In God We Trust

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

"respecting" means "with respect to"..."having to do with"

That is a separation of Church and State. Has been as long as we have been a nation

You fucking absolute retard. The 1st amendment is a law having to do with religion.

It is! Prove me wrong. PS: Cite all that quoting you did or I'll have it deleted. It's a liability having plagiarization like that on a site.
Are you still not providing a source for all that stuff you quoted?

Provide links or those posts need to go for plagiarization. You still have time to edit.

I'm sure you have links.

Done ya whiney bitch
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Keep your religion out then as the founders intended.
You cannot violate my First Amendment right to say what I believe in, which is the scriptures in the Bible. If that annoys you, reread Amendment 1 for comprehension, PLZ. THX.
Did I stop you from posting? Stop being a snowflake.
With your foot fully in your mouth, you ordered me to keep my religion out. I responded by telling you that you don't have the right to violate my First Amendment rights. I am fully American and stand up to bullies as I was taught from the cradle of a proud family whose forbear came over on the Mayflower as well as the ones who were here to greet them with gifts of turkeys and pumpkins for their first Thanksgiving.. :muahaha:
I said out of government. Nice strawman dummy.
You said and I quote: Keep your religion out then as the founders intended.

They had no such intention. In fact, for 200 + years, a prayer began each and every day of each and every meeting of Congress in both houses.

Your intention is to change the founders' intention because you seem to hate 'religion,' which for many of us is the simple reading of scriptures and trying to live as best we can under their influence of our activities. We are also aware that we are often short of God's intentions, which is why we pray for ourselves and others who fall short of God's intentions, knowing fully well God alone is the judge, not we.
Show me where the founders made a national religion law or stfu
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

"respecting" means "with respect to"..."having to do with"

That is a separation of Church and State. Has been as long as we have been a nation
The Constitution was written so that simple folk such as myself could understand it. Many people will go to the dictionary and find one little alternative meaning and apply it to another's understanding. I think I have a pretty good understanding that you cannot deny me my religion because of what the Constitution guarantees me the free speech of.
jillian makes no bones about being Hebrew, not that there's anything wrong with that. Bolshevik? Yes, there's something wrong with Bolsheviks.

Lesh's faggot ass is trying to paint me as some kinda anti-semite. Wrong answer, faggot!

Guess what turd..."Heeb" is a favorite SLUR used by anti-semites.

If you don't want to be called as as such...don't talk like one
This thread shows that today the biggest threat to the constitution and laws of the United States are religious supremacists that would like to make their own religious beliefs law.
You cannot violate my First Amendment right to say what I believe in, which is the scriptures in the Bible. If that annoys you, reread Amendment 1 for comprehension, PLZ. THX.
Did I stop you from posting? Stop being a snowflake.
With your foot fully in your mouth, you ordered me to keep my religion out. I responded by telling you that you don't have the right to violate my First Amendment rights. I am fully American and stand up to bullies as I was taught from the cradle of a proud family whose forbear came over on the Mayflower as well as the ones who were here to greet them with gifts of turkeys and pumpkins for their first Thanksgiving.. :muahaha:
I said out of government. Nice strawman dummy.
You said and I quote: Keep your religion out then as the founders intended.

They had no such intention. In fact, for 200 + years, a prayer began each and every day of each and every meeting of Congress in both houses.

Your intention is to change the founders' intention because you seem to hate 'religion,' which for many of us is the simple reading of scriptures and trying to live as best we can under their influence of our activities. We are also aware that we are often short of God's intentions, which is why we pray for ourselves and others who fall short of God's intentions, knowing fully well God alone is the judge, not we.
Show me where the founders made a national religion law or stfu

You are seriously obtuse, huh? They intentionally didn't do that and allowed everyone to worship as they wished, (or not) because they wanted to get away from the Anglican church. That in no way means they didn't believe in God, go to church, or base our laws on biblical law.
Government may not establish any one denomination is what they really meant. Too bad they weren't more specific for pinheads like you.
Why is it the our GOD produces this effect on liberals progressives?

Is like showing a cross to a vampire left wing....

Satan has lost this fight.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

"respecting" means "with respect to"..."having to do with"

That is a separation of Church and State. Has been as long as we have been a nation
The Constitution was written so that simple folk such as myself could understand it. Many people will go to the dictionary and find one little alternative meaning and apply it to another's understanding. I think I have a pretty good understanding that you cannot deny me my religion because of what the Constitution guarantees me the free speech of.
No it was written by smart folk. That's not you.
I'm a patriot and will never try to make my beliefs law like the unconstitutional idiots in this thread.
The Constitution was written so that simple folk such as myself could understand it. Many people will go to the dictionary and find one little alternative meaning and apply it to another's understanding. I think I have a pretty good understanding that you cannot deny me my religion because of what the Constitution guarantees me the free speech of.

No one is denying you the right to worship whatever God you want.

And the Constitution grants me freedom FROM your religion.
"Almighty GOD; we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection, that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States of America at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of The Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech thee, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen"

- George Washington -

April 30th, 1789

What God was he talking about?

Use your deductive reasoning to figure it out. Let's just see if you're capable of doing so. All the info you need is in the prayer. True story.
I've deduced that religion is not named in the constitution and should stay out of government. It's very important. I'm not free if I am forced to comply with anyone's religious doctrine.

You can't kill, steal or commit adultery without suffering consequences in America, sorry.

How oppressed does that make you feel?
Not at all, that's common sense, and religions tend to have good morals, they help some people, I'm not against them.

Just keep them out of government please.
Oh, please, now is it? Well, I am so glad you have been influenced, even if only slightly to accept the fact that our American forbears intended their prodigy to have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to speak fondly of our dear God and Lord, light of light, true god of true gods, the author and father of mankind, just as the prophet Isaiah predicted and Christ lived out his punishment as lamb of forgiveness of all our mistakes that we are sorry return for our belief in Him. Amen and amen.
The Constitution was written so that simple folk such as myself could understand it. Many people will go to the dictionary and find one little alternative meaning and apply it to another's understanding. I think I have a pretty good understanding that you cannot deny me my religion because of what the Constitution guarantees me the free speech of.

No one is denying you the right to worship whatever God you want.

And the Constitution grants me freedom FROM your religion.

You're free to be a heathen all you want, yes. And-?

That doesn't mean idiots like you get to set the general tone for our country. No Sir.
What God was he talking about?

Use your deductive reasoning to figure it out. Let's just see if you're capable of doing so. All the info you need is in the prayer. True story.
I've deduced that religion is not named in the constitution and should stay out of government. It's very important. I'm not free if I am forced to comply with anyone's religious doctrine.

You can't kill, steal or commit adultery without suffering consequences in America, sorry.

How oppressed does that make you feel?
Not at all, that's common sense, and religions tend to have good morals, they help some people, I'm not against them.

Just keep them out of government please.
Oh, please, now is it? Well, I am so glad you have been influenced, even if only slightly to accept the fact that our American forbears intended their prodigy to have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to speak fondly of our dear God and Lord, light of light, true god of true gods, the author and father of mankind, just as the prophet Isaiah predicted and Christ lived out his punishment as lamb of forgiveness of all our mistakes that we are sorry return for our belief in Him. Amen and amen.
I believe Jesus was a real person, a great person. I'm not against God or Jesus. Just leave your religious beliefs out of government, it's very simple.
The Constitution was written so that simple folk such as myself could understand it. Many people will go to the dictionary and find one little alternative meaning and apply it to another's understanding. I think I have a pretty good understanding that you cannot deny me my religion because of what the Constitution guarantees me the free speech of.

No one is denying you the right to worship whatever God you want.

And the Constitution grants me freedom FROM your religion.
You do not believe in my religion, sir. I have no power to say that you do. But the constitution does not say we have freedom FROM religion, the Constitution says quite clearly that we have freedom OF religion. There is a difference. You are not being impounded here. You are being informed.

On that note, good night. It's late. And time for my vespers. :sleep:
Use your deductive reasoning to figure it out. Let's just see if you're capable of doing so. All the info you need is in the prayer. True story.
I've deduced that religion is not named in the constitution and should stay out of government. It's very important. I'm not free if I am forced to comply with anyone's religious doctrine.

You can't kill, steal or commit adultery without suffering consequences in America, sorry.

How oppressed does that make you feel?
Not at all, that's common sense, and religions tend to have good morals, they help some people, I'm not against them.

Just keep them out of government please.
Oh, please, now is it? Well, I am so glad you have been influenced, even if only slightly to accept the fact that our American forbears intended their prodigy to have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to speak fondly of our dear God and Lord, light of light, true god of true gods, the author and father of mankind, just as the prophet Isaiah predicted and Christ lived out his punishment as lamb of forgiveness of all our mistakes that we are sorry return for our belief in Him. Amen and amen.
I believe Jesus was a real person, a great person. I'm not against God or Jesus. Just leave your religious beliefs out of government, it's very simple.
No. Good night.

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