In-Depth Fortune Story on "Fast & Furious" Paints Totally Different Picture Than Issa


Did Eric Holder, Attorney General, already admit under Oath to Congress to gunwalking in 'Fast and Furious,' or not?


You are just here to troll, then?

What's hysterical is that the Fortune article is full of shit. But it's shit that trolls like CD love to shovel down their throats.

Sallow has a thread going that claims the ATF never did anything wrong ever and everything is rainbows and lollipops with the DOJ. (and linked to an interview with Al Sharpton :lol:)

Next up, franco will get a thread going on how it was Dick Cheney's gun that was found at the scene of Brian Terry's murder.

Delusional. They're desperate and delusional. :D
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.
And because the phoney Fortune story convieniently GLOSSED RIGHT OVER the important fact that ATF
set-up CAMERAS and PHONE LINES in that gun store prior to the sale, NOTHING in that article is really believable... You guys got it now? I'd go find some other damn lefty thing to defend..

Man the wheels are coming off this cocksucker fast.

Not quite sure how you figure it that way,'ve got Eric Holder about to be found in contempt of Congress and estimates are that some 20 Democrats will join that vote. The fact is, the whole premise behind Fast & Furious was SO stupid that it's hard to come up with a "reason" for it that makes sense. Heads should have rolled over this program but Eric Holder made the call to stonewall it. That shouldn't surprise anyone. When he was asked about his setting up the pardon of Marc Rich he pleaded ignorance of the facts, saying that if he's only known the specifics...why he wouldn't have asked for a pardon. Holder does the same thing with Fast & Furious. If only he'd known about the specifics of the program he assures us he would have stopped it. So which is it? Is Eric Holder just clueless about MOST of what he's in charge of...or has he got this whole "Gee, I didn't know!" routine down to a science? Either way...why is this guy our Attorney General?

First, the Fortune story is legit. And it blows the lid off of Issa's intent the whole time. Next, the story DIES tomorrow. Even when the vote is in, the DOJ won't prosecute, and the Senate will kill the resolution. This story is a dead duck.

Terry's family is suing. Story will stay alive. Multi million dollar law suit. I'm trying to check on what Zapata's family is going to do.

And the Mexican Government is seriously pissed off and wants answers. You can spin all you want, but this story is not going away.

The heat is just starting. We're not even at the warm up stage.

You are just here to troll, then?

What's hysterical is that the Fortune article is full of shit. But it's shit that trolls like CD love to shovel down their throats.

Sallow has a thread going that claims the ATF never did anything wrong ever and everything is rainbows and lollipops with the DOJ. (and linked to an interview with Al Sharpton :lol:)

Next up, franco will get a thread going on how it was Dick Cheney's gun that was found at the scene of Brian Terry's murder.

Delusional. They're desperate and delusional. :D

What's full of shit about it, exactly? See, what you just did tinybraincells, is you covered the conversation in a blanket of meaninglessness. You generalized. You need to come with specific examples, honey chile, are I'm going to have to toss the full-on "You are a fucking idiot" card on you.

I'll give you a chance to study up.
First, the Fortune story is legit. And it blows the lid off of Issa's intent the whole time. Next, the story DIES tomorrow. Even when the vote is in, the DOJ won't prosecute, and the Senate will kill the resolution. This story is a dead duck.

You're probably right about the DOJ not being willing to prosecute which is why you might notice that along with the criminal complaint of contempt...which would have to be prosecuted by the DOJ...that a civil complaint of contempt has also been issued...something that would NOT be prosecuted by the DOJ. This story is far from being "dead". What's dead are Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican nationals because Eric Holder is incompetent or worse. That's a "story" that won't go away.

New drinking game: take a shot every time a Conservative invokes Brian Terry to exploit this story.

You think that I use Brian Terry and the 100's of Mexican nationals that have died from weapons that were supplied to violent drug cartels to "exploit" this story? I'm sorry if the deaths of all those people are inconvenient for you, Conserva but the fact remains that people have been hurt by the policies of the DOJ and nobody has been held responsible FOR those policies.

You play your drinking games.

I'd like to see the people who were in charge of this fiasco get what's coming to them.
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

LOL :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: LOL

I love how his has evolved from the leftist posts.
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

If the ATF are pure as the driven snow and not guilty of anything (which is complete and utter bullshit if one knows the facts of the case but I'll play along here) if there is not a problem in the world and no issues, why won't Holder co operate and why did the President invoke EP?

Why has CBS followed this story from the beginning and all the evidence they have contradicts this bogus story by Fortune?

CBS isn't some crazy right wing version of WND or Prison Planet. And the woman who has broke the story and has continued to investigate since February 2011 is a well honored investigative journalist.

One more time. If there was nothing to hide, why isn't Holder co operating? Why did Holder get caught out in two lies *cough* misstatements that he has retracted?

And that's two lies that we know of to date. Why is Holder willing to eat a charge of Contempt of Congress if there is nothing to hide?

So many questions, so little time. The Fortune story is a fairy tale.
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

LOL :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: LOL

I love how his has evolved from the leftist posts.

Where did the guns come from, smart guy?

I know where you gays have claimed they came from.

It looks like you were full of shit.

Why lie?
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

The "complaint" is that the ATF resurrected a program that didn't work when it was tried before and then took it even further by not even TRYING to trace the weapons that they encouraged gun shops to sell to people that they KNEW were straw buyers for the drug cartels.

The excuse that they didn't make arrests because of the AZ. gun laws is ridiculous. They weren't even trying to make arrests which is why the ATF whistle blowers were so angry. What the heck WAS the point of this program? Can anyone explain it to me? I haven't gotten an answer from the DOJ YET that made any sense at all.

Conservaderp deserves some rep for making this into a drinking game? Yes, you're right...he deserves negative rep and lots of it. Talk about insensitivity...that's quite the statement.
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

If the ATF are pure as the driven snow and not guilty of anything (which is complete and utter bullshit if one knows the facts of the case but I'll play along here) if there is not a problem in the world and no issues, why won't Holder co operate and why did the President invoke EP?

Why has CBS followed this story from the beginning and all the evidence they have contradicts this bogus story by Fortune?

CBS isn't some crazy right wing version of WND or Prison Planet. And the woman who has broke the story and has continued to investigate since February 2011 is a well honored investigative journalist.

One more time. If there was nothing to hide, why isn't Holder co operating? Why did Holder get caught out in two lies *cough* misstatements that he has retracted?

And that's two lies that we know of to date. Why is Holder willing to eat a charge of Contempt of Congress if there is nothing to hide?

So many questions, so little time. The Fortune story is a fairy tale.

Where did the guns come from?
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

The "complaint" is that the ATF resurrected a program that didn't work when it was tried before and then took it even further by not even TRYING to trace the weapons that they encouraged gun shops to sell to people that they KNEW were straw buyers for the drug cartels.

The excuse that they didn't make arrests because of the AZ. gun laws is ridiculous. They weren't even trying to make arrests which is why the ATF whistle blowers were so angry. What the heck WAS the point of this program? Can anyone explain it to me? I haven't gotten an answer from the DOJ YET that made any sense at all.

Conservaderp deserves some rep for making this into a drinking game? Yes, you're right...he deserves negative rep and lots of it. Talk about insensitivity...that's quite the statement.

Only it wasn't the same program b/c the ATF wasn't supplying the guns.

They also can't make an arrest if no crime has been committed.
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

LOL :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: LOL

I love how his has evolved from the leftist posts.
Where did the guns come from, smart guy?

I know where you gays have claimed they came from.

It looks like you were full of shit.

Why lie?

Did you read my post above.. I just cut the legs off this Fortune story because they PURPOSELY GLOSSED over the fact that ATF had that "Lone Wolf" shop WIRED and CAMERA'D before any sales began.. WHY -- didn't they disclose that? Because their mission was to provide smoke cover and blame "rogue Arizona gun dealers"..

It's over. The article has Zero cred...
Last edited:
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

If the ATF are pure as the driven snow and not guilty of anything (which is complete and utter bullshit if one knows the facts of the case but I'll play along here) if there is not a problem in the world and no issues, why won't Holder co operate and why did the President invoke EP?

Why has CBS followed this story from the beginning and all the evidence they have contradicts this bogus story by Fortune?

CBS isn't some crazy right wing version of WND or Prison Planet. And the woman who has broke the story and has continued to investigate since February 2011 is a well honored investigative journalist.

One more time. If there was nothing to hide, why isn't Holder co operating? Why did Holder get caught out in two lies *cough* misstatements that he has retracted?

And that's two lies that we know of to date. Why is Holder willing to eat a charge of Contempt of Congress if there is nothing to hide?

So many questions, so little time. The Fortune story is a fairy tale.

Where did the guns come from?

The guns came from gun shops that were TOLD by the ATF to sell them to the straw buyers. In one case the ATF posed as straw buyers...bought guns and then passed them along to people they KNEW were smugglers. All of this with ZERO attempts to trace or arrest those who were smuggling the weapons until AFTER Brian Terry's murder.
Bottom line: Obama and Holder need to come clean and let the chips fall where they may. There were mistakes made, we can accept that. But telling lies and covering things up is not acceptable. Just tell the truth.....
If the article is true, then people are going to have serious egg on their face.

I was under the impression that the ATF supplied the F&f guns. That, as it turns out, is bullshit. I guess the complaint is that the ATF didn't make arrests quickly enough or seize the weapons?

Guess what? They couldn't due to the pro gun laws in AZ tha conservatives applaud.

What a joke.

Also, conservaderp deserves some rep.

The "complaint" is that the ATF resurrected a program that didn't work when it was tried before and then took it even further by not even TRYING to trace the weapons that they encouraged gun shops to sell to people that they KNEW were straw buyers for the drug cartels.

The excuse that they didn't make arrests because of the AZ. gun laws is ridiculous. They weren't even trying to make arrests which is why the ATF whistle blowers were so angry. What the heck WAS the point of this program? Can anyone explain it to me? I haven't gotten an answer from the DOJ YET that made any sense at all.

Conservaderp deserves some rep for making this into a drinking game? Yes, you're right...he deserves negative rep and lots of it. Talk about insensitivity...that's quite the statement.

Only it wasn't the same program b/c the ATF wasn't supplying the guns.

They also can't make an arrest if no crime has been committed.

They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.
The "complaint" is that the ATF resurrected a program that didn't work when it was tried before and then took it even further by not even TRYING to trace the weapons that they encouraged gun shops to sell to people that they KNEW were straw buyers for the drug cartels.

The excuse that they didn't make arrests because of the AZ. gun laws is ridiculous. They weren't even trying to make arrests which is why the ATF whistle blowers were so angry. What the heck WAS the point of this program? Can anyone explain it to me? I haven't gotten an answer from the DOJ YET that made any sense at all.

Conservaderp deserves some rep for making this into a drinking game? Yes, you're right...he deserves negative rep and lots of it. Talk about insensitivity...that's quite the statement.

Only it wasn't the same program b/c the ATF wasn't supplying the guns.

They also can't make an arrest if no crime has been committed.

They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.

And there in lies the entire reason for the operation in the first place.... to make our gun laws look impotent. They want them tightened, and will get that done by any means possible.

Gaeuxtohell does not even realize he is proving it with his dumb ass posts blaming gun laws for the episode.
The "complaint" is that the ATF resurrected a program that didn't work when it was tried before and then took it even further by not even TRYING to trace the weapons that they encouraged gun shops to sell to people that they KNEW were straw buyers for the drug cartels.

The excuse that they didn't make arrests because of the AZ. gun laws is ridiculous. They weren't even trying to make arrests which is why the ATF whistle blowers were so angry. What the heck WAS the point of this program? Can anyone explain it to me? I haven't gotten an answer from the DOJ YET that made any sense at all.

Conservaderp deserves some rep for making this into a drinking game? Yes, you're right...he deserves negative rep and lots of it. Talk about insensitivity...that's quite the statement.

Only it wasn't the same program b/c the ATF wasn't supplying the guns.

They also can't make an arrest if no crime has been committed.

They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.

Actually the ONLY purpose of the Fortune article is to confirm the NRA's fear that the LEFT was using this program as an excuse to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?
Only it wasn't the same program b/c the ATF wasn't supplying the guns.

They also can't make an arrest if no crime has been committed.

They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.

Actually the ONLY purpose of the Fortune article is to confirm the NRA's fear that the LEFT was using this program as an excuse to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?

They dont realize they are proving our point... ideology has blinded them.
You are just here to troll, then?

What's hysterical is that the Fortune article is full of shit. But it's shit that trolls like CD love to shovel down their throats.

Sallow has a thread going that claims the ATF never did anything wrong ever and everything is rainbows and lollipops with the DOJ. (and linked to an interview with Al Sharpton :lol:)

Next up, franco will get a thread going on how it was Dick Cheney's gun that was found at the scene of Brian Terry's murder.

Delusional. They're desperate and delusional. :D

What's full of shit about it, exactly? See, what you just did tinybraincells, is you covered the conversation in a blanket of meaninglessness. You generalized. You need to come with specific examples, honey chile, are I'm going to have to toss the full-on "You are a fucking idiot" card on you.

I'll give you a chance to study up.

I don't have to come up with jack shit. It's your OP. Defend it. What specifics have you offered?

Because the Eban fairy tale is written like a piece that she's going to submit for a HBO made for cable movie with Voth as the ATF knight in shining armor.

Have you actually read it?
It's not an investigative piece at all. I must say though Eban has a flair for drama.

As Voth waited for the police, he checked his e-mail and found an anonymous threat, sent minutes earlier: "You God-damned stupid 'Yes-Man' who does not have either the morals, or the intelligence, to realize that allowing this 'Fast and Furious' operation would result in unnecessary, unjustified deaths: MAY YOU EAT SHIT AND DIE."

Later his wife found a strange car outside their house and an angry post on the Internet listing their home address. Voth confidentially shared his concern about that post in a meeting with two senior ATF officials, only to find an account of the meeting on the Sipsey Street blog within 24 hours.

Oh and then this piece of amazing evidence that Eban produces in her "fairy tale investigative report". This is beyond laughable.

For Voth, steeped in military loyalty, Melson's betrayal was the blow he couldn't fathom. Voth began losing weight, losing sleep.

As he puts it, "You barely remember your own name, your mind is going 100 miles an hour." He no longer knew what to do or who could be trusted. "There would be no way," he says, "to foreshadow this."

Oh the drama!!! Voth is a victim!! :lol: Play spooky music. "he no longer knew what to do (OMG chew finger nails here) or who could be trusted".

Sweet lord what a joke.

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