In defense of more than 10 Colin Noir....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The anti-gunners want to ban any gun magazine.......they say they only want to ban magazines that carry more than 10 bullets...but that is a lie....that is their starting point......

Here is a video that defends freedom...

Extended mags are hard to conceal. Carry a New York reload, or learn John Wick reload techniques. :auiqs.jpg:

Let cops have as big a magazine as they want to do their job

Cops are the last people who need large magazines, as they should always only need 1 shot.
Any more shots than that creates a danger to the public.
No one is trying to rob, rape, or murder police, so they need weapons far less than anyone else.
They should hold fire until they have no other choice, and then only fire once.
Cops never have to use suppression fire like the military does, because they are never confronting large groups all at once.
Aim better

Cops miss their target up to 70% of the time.

Bad training.
When there is a chance you might miss, you should likely no fire at all.
Especially cops, because they are not in danger, and they are not supposed to cause danger from missed shots continuing on.

It's the adrenaline.
They should be able to fire as many rounds as necessary as long as they follow the simple rule.....know whats behind your target.
Aim better

Cops miss their target up to 70% of the time.

Bad training.
When there is a chance you might miss, you should likely no fire at all.
Especially cops, because they are not in danger, and they are not supposed to cause danger from missed shots continuing on.

It's the adrenaline.
They should be able to fire as many rounds as necessary as long as they follow the simple rule.....know whats behind your target.

Adrenaline is not a good thing and they should work to control against that.
And it is never really possible to be sure what is behind.
So it is always better to shoot less.
The old rule of 1 shot was in place for almost a century.
There was no reason to change it other than too many vets took over the police and their training.
Vets think in terms of suppression fire and sure kills.
Police should do neither.
Aim better

Cops miss their target up to 70% of the time.

Bad training.
When there is a chance you might miss, you should likely no fire at all.
Especially cops, because they are not in danger, and they are not supposed to cause danger from missed shots continuing on.

It's the adrenaline.
They should be able to fire as many rounds as necessary as long as they follow the simple rule.....know whats behind your target.

Adrenaline is not a good thing and they should work to control against that.
And it is never really possible to be sure what is behind.
So it is always better to shoot less.
The old rule of 1 shot was in place for almost a century.
There was no reason to change it other than too many vets took over the police and their training.
Vets think in terms of suppression fire and sure kills.
Police should do neither.

Not much you can do to control adrenaline when someone is shooting at you.
Cops accidentally shooting innocent bystanders is really quite rare.
And I dont know about you,but if I was a cop and they tried to Barney Fife me I'd be out of there.

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