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In defense of my arrogance


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004

by Soleira Green _ _ © January 2003
I am a person who stands for a breakthrough for humanity the likes of which may have never been seen before on this Earth. I stand for human magnificence. I stand for our ability to be source-creators, to evolve life and to evolve ourselves into mega-beings of great passion, wisdom, wonder and possibility.
I love humanity… deeply, proudly, committedly. I think we're some of the bravest beings… to come here to a planet where loss of self is the very first thing that occurs to you. To forget completely who we are, and to have to face a life where you might possibly never remember, is an act of the deepest bravery and courage I can imagine. To face every day the slings and arrows of the 'real' world, that for some reason just doesn't seem to want to know you and accept you for the wonderful being that you are. This is madness. This is craziness. Yet here we are… six billion of us, all pursuing that something greater for ourselves, for our families, for our communities and for our world.
How many of you are walking around with that mega-you inside of you, hidden away safely so it can't get trampled on one more time? How many of you are hiding behind a mask of something that's not really you… humbleness? fierceness? coldness? warm-heartedness? There are lots of masks and lots of reasons to keep wearing them.
Well, I say it's time to come out of the closet! Time to throw away those masks and be truly everything you really, genuinely are! Don't be afraid of your passion, of your power, of your knowing of yourself. When you're coming from the true place it's impossible to misuse that power. In fact, when you're coming from the true place, you access a whole new kind of power… a collective power that works continuously and always for the greater good of us all. I call it p'our because it reflects that it doesn't belong to any one person, but instead is generated from us all.
This is the year of the living vision! This is the year where we as a human race breakthrough! It's already begun. Don't you see it around you? Can't you see more and more people opening up to themselves, asking great questions, exploring their own wisdom and knowing? Four years ago I would have said less than 1% of the world's population was open. Today I would say it ranges between 20 and 30%. In fact, it might be much higher than that because I'm beginning to wonder if there's hardly anybody left who isn't! Yes, yes, I know, there are lots of examples of those who aren't. But then why is it that I don't meet any of them? I don't. In the last seven years, I can only think of two or three people who, in my books, would actually be closed… and even in those cases, it wasn't because they didn't care or weren't good people. It was simply that they were overwhelmed by the ferocity of the world and were responding in kind.
I am a powerful woman, not because I want to control and dominate the world, but because I refuse to stay small or to have humanity stay small. I am a powerful woman because I refuse to allow myself to be anything less than what it is I stand for us all being. I am not afraid of power… it's a gift that allows us to partner with creation and move things. And you shouldn't be either. From the place of wholeness, you learn to trust yourself to do only that which is for the greatest good for all of life. From the place of wholeness, you learn that being true to yourself, and to your passions and visions, is the place where the dance of evolution begins.
We aren't perfect. We're human beings. And we're learning to be in a way that has never been known before to humankind. Yes, we'll make mistakes and we'll clean them up quickly and responsibly when we do. Yes, we've been trained to be afraid of power, but why? It only misfired because people tried to contain it within a closed system. If your heart and soul are open, then you'll know what's right to do. If you care deeply and passionately, then you can't hold back what you can offer.
It's time for a new leadership in our world. It's time for a new collective p'our to emerge from the very heart and soul of humanity. This can only happen if we each step out of the closet, throw away the masks of indifference and rush headlong and passionately into our new playground of creation. Those who have already done so are discovering a world of amazing synchronicity, of friends who truly get who they are, of a deep and deepening fulfilment with life and of a profound relationship to a new kind of power… the power to create new realities, new futures, new life and last, but not least, a new humanity that reflects the very deepest and greatest that we all can be. This year, live the dream that is in your heart. This year come out of the closet and BE ALL YOU CAN BE! How else are we ever going to become ALL THAT WE, A NEW HUMANITY, CAN BE!
to come here to a planet where loss of self is the very first thing that occurs to you.

come here? from where? I'm a hippy but this new age hoohoo freaks me out a bit when the fringes are reached. The rest of the article seems a good empowerment piece tho...

RWA, welcoming one and all to the Age of Aquarius...

cool, already ready for that (being aquarian and all) :cof:
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Originally posted by Gop guy
OMG, all this time I though you were a guy.

From the way you talked, I just assumed you were a guy.

I am a guy. I am not soleira. Jk means just kidding.
Originally posted by Gop guy
............Didn't see the j/k, sorry.

it's ok. I just like to set things straight, for the record.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
it's ok. I just like to set things straight, for the record.

I thought you just liked to e an arrogant pain in the ass:rolleyes:

My bad.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I thought you just liked to e an arrogant pain in the ass:rolleyes:

My bad.

You're half right. I'm an arrogant joy to behold.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr

I stand for our ability to be source-creators, to evolve life and to evolve ourselves into mega-beings of great passion, wisdom, wonder and possibility.

Evolution has already been disproven. Get over it.

I love humanity… deeply, proudly, committedly. I think we're some of the bravest beings… to come here to a planet where loss of self is the very first thing that occurs to you.

If you think we are aliens who have found this planet, you WILL lose your life....after life, that is....not to mention already having lost your sanity.

To forget completely who we are, and to have to face a life where you might possibly never remember, is an act of the deepest bravery and courage I can imagine.

In other words, to "ignore reality is the bravest thing you can do."

To face every day the slings and arrows of the 'real' world, that for some reason just doesn't seem to want to know you and accept you for the wonderful being that you are. This is madness. This is craziness.

-And somehow the world OWES you? That is some self-righteous BS.

Yet here we are… six billion of us, all pursuing that something greater for ourselves, for our families, for our communities and for our world.

But first, we need to put food on the table.

How many of you are walking around with that mega-you inside of you, hidden away safely so it can't get trampled on one more time? How many of you are hiding behind a mask of something that's not really you… humbleness? fierceness? coldness? warm-heartedness? There are lots of masks and lots of reasons to keep wearing them.

Living in self denial, sin, and illusion, I would agree.

Well, I say it's time to come out of the closet! Time to throw away those masks and be truly everything you really, genuinely are! Don't be afraid of your passion, of your power, of your knowing of yourself.

The Biblical definition for "knowing" makes this a relatively profound statement. -And if you send $10.95, we will throw in a copy of DIANETICS at no shipping cost to you!

When you're coming from the true place it's impossible to misuse that power. In fact, when you're coming from the true place, you access a whole new kind of power… a collective power that works continuously and always for the greater good of us all. I call it p'our because it reflects that it doesn't belong to any one person, but instead is generated from us all.

It is called "possession" and has been depicted in many places including something called "The Exorcist".

This is the year of the living vision! This is the year where we as a human race breakthrough! It's already begun. Don't you see it around you? Can't you see more and more people opening up to themselves, asking great questions, exploring their own wisdom and knowing? Four years ago I would have said less than 1% of the world's population was open. Today I would say it ranges between 20 and 30%. In fact, it might be much higher than that because I'm beginning to wonder if there's hardly anybody left who isn't! Yes, yes, I know, there are lots of examples of those who aren't.

Yes.....This is referred to as the "end times", and more specifically part of the "great falling away". Refer to your locally soon-to-be-persecuted Bible store for a copy of a readable version. -Most appropriately, one based off of the "Textus Receptus".

But then why is it that I don't meet any of them? I don't. In the last seven years, I can only think of two or three people who, in my books, would actually be closed… and even in those cases, it wasn't because they didn't care or weren't good people. It was simply that they were overwhelmed by the ferocity of the world and were responding in kind.

It is called persecution.

I am a powerful woman, not because I want to control and dominate the world, but because I refuse to stay small or to have humanity stay small. I am a powerful woman because I refuse to allow myself to be anything less than what it is I stand for us all being.
"I am my own God, and get out of my way because it is for your own good."

I am not afraid of power… it's a gift that allows us to partner with creation and move things. And you shouldn't be either. From the place of wholeness, you learn to trust yourself to do only that which is for the greatest good for all of life. From the place of wholeness, you learn that being true to yourself, and to your passions and visions, is the place where the dance of evolution begins.

Since evolution is unfounded, tis really sounds moronic.

We aren't perfect. We're human beings. And we're learning to be in a way that has never been known before to humankind. Yes, we'll make mistakes and we'll clean them up quickly and responsibly when we do. Yes, we've been trained to be afraid of power, but why?

You have a creator. You were created to be subserviant to Him.

It only misfired because people tried to contain it within a closed system.

True, as you are proving.

If your heart and soul are open, then you'll know what's right to do. If you care deeply and passionately, then you can't hold back what you can offer.

"It doesn't matter what is right or wrong, it only matters what you FEEL".

It's time for a new leadership in our world. It's time for a new collective p'our to emerge from the very heart and soul of humanity. This can only happen if we each step out of the closet, throw away the masks of indifference and rush headlong and passionately into our new playground of creation. Those who have already done so are discovering a world of amazing synchronicity, of friends who truly get who they are, of a deep and deepening fulfilment with life and of a profound relationship to a new kind of power… the power to create new realities, new futures, new life and last, but not least, a new humanity that reflects the very deepest and greatest that we all can be. This year, live the dream that is in your heart. This year come out of the closet and BE ALL YOU CAN BE! How else are we ever going to become ALL THAT WE, A NEW HUMANITY, CAN BE!

"-And we can bring world peace too. We must all look to the EU and work WITH them, and cast OUT those who resist. We must lock away the CRIMINALS who believe in RIGID FIXED moral standard of ABSOLUTISM. Christians MUST be captured and destroyed, for they INFRINGE on our ability to be POWERFUL and ACHIEVE and BRING PEACE. WE CAN DO ANYTHING!"
Originally posted by NewGuy
Evolution has already been disproven. Get over it.

If you think we are aliens who have found this planet, you WILL lose your life....after life, that is....not to mention already having lost your sanity.

In other words, to "ignore reality is the bravest thing you can do."

-And somehow the world OWES you? That is some self-righteous BS.

But first, we need to put food on the table.

Living in self denial, sin, and illusion, I would agree.

The Biblical definition for "knowing" makes this a relatively profound statement. -And if you send $10.95, we will throw in a copy of DIANETICS at no shipping cost to you!

It is called "possession" and has been depicted in many places including something called "The Exorcist".

Yes.....This is referred to as the "end times", and more specifically part of the "great falling away". Refer to your locally soon-to-be-persecuted Bible store for a copy of a readable version. -Most appropriately, one based off of the "Textus Receptus".

It is called persecution.

Since evolution is unfounded, tis really sounds moronic.

You have a creator. You were created to be subserviant to Him.

True, as you are proving.

"It doesn't matter what is right or wrong, it only matters what you FEEL".

"-And we can bring world peace too. We must all look to the EU and work WITH them, and cast OUT those who resist. We must lock away the CRIMINALS who believe in RIGID FIXED moral standard of ABSOLUTISM. Christians MUST be captured and destroyed, for they INFRINGE on our ability to be POWERFUL and ACHIEVE and BRING PEACE. WE CAN DO ANYTHING!"

I'm not interested in your negativity. And The U.N. and EU play no part in my vision of the future. nice try to put words in my mouth. Let go of the hatred, Luke.

Keep convincing others to wallow in shame while you lord your perverted version of truth over them. You're a very negative person.

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