In-Depth Fortune Story on "Fast & Furious" Paints Totally Different Picture Than Issa

They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.

Actually the ONLY purpose of the Fortune article is to confirm the NRA's fear that the LEFT was using this program as an excuse to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?

They dont realize they are proving our point... ideology has blinded them.

I just think they liked their evil plan so much that they just have to USE IT -- Even when the whole thing is goin down in flames. Kinda like a kamikaze attack. The more I think about -- the timing of the post and the obvious crap they misrepresented looks like it was politically motivated.
Only it wasn't the same program b/c the ATF wasn't supplying the guns.

They also can't make an arrest if no crime has been committed.

They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.

Actually the ONLY purpose of the Fortune article is to confirm the NRA's fear that the LEFT was using this program as an excuse to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?

Look, I'm not big on "conspiracy" theories. I have no idea if somebody in the Holder DOJ or even the Obama Administration came up with Fast & Furious as a back door way to push through tougher gun control laws. What I DO know is that the entire program makes no sense at all. You resurrect a program that was shown to be ineffective when the Bush DOJ tried it because they found they couldn't trace the weapons...even with the full cooperation of the Mexican Government and tracking devices on the guns that were walked? Only with THIS don't include the Mexicans and you don't put tracking devices on the guns that are sold? That tells me that you REALLY don't have any intention of arresting anyone for which case THEN WHAT THE HECK WAS THE POINT!!!
They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.

Actually the ONLY purpose of the Fortune article is to confirm the NRA's fear that the LEFT was using this program as an excuse to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?

Look, I'm not big on "conspiracy" theories. I have no idea if somebody in the Holder DOJ or even the Obama Administration came up with Fast & Furious as a back door way to push through tougher gun control laws. What I DO know is that the entire program makes no sense at all. You resurrect a program that was shown to be ineffective when the Bush DOJ tried it because they found they couldn't trace the weapons...even with the full cooperation of the Mexican Government and tracking devices on the guns that were walked? Only with THIS don't include the Mexicans and you don't put tracking devices on the guns that are sold? That tells me that you REALLY don't have any intention of arresting anyone for which case THEN WHAT THE HECK WAS THE POINT!!!

They have painted themselves into a corner.
They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they aren't tracking the weapons. They OBVIOUSLY can't make an arrest when they tell their agents NOT TO ARREST ANYONE! This was NEVER a program that was designed to arrest people. That's the entire issue. This trying to blame the failure of the program on AZ's gun laws is laughable.

Actually the ONLY purpose of the Fortune article is to confirm the NRA's fear that the LEFT was using this program as an excuse to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?

Look, I'm not big on "conspiracy" theories. I have no idea if somebody in the Holder DOJ or even the Obama Administration came up with Fast & Furious as a back door way to push through tougher gun control laws. What I DO know is that the entire program makes no sense at all. You resurrect a program that was shown to be ineffective when the Bush DOJ tried it because they found they couldn't trace the weapons...even with the full cooperation of the Mexican Government and tracking devices on the guns that were walked? Only with THIS don't include the Mexicans and you don't put tracking devices on the guns that are sold? That tells me that you REALLY don't have any intention of arresting anyone for which case THEN WHAT THE HECK WAS THE POINT!!!

You already answered your own question. (see highlight above^)
What's hysterical is that the Fortune article is full of shit. But it's shit that trolls like CD love to shovel down their throats.

Sallow has a thread going that claims the ATF never did anything wrong ever and everything is rainbows and lollipops with the DOJ. (and linked to an interview with Al Sharpton :lol:)

Next up, franco will get a thread going on how it was Dick Cheney's gun that was found at the scene of Brian Terry's murder.

Delusional. They're desperate and delusional. :D

What's full of shit about it, exactly? See, what you just did tinybraincells, is you covered the conversation in a blanket of meaninglessness. You generalized. You need to come with specific examples, honey chile, are I'm going to have to toss the full-on "You are a fucking idiot" card on you.

I'll give you a chance to study up.

I don't have to come up with jack shit. It's your OP. Defend it. What specifics have you offered?

Because the Eban fairy tale is written like a piece that she's going to submit for a HBO made for cable movie with Voth as the ATF knight in shining armor.

Have you actually read it?
It's not an investigative piece at all. I must say though Eban has a flair for drama.

As Voth waited for the police, he checked his e-mail and found an anonymous threat, sent minutes earlier: "You God-damned stupid 'Yes-Man' who does not have either the morals, or the intelligence, to realize that allowing this 'Fast and Furious' operation would result in unnecessary, unjustified deaths: MAY YOU EAT SHIT AND DIE."

Later his wife found a strange car outside their house and an angry post on the Internet listing their home address. Voth confidentially shared his concern about that post in a meeting with two senior ATF officials, only to find an account of the meeting on the Sipsey Street blog within 24 hours.

Oh and then this piece of amazing evidence that Eban produces in her "fairy tale investigative report". This is beyond laughable.

For Voth, steeped in military loyalty, Melson's betrayal was the blow he couldn't fathom. Voth began losing weight, losing sleep.

As he puts it, "You barely remember your own name, your mind is going 100 miles an hour." He no longer knew what to do or who could be trusted. "There would be no way," he says, "to foreshadow this."

Oh the drama!!! Voth is a victim!! :lol: Play spooky music. "he no longer knew what to do (OMG chew finger nails here) or who could be trusted".

Sweet lord what a joke.

One thing the left loves is dramatic art..
to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?

Not really - the dealers ARE the bad guys.

Unless you think arming he Mexican drug gangs is a good thing.

If the purpose of this ill-conceived programs was to target LEGALLY franchised dealers making bad decisions, I'd have supported your statement above. Any guns trafficked under THIS PROGRAM went to Mexican gangs with HELP of the ATF and Justice. Now THAT'S a bad thing.

You think they cared a whit about licensed franchised dealers? It's not in evidence here.
Other than FORCING THEM to cooperate in the sale of illegal arms..
Actually the ONLY purpose of the Fortune article is to confirm the NRA's fear that the LEFT was using this program as an excuse to make the dealers into the bad guys.. Kinda ironic isn't it?

Look, I'm not big on "conspiracy" theories. I have no idea if somebody in the Holder DOJ or even the Obama Administration came up with Fast & Furious as a back door way to push through tougher gun control laws. What I DO know is that the entire program makes no sense at all. You resurrect a program that was shown to be ineffective when the Bush DOJ tried it because they found they couldn't trace the weapons...even with the full cooperation of the Mexican Government and tracking devices on the guns that were walked? Only with THIS don't include the Mexicans and you don't put tracking devices on the guns that are sold? That tells me that you REALLY don't have any intention of arresting anyone for which case THEN WHAT THE HECK WAS THE POINT!!!

You already answered your own question. (see highlight above^)

It's a damned if you do...damned if you don't thing...

If Fast & Furious was a serious attempt to arrest gun smugglers then it was a complete fiasco and the people in charge of it should have been canned.

If Fast & Furious was an attempt to bring about stricter gun control regulations then the people in charge should do jail time.

I've used this analogy before...flooding Mexico with thousands of automatic weapons just to prove that there is a problem with gun smuggling across the border is the same as the police encouraging drug dealers to sell their wares at schools so that you can say we need stricter laws against selling drugs near schools. What kind of an idiot would do that? If that WAS the case with Fast & Furious then the American public has a right to know that and the right to demand someone is punished for such a callous act. If it's just a ill conceived and badly run program then we have the right to know that as well. It disgust me that nobody in a position of authority for this has been demoted or fired. How can that be?
Flac -

Obviously the entire operation was poorly conceived, poorly run, and it's a mystery as to how it ever got off the ground. It may well be that the target of the operation was wrong from the outset.

I doubt anyone is going to argue otherwise.

But it shouldn't be used to distract Americans from the crucial issues -

- guns bought in the US are being used by Mexican drug gangs
- the US has a gun homicide rate roughly 10 times that of any other developed nation
- death by gun shot wound is the leading cause of death amongst some US demographics
- current US gun laws are not effective in the fight against crime

I support the right of ordinary Americans to own guns for sport and protection, but the US seems to have forgotten that non-gun owning Americans also have civil rights that need to be maintained - and currently are simply ignored.
How about a little more from that "helpful" gun store owner in Arizona which the Fortune article IMPLIED didn't do the transactions right.. Because there's a still a few "bitter clingers" who don't get it..

Fast and Furious: Gun store owner opens up - Los Angeles Times

For 15 months, Howard did as he was told. To customers with phony IDs or wads of cash he normally would have turned away, he sold pistols, rifles and semiautomatics. He was assured by the ATF that they would follow the guns, and that the surveillance would lead the agents to the violent Mexican drug cartels on the Southwest border.
When Howard heard nothing about any arrests, he questioned the agents. Keep selling, they told him. So hundreds of thousands of dollars more in weapons, including .50-caliber sniper rifles, walked out of the front door of his store in a Glendale, Ariz., strip mall.

He was making a lot of money. But he also feared somebody was going to get hurt.

"Every passing week, I worried about something like that," he said. "I felt horrible and sick."

Rogue Arizona gun-dealers my ass. That hit-piece crap article has me mad. Mad enough to go buy the LIFETIME NRA membership.
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Flac -

Obviously the entire operation was poorly conceived, poorly run, and it's a mystery as to how it ever got off the ground. It may well be that the target of the operation was wrong from the outset.

I doubt anyone is going to argue otherwise.

But it shouldn't be used to distract Americans from the crucial issues -

- guns bought in the US are being used by Mexican drug gangs
- the US has a gun homicide rate roughly 10 times that of any other developed nation
- death by gun shot wound is the leading cause of death amongst some US demographics
- current US gun laws are not effective in the fight against crime

I support the right of ordinary Americans to own guns for sport and protection, but the US seems to have forgotten that non-gun owning Americans also have civil rights that need to be maintained - and currently are simply ignored.

Go peddle your anti-gun agenda somewhere else. When they took away gun rights in England -- more people died from baseball bats. So they had to outlaw those. Now -- you can be arrested in England for putting bars on your tool shed that a criminal might hurt themselves on whilst breaking in to steal your stuff. "Developed Nation"???

No -- they are INSANE..
Go peddle your anti-gun agenda somewhere else. When they took away gun rights in England -- more people died from baseball bats. So they had to outlaw those. Now -- you can be arrested in England for putting bars on your tool shed that a criminal might hurt themselves on whilst breaking in to steal your stuff. "Developed Nation"???

No -- they are INSANE..

UK homicide rate: 1.23 (per 100,000)

US homicide rate: 4.80

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So which country has been more successful in preserving life?
AZ laws prevented them from ever going after any of the people. One guy was bought $300k in weapons and was on food stamps and the ATF couldnt stop his food stamps.

Now you support tougher gun laws after Terry Schiavo...ahem...Brian Terry dies? No?
Flac -

Obviously the entire operation was poorly conceived, poorly run, and it's a mystery as to how it ever got off the ground. It may well be that the target of the operation was wrong from the outset.

I doubt anyone is going to argue otherwise.

But it shouldn't be used to distract Americans from the crucial issues -

- guns bought in the US are being used by Mexican drug gangs
- the US has a gun homicide rate roughly 10 times that of any other developed nation
- death by gun shot wound is the leading cause of death amongst some US demographics
- current US gun laws are not effective in the fight against crime

I support the right of ordinary Americans to own guns for sport and protection, but the US seems to have forgotten that non-gun owning Americans also have civil rights that need to be maintained - and currently are simply ignored.

Go peddle your anti-gun agenda somewhere else. When they took away gun rights in England -- more people died from baseball bats. So they had to outlaw those. Now -- you can be arrested in England for putting bars on your tool shed that a criminal might hurt themselves on whilst breaking in to steal your stuff. "Developed Nation"???

No -- they are INSANE..

They also banned knives with points and last I heard they were banning drinking glasses in restaurants because of the risk of being hurt with the glass in a fight. I had not heard about the ban on bars on the toolsheds! WOW!
Go peddle your anti-gun agenda somewhere else. When they took away gun rights in England -- more people died from baseball bats. So they had to outlaw those. Now -- you can be arrested in England for putting bars on your tool shed that a criminal might hurt themselves on whilst breaking in to steal your stuff. "Developed Nation"???

No -- they are INSANE..

UK homicide rate: 1.23 (per 100,000)

US homicide rate: 4.80

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So which country has been more successful in preserving life?

It's not polite to change this thread.. I'm sure there's a few people who want to rehash all of this nonsense again.. So go start a thread..
The message of the Anti-gun loons has been surprisingly silent as F&F unfolds. Well no... Their silence really isn't surprising.
CaféAuLait;5527601 said:
They also banned knives with points and last I heard they were banning drinking glasses in restaurants because of the risk of being hurt with the glass in a fight. I had not heard about the ban on bars on the toolsheds! WOW!

You haven't heard about it because it is nonsense.

Do you really think baseball bats are banned in the UK?

You really think no one in the UK owns a gun?

Let's try and stay within a few miles of reality, eh?

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