a violation of the first amendment.

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students | KQED

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students

By Diana Lambert

September 21, 2021

In California, home to the largest number of Afghan refugees in the country, school officials are preparing for an influx of students who fled Afghanistan with their families after the Taliban seized power in the country last month.

Schools are especially busy in Sacramento and Fremont, which have two of the largest Afghan communities in the state. Over 40% of the nation’s Afghan refugees have resettled in the Sacramento region in recent years, according to Jessie Tientcheu, chief executive officer of Opening Doors, a resettlement agency based in Sacramento.

Elk Grove Unified School District began offering culturally appropriate meals and setting aside rooms in many of its middle and high schools for prayer during Muslim holidays in preparation for the additional Afghan students it expects in the next month. San Juan Unified is offering Saturday school for English learners, and Fremont Unified is planning to hire more translators.
I see no problem at all with this.

Elk Grove is part of the greater Sacramento area, and there are a lot of Muslims in the area. My understanding of their faith is that they are obligated to follow a certain prayer ritual five times a day. I see nothing at all wrong with accommodating Muslims by setting aside appropriate times and spaces for them to do their prayers.

When I worked at the Campbell's Soup factory that used to be in Sacramento, (a Facebook “Memories” reminded me today that it was eight years ago today that I learned that the factory was going to be shut down) I had several Muslim colleagues. They'd claimed an out-of-the-way corner of one of the warehouse sections for this purpose; and if I happened to be going past that corner at the appropriate times, there would be a group of them there, praying.
This is from the San Francisco affiliate of PBS. It says that some public schools in California are setting up prayer rooms for Muslims.

I'm no constitutional scholar, but it seems to me that this is clear a violation of the first amendment.

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students | KQED

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students

By Diana Lambert

September 21, 2021

In California, home to the largest number of Afghan refugees in the country, school officials are preparing for an influx of students who fled Afghanistan with their families after the Taliban seized power in the country last month.

Schools are especially busy in Sacramento and Fremont, which have two of the largest Afghan communities in the state. Over 40% of the nation’s Afghan refugees have resettled in the Sacramento region in recent years, according to Jessie Tientcheu, chief executive officer of Opening Doors, a resettlement agency based in Sacramento.

Elk Grove Unified School District began offering culturally appropriate meals and setting aside rooms in many of its middle and high schools for prayer during Muslim holidays in preparation for the additional Afghan students it expects in the next month. San Juan Unified is offering Saturday school for English learners, and Fremont Unified is planning to hire more translators.
And this is how you treat your allies.
This is from the San Francisco affiliate of PBS. It says that some public schools in California are setting up prayer rooms for Muslims.

I'm no constitutional scholar, but it seems to me that this is clear a violation of the first amendment.

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students | KQED

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students

By Diana Lambert

September 21, 2021

In California, home to the largest number of Afghan refugees in the country, school officials are preparing for an influx of students who fled Afghanistan with their families after the Taliban seized power in the country last month.

Schools are especially busy in Sacramento and Fremont, which have two of the largest Afghan communities in the state. Over 40% of the nation’s Afghan refugees have resettled in the Sacramento region in recent years, according to Jessie Tientcheu, chief executive officer of Opening Doors, a resettlement agency based in Sacramento.

Elk Grove Unified School District began offering culturally appropriate meals and setting aside rooms in many of its middle and high schools for prayer during Muslim holidays in preparation for the additional Afghan students it expects in the next month. San Juan Unified is offering Saturday school for English learners, and Fremont Unified is planning to hire more translators.

Just ignore them. They won't bother you.
Religion doesn't belong in a school unless it's a religion based private school.

And what about christians? Jews? Catholics? How about an area where non religious people can sit?

School isn't just about an education, it's also about learning to confirm to a society, learning you have to abide by the rules of the public, and that sometimes in public whether it be at work or on the street you have to save certain things for when you're at home. To learn you don't get to have exceptions in general with society.

I'm not saying you can't be a Muslim I'm saying in school you shouldn't get to be exempt from the rules of the majority of a school. Now if the school majority is Muslim thats something else. But you don't make exceptions for the few over the many.

Not until the same considerations are given for Christians. Not even.
I don't recall Christians having a specific prayer regimen as Muslims have. What are the Christian prayer requirements that should be accommodated. I was born and raised a Christian and I don't recall any of this. Are Christians supposed to pray at certain times of day and in a specific way? Please enlighten me.
I don't recall Christians having a specific prayer regimen as Muslims have. What are the Christian prayer requirements that should be accommodated. I was born and raised a Christian and I don't recall any of this. Are Christians supposed to pray at certain times of day and in a specific way? Please enlighten me.
Not until the same considerations are given for Christians. Period. What is so hard to understand here?
I don't recall Christians having a specific prayer regimen as Muslims have. What are the Christian prayer requirements that should be accommodated. I was born and raised a Christian and I don't recall any of this. Are Christians supposed to pray at certain times of day and in a specific way? Please enlighten me.

Muslims don't have to pray at school, they have their own accommodations for how to preform "make-up prayers" when they are unable to follow the regular schedule.
As for specific christian prayers, before eating would be one that's pretty universal across all christian denominations, and we have seen in the past christians students disciplined for doing things like joining hands or praying in a group before lunch. And any teacher assisting in proving such accommodations for christian students have been quickly fired.
Religion doesn't belong in a school unless it's a religion based private school.

And what about christians? Jews? Catholics? How about an area where non religious people can sit?

School isn't just about an education, it's also about learning to confirm to a society, learning you have to abide by the rules of the public, and that sometimes in public whether it be at work or on the street you have to save certain things for when you're at home. To learn you don't get to have exceptions in general with society.

I'm not saying you can't be a Muslim I'm saying in school you shouldn't get to be exempt from the rules of the majority of a school. Now if the school majority is Muslim thats something else. But you don't make exceptions for the few over the many.
First of all, Catholics are Christians, idiot.

If people of other faiths have a tradition that needs to be recognized, they should come forth and claim it. Christians, what do you need? Jews, same thing. Hindus, same thing. Buddhists, same thing. Hindus, same thing. Sekhs, same thing.

If you are a Christian, please tell us what the Christian requirements for prayer are, aside from in the middle of football games, which we all know about.
First of all, Catholics are Christians, idiot.

If people of other faiths have a tradition that needs to be recognized, they should come forth and claim it. Christians, what do you need? Jews, same thing. Hindus, same thing. Buddhists, same thing. Hindus, same thing. Sekhs, same thing.

If you are a Christian, please tell us what the Christian requirements for prayer are, aside from in the middle of football games, which we all know about.
Maybe if you'd approach a debate with good will, people would take you seriously. That's the hard part about dealing with y'all.
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Muslims don't have to pray at school, they have their own accommodations for how to preform "make-up prayers" when they are unable to follow the regular schedule.
As for specific christian prayers, before eating would be one that's pretty universal across all christian denominations, and we have seen in the past christians students disciplined for doing things like joining hands or praying in a group before lunch. And any teacher assisting in proving such accommodations for christian students have been quickly fired.
There is no rule in Christianity that one prays before eating, although it is a custom. What teacher has been fired for protecting students who join hands and pray before eating? The only teachers who have been fired are those who organized and facilitated sectarian prayer among their students, which we all know is illegal.
This is from the San Francisco affiliate of PBS. It says that some public schools in California are setting up prayer rooms for Muslims.

I'm no constitutional scholar, but it seems to me that this is clear a violation of the first amendment.

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students | KQED

California Schools Prepare for Thousands of Afghan Refugee Students

By Diana Lambert

September 21, 2021

In California, home to the largest number of Afghan refugees in the country, school officials are preparing for an influx of students who fled Afghanistan with their families after the Taliban seized power in the country last month.

Schools are especially busy in Sacramento and Fremont, which have two of the largest Afghan communities in the state. Over 40% of the nation’s Afghan refugees have resettled in the Sacramento region in recent years, according to Jessie Tientcheu, chief executive officer of Opening Doors, a resettlement agency based in Sacramento.

Elk Grove Unified School District began offering culturally appropriate meals and setting aside rooms in many of its middle and high schools for prayer during Muslim holidays in preparation for the additional Afghan students it expects in the next month. San Juan Unified is offering Saturday school for English learners, and Fremont Unified is planning to hire more translators.
There's no problem as long as equal accommodation exists for Christian, Jewish, atheist, Wiccan, Satanist, agnostic, FSM, Hindu, Buddhist & etc. groups. :)
First of all, Catholics are Christians, idiot.

If people of other faiths have a tradition that needs to be recognized, they should come forth and claim it. Christians, what do you need? Jews, same thing. Hindus, same thing. Buddhists, same thing. Hindus, same thing. Sekhs, same thing.

If you are a Christian, please tell us what the Christian requirements for prayer are, aside from in the middle of football games, which we all know about.
I think it's spelt "sexxx."

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