In Donald Trump's Words, Rihanna Is Talentless

Not me, cuz I don't give a fuck about Rianna.
Not really familiar with her music. In 1995 I my 5th child started running around my house. I kinda lost track of pop culture. Now they are all grown and gone. I hunt, Fish and golf with my free time. I really didn't see a reason to catch up on pop culture. Saw her in a movie once can't remember what it was she was attractive but that was quite a while ago. Have no idea what she looks like nowadays.
Not really familiar with her music. In 1995 I my 5th child started running around my house. I kinda lost track of pop culture. Now they are all grown and gone. I hunt, Fish and golf with my free time. I really didn't see a reason to catch up on pop culture. Saw her in a movie once can't remember what it was she was attractive but that was quite a while ago. Have no idea what she looks like nowadays.

Am I wearing a white collar or somethin'?
Am I wearing a white collar or somethin'?
I would not know! I have no idea what your situation is. Most people are mire knowledgeable about pop culture than I. I was white collar while raising my kids. That does not reflect on one's interest in pop culture. People of all walks of life can busy and some just don't care about pop culture.
I would not know! I have no idea what your situation is. Most people are mire knowledgeable about pop culture than I. I was white collar while raising my kids. That does not reflect on one's interest in pop culture. People of all walks of life can busy and some just don't care about pop culture.

All they do is jump around and lip synch. I heard she got fat and might suit up for KC or Philly.
I know you libs don't want to hear this, but...

---In Donald Trump's Words, Rihanna Is Talentless---

Lots of singers out there, probably could have found a better one.

i think she is talented, but if she called me a immoral pig i’d likely have some ill thoughts of her too. i think the president was very reserved in his critism after that
This is an "adult" "male" who spends his day attacking people, insulting people, and name-calling. Like an angry, spoiled, ten year old boy.

How in the world can anyone decide that this is a person to admire? What does it say about a person, a group of people, who chooses to do so?
Most celebrities today aren't stars at. They more like celebrity personalities.

Used to if you were rich, famous, well known, on tv, in movies, a singer or whatever then you were because you had some measure of talent or intelligence. Now people don't have to be smart or have some kind of talent, they can be rich and famous for no reason at all.
She's been at the top of the music business for 17 years so she is hardly lacking in talent. But she is a strong black woman in control of her life and her considerable business interests, and one of the wealthiest performers in the world, so course the MAGA crowd hates her.

You have heard her, lots of times, and haven't realized it. You've probably like her music too.

Of course by "strong black woman", you mean her black man ran off and left her to fend for herself, right?

There seems to be a lot of that in the black community.
This is an "adult" "male" who spends his day attacking people, insulting people, and name-calling. Like an angry, spoiled, ten year old boy.
How in the world can anyone decide that this is a person to admire? What does it say about a person, a group of people, who chooses to do so?
Maybe the people he's attacking deserve it.

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