In Japan Trump Finds Time To Golf Become A National Embarrassment And Betray America

They said that the dinner served to Trump with Abe was "double cheeseburgers made with American beef", the dude is such white trash.
You give white tra
You mean the parent of the fallen solder that attacked Trump first; the part most of the media glossed over?
Trump is a coward and bully

You know what you liberals remind me of, Eddie? A kid in my neighborhood when I was growing up who loved to beat up on the smaller kids. When I fought a lucky punch in and gave him a bloody nose...he ran home to mommy and complained that I'd hit him. When his mom complained to my mom that I was a "bully" my mom informed her that her son was the bully and had been for some time and his bloody nose was well deserved and long over due!

You far left liberals have been attacking us on the right with impunity for years now...backed up by liberal judges and a biased main stream media! We're not playing that game anymore. You want to pick fights like Nathan Philips getting in Nick Sandmann's face because he was wearing a MAGA hat and then try and make it look like the conservative was at fault? We'll expose you for the liars that you are! If you don't like it? Stop your attacks!
Poor Snowflake....

Liberals hurt your feelings?
Maybe we can make a safe space on this board

Yeah, like you liberals make "safe spaces" at our Universities?
Dont see us liberals making threads about conservatives being mean to us

That would be you Snowflakes
Opinion: Liberals, stop whining and do something - CNN

hell even cnn was telling the libs to stop whining.
They said that the dinner served to Trump with Abe was "double cheeseburgers made with American beef", the dude is such white trash.
You give white tra
You mean the parent of the fallen solder that attacked Trump first; the part most of the media glossed over?
Trump is a coward and bully

You know what you liberals remind me of, Eddie? A kid in my neighborhood when I was growing up who loved to beat up on the smaller kids. When I fought a lucky punch in and gave him a bloody nose...he ran home to mommy and complained that I'd hit him. When his mom complained to my mom that I was a "bully" my mom informed her that her son was the bully and had been for some time and his bloody nose was well deserved and long over due!

You far left liberals have been attacking us on the right with impunity for years now...backed up by liberal judges and a biased main stream media! We're not playing that game anymore. You want to pick fights like Nathan Philips getting in Nick Sandmann's face because he was wearing a MAGA hat and then try and make it look like the conservative was at fault? We'll expose you for the liars that you are! If you don't like it? Stop your attacks!
Poor Snowflake....

Liberals hurt your feelings?
Maybe we can make a safe space on this board

Yeah, like you liberals make "safe spaces" at our Universities?
Dont see us liberals making threads about conservatives being mean to us

That would be you Snowflakes

Ah, Dude? This board in INUNDATED with posts daily about how "mean" Donald Trump is and how "mean" Republicans are! The late night talk shows are the same way. So are liberally slanted media outlets! It what you on the left DO! You're the party of victimization!
Yeah, don't even tell me about how the rural farmers voted for Trump en masse, Trump turns them all around & says here guys, take this up your asses with the Trump/China Trade War, and then Trump turns right around and starts his world famous 'Trump's Welfare For Farmers Program'

Yeah, you got it; Trump is a fucking comedian all right.

The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.
These unhinged TDS threads just keep getting more MORONIC and DESPERATE by the day.

The democrat party is reducing itself to a bunch of PATHETIC little CRY BABIES barking at the moon.

The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

The trade deficits have "exploded" over the past 30 years! The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that. There is a reason why manufacturing jobs are on the rise in the US and it isn't coincidental!
Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

The trade deficits have "exploded" over the past 30 years! The trade deals that Trump hammered out have been the first step towards rectifying that. There is a reason why manufacturing jobs are on the rise in the US and it isn't coincidental!

So the Trump deals, which have caused trade deficits to climb even higher SINCE those deals were put in place are rectifying that. Hmmm...

Sounds like you are the one trying to replace hard facts with funny statistics there.

How does increasing our trade deficit with those countries help rectify our trade deficit with those countries?
You give white tra
Trump is a coward and bully

You know what you liberals remind me of, Eddie? A kid in my neighborhood when I was growing up who loved to beat up on the smaller kids. When I fought a lucky punch in and gave him a bloody nose...he ran home to mommy and complained that I'd hit him. When his mom complained to my mom that I was a "bully" my mom informed her that her son was the bully and had been for some time and his bloody nose was well deserved and long over due!

You far left liberals have been attacking us on the right with impunity for years now...backed up by liberal judges and a biased main stream media! We're not playing that game anymore. You want to pick fights like Nathan Philips getting in Nick Sandmann's face because he was wearing a MAGA hat and then try and make it look like the conservative was at fault? We'll expose you for the liars that you are! If you don't like it? Stop your attacks!
Poor Snowflake....

Liberals hurt your feelings?
Maybe we can make a safe space on this board

Yeah, like you liberals make "safe spaces" at our Universities?
Dont see us liberals making threads about conservatives being mean to us

That would be you Snowflakes
Opinion: Liberals, stop whining and do something - CNN

hell even cnn was telling the libs to stop whining.
The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!
You know what you liberals remind me of, Eddie? A kid in my neighborhood when I was growing up who loved to beat up on the smaller kids. When I fought a lucky punch in and gave him a bloody nose...he ran home to mommy and complained that I'd hit him. When his mom complained to my mom that I was a "bully" my mom informed her that her son was the bully and had been for some time and his bloody nose was well deserved and long over due!

You far left liberals have been attacking us on the right with impunity for years now...backed up by liberal judges and a biased main stream media! We're not playing that game anymore. You want to pick fights like Nathan Philips getting in Nick Sandmann's face because he was wearing a MAGA hat and then try and make it look like the conservative was at fault? We'll expose you for the liars that you are! If you don't like it? Stop your attacks!
Poor Snowflake....

Liberals hurt your feelings?
Maybe we can make a safe space on this board

Yeah, like you liberals make "safe spaces" at our Universities?
Dont see us liberals making threads about conservatives being mean to us

That would be you Snowflakes
Opinion: Liberals, stop whining and do something - CNN

hell even cnn was telling the libs to stop whining.

Show me an R-Derp thread that ISN'T whining about something "mean" that Trump or the GOP has supposedly done, Winger!
You know what you liberals remind me of, Eddie? A kid in my neighborhood when I was growing up who loved to beat up on the smaller kids. When I fought a lucky punch in and gave him a bloody nose...he ran home to mommy and complained that I'd hit him. When his mom complained to my mom that I was a "bully" my mom informed her that her son was the bully and had been for some time and his bloody nose was well deserved and long over due!

You far left liberals have been attacking us on the right with impunity for years now...backed up by liberal judges and a biased main stream media! We're not playing that game anymore. You want to pick fights like Nathan Philips getting in Nick Sandmann's face because he was wearing a MAGA hat and then try and make it look like the conservative was at fault? We'll expose you for the liars that you are! If you don't like it? Stop your attacks!
Poor Snowflake....

Liberals hurt your feelings?
Maybe we can make a safe space on this board

Yeah, like you liberals make "safe spaces" at our Universities?
Dont see us liberals making threads about conservatives being mean to us

That would be you Snowflakes
Opinion: Liberals, stop whining and do something - CNN

hell even cnn was telling the libs to stop whining.
isn't that what all of this is?

don't give me your opinion and try to dance around as if it's anything but your usual biased bullshit.
Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

Well it depends. If it had deferred action, then of course we would see a deferred response. Past trade deals have shown their impacts in the first year. Take a look at NAFTA, TPP, past Tifa's and FTA's and you see immediate changes. In this case that change immediately is favoring those other countries.

But if you are asking that, I think Trumps answer was "Immediate".

Or do you have a trade deal WITHOUT any major deferred regulations which started one way then swung the opposite way?

Either way the question was how those deals worked out for those countries. Thus far, record increases in US trade deficits against them. That is the fact. You can try to give a mealy mouth talk about other things, but the fact is record increases and faster rates of trade loss.
Last edited:
It's a shame that Trump spends so much time & tax payer money going around the globe only to play golf & to offer the planet vile, divisive, political Tweets, all of which he could have easily done right here in his own back yard, AmeriKKKa.

Nope; Trump had to blow ten$ of million$ of US tax payer dollar$ just to be a complete fucking jack ass playing golf & to be a shit head partisan hack on Twitter.

One day in the future there is a GREAT DAY awaiting AmeriKKKa, a day when AmeriKKKa can once again become America, a day of RESOUNDING FREEDOM; the day when Trump is no longer POTUS.

The country will celebrate, the planet will celebrate, the universe will celebrate. FREEDOM from Trump.


Hate to break this to you, Kid but if you leftist buffoons run the candidates you've got going now...that day won't be arriving for a little over five years from now! The Democratic Party right now is a circus clown car packed to the hilt with some of the most clueless candidates I've ever seen...tripping all over each other trying to give away more "freebies" to get some support! It's comedy at it's finest!

Yeah, don't even tell me about how the rural farmers voted for Trump en masse, Trump turns them all around & says here guys, take this up your asses with the Trump/China Trade War, and then Trump turns right around and starts his world famous 'Trump's Welfare For Farmers Program'

Yeah, you got it; Trump is a fucking comedian all right.

The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Nobody had backed down. Trump put tariffs on Mexico and Canada and they retaliated and put more on us. A year later all sides agreed to remove those tariffs, with no other changes having took place.

Sent from my iPhone using
Yeah, don't even tell me about how the rural farmers voted for Trump en masse, Trump turns them all around & says here guys, take this up your asses with the Trump/China Trade War, and then Trump turns right around and starts his world famous 'Trump's Welfare For Farmers Program'

Yeah, you got it; Trump is a fucking comedian all right.

The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Trade deficits are not a bad thing. No matter how much your party masters tell you otherwise

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Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Yes I like to use factual data of how those new deals have caused our trade deficit to explode with those countries. All three are the highest growth of deficit in decades. Rather than try to live with some mealy mouth excuse of why these new deals are causing trade deficits to explode.

Sorry I deal in facts and not rhetoric. The question was asked how those deals are working. The answer is really well for those countries wanting to grow their trade surplus over the USA.

Since you deal in "facts", Squid...would you care to explain how long a new trade deal should take before it begins to affect trade surpluses? You for some reason think it should be instantaneous and therefore has failed because it isn't!

What new trade deals are in effect since Trump took office?

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"Tariffs hurt businesses and workers on both sides. As someone who has run a business I would want greater notice if prices are going to change - companies make investments years in advance." - Andrew Yang, the next president of the united states!
The Chinese have been screwing us for decades, Kid and the only President who's had the stones to hold their feet to the fire and demand REAL change is Donald Trump! The Chinese have responded by putting tariffs on the groups that they think will affect Trump the most. The question now becomes...who blinks first. Our economy is a hell of a lot stronger than the Chinese economy is! They NEED us as a market. If they don't have us then they are in serious shit! Trump grasps that concept. He also grasps the concept that many farmers can't survive very long if they can't sell their crops...hence the programs to help them through what's going on now. Screw China! It's time they played fair. If this is what it takes to make that happen then it will be the most important thing that Donald Trump does while in office!

Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Trade deficits are not a bad thing. No matter how much your party masters tell you otherwise

Sent from my iPhone using
The United States became a great nation in part because of trade deficits working our way. We are building other nations up. A good thing? Maybe. But competition is a result of it also. We will eventually be in a military build up competition. An investment in technology/science competition and a new space investment competition to start. That takes resources to achieve. And we still will be receiving products from their nations.
Yeah...those bastard Chinese have manufactured decent products at prices so attractive that Americans (many of whom are low income) have voluntarily bought them up in droves. While at the same time, giving American businesses the ability to buy cheaper, Chinese components to help make their finished products more price competitive so as to create more U.S. jobs. Damn that free enterprise.
And that trade deficit represents a GINORMOUS 2% of the US GDP. How will American politicians ever afford to give Israel the money to buy U.S.-made F-35's?
The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China

Not to mention the fact that almost NO ONE on Wall Street is for the tariffs. Why? Because they know their history and realize that trade wars hurt everyone (but a few, rich people) on all sides.

Other then China not honoring copyright laws enough - which IS wrong - the Chinese trade deficit is MONSTROUSLY over-stated.

And the staggering hypocrisy is Trump/Trumpbots will FREAK OUT over a (FY2018) $419 billion dollar, Chinese trade deficit while Trump is currently running a pro-rated $900+ BILLION fiscal deficit.

We are done here as your mind seems FAR too closed to have a viable debate on this subject.

Have a nice day.

So trade wars hurt everyone? Funny...didn't Trump institute tariffs against the EU? How did that work out again? Didn't he also institute tariffs against Mexico? How did THAT work out? Oh, let's not forger the tariffs that he instituted against Canada! Remind did THAT work out?

You Trump haters desperately WANT a trade war to hurt the US...but three different times now Trump has played hard ball with nations that have been taking advantage of the US and three times those nations have backed down! What are you going to do if China does as well?

Hmm, How did they work out?

Really well I guess for those other countries... Wish we had an actual program to put the US first instead of making these deals which just blow up our trade deficit. And US trade deficit with China last year hit an all time high.

Lets see what the Office of the US Trade Representative numbers say straight from Trumps executive branch of the gov't says...

2016 US trade deficit with EU 92 Billion
2018 US trade deficit with EU 169 Billion

2016 US trade deficit with Mexico 64 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Mexico 81 billion

2016 US trade deficit with Canada 16 billion
2018 US trade deficit with Canada 20 billion

You're one of those people that likes to use statistics to obscure the truth instead of illuminating it...aren't you, Squid! Let's look at what 30 plus years of bad trade agreements have done to the US trade deficits...shall we?


Trade deficits are not a bad thing. No matter how much your party masters tell you otherwise

Sent from my iPhone using
The United States became a great nation in part because of trade deficits working our way. We are building other nations up. A good thing? Maybe. But competition is a result of it also. We will eventually be in a military build up competition. An investment in technology/science competition and a new space investment competition to start. That takes resources to achieve. And we still will be receiving products from their nations.

I agree with you.

So when someone says "We have to fix this because it just doesn't work for our great American companies, and it doesn't work for our great American workers." or "we are losing" to describe a trade deficit, we both agree, that person is either ignorant on foreign trade, or lying to a less educated voter.

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