In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

We exported millions of tons to the USSR. Virtually ever truck they used was American. We also exported tanks and airplanes. We sent them 6,500 aircraft alone, and about 1000 tanks. We also sent them huge amounts of raw materials, medical supplies, or whatever. You can find a complete listing here

Complete List of Lend Lease to Russia including atomic materials

There is absolutely no way the USSR could have survived the war without U.S. aid.
We provided tons of materiel
They provided gallons of blood

Maybe they should not have entered WWII as allies of Adolf Hitler.

I stand by Patton's motto. Americans win by making the other dumb bastard die for their country.

You and Stalin can believe otherwise.
That we did

We allowed the Soviets to do the dying and we ended up with half of Europe

"We ended up with half of Europe"?

Are you insane?

WWII was not a war of conquest, at least not for US.

Europeans ended up with Half of Europe. The Soviets ended up with the other half.
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

You mean we ended up with the government the citizens of those countries wanted. The people living in the East block countries, on the other hand, ended up in a vast prison.
Maybe they should not have entered WWII as allies of Adolf Hitler.

I stand by Patton's motto. Americans win by making the other dumb bastard die for their country.

You and Stalin can believe otherwise.
That we did

We allowed the Soviets to do the dying and we ended up with half of Europe

"We ended up with half of Europe"?

Are you insane?

WWII was not a war of conquest, at least not for US.

Europeans ended up with Half of Europe. The Soviets ended up with the other half.
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

The nations that fell in the half of Europe that were liberated by the US ended up with the governments that the people of those nations wanted.

That's the US version of "Self interest".

The Soviets built an Empire in the half of the Europe that they "liberated".
Very true...and we couldn't have gotten the Western Europe we wanted without the Soviets defeating the Nazis in the Eastern front

It's what they wanted, not what we wanted.
We provided tons of materiel
They provided gallons of blood

Maybe they should not have entered WWII as allies of Adolf Hitler.

I stand by Patton's motto. Americans win by making the other dumb bastard die for their country.

You and Stalin can believe otherwise.
That we did

We allowed the Soviets to do the dying and we ended up with half of Europe

"We ended up with half of Europe"?

Are you insane?

WWII was not a war of conquest, at least not for US.

Europeans ended up with Half of Europe. The Soviets ended up with the other half.
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

You mean we ended up with the government the citizens of those countries wanted. The people living in the East block countries, on the other hand, ended up in a vast prison.

He seems to be trying to misrepresent and twist US historical aims, not to mention actual events, so as to try to gin up a superficial similarity between US and USSR actions.
We provided tons of materiel
They provided gallons of blood

Maybe they should not have entered WWII as allies of Adolf Hitler.

I stand by Patton's motto. Americans win by making the other dumb bastard die for their country.

You and Stalin can believe otherwise.
That we did

We allowed the Soviets to do the dying and we ended up with half of Europe

"We ended up with half of Europe"?

Are you insane?

WWII was not a war of conquest, at least not for US.

Europeans ended up with Half of Europe. The Soviets ended up with the other half.
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

The nations that fell in the half of Europe that were liberated by the US ended up with the governments that the people of those nations wanted.

That's the US version of "Self interest".

The Soviets built an Empire in the half of the Europe that they "liberated".

Unfortunately that doesn't fit with the left wing narrative that the United States is evil!
Maybe they should not have entered WWII as allies of Adolf Hitler.

I stand by Patton's motto. Americans win by making the other dumb bastard die for their country.

You and Stalin can believe otherwise.
That we did

We allowed the Soviets to do the dying and we ended up with half of Europe

"We ended up with half of Europe"?

Are you insane?

WWII was not a war of conquest, at least not for US.

Europeans ended up with Half of Europe. The Soviets ended up with the other half.
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

You mean we ended up with the government the citizens of those countries wanted. The people living in the East block countries, on the other hand, ended up in a vast prison.

He seems to be trying to misrepresent and twist US historical aims, not to mention actual events, so as to try to gin up a superficial similarity between US and USSR actions.

That's what leftists do. That's why they're all douche bags.
I am so much more aware of what is going on than you...this is what I do all day every day.

That we did

We allowed the Soviets to do the dying and we ended up with half of Europe

"We ended up with half of Europe"?

Are you insane?

WWII was not a war of conquest, at least not for US.

Europeans ended up with Half of Europe. The Soviets ended up with the other half.
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

The nations that fell in the half of Europe that were liberated by the US ended up with the governments that the people of those nations wanted.

That's the US version of "Self interest".

The Soviets built an Empire in the half of the Europe that they "liberated".
Very true...and we couldn't have gotten the Western Europe we wanted without the Soviets defeating the Nazis in the Eastern front

We didn't WANT Western Europe.

THe stated intent of Yalta was that ALL OF EUROPE would be free.

That is what we wanted.
It was never going to happen. We saved what we could and made the Soviets do the suffering
"We ended up with half of Europe"?

Are you insane?

WWII was not a war of conquest, at least not for US.

Europeans ended up with Half of Europe. The Soviets ended up with the other half.
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

The nations that fell in the half of Europe that were liberated by the US ended up with the governments that the people of those nations wanted.

That's the US version of "Self interest".

The Soviets built an Empire in the half of the Europe that they "liberated".
Very true...and we couldn't have gotten the Western Europe we wanted without the Soviets defeating the Nazis in the Eastern front

We didn't WANT Western Europe.

THe stated intent of Yalta was that ALL OF EUROPE would be free.

That is what we wanted.
It was never going to happen. We saved what we could and made the Soviets do the suffering

What is your point about this claim?

How does it relate to the topic at hand?
We ended up with the governments we wanted and a NATO alliance. A much better option than a Nazi occupied Western Europe

The nations that fell in the half of Europe that were liberated by the US ended up with the governments that the people of those nations wanted.

That's the US version of "Self interest".

The Soviets built an Empire in the half of the Europe that they "liberated".
Very true...and we couldn't have gotten the Western Europe we wanted without the Soviets defeating the Nazis in the Eastern front

We didn't WANT Western Europe.

THe stated intent of Yalta was that ALL OF EUROPE would be free.

That is what we wanted.
It was never going to happen. We saved what we could and made the Soviets do the suffering

What is your point about this claim?

How does it relate to the topic at hand?
What it means is we never had an option of saving Eastern Europe. It was either going to belong to the Nazis or the Soviets
The nations that fell in the half of Europe that were liberated by the US ended up with the governments that the people of those nations wanted.

That's the US version of "Self interest".

The Soviets built an Empire in the half of the Europe that they "liberated".
Very true...and we couldn't have gotten the Western Europe we wanted without the Soviets defeating the Nazis in the Eastern front

We didn't WANT Western Europe.

THe stated intent of Yalta was that ALL OF EUROPE would be free.

That is what we wanted.
It was never going to happen. We saved what we could and made the Soviets do the suffering

What is your point about this claim?

How does it relate to the topic at hand?
What it means is we never had an option of saving Eastern Europe. It was either going to belong to the Nazis or the Soviets

A common defense by FDR partisans.
Very true...and we couldn't have gotten the Western Europe we wanted without the Soviets defeating the Nazis in the Eastern front

We didn't WANT Western Europe.

THe stated intent of Yalta was that ALL OF EUROPE would be free.

That is what we wanted.
It was never going to happen. We saved what we could and made the Soviets do the suffering

What is your point about this claim?

How does it relate to the topic at hand?
What it means is we never had an option of saving Eastern Europe. It was either going to belong to the Nazis or the Soviets

A common defense by FDR partisans.


Provide an alternate reality in which we are able to rescue Eastern Europe
Yeah? So what? Why is that a problem?

Mr. Trump’s views, as he explained them, fit nowhere into the recent history of the Republican Party: He is not in the internationalist camp of President George Bush, nor does he favor President George W. Bush’s call to make it the United States’ mission to spread democracy around the world. He agreed with a suggestion that his ideas might be summed up as “America First.”

“Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.
That is why I am going to vote for Trump if he gets the nomination, and he should get it.
Now if he could just come up with some plans to do that without causing trade wars and the loss of every ally we have, we'll be all set.

Beloved to the world Obama didn't add a single ally, why would hated by the world Trump cost us one?

You really don't see the difference?

Between Obama and Trump? There are different symptoms, but they are the same disease, they care about themselves and they inspire fanatical lunatics to jump off buildings for them. In the end, they both are terrible for the country
Just watched MSNBC...They had Kerry and a bunch of talking heads in Europe saying how worried Europeans are about Trump’s Nato proposals. They are afraid they will have to pay more for their own security.

In the same set, MSNBC said that European Nato countries are supposed to contribute 2% of GDP; a level they have never met. In fact their contributions have dropped by 14%.

Trump is right ..
The nations that fell in the half of Europe that were liberated by the US ended up with the governments that the people of those nations wanted.

That's the US version of "Self interest".

The Soviets built an Empire in the half of the Europe that they "liberated".
Very true...and we couldn't have gotten the Western Europe we wanted without the Soviets defeating the Nazis in the Eastern front

We didn't WANT Western Europe.

THe stated intent of Yalta was that ALL OF EUROPE would be free.

That is what we wanted.
It was never going to happen. We saved what we could and made the Soviets do the suffering

What is your point about this claim?

How does it relate to the topic at hand?
What it means is we never had an option of saving Eastern Europe. It was either going to belong to the Nazis or the Soviets
There couldn't be a Soviet Union or the Nazis without Wall Street and the banking oligarchs. Every fucking war is a banker's war. You are no authority on our real history....hell, you are not even that up on the lies your beloved "gubermint" controlled schools programmed you with.
Now if he could just come up with some plans to do that without causing trade wars and the loss of every ally we have, we'll be all set.

Beloved to the world Obama didn't add a single ally, why would hated by the world Trump cost us one?

You really don't see the difference?

Between Obama and Trump? There are different symptoms, but they are the same disease, they care about themselves and they inspire fanatical lunatics to jump off buildings for them. In the end, they both are terrible for the country

"They care about themselves and inspire lunatics"..

And this is what you base on your vote on?

Wow... If you actually opened your eyes you would see that they are not even close to be alike. For one, Obama is a loser while Trump is a billionaire. Also, Trump is not a damn socialist.
In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so.

Yes, in such contrast to Hillary Clinton.

Uhh... yeah I guess. Actually in such contrast to, oh, the entire rest of the human race.

Need a clue? Here ya go.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
... If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. <<​

--- Sound like anybody you've heard of lately?

Yeah, Hitlery "Dereliction Of Duty" by Buzz Patterson...he was much harder on Hitlery than he was Bill "drop trou". Patterson carried the nuclear football for Bill "drop trou" for two years. He saw it all and Hitlery was nothing but a phony and spiteful bitch.

you have a stutter? or do you just think your own little phrase is somehow amusing?

what do you call the donald who cheated on wife one, got someone pregnant, married her, then dumped her for a mail order bride?

RWNJ's are funny
I don't give a shit about Trump either but I know that leftwing klunts like you get pissed when I bring up Bill "drop trou" and his propensity to use the vaginal cavity as a storage area for his cigars. Kiss my ass, you liberal POS.
Yeah, Hitlery "Dereliction Of Duty" by Buzz Patterson...he was much harder on Hitlery than he was Bill "drop trou". Patterson carried the nuclear football for Bill "drop trou" for two years. He saw it all and Hitlery was nothing but a phony and spiteful bitch.

Another asshat who can't tell the difference between Donald Rump -- the topic, hello --- and not-Donald Rump.

I don't know what we are getting with Trump, but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I know what we are getting with want to cast aspersions at Trump while trying to protect that c---t Hitlery because you are uneducated on what she is about and what she has's all about tribalism to you and not what might free us from this debt slavery system. I am so much more aware of what is going on than you...this is what I do all day every day. I am not a fan of either party because I believe both are bought and paid for. The fact that the establishment on both sides are attacking him gives me a sliver of hope that Trump might be the start of freeing us of the UCC and the central bank that controls this insane slavery system.

What in the wide world of blue fuck is your obsession with "Hillary"?
Especially in a thread about Rump?

The Rump does not appreciate you sending your attention elsewhere. The Rump says you "better watch out -- you have a lot to hide!" Again -- his words, not mine....
What is your obsession with Trump? You are lamely attempting to marginalize Trump when it will result in the election of a c---t like Hillary and I know what we are getting with her...that is my point and anyone with as low an IQ like you should be able to figure that one out......maybe I am giving you too much credit.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... what exactly is the TOPIC here?

Want a hint? Check the title. See anything there about any "Hillary"?
You haven't touched the topic yet. All you do is try to change the subject.

Why is that exactly?
Fuck you, ass wipe....I will post any fucking thing I want and I will run that Hitlery klunt down on any thread I deem necessary...get it, punkinpuss? You have got NOTHING.....

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