In honor of Black History month

Well, I guess I am an idiotic fool then. How will I ever live??? Oh my. (eye roll). I didn't know it was for Feb, nor cared. Most already knew and said so in the beginnings of this thread. And again, I didn't care.

The Op title says, "In honor of Black History month", Black History Month is February. And now you admit that you didn't even know what month this important event occurs in. Yes, that makes you a fool. The fact that you don't care just makes you seem more idiotic and foolish. How about if you randomly promote avatar changing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in April to continue your display of ignorance.

Do super moderators make habit of calling members of this board idiotic and foolish when they are trying to honor an event and are not being obnoxious or mean?
I don't know what crawled up your ass, but you are the one looking foolish about now, and you are representing this board as a super moderator.


You are a good member/poster on this board.
One of the interesting things about this board is that the moderators are also active members. We post our opinions and point of view in discussions. I was expressing my point of view as a member, not as a moderator. I will admit, some of my comments were unbecoming and probably should have either been kept to myself or expressed via PM.

As a moderator, I could delete the offending posts from your thread, but that would be self-serving and therefore a violation of my ethics. Please accept my humble apology for my unacceptable behavior.
The Op title says, "In honor of Black History month", Black History Month is February. And now you admit that you didn't even know what month this important event occurs in. Yes, that makes you a fool. The fact that you don't care just makes you seem more idiotic and foolish. How about if you randomly promote avatar changing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in April to continue your display of ignorance.

Do super moderators make habit of calling members of this board idiotic and foolish when they are trying to honor an event and are not being obnoxious or mean?
I don't know what crawled up your ass, but you are the one looking foolish about now, and you are representing this board as a super moderator.

You are a good member/poster on this board.
One of the interesting things about this board is that the moderators are also active members. We post our opinions and point of view in discussions. I was expressing my point of view as a member, not as a moderator. I will admit, some of my comments were unbecoming and probably should have either been kept to myself or expressed via PM.

As a moderator, I could delete the offending posts from your thread, but that would be self-serving and therefore a violation of my ethics. Please accept my humble apology for my unacceptable behavior.

Of course I accept your apology and hope you will accept mine as well for reacting the way I did.:smiliehug:
That subject is covered in great detail at least nine months out of each year, in the public schools, in more than one history class.

Because no one ever learns about MLK or slavery... at school? :dunno:

No, because a great deal of our history was presented so as to minimize the contributions of Black Americans. American History courses, even through the 1990s, were very, very white-centric.

But you are right, you dunno.
Are you talking about blacks not knowing enough of their own history? Because thinking that everyone is ignorant of black history and that you need a special month to educate us all would be a pretty ignorant proposition itself. You should concentrate on getting schools in black areas to explore the issue more... If you think that's a problem.
I have a question - is there a White History Month? :eusa_whistle:
Yep, there's 11 of them.

You forgot to subtract Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May and National American Indian Heritage Month in November, both signed into law by George H. W. Bush.
Technically, there are no months declared to be White History or White Heritage month, so your statement about "11 of them" is incorrect on multiple fronts.
I have a question - is there a White History Month? :eusa_whistle:
Yep, there's 11 of them.

You forgot to subtract Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May and National American Indian Heritage Month in November, both signed into law by George H. W. Bush.
Technically, there are no months declared to be White History or White Heritage month, so your statement about "11 of them" is incorrect on multiple fronts.

We could call it "White Pride Month". Think that would be ok?:eek:
Why? Only blacks can show pride in their race with a special month? :dunno:

Their not the only ones jack ass. White people have their own months Irish, Italian, German etc look it up your damn self.

Like the Black month, which isn't identified to any one country, why couldn't whites have a White Pride Month? The name?

It's not a matter of "couldn't," moron. If you're really too stupid to understand why then it would be a waste of time explaining it to you, shitforbrains.
Their not the only ones jack ass. White people have their own months Irish, Italian, German etc look it up your damn self.

Like the Black month, which isn't identified to any one country, why couldn't whites have a White Pride Month? The name?

It's not a matter of "couldn't," moron. If you're really too stupid to understand why then it would be a waste of time explaining it to you, shitforbrains.

Purdy pleeeeze esplain it to me and my homeyz.
Frank Petersen

Frank E. Petersen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Frank E. Petersen Jr. (USMC) (born March 2, 1932 in Topeka, Kansas) is a retired United States Marine Corps Lieutenant General. He was the first African-American Marine Corps aviator and the first African-American Marine Corps general

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I like my baby picture,and I'm keeping it, but I do like some Truth

[ame=]Sojourner Truth Speech of 1851, "Ain't I a Woman" - YouTube[/ame]
Just know that your one sentence means more to me than any rep.

Gracie is not alone, Asclepias. There are others who would be pos repping your posts too. You make good sound rational points. Posters like you deserve recognition by your peers.

I appreciate that. I turned it off to frustrate the racists. I noticed they got temporary relief by neg repping me and sending me nasty messages instead of having to dispute something I typed. The only time I miss it is when I want to pos rep some of you guys. For me a thanks will do.

Yes there are a few of those here, but most of them you could just put on ignore. Lol!

There was one here who who neg rep me practically nothing and then go on these long tirades calling me a "monkey" etc......what's really funny is that his pic was in his profile and he looked just like an albino version of a Proboscis!

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