In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

I don't give a shit about Trump either but I know that leftwing klunts like you get pissed when I bring up Bill "drop trou" and his propensity to use the vaginal cavity as a storage area for his cigars. Kiss my ass, you liberal POS.

Hysteria becomes you
Now if he could just come up with some plans to do that without causing trade wars and the loss of every ally we have, we'll be all set.

Beloved to the world Obama didn't add a single ally, why would hated by the world Trump cost us one?

You really don't see the difference?

Between Obama and Trump? There are different symptoms, but they are the same disease, they care about themselves and they inspire fanatical lunatics to jump off buildings for them. In the end, they both are terrible for the country

"They care about themselves and inspire lunatics"..

And this is what you base on your vote on?

Wow... If you actually opened your eyes you would see that they are not even close to be alike. For one, Obama is a loser while Trump is a billionaire. Also, Trump is not a damn socialist.

Try reading what I said again and see if you can get it this time. Step 1, you don't have to agree whit it. Just grasp the actual point made
In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

No, it's not in his mind, it's in the ratings. Remember Trump is more than just a successful business man. He spent a lot of time in the entertainment world as well. He knows ratings, he understands what ratings mean for revenue, and he understand that when he is on the tube, ratings go up.

That's hardly what I would say is just in his mind.

Yes he does, but ---- do you?

Having been in broadcasting for four decades I never tire of pointing this out -- ratings do not measure assent; they measure attention. And that is after all what Rump's quest is every moment of every day --- attention to himself. It's the prison a Narcissistic Personality Disorder enslaves itself to (and the thinskinned Twitter meltdowns are the other side of that same coin).

But attention is not "assent". Drivers on a highway will all slow down and devote attention to the overturned tractor trailer engulfed in flames --- that in no way means they "agree" with the idea of overturned tractor trailers engulfed in flames.

Tragically, what this all means in the context of political campaigning is that we get a wide swath of the Unwashed "following" and even voting for a media stick figure on the basis that "I've heard of that guy --- he's been on TV".

Can you explain how you've been in broadcasting for four decades and not even know how they make money?

There is not one candidate out there that would refuse the attention Trump is getting. In fact, Rubio made a statement about O'Reilly and how he had Trump on way more than himself.

Free publicity is a huge benefit to any candidate which is why they will take all they can get. It's not narcissism, it's normal.
We didn't WANT Western Europe.

THe stated intent of Yalta was that ALL OF EUROPE would be free.

That is what we wanted.
It was never going to happen. We saved what we could and made the Soviets do the suffering

What is your point about this claim?

How does it relate to the topic at hand?
What it means is we never had an option of saving Eastern Europe. It was either going to belong to the Nazis or the Soviets

A common defense by FDR partisans.


Provide an alternate reality in which we are able to rescue Eastern Europe

Sure, since you asked

FDR demands as a show of good faith by Stalin that governments in exile of lands that the SU will "liberate" be allowed to operate on the Eastern Front, and in areas occupied by the SU.

When Stalin refuses, Lend Lease is kept at very low levels to retard Soviet Advance.

War ends a little later with the Soviets much more depleted and much further east. Perhaps with the nuclear bombing of Berlin and Hitler.

Stalin's position with regard to hanging on to smaller amount of Eastern Europe is both far weaker and with far less reason.

President Truman, with nuclear armed bombers based in Germany demands that the SOviets move back to their border and they do.

When NATO and the Warsaw Pact is formed, the Balance of Power is undeniably in favor of the West.

Second half of 20th century far less scary.
Just watched MSNBC...They had Kerry and a bunch of talking heads in Europe saying how worried Europeans are about Trump’s Nato proposals. They are afraid they will have to pay more for their own security.

In the same set, MSNBC said that European Nato countries are supposed to contribute 2% of GDP; a level they have never met. In fact their contributions have dropped by 14%.

Trump is right ..

Last time I checked, the UK was meeting it's target. But yes.
Another asshat who can't tell the difference between Donald Rump -- the topic, hello --- and not-Donald Rump.

I don't know what we are getting with Trump, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I know what we are getting with want to cast aspersions at Trump while trying to protect that c---t Hitlery because you are uneducated on what she is about and what she has's all about tribalism to you and not what might free us from this debt slavery system. I am so much more aware of what is going on than you...this is what I do all day every day. I am not a fan of either party because I believe both are bought and paid for. The fact that the establishment on both sides are attacking him gives me a sliver of hope that Trump might be the start of freeing us of the UCC and the central bank that controls this insane slavery system.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is your obsession with "Hillary"?
Especially in a thread about Rump?

The Rump does not appreciate you sending your attention elsewhere. The Rump says you "better watch out -- you have a lot to hide!" Again -- his words, not mine....
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.

TOPIC: Rump...
YOU: "but but... Hillary"
YOU: "Fuck you ass wipe"
In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

No, it's not in his mind, it's in the ratings. Remember Trump is more than just a successful business man. He spent a lot of time in the entertainment world as well. He knows ratings, he understands what ratings mean for revenue, and he understand that when he is on the tube, ratings go up.

That's hardly what I would say is just in his mind.

Yes he does, but ---- do you?

Having been in broadcasting for four decades I never tire of pointing this out -- ratings do not measure assent; they measure attention. And that is after all what Rump's quest is every moment of every day --- attention to himself. It's the prison a Narcissistic Personality Disorder enslaves itself to (and the thinskinned Twitter meltdowns are the other side of that same coin).

But attention is not "assent". Drivers on a highway will all slow down and devote attention to the overturned tractor trailer engulfed in flames --- that in no way means they "agree" with the idea of overturned tractor trailers engulfed in flames.

Tragically, what this all means in the context of political campaigning is that we get a wide swath of the Unwashed "following" and even voting for a media stick figure on the basis that "I've heard of that guy --- he's been on TV".

Can you explain how you've been in broadcasting for four decades and not even know how they make money?

There is not one candidate out there that would refuse the attention Trump is getting. In fact, Rubio made a statement about O'Reilly and how he had Trump on way more than himself.

Free publicity is a huge benefit to any candidate which is why they will take all they can get. It's not narcissism, it's normal.

Seems to me I just articulated how they make money. What part of it isn't clear? I defined what ratings are, and what they aren't, and the distinction between attention and assent. Ratings mean the former -- not the latter.

That, in turn, calls into question your claim that the public "listens to Rump because he's Rump", implying some sort of gravitas to his presence. So I pointed out that no, people watch him because he's a spectacle. A train wreck.

The same reason they watch WWE, Gallagher or Evel Knievel. Nobody ever watched Evel Knievel for the purpose of picking up driving tips.
In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

I don't think they are laughing at him, there are YouTube videos of people protesting in other countries about the refugees, they are chanting Donald Trump.
If Trump is elected, the US could start a business building walls around the world, seams to be catching on.

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I don't know what we are getting with Trump, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I know what we are getting with want to cast aspersions at Trump while trying to protect that c---t Hitlery because you are uneducated on what she is about and what she has's all about tribalism to you and not what might free us from this debt slavery system. I am so much more aware of what is going on than you...this is what I do all day every day. I am not a fan of either party because I believe both are bought and paid for. The fact that the establishment on both sides are attacking him gives me a sliver of hope that Trump might be the start of freeing us of the UCC and the central bank that controls this insane slavery system.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is your obsession with "Hillary"?
Especially in a thread about Rump?

The Rump does not appreciate you sending your attention elsewhere. The Rump says you "better watch out -- you have a lot to hide!" Again -- his words, not mine....
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.
I don't know what we are getting with Trump, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I know what we are getting with want to cast aspersions at Trump while trying to protect that c---t Hitlery because you are uneducated on what she is about and what she has's all about tribalism to you and not what might free us from this debt slavery system. I am so much more aware of what is going on than you...this is what I do all day every day. I am not a fan of either party because I believe both are bought and paid for. The fact that the establishment on both sides are attacking him gives me a sliver of hope that Trump might be the start of freeing us of the UCC and the central bank that controls this insane slavery system.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is your obsession with "Hillary"?
Especially in a thread about Rump?

The Rump does not appreciate you sending your attention elsewhere. The Rump says you "better watch out -- you have a lot to hide!" Again -- his words, not mine....
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.

TOPIC: Rump...
YOU: "but but... Hillary"
YOU: "Fuck you ass wipe"
No, because the leftard clown posse's best defense for a POS like Hitlery is an attempt at an offense against Trump...thus the reason I bring her up because she is the alternative. I don't know what America would be getting with Trump but I know damn well what we would be getting with that witch and it should scare the ever loving shit out of everyone that has the ability to think. I don't have to answer every charge against Trump to placate douchebags like you....not when Hitlery has enough baggage to fill the cargo hold of a 757.
Trump's 90 minute interview, which I doubt many here will read, demonstrates just how incredibly uninformed Trump is.

I just skimmed the first couple pages, didn't see anything I very shocking.

HIs points about Japan, South Korea and NATO are far better than the knee jerk stuck in COld War thinking we have been getting from the Establishment over the last twenty years.
What in the wide world of blue fuck is your obsession with "Hillary"?
Especially in a thread about Rump?

The Rump does not appreciate you sending your attention elsewhere. The Rump says you "better watch out -- you have a lot to hide!" Again -- his words, not mine....
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.
What in the wide world of blue fuck is your obsession with "Hillary"?
Especially in a thread about Rump?

The Rump does not appreciate you sending your attention elsewhere. The Rump says you "better watch out -- you have a lot to hide!" Again -- his words, not mine....
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.

TOPIC: Rump...
YOU: "but but... Hillary"
YOU: "Fuck you ass wipe"
No, because the leftard clown posse's best defense for a POS like Hitlery is an attempt at an offense against Trump...thus the reason I bring her up because she is the alternative. I don't know what America would be getting with Trump but I know damn well what we would be getting with that witch and it should scare the ever loving shit out of everyone that has the ability to think. I don't have to answer every charge against Trump to placate douchebags like you....not when Hitlery has enough baggage to fill the cargo hold of a 757.

Once AGAIN --- the topic is Rump and his worldview. That has nothing to do with "Hillary" or anybody else. You simply cannot deal with the topic as rendered, so you desperately reach to grab anything to change the subject. That's nobody's shortcoming but your own. It doesn't seem to sink in to that dense cranial cavity that Hillary and Rump are --- two different people.

And no, she is far from "the alternative", singular. The freaking primaries and conventions haven't even run their course yet.
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.

TOPIC: Rump...
YOU: "but but... Hillary"
YOU: "Fuck you ass wipe"
No, because the leftard clown posse's best defense for a POS like Hitlery is an attempt at an offense against Trump...thus the reason I bring her up because she is the alternative. I don't know what America would be getting with Trump but I know damn well what we would be getting with that witch and it should scare the ever loving shit out of everyone that has the ability to think. I don't have to answer every charge against Trump to placate douchebags like you....not when Hitlery has enough baggage to fill the cargo hold of a 757.

Once AGAIN --- the topic is Rump and his worldview. That has nothing to do with "Hillary" or anybody else. You simply cannot deal with the topic as rendered, so you desperately reach to grab anything to change the subject. That's nobody's shortcoming but your own. It doesn't seem to sink in to that dense cranial cavity that Hillary and Rump are --- two different people.

And no, she is far from "the alternative", singular. The freaking primaries and conventions haven't even run their course yet.

YOur claim to want serious discussion on Trump is greatly undermined by your childish mocking of his name.
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

The inability to stay on the topic is all yours, Peewee... learn to read.

TOPIC: Rump...
YOU: "but but... Hillary"
YOU: "Fuck you ass wipe"
No, because the leftard clown posse's best defense for a POS like Hitlery is an attempt at an offense against Trump...thus the reason I bring her up because she is the alternative. I don't know what America would be getting with Trump but I know damn well what we would be getting with that witch and it should scare the ever loving shit out of everyone that has the ability to think. I don't have to answer every charge against Trump to placate douchebags like you....not when Hitlery has enough baggage to fill the cargo hold of a 757.

Once AGAIN --- the topic is Rump and his worldview. That has nothing to do with "Hillary" or anybody else. You simply cannot deal with the topic as rendered, so you desperately reach to grab anything to change the subject. That's nobody's shortcoming but your own. It doesn't seem to sink in to that dense cranial cavity that Hillary and Rump are --- two different people.

And no, she is far from "the alternative", singular. The freaking primaries and conventions haven't even run their course yet.

I don't have a problem at all with Trump's world view and he seems to be evolving as time goes on. What he does know is that something is very wrong with the path this country has taken and he hasn't been afraid to speak out against the establishment from both parties. I doubt that you have the ability to look at Hitlery through the same lenses that you do Trump...because after all, she is a Fabian socialist like you are...but her views about fairness and yours differ quite a bit.....
Trump's 90 minute interview, which I doubt many here will read, demonstrates just how incredibly uninformed Trump is.

I just skimmed the first couple pages, didn't see anything I very shocking.

HIs points about Japan, South Korea and NATO are far better than the knee jerk stuck in COld War thinking we have been getting from the Establishment over the last twenty years.
A nuclear Japan and South Korea? Are you kidding?
Trump's 90 minute interview, which I doubt many here will read, demonstrates just how incredibly uninformed Trump is.

I just skimmed the first couple pages, didn't see anything I very shocking.

HIs points about Japan, South Korea and NATO are far better than the knee jerk stuck in COld War thinking we have been getting from the Establishment over the last twenty years.
A nuclear Japan and South Korea? Are you kidding?

America is over extended. They would be wise to be concerned about our long term commitment to their defense and to look to their own devices.

Pun intended.

What is ignorant about that point?
In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so. If anything this political season has underscored, emphasized and trumpeted that fact from the rooftops for anyone with ears to hear.

You people believe anything. No matter how crazy it is, if someone says it, you believe it.

Donald Trumps hats are not made by rapists, or Mexicans, and he didn't call all Mexicans rapists. Man you people are mentally childish.

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